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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/rc/rc_const.h versions 1.26 and 1.27
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ossp-pkg/rc/rc_const.h 1.26 -> 1.27

--- rc_const.h   2003/06/23 11:27:54     1.26
+++ rc_const.h   2003/06/23 14:43:48     1.27
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 /* Generic text, should include newline termination */
 #define RC_NON_TEXT "No options exist.\n"
-#define RC_LST_TEXT "Please enter just one rcfile and at least one section.\n"
+#define RC_LST_TEXT "Please enter just one rcfile name and at least one section label.\n"
 #define RC_EEP_TEXT "The exec, eval, and print options may not be combined.\n"
 #define RC_SLO_TEXT "The silent option may not be combined with output options.\n"
 #define RC_SUM_TEXT "Option argument summary.\n"

CVSTrac 2.0.1