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ossp - Check-in [3437]
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Check-in Number: 3437
Date: 2003-Jun-12 15:27:44 (local)
2003-Jun-12 13:27:44 (UTC)
Comment: Complete verbose mode implementation.
ossp-pkg/rc/00TODO      1.46 -> 1.47     1 inserted, 0 deleted
ossp-pkg/rc/rc_const.h      1.21 -> 1.22     6 inserted, 0 deleted
ossp-pkg/rc/rc_proc.c      1.42 -> 1.43     112 inserted, 29 deleted

ossp-pkg/rc/00TODO 1.46 -> 1.47

--- 00TODO       2003/06/04 10:48:15     1.46
+++ 00TODO       2003/06/12 13:27:44     1.47
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
   Use OSSP cfg library for dotconf parsing, ask Ralf to help.
   Make rc_section_t correspond to rc_section.c with own operators.
   Make consistent, sectionGetdata and scriptTostring should have same names
+  Add printVerbal() to section class, removing 'if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL))'
   Correct assertion, sanity check, and if () checks according to one standard.

ossp-pkg/rc/rc_const.h 1.21 -> 1.22

--- rc_const.h   2003/06/11 16:18:48     1.21
+++ rc_const.h   2003/06/12 13:27:44     1.22
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@
 #define RC_EXN_TEXT "# Executing section %s of script %s.\n"
 #define RC_PRN_TEXT "# Printing section %s of script %s.\n"
+/* Single word user text, should not include termination */
+#define RC_CMN_TEXT "common"
 /* Option descriptions used with popt, should not include termination */
 #define RC_USE_DESC "Print a short usage summary, then exit."
 #define RC_DBG_DESC "Don't remove temporary files, and write debug messages to stderr."
@@ -124,6 +127,9 @@
 #define RC_GLOB_WILD  "all"
+/* Nontranslatable machine strings, do not translate */
+#define RC_ECHO_STR   "echo "
 /* Default values, do not include newlines and special chars must be escaped */
 #define RC_DEF_ON     "1"                       /* Digital switch */
 #define RC_DEF_OFF    "0"                       /* Digital switch */

ossp-pkg/rc/rc_proc.c 1.42 -> 1.43

--- rc_proc.c    2003/06/11 16:18:48     1.42
+++ rc_proc.c    2003/06/12 13:27:44     1.43
@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@
 rc_return_t procRun(rc_proc_t *pRc)
     int   nTmp      = 0;              /* Generic index       */
+    size_t nBytes   = 0;              /* Size in bytes       */
     int   nTmpname  = 0;              /* Temp file name size */
     int   nRcs      = 0;              /* Rc index            */
     int   nSecs     = 0;              /* Section index       */
@@ -201,6 +202,7 @@
     char *szTmp     = NULL;           /* Generic temporary string        */
     char *szCom     = NULL;           /* Stores common script text       */
     char *szExec    = NULL;           /* Used only during exec mode      */
+    char *szVerbose = NULL;           /* Used when handling verbose mode */
     char *pszVec[RC_EXEC_MAXARGS];    /* For passing in to execv(3)      */
     rc_script_t   *pFatscript = NULL; /* To build a comprehensive script */
     rc_section_t **ppSectmp   = NULL; /* Used with priority scheduling   */
@@ -214,8 +216,17 @@
     if (configGetval(RC_EVL_VAL)) {                             /* Evaluate */
         /* Allocate a block of section pointers to use temporarily */
         ppSectmp = calloc(pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs, sizeof(rc_section_t *));
-        /* Allocate the command chain string to execute with execv(3) */
-        pFatscript = scriptCopy(pRc->m_pScriptcom);
+        pFatscript = scriptNew();
+        /* Conditionally print common section notice in verbal mode */
+        if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) {
+            nBytes = (strlen(RC_PRN_TEXT) + strlen(RC_CMN_TEXT) * 2 + 1) * sizeof (char);
+            szVerbose = malloc(nBytes);
+            sprintf(szVerbose, RC_PRN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT);
+            scriptAppend(pFatscript, szVerbose, strlen(szVerbose));
+            free(szVerbose);
+        }
+        scriptAppend(pFatscript, scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptcom), \
+            strlen(scriptTostring(pRc->m_pScriptcom)));
         for (nSecs = 0; nSecs < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nSecs; nSecs++) {
             for (nRcs = 0; nRcs < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs; nRcs++) {
                 nTmp = 0;
@@ -232,12 +243,11 @@
                 sizeof(rc_section_t *), priCompare);
             nTmp = 0;
             while (nTmp < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs && ppSectmp[nTmp]) {
+                /* Conditionally print each section notice in verbal mode */
                 if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) {
-                    size_t nBytes = 0;
-                    char *szVerbose = NULL;
                     szTmp = (char *)sectionGetname(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
                     nBytes = (strlen(RC_EVN_TEXT) + strlen(szTmp) + 1) * sizeof (char);
-                    szVerbose = malloc (nBytes);
+                    szVerbose = malloc(nBytes);
                     sprintf(szVerbose, RC_EVN_TEXT, szTmp, szTmp);
                     scriptAppend(pFatscript, szVerbose, strlen(szVerbose));
@@ -313,34 +323,90 @@
             pszVec[3] = NULL;       /* Add a NULL to mark the end of the chain */
             nTmp = 0; /* Count from zero until however many sections we have */
             while (nTmp < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs && ppSectmp[nTmp]) {
-                szTmp = (char *)sectionGetdata(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
-                szExec = malloc(strlen(szCom) * sizeof(char) + \
-                               (strlen(szTmp) + 1) * sizeof(char));
-                strcpy(szExec, szCom); /* Start out with just the common script code */
-                strcat(szExec, szTmp); /* And build a section onto the command chain */
-                pszVec[2] = szExec;    /* Actually launch the new process image now  */
+                /* Conditionally print common and other section notices in verbal mode */
+                if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) {
+                    size_t nComverb = 0;
+                    size_t nCommon  = 0;
+                    size_t nSecverb = 0;
+                    size_t nSection = 0;
+                    nComverb = (strlen(RC_EXN_TEXT) + strlen(RC_CMN_TEXT) * 2 \
+                        + strlen(RC_ECHO_STR) + strlen("\"\"") + 1) * sizeof (char);
+                    szVerbose = malloc(nComverb);
+                    sprintf(szVerbose, RC_EXN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT);
+                    nCommon = (strlen(szCom) + 1) * sizeof (char);
+                    szExec = malloc(nComverb + nCommon);
+                    strcpy(szExec, RC_ECHO_STR);    /* Start out with the echo string */
+                    strcat(szExec, "\"");           /* Append a quote next to the echo */
+                    strcat(szExec, szVerbose);      /* Continue with the verboseity text */
+                    strcat(szExec, "\"");           /* Finalize the verbosity notice */
+                    strcat(szExec, szCom);          /* Then with the common script code */
+                    szTmp = (char *)sectionGetname(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
+                    nSecverb = (strlen(RC_EXN_TEXT) + strlen(szTmp) * 2 \
+                        + strlen(RC_ECHO_STR) + strlen("\"\"") + 1) * sizeof (char);
+                    realloc(szVerbose, nSecverb);
+                    sprintf(szVerbose, RC_EXN_TEXT, szTmp, szTmp);
+                    szTmp = (char *)sectionGetdata(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
+                    nSection = (strlen(szTmp) + 1) * sizeof (char);
+                    realloc(szExec, nComverb + nCommon + nSecverb + nSection);
+                    strcat(szExec, RC_ECHO_STR);    /* Start out with the echo string */
+                    strcat(szExec, "\"");           /* Append a quote next to the echo */
+                    strcat(szExec, szVerbose);      /* Continue with the verboseity text */
+                    strcat(szExec, "\"");           /* Finalize the verbosity notice */
+                    strcat(szExec, szTmp);          /* Then with the new script code */
+                    pszVec[2] = szExec;             /* Launch the new process image now  */
+                    free(szVerbose);
+                    szVerbose = NULL;
-                /* Spawn the section shell code */
-                switch (Pidexec = fork()){
-                    case -1:    /* Broken */
-                        return(RC_THROW(RC_ERR_INT));
-                        break;  /* Huh? */
-                    case 0:     /* Child, runs script code through bourne shell */
-                        nSectuid = sectionGetuid(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
-                        if (nSectuid >= 0 && getuid() != nSectuid)
-                            if (setuid(nSectuid) != 0)
-                                return(RC_THROW(RC_ERR_INT));
-                        if (execvp(*pszVec, pszVec) == -1)
+                    /* Spawn the section shell code */
+                    switch (Pidexec = fork()){
+                        case -1:    /* Broken */
-                        break;
-                    default: /* Parent, blocks until child returns */
-                        waitpid(Pidexec, NULL, WUNTRACED);
-                        break;
+                            break;  /* Huh? */
+                        case 0:     /* Child, runs script code through bourne shell */
+                            nSectuid = sectionGetuid(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
+                            if (nSectuid >= 0 && getuid() != nSectuid)
+                                if (setuid(nSectuid) != 0)
+                                    return(RC_THROW(RC_ERR_INT));
+                            if (execvp(*pszVec, pszVec) == -1)
+                                return(RC_THROW(RC_ERR_INT));
+                            break;
+                        default: /* Parent, blocks until child returns */
+                            waitpid(Pidexec, NULL, WUNTRACED);
+                            break;
+                    }
+                    if (szExec) {
+                        free(szExec); /* Cleanup after exec */
+                        szExec = NULL;
+                    }
+                else {
+                    szTmp = (char *)sectionGetdata(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
+                    szExec = malloc((strlen(szCom) + strlen(szTmp) + 1) * sizeof(char));
+                    strcpy(szExec, szCom); /* Start out with just the common script code */
+                    strcat(szExec, szTmp); /* And build a section onto the command chain */
+                    pszVec[2] = szExec;    /* Actually launch the new process image now  */
-                free(szExec); /* Cleanup after exec */
-                szExec = NULL;
-                nTmp++;
+                    /* Spawn the section shell code */
+                    switch (Pidexec = fork()){
+                        case -1:    /* Broken */
+                            return(RC_THROW(RC_ERR_INT));
+                            break;  /* Huh? */
+                        case 0:     /* Child, runs script code through bourne shell */
+                            nSectuid = sectionGetuid(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
+                            if (nSectuid >= 0 && getuid() != nSectuid)
+                                if (setuid(nSectuid) != 0)
+                                    return(RC_THROW(RC_ERR_INT));
+                            if (execvp(*pszVec, pszVec) == -1)
+                                return(RC_THROW(RC_ERR_INT));
+                            break;
+                        default: /* Parent, blocks until child returns */
+                            waitpid(Pidexec, NULL, WUNTRACED);
+                            break;
+                    }
+                    free(szExec); /* Cleanup after exec */
+                    szExec = NULL;
+                }
+                nTmp++; /* Next rc script */
@@ -349,6 +415,14 @@
     else if (configGetval(RC_PRN_VAL)) {                        /* Print  */
         /* Allocate a block of section pointers to use as a temporary */
         ppSectmp = calloc(pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs, sizeof(rc_section_t *));
+        /* Conditionally print common section notice in verbal mode */
+        if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) {
+            nBytes = (strlen(RC_PRN_TEXT) + strlen(RC_CMN_TEXT) * 2 + 1) * sizeof (char);
+            szVerbose = malloc(nBytes);
+            sprintf(szVerbose, RC_PRN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT, RC_CMN_TEXT);
+            fprintf(stderr, "%s", szVerbose);
+            free(szVerbose);
+        }
         scriptDump(pRc->m_pScriptcom); /* Dump the common script */
         for (nSecs = 0; nSecs < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nSecs; nSecs++) {
             for (nRcs = 0; nRcs < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs; nRcs++) {
@@ -365,6 +439,15 @@
             qsort((void *)ppSectmp, (size_t)pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs, sizeof(rc_section_t *), priCompare);
             nTmp = 0;
             while (nTmp < pRc->m_pAnal->m_nRcs && ppSectmp[nTmp]) {
+                /* Conditionally print each section notice in verbal mode */
+                if (configGetval(RC_VRB_VAL)) {
+                    szTmp = (char *)sectionGetname(ppSectmp[nTmp]);
+                    nBytes = (strlen(RC_PRN_TEXT) + strlen(szTmp) + 1) * sizeof (char);
+                    szVerbose = malloc(nBytes);
+                    sprintf(szVerbose, RC_PRN_TEXT, szTmp, szTmp);
+                    fprintf(stderr, "%s", szVerbose);
+                    free(szVerbose);
+                }

CVSTrac 2.0.1