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ossp - Check-in [3664]
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Check-in Number: 3664
Date: 2003-Nov-06 13:58:21 (local)
2003-Nov-06 12:58:21 (UTC)
Comment: update bug and feature request list
ossp-pkg/l2/TODO      1.60 -> 1.61     18 inserted, 1 deleted

ossp-pkg/l2/TODO 1.60 -> 1.61

--- TODO 2003/03/24 15:16:00     1.60
+++ TODO 2003/11/06 12:58:21     1.61
@@ -9,6 +9,18 @@
+20030611 thl
+    Fix Problem where l2 does not terminate a message when
+    it contains a \n so if previous message was longer the
+    part between \n and the end of the previous message is
+    repeated in the current message.
+    http://cvs.ossp.org/tktview?tn=23
+20030611 thl
+    Fix Problem where l2 is not thread safe when multiple
+    threads use the same env as is true with with fsl.
+    http://cvs.ossp.org/tktview?tn=24
 20030324 thl
     The sanity checking in the l2_ch_syslog.c:hook_configure()
     implementation causes an artifical sensibility to the order of
@@ -125,10 +137,15 @@
     standard out or to the next channel, allowing for parsing
     through an unknown protocol.
-- l2_ch_nntp for administration through news.
+- l2_ch_nntp for logging messages to NNTP (news) service.
+    support post and feed modes
 - l2_ch_snmp logs a stream to an SNMP listener.
+- ls_ch_trigger pulls the trigger to flush downstream if a certain critera is met
+- l2_ch_ring keeps messages in a ring buffer until someone pulls the trigger (backtrace)
 Existing Channels -----------------------------------------
 - l2_ch_socket bind and udp parameters need work. (RSE: why and what?)
 - l2_ch_socket consider taking a fd at configuration.

CVSTrac 2.0.1