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ossp - Check-in [2560]
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Check-in Number: 2560
Date: 2002-Oct-07 15:49:31 (local)
2002-Oct-07 13:49:31 (UTC)
Comment: start an OSSP sio area
ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM.fig      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM.txt      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/apache-buff.txt      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/apache-stackedio.txt      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/att-sfio.txt      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/bsd-stdio.txt      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/openssl-bio.txt      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/panos-sio.txt      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/postfix-vstream.txt      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/stash-buf.txt      added-> 1.1
ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/substdio.txt      added-> 1.1

ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM.fig -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Wed Feb 19 00:10:39 2025
--- -    Wed Feb 19 00:10:40 2025
*** 0 ****
--- 1,241 ----
+ #FIG 3.2
+ Landscape
+ Center
+ Inches
+ Letter  
+ 181.80
+ Single
+ -2
+ 1200 2
+ 0 32 #cccccc
+ 0 33 #f0f0f0
+ 6 2700 1950 3450 2250
+ 6 2700 1950 3450 2250
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         2700 1950 2775 1950 2775 2250 2700 2250 2700 1950
+ 2 2 0 1 0 33 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         2775 1950 3375 1950 3375 2250 2775 2250 2775 1950
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         3375 1950 3450 1950 3450 2250 3375 2250 3375 1950
+ -6
+ -6
+ 6 1350 1875 1800 2325
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         1725 1950 1800 1950 1800 2250 1725 2250 1725 1950
+ 2 3 0 1 0 33 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         1725 1950 1350 1875 1350 2325 1725 2250 1725 1950
+ -6
+ 6 3900 1950 4650 2250
+ 6 3900 1950 4650 2250
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         3900 1950 3975 1950 3975 2250 3900 2250 3900 1950
+ 2 2 0 1 0 33 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         3975 1950 4575 1950 4575 2250 3975 2250 3975 1950
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         4575 1950 4650 1950 4650 2250 4575 2250 4575 1950
+ -6
+ -6
+ 6 1500 3300 1950 3750
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         1875 3375 1950 3375 1950 3675 1875 3675 1875 3375
+ 2 3 0 1 0 33 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         1875 3375 1500 3300 1500 3750 1875 3675 1875 3375
+ -6
+ 6 1500 3900 1950 4350
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         1875 3975 1950 3975 1950 4275 1875 4275 1875 3975
+ 2 3 0 1 0 33 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         1875 3975 1500 3900 1500 4350 1875 4275 1875 3975
+ -6
+ 6 1500 4500 1950 4950
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         1875 4575 1950 4575 1950 4875 1875 4875 1875 4575
+ 2 3 0 1 0 33 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         1875 4575 1500 4500 1500 4950 1875 4875 1875 4575
+ -6
+ 6 2025 3975 2775 4275
+ 6 2025 3975 2775 4275
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         2025 3975 2100 3975 2100 4275 2025 4275 2025 3975
+ 2 2 0 1 0 33 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         2100 3975 2700 3975 2700 4275 2100 4275 2100 3975
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         2700 3975 2775 3975 2775 4275 2700 4275 2700 3975
+ -6
+ -6
+ 6 2025 4500 2475 4950
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         2100 4575 2025 4575 2025 4875 2100 4875 2100 4575
+ 2 3 0 1 0 33 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         2100 4575 2475 4500 2475 4950 2100 4875 2100 4575
+ -6
+ 6 1500 5100 1950 5550
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         1875 5175 1950 5175 1950 5475 1875 5475 1875 5175
+ 2 3 0 1 0 33 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         1875 5175 1500 5100 1500 5550 1875 5475 1875 5175
+ -6
+ 6 2025 5175 2775 5475
+ 6 2025 5175 2775 5475
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         2025 5175 2100 5175 2100 5475 2025 5475 2025 5175
+ 2 2 0 1 0 33 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         2100 5175 2700 5175 2700 5475 2100 5475 2100 5175
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         2700 5175 2775 5175 2775 5475 2700 5475 2700 5175
+ -6
+ -6
+ 6 2850 5100 3300 5550
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         2925 5175 2850 5175 2850 5475 2925 5475 2925 5175
+ 2 3 0 1 0 33 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         2925 5175 3300 5100 3300 5550 2925 5475 2925 5175
+ -6
+ 6 1500 5700 2250 6000
+ 6 1500 5700 2250 6000
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         1500 5700 1575 5700 1575 6000 1500 6000 1500 5700
+ 2 2 0 1 0 33 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         1575 5700 2175 5700 2175 6000 1575 6000 1575 5700
+ 2 2 0 1 0 0 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5
+         2175 5700 2250 5700 2250 6000 2175 6000 2175 5700
+ -6
+ -6
+ 6 788 3225 1387 3787
+ 3 3 0 1 0 32 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 0 12
+         975 3300 825 3375 825 3525 825 3600 900 3750 1050 3750
+         1125 3675 1350 3675 1275 3450 1275 3300 1050 3225 975 3300
+         -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000
+         -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 12 0.0000 4 120 195 968 3555 net\001
+ -6
+ 6 2100 3375 2550 3675
+ 2 4 0 1 0 32 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 7 0 0 5
+         2550 3675 2100 3675 2100 3375 2550 3375 2550 3675
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 12 0.0000 4 120 225 2205 3563 app\001
+ -6
+ 6 900 3900 1350 4350
+ 2 3 0 1 0 32 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 6
+         900 4050 900 4350 1200 4350 1200 4050 1125 4050 900 4050
+ 2 1 0 1 0 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
+         1200 4050 1350 3900
+ 2 3 0 1 0 32 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 7
+         900 4050 1200 4050 1200 4350 1350 4200 1350 3900 1050 3900
+         900 4050
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 12 0.0000 4 135 180 975 4260 file\001
+ -6
+ 6 863 4500 1462 5062
+ 3 3 0 1 0 32 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 0 12
+         1050 4575 900 4650 900 4800 900 4875 975 5025 1125 5025
+         1200 4950 1425 4950 1350 4725 1350 4575 1125 4500 1050 4575
+         -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000
+         -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 12 0.0000 4 120 195 1043 4830 net\001
+ -6
+ 6 900 5700 1350 6000
+ 2 4 0 1 0 32 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 7 0 0 5
+         1350 6000 900 6000 900 5700 1350 5700 1350 6000
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 12 0.0000 4 120 225 1005 5888 app\001
+ -6
+ 6 2400 5700 2850 6000
+ 2 4 0 1 0 32 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 7 0 0 5
+         2850 6000 2400 6000 2400 5700 2850 5700 2850 6000
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 12 0.0000 4 120 225 2505 5888 app\001
+ -6
+ 6 900 5100 1350 5550
+ 2 3 0 1 0 32 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 6
+         900 5250 900 5550 1200 5550 1200 5250 1125 5250 900 5250
+ 2 1 0 1 0 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
+         1200 5250 1350 5100
+ 2 3 0 1 0 32 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 7
+         900 5250 1200 5250 1200 5550 1350 5400 1350 5100 1050 5100
+         900 5250
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 12 0.0000 4 135 180 975 5460 file\001
+ -6
+ 6 2550 4500 3000 4950
+ 2 3 0 1 0 32 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 6
+         2550 4650 2550 4950 2850 4950 2850 4650 2775 4650 2550 4650
+ 2 1 0 1 0 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
+         2850 4650 3000 4500
+ 2 3 0 1 0 32 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 7
+         2550 4650 2850 4650 2850 4950 3000 4800 3000 4500 2700 4500
+         2550 4650
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 12 0.0000 4 135 180 2625 4860 file\001
+ -6
+ 6 2925 3975 3375 4275
+ 2 4 0 1 0 32 100 0 20 0.000 0 0 7 0 0 5
+         3375 4275 2925 4275 2925 3975 3375 3975 3375 4275
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 12 0.0000 4 120 225 3030 4163 app\001
+ -6
+ 6 3450 5100 3900 5550
+ 2 3 0 1 0 32 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 6
+         3450 5250 3450 5550 3750 5550 3750 5250 3675 5250 3450 5250
+ 2 1 0 1 0 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2
+         3750 5250 3900 5100
+ 2 3 0 1 0 32 101 0 20 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 7
+         3450 5250 3750 5250 3750 5550 3900 5400 3900 5100 3600 5100
+         3450 5250
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 12 0.0000 4 135 180 3525 5460 file\001
+ -6
+ 2 1 0 1 0 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
+        1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
+         3300 1275 2700 1875
+ 2 1 0 1 0 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
+        1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
+         3375 1275 3900 1875
+ 2 1 2 1 32 7 100 0 -1 1.000 0 0 -1 1 1 2
+        1 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
+        1 0 1.00 60.00 120.00
+         1800 2100 2700 2100
+ 2 1 0 1 0 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
+        1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
+         3225 1275 1800 1875
+ 2 1 0 1 0 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
+        1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
+         2550 2775 2250 2175
+ 2 1 0 1 0 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
+        1 1 1.00 60.00 120.00
+         3450 1275 4575 1875
+ 2 1 0 4 4 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
+        1 1 2.00 105.00 120.00
+         2175 3150 2025 3450
+ 2 1 0 4 4 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
+        1 1 2.00 105.00 120.00
+         3000 3750 2850 4050
+ 2 1 0 4 4 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
+        1 1 2.00 105.00 120.00
+         2175 4350 2025 4650
+ 2 1 0 4 4 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
+        1 1 2.00 105.00 120.00
+         2925 5025 2775 5325
+ 2 1 0 4 4 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
+        1 1 2.00 105.00 120.00
+         2400 5625 2250 5925
+ 2 1 0 4 4 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 1 0 2
+        1 1 2.00 105.00 120.00
+         1275 5625 1500 5850
+ 4 0 0 100 0 18 12 0.0000 4 180 360 2925 2550 pipe\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 18 12 0.0000 4 135 1680 1875 3000 internal connection\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 18 24 0.0000 4 45 315 3525 2100 ...\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 18 12 0.0000 4 180 360 4050 2550 pipe\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 18 12 0.0000 4 180 360 1350 2550 plug\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 18 12 0.0000 4 135 300 3150 1200 API\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 10 0.0000 4 105 210 1800 5925 null\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 10 0.0000 4 105 240 1575 5400 file1\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 10 0.0000 4 105 195 2325 5400 zlib\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 10 0.0000 4 105 240 3000 5400 file2\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 10 0.0000 4 105 360 1500 4800 socket\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 10 0.0000 4 105 165 2250 4800 file\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 10 0.0000 4 105 195 2250 4200 zlib\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 10 0.0000 4 105 165 1575 4200 file\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 10 0.0000 4 105 360 1425 3525 socket\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 18 12 0.0000 4 135 165 600 5400 4.\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 18 12 0.0000 4 135 165 600 5925 5.\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 18 12 0.0000 4 135 165 600 4800 3.\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 18 12 0.0000 4 135 165 600 4200 2.\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 18 12 0.0000 4 135 165 600 3600 1.\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 12 0.0000 4 165 1965 4050 3600 application reads from a socket\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 12 0.0000 4 165 2640 4050 4200 application writes  data compressed to file\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 12 0.0000 4 165 2445 4050 4800 application transfers from file to socket\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 12 0.0000 4 165 2310 4050 5400 application filters data from file to file\001
+ 4 0 0 100 0 20 12 0.0000 4 165 2400 4050 5925 two applications/threads communicate\001

ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM.txt -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Wed Feb 19 00:10:39 2025
--- -    Wed Feb 19 00:10:40 2025
*** 0 ****
--- 1,304 ----
+ Names:
+ o SIO = simple/streams/stacked I/O
+ o FIO = fast I/O
+ o IOL = IO Lite (achtung)
+ o LIO = Lite/Layered IO
+ o AIO = Abstracted I/O
+ Connectors/Plugs:
+ o Memory
+   SIO_PLUG *sio_plug_mem(uchar *buf, ulong len, uchar *(cb)(ulong));
+   - connect to preallocated buffer + callback function for more buffer allocs
+   - connect internally to auto-growing buffer(s)
+ o File
+   constructors:
+   - from fd
+   - from FILE
+   - from pathname
+ o Socket
+   - UDP
+   - TCP
+ o FILE*-2-SIO
+ o fd-2-SIO
+ o file-2-SIO
+ o TCP/socket-2-SIO
+ o UDP/socket-2-SIO
+ o Pipe/FIFO-2-SIO
+ o Null
+   Discard Plug
+   SIO *sio_plug_null(void)
+ Filters:
+ o Transparent; sio_pipe_trans
+ o Regex-Matching-Filter
+ o Regex-Subst-Filter
+ o Zlib/LZO
+ o SSL
+ IO Models (according to Stevens: Unix Network programming I, p. 144)
+ o blocking I/O
+ o nonblocking I/O (NO_HANG, NONBLK)
+ o I/O multiplexing (select and poll)
+ o signal driven I/O (SIGIO)
+ o asynchronous I/O (POSIX aio_xxx)
+ Data Structures
+ o Rings internal
+ o malloc(3) and mm_malloc(3) aware
+ Buffering-Modes:
+ o flush after timeout, close and exit() + explicit via flush()
+ o no buffering at all
+ o Chunking for HTTP Support!
+ o only read is buffered
+ o only write is buffered
+ o read & write is buffered
+ Buffering:
+ o filter koennen window/buffer size einstellen
+ o filter geben an ob sie shrinken/expandieren/gleichlassen oder random sind
+ o source connector kann eventuell Buffer vom User direkt nutzen
+ o umgekehrt kann auch user buffer wird von target connector genutzt werden
+ o application koennte auch bei write angeben, dasz buffer destroyed
+   werden darf und dasz er eventuell groesser ist als die daten,
+   die aus ihm geschrieben werden -> nuetzlich fuer expanding filters
+   bei der Ausgabe.
+ Optimierungen:
+ o mmap muss moeglich sein
+ o if target connector = socket & source connector = file => try to use sendfile(2) 
+ o if target connector = file   & source connector = file => try to use mmap(2)
+ o wenn I/O ohne filters dann no buffering oder nur wenn chunks zu klein
+ o wann es geht writev() und readv() nutzen, um Buffers zu koppeln beim I/O
+ o sockets haben fuer read/write() einen low water mark (siehe setsockopt)
+ o FreeBSD 4.0's accept_filter(9) mechanism to check for HTTP request
+ o Timeouts muessen generell unterstuetzt werden
+ o Error handling optional mit callbackfunction+void
+ o Callback functions for exceptional things
+ o Socket-Connector muss z.B. shutdown() erlauben
+ o man sollte meta-data (mtime, inode, etc.) von SIO connector rausfinden
+   koennen und setzen koennen
+ o Chunking muss moeglich sein (HTTP?)
+ o Read sollte lesen bis: 
+   - number of bytes read
+   - found a char of class [a-z]
+   - found a string "foo"
+   - found a regex "..."
+ o man sollte auf jedem SIO seek()en koennen
+ o man sollte SIOs in FILEs umwandeln koennen???
+ o bei Socket Plugs muss shutdown() also eine Seite moeglich sein
+ Architecture:
+ o three types of objects (siehe SIO.fig):
+   - plugs (Stecker/Anschluesse) for socket, file, mem, etc.
+   - pipes (Rohre/Verbindungen) 
+   - pipelines (the Kombination von plugs und pipes zu einer Einheit)
+ o buffered I/O: es gibt eine buffer-pipe, das ist alles
+   unbuffered I/O ist also eine Pipleline wo kein buffer-pipe dabei ist
+ Conversions:
+ - ASCII2EBCDIC and vice versa conversions
+ o SIO Disciplines for Virtual Filesystem Stuff
+   URLs as pathname open various network things, tarballs, etc.
+   file, http, ftp, extfs
+   ?? vfs, libfetch, libcurl ??
+ Performance Gains:
+ - use sendfile()
+ - use TCP_CORK
+ - use ...
+ Filter classes (from Apache discussions):
+  1) content-generator                (files, CGI, database, etc)
+  2) content-filter/munger/processor  (SSI, PHP, etc)
+  3) content-encoding                 (gzip?)
+  4) digest/message processor?        (mod_auth_digest)
+  5) transport-encoding               (HTTP chunking)
+  6) socket-encoding                  (SSL)
+ Fuer Zero-Copy:
+ The data the user program writes must be page sized and start on a page
+ boundary in order for it to be run through the zero copy send code.
+ Ideas:
+ http://sourceforge.net/projects/paip
+ -----------------
+ API Functions:
+ sio_rc_t sio_attach    (sio_t **sio, int fd);
+ sio_rc_t sio_deattach  (sio_t *sio, int *fd);
+ sio_rc_t sio_setbuffer (sio_t *sio, size_t newsize, size_t *oldsize);
+ sio_rc_t sio_readvec   (sio_t *sio, void **vec, size_t *veclen);
+ sio_rc_t sio_read      (sio_t *sio, void *buf, size_t *buflen);
+ sio_rc_t sio_readline  (sio_t *sio, void *buf, size_t *buflen);
+ sio_rc_t sio_readchar  (sio_t *sio, char *c);
+ sio_rc_t sio_putback   (sio_t *sio, void *buf, size_t buflen);
+ sio_rc_t sio_undo      (sio_t *sio);
+ sio_rc_t sio_writevec  (sio_t *sio, void **vec, size_t veclen);
+ sio_rc_t sio_write     (sio_t *sio, void *buf, size_t buflen);
+ sio_rc_t sio_writestr  (sio_t *sio, char *str);
+ sio_rc_t sio_writeline (sio_t *sio, void *buf, size_t buflen);
+ sio_rc_t sio_writechar (sio_t *sio, char c);
+ sio_rc_t sio_print     (sio_t *sio, char *fmt, ...);
+ sio_rc_t sio_printv    (sio_t *sio, char *fmt, va_list ap);
+ sio_rc_t sio_flush     (sio_t *sio);
+ sio_rc_t sio_error     (sio_t *sio, char **error);
+ sio_rc_t sio_read (sio_t *sio, sio_ioflags_t flags, ...);
+ sio_rc_t sio_write(sio_t *sio, sio_ioflags_t flags, ...);
+      type of objects: character, nul-terminated string or buffer+size or
+      format string based
+      multiple objects are passed in call
+      whether size of vector is indicated by NULL or given
+      objects are copied to library 
+      (internal its SIO_GIFT after copy!)
+      objects are gifted to library
+      objects are just loaned to library
+ sio_read(sio, SIO_BUF, buf, buflen, &readlen);
+ sio_read(sio, SIO_LINE, buf, buflen, &readlen);
+ sio_write(sio, SIO_STR, "foo");
+ sio_write(sio, SIO_STR|SIO_MULT, "foo", "bar", NULL);
+ sio_write(sio, SIO_VEC|SIO_STR, vec, veclen);
+ sio_write(sio, SIO_VEC|SIO_STR|SIO_NULLEND, vec);
+ sio_write(sio, SIO_BUF, buf, buflen);
+ sio_write(sio, SIO_BUF|SIO_MULT, buf, buflen, buf2, buflen2, NULL);
+ sio_write(sio, SIO_VEC|SIO_BUF, vec, veclen);
+ sio_write(sio, SIO_VEC|SIO_BUF|SIO_NULLEND, vec);
+ sio_write(sio, SIO_STR|SIO_MULT, line, "\r\n", NULL);
+ sio_write(sio, SIO_CHR, c);
+ sio_write(sio, SIO_BUF, &c, 1);
+ sio_write(sio, SIO_FMT, "%c%s%S%b%B", c, cp, cpvec, cpvecsize, buf, bufsize, bufvec, bufvecsize);
+ API Comfort:
+    sio_writestr("..") -> sio_write(SIO_STR, "..");
+ API Standard:
+    sio_write(SIO_STR, char *x) -> sio_output(x, strlen(x));
+    sio_write(SIO_VEC, char *x) -> for... sio_output(x.ptr, x.len); done
+ API Basic:
+    sio_output
+ 1. Was ist mit seekable fds (files!)?
+    seek, tell,
+ 2. Top-level filtering and chaining?
+    tie, untie
+ -----------------
+   - SIO (Socket IO)
+   - BIO (Buffered/Filtered I/O)
+   - BA/BB (Buffer Aggregates, Bucket Brigades -- ACT) 
+ -----------------
+ brigate ::= bucket *
+ bucket  ::= <buf,len,type>
+ -----------------
+ /* SFIO: sfreserve?
+  *       sfpool ?
+  */
+ /*
+  * Data structures
+  */
+ /* the general SIO API */
+ typedef struct sio_st sio_t;
+ /* I/O vector entry (similar to POSIX struct iovec) for sio_{read,write}v() */
+ typdef struct sio_iovec_st 
+     char   *iov_base;   /* Base address. */
+     size_t  iov_len;    /* Length. */
+ } sio_iovec_t;
+ typedef long sio_off_t;
+ typedef sio_uint8_t;
+ typedef sio_uint16_t;
+ typedef sio_uint32_t;
+ #define SIO_SEEK_SET
+ #define SIO_SEEK_CUR
+ #define SIO_SEEK_END
+ /*
+  * Values
+  */
+ #define SIO_EOF (-1)
+ /*
+  * Stream Disciplines
+  */
+ sio_disc_t *sio_disc_null   (void);
+ sio_disc_t *sio_disc_anon   (void);
+ sio_disc_t *sio_disc_fd     (int fd, ...);
+ sio_disc_t *sio_disc_socket (int fd, int type /*tcp,udp*/, ...);
+ sio_disc_t *sio_disc_pipe   (int fd, ...);
+ sio_disc_t *sio_disc_file   (FILE *fp, ...);
+ sio_disc_t *sio_disc_url    (const char *url, ...);
+ /*
+  * Stream Handling
+  */
+ sio_t      *sio_new      (sio_disc_t *disc);
+ sio_t      *sio_dup      (sio_t *sio);
+ int         sio_free     (sio_t *sio);
+ /* 
+  * I/O Operations 
+  */
+ sio_size_t  sio_read     (sio_t *sio, void *buf, size_t bytes);
+ sio_size_t  sio_write    (sio_t *sio, void *buf, size_t bytes);
+ sio_size_t  sio_writev   (sio_t *sio, const sio_iovec_t *iov, int iovcnt);
+ sio_size_t  sio_writev   (sio_t *sio, const sio_iovec_t *iov, int iovcnt);
+ sio_off_t   sio_seek     (sio_t *sio, sio_off_t offset, int type);
+ sio_size_t  sio_move     (sio_t *siow, sio_t *sior, int n, int rsc);
+ int         sio_getc     (sio_t *sio);
+ int         sio_putc     (sio_t *sio, int c);
+ int         sio_nputc    (sio_t *sio, int c, sio_size_t n);
+ int         sio_ungetc   (sio_t *sio, int c);
+ char       *sio_getr     (sio_t *sio, int rsc, int type);
+ sio_size_t *sio_putr     (sio_t *sio, const char *str, int rsc);
+ /*
+  * Data Formatting
+  */
+ sio_site_t  sio_printf   (sio_t *sio, const char *fmt, ...);
+ sio_site_t  sio_vprintf  (sio_t *sio, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
+ sio_site_t  sio_scanf    (sio_t *sio, const char *fmt, ...);
+ sio_site_t  sio_vscanf   (sio_t *sio, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
+ /*
+  * Buffering & Synchronization 
+  */
+ int         sio_sync     (sio_t *sio);
+ int         sio_purge    (sio_t *sio);
+ int         sio_poll     (sio_poll_t *pl, sio_size_t pn, sio_time_t timeout);
+ int         sio_eof      (sio_t *sio);
+ /*
+  * Stream Control
+  */
+ long        sio_ctrl     (sio_t *sio, int cmd, ...);
+ int         sio_top      (sio_t *sio);
+ int         sio_push     (sio_t *sio, sio_t *top);
+ int         sio_pop      (sio_t *sio);
+ int         sio_swap     (sio_t *sio1, sio_t *sio2);

ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/apache-buff.txt -> 1.1

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+ /* ====================================================================
+  * Copyright (c) 1996-1999 The Apache Group.  All rights reserved.
+  *
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+  * are met:
+  *
+  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
+  *
+  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+  *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+  *    distribution.
+  *
+  * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
+  *    software must display the following acknowledgment:
+  *    "This product includes software developed by the Apache Group
+  *    for use in the Apache HTTP server project (http://www.apache.org/)."
+  *
+  * 4. The names "Apache Server" and "Apache Group" must not be used to
+  *    endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+  *    prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
+  *    apache@apache.org.
+  *
+  * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"
+  *    nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written
+  *    permission of the Apache Group.
+  *
+  * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
+  *    acknowledgment:
+  *    "This product includes software developed by the Apache Group
+  *    for use in the Apache HTTP server project (http://www.apache.org/)."
+  *
+  * ====================================================================
+  *
+  * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+  * individuals on behalf of the Apache Group and was originally based
+  * on public domain software written at the National Center for
+  * Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
+  * For more information on the Apache Group and the Apache HTTP server
+  * project, please see <http://www.apache.org/>.
+  *
+  */
+ #ifndef APACHE_BUFF_H
+ #define APACHE_BUFF_H
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ #ifdef B_SFIO
+ #include "sfio.h"
+ #endif
+ #include <stdarg.h>
+ /* Reading is buffered */
+ #define B_RD     (1)
+ /* Writing is buffered */
+ #define B_WR     (2)
+ #define B_RDWR   (3)
+ /* At end of file, or closed stream; no further input allowed */
+ #define B_EOF    (4)
+ /* No further output possible */
+ #define B_EOUT   (8)
+ /* A read error has occurred */
+ #define B_RDERR (16)
+ /* A write error has occurred */
+ #define B_WRERR (32)
+ #ifdef B_ERROR  /* in SVR4: sometimes defined in /usr/include/sys/buf.h */
+ #undef B_ERROR
+ #endif
+ #define B_ERROR (48)
+ /* Use chunked writing */
+ #define B_CHUNK (64)
+ /* bflush() if a read would block */
+ #define B_SAFEREAD (128)
+ /* buffer is a socket */
+ #define B_SOCKET (256)
+ #define B_ASCII2EBCDIC 0x40000000  /* Enable conversion for this buffer */
+ #define B_EBCDIC2ASCII 0x80000000  /* Enable conversion for this buffer */
+ #endif /*CHARSET_EBCDIC*/
+ typedef struct buff_struct BUFF;
+ struct buff_struct {
+     int flags;                 /* flags */
+     unsigned char *inptr;      /* pointer to next location to read */
+     int incnt;                 /* number of bytes left to read from input buffer;
+                                 * always 0 if had a read error  */
+     int outchunk;              /* location of chunk header when chunking */
+     int outcnt;                        /* number of byte put in output buffer */
+     unsigned char *inbase;
+     unsigned char *outbase;
+     int bufsiz;
+     void (*error) (BUFF *fb, int op, void *data);
+     void *error_data;
+     long int bytes_sent;       /* number of bytes actually written */
+     ap_pool *pool;
+ /* could also put pointers to the basic I/O routines here */
+     int fd;                    /* the file descriptor */
+     int fd_in;                 /* input file descriptor, if different */
+ #ifdef WIN32
+     HANDLE hFH;                        /* Windows filehandle */
+ #endif
+     /* transport handle, for RPC binding handle or some such */
+     void *t_handle;
+ #ifdef B_SFIO
+     Sfio_t *sf_in;
+     Sfio_t *sf_out;
+ #endif
+ };
+ #ifdef B_SFIO
+ typedef struct {
+     Sfdisc_t disc;
+     BUFF *buff;
+ } apache_sfio;
+ extern Sfdisc_t *bsfio_new(pool *p, BUFF *b);
+ #endif
+ /* Options to bset/getopt */
+ #define BO_BYTECT (1)
+ /* Stream creation and modification */
+ API_EXPORT(BUFF *) ap_bcreate(pool *p, int flags);
+ API_EXPORT(void) ap_bpushfd(BUFF *fb, int fd_in, int fd_out);
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ API_EXPORT(void) ap_bpushh(BUFF *fb, HANDLE hFH);
+ #endif
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bsetopt(BUFF *fb, int optname, const void *optval);
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bgetopt(BUFF *fb, int optname, void *optval);
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bsetflag(BUFF *fb, int flag, int value);
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bclose(BUFF *fb);
+ #define ap_bgetflag(fb, flag)  ((fb)->flags & (flag))
+ /* Error handling */
+ API_EXPORT(void) ap_bonerror(BUFF *fb, void (*error) (BUFF *, int, void *),
+                          void *data);
+ /* I/O */
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bread(BUFF *fb, void *buf, int nbyte);
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bgets(char *s, int n, BUFF *fb);
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_blookc(char *buff, BUFF *fb);
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bskiplf(BUFF *fb);
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bwrite(BUFF *fb, const void *buf, int nbyte);
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bflush(BUFF *fb);
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bputs(const char *x, BUFF *fb);
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bvputs(BUFF *fb,...);
+ API_EXPORT_NONSTD(int) ap_bprintf(BUFF *fb, const char *fmt,...)
+                                __attribute__((format(printf,2,3)));
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_vbprintf(BUFF *fb, const char *fmt, va_list vlist);
+ /* Internal routines */
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bflsbuf(int c, BUFF *fb);
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bfilbuf(BUFF *fb);
+ #define ap_bgetc(fb)   ( ((fb)->incnt == 0) ? ap_bfilbuf(fb) : \
+                    ((fb)->incnt--, *((fb)->inptr++)) )
+ #define ap_bputc(c, fb) ((((fb)->flags & (B_EOUT|B_WRERR|B_WR)) != B_WR || \
+                     (fb)->outcnt == (fb)->bufsiz) ? ap_bflsbuf(c, (fb)) : \
+                     ((fb)->outbase[(fb)->outcnt++] = (c), 0))
+ #else /*CHARSET_EBCDIC*/
+ #define ap_bgetc(fb)   ( ((fb)->incnt == 0) ? ap_bfilbuf(fb) : \
+                    ((fb)->incnt--, (fb->flags & B_ASCII2EBCDIC)\
+                    ?os_toebcdic[(unsigned char)*((fb)->inptr++)]:*((fb)->inptr++)) )
+ #define ap_bputc(c, fb) ((((fb)->flags & (B_EOUT|B_WRERR|B_WR)) != B_WR || \
+                     (fb)->outcnt == (fb)->bufsiz) ? ap_bflsbuf(c, (fb)) : \
+                     ((fb)->outbase[(fb)->outcnt++] = (fb->flags & B_EBCDIC2ASCII)\
+                     ?os_toascii[(unsigned char)c]:(c), 0))
+ #endif /*CHARSET_EBCDIC*/
+ struct child_info {
+ #ifdef WIN32
+     /*
+      *  These handles are used by ap_call_exec to call 
+      *  create process with pipe handles.
+      */
+     HANDLE hPipeInputRead;
+     HANDLE hPipeOutputWrite;
+     HANDLE hPipeErrorWrite;
+ #else
+     /* 
+      * We need to put a dummy member in here to avoid compilation
+      * errors under certain Unix compilers, like SGI's and HPUX's,
+      * which fail to compile a zero-sized struct.  Of course
+      * it would be much nicer if there was actually a use for this
+      * structure under Unix.  Aah the joys of x-platform code.
+      */
+     int dummy;
+ #endif
+ };
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bspawn_child(pool *, int (*)(void *, child_info *), void *,
+                                        enum kill_conditions, BUFF **pipe_in, BUFF **pipe_out,
+                                        BUFF **pipe_err);
+ /* enable non-blocking operations */
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bnonblock(BUFF *fb, int direction);
+ /* and get an fd to select() on */
+ API_EXPORT(int) ap_bfileno(BUFF *fb, int direction);
+ /* bflush() if a read now would block, but don't actually read anything */
+ API_EXPORT(void) ap_bhalfduplex(BUFF *fb);
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif /* !APACHE_BUFF_H */

ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/apache-stackedio.txt -> 1.1

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+ [djg: comments like this are from dean]
+ This past summer, Alexei and I wrote a spec for an I/O Filters API... 
+ this proposal addresses one part of that -- 'stacked' I/O with buff.c. 
+ We have a couple of options for stacked I/O: we can either use existing
+ code, such as sfio, or we can rewrite buff.c to do it.  We've gone over
+ the first possibility at length, though, and there were problems with each
+ implemenation which was mentioned (licensing and compatibility,
+ specifically); so far as I know, those remain issues. 
+ Btw -- sfio will be supported w/in this model... it just wouldn't be the
+ basis for the model's implementation. 
+      -- Ed Korthof        |  Web Server Engineer --
+      -- ed@organic.com    |  Organic Online, Inc --
+      -- (415) 278-5676    |  Fax: (415) 284-6891 --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Stacked I/O With BUFFs
+        Sections:
+        1.) Overview
+        2.) The API
+                User-supplied structures
+                API functions
+        3.) Detailed Description
+                The bfilter structure
+                The bbottomfilter structure
+                The BUFF structure
+                Public functions in buff.c
+        4.) Efficiency Considerations
+                Buffering
+                Memory copies
+                Function chaining
+                writev
+        5.) Code in buff.c
+                Default Functions
+                Heuristics for writev
+                Writing
+                Reading
+                Flushing data
+                Closing stacks and filters
+                Flags and Options
+ *************************************************************************
+                Overview
+ The intention of this API is to make Apache's BUFF structure modular
+ while retaining high efficiency.  Basically, it involves rewriting
+ buff.c to provide 'stacked' I/O -- where the data passed through a
+ series of 'filters', which may modify it.
+ There are two parts to this, the core code for BUFF structures, and the
+ "filters" used to implement new behavior.  "filter" is used to refer to
+ both the sets of 5 functions, as shown in the bfilter structure in the
+ next section, and to BUFFs which are created using a specific bfliter.
+ These will also be occasionally refered to as "user-supplied", though
+ the Apache core will need to use these as well for basic functions.
+ The user-supplied functions should use only the public BUFF API, rather
+ than any internal details or functions.  One thing which may not be
+ clear is that in the core BUFF functions, the BUFF pointer passed in
+ refers to the BUFF on which the operation will happen.  OTOH, in the
+ user-supplied code, the BUFF passed in is the next buffer down the
+ chain, not the current one.
+ *************************************************************************
+                The API
+        User-supplied structures
+ First, the bfilter structure is used in all filters:
+     typedef struct {
+       int (*writev)(BUFF *, void *, struct iovect *, int);
+       int (*read)(BUFF *, void *, char *, int);
+       int (*write)(BUFF *, void *, const char *, int);
+       int (*flush)(BUFF *, void *, const char *, int, bfilter *);
+       int (*transmitfile)(BUFF *, void *, file_info_ptr *);
+       void (*close)(BUFF *, void *);
+     } bfilter;
+ bfilters are placed into a BUFF structure along with a
+ user-supplied void * pointer.
+ Second, the following structure is for use with a filter which can
+ sit at the bottom of the stack:
+     typedef struct {
+       void *(*bgetfileinfo)(BUFF *, void *);
+       void (*bpushfileinfo)(BUFF *, void *, void *);
+     } bbottomfilter;
+        BUFF API functions
+ The following functions are new BUFF API functions:
+ For filters:
+ BUFF * bcreatestack(pool *p, int flags, struct bfilter *,
+                     struct bbottomfilter *, void *);
+ BUFF * bpushfilter (BUFF *, struct bfilter *, void *);
+ BUFF * bpushbuffer (BUFF *, BUFF *);
+ BUFF * bpopfilter(BUFF *);
+ BUFF * bpopbuffer(BUFF *);
+ void bclosestack(BUFF *);
+ For BUFFs in general:
+ int btransmitfile(BUFF *, file_info_ptr *);
+ int bsetstackopts(BUFF *, int, const void *);
+ int bsetstackflags(BUFF *, int, int);
+ Note that a new flag is needed for bsetstackflags:
+ The current bcreate should become
+ BUFF * bcreatebuffer (pool *p, int flags, struct bfilter *, void *);
+ *************************************************************************
+                Detailed Explanation
+        bfilter structure
+ The void * pointer used in all these functions, as well as those in the
+ bbottomfilter structure and the filter API functions, is always the same
+ pointer w/in an individual BUFF.
+ The first function in a bfilter structure is 'writev'; this is only
+ needed for high efficiency writing, generally at the level of the system
+ interface.  In it's absence, multiple writes will be done w/ 'write'.
+ Note that defining 'writev' means you must define 'write'.
+ The second is 'write'; this is the generic writing function, taking a BUFF
+ * to which to write, a block of text, and the length of that block of
+ text.  The expected return is the number of characters (out of that block
+ of text) which were successfully processed (rather than the number of
+ characters actually written). 
+ The third is 'read'; this is the generic reading function, taking a BUFF *
+ from which to read data, and a void * buffer in which to put text, and the
+ number of characters to put in that buffer.  The expected return is the
+ number of characters placed in the buffer.
+ The fourth is 'flush'; this is intended to force the buffer to spit out
+ any data it may have been saving, as well as to clear any data the
+ BUFF code was storing.  If the third argument is non-null, then it
+ contains more text to be printed; that text need not be null terminated,
+ but the fourth argument contains the length of text to be processed.  The
+ expected return value should be the number of characters handled out
+ from the third argument (0 if there are none), or -1 on error.  Finally,
+ the fifth argument is a pointer to the bfilter struct containing this
+ function, so that it may use the write or writev functions in it.   Note
+ that general buffering is handled by BUFF's internal code, and module
+ writers should not store data for performance reasons.
+ The fifth is 'transmitfile', which takes as its arguments a buffer to
+ which to write (if non-null), the void * pointer containing configuration
+ (or other) information for this filter, and a system-dependent pointer
+ (the file_info_ptr structure will be defined on a per-system basis)
+ containing information required to print the 'file' in question.
+ This is intended to allow zero-copy TCP in Win32.
+ The sixth is 'close'; this is what is called when the connection is being
+ closed.  The 'close' should not be passed on to the next filter in the
+ stack.  Most filters will not need to use this, but if database handles
+ or some other object is created, this is the point at which to remove it.
+ Note that flush is called automatically before this.
+        bbottomfilter Structure
+ The first function, bgetfileinfo, is designed to allow Apache to get
+ information from a BUFF struct regarding the input and output sources.
+ This is currently used to get the input file number to select on a
+ socket to see if there's data waiting to be read.  The information
+ returned is platform specific; the void * pointer passed in holds
+ the void * pointer passed to all user-supplied functions.
+ The second function, bpushfileinfo, is used to push file information
+ onto a buffer, so that the buffer can be fully constructed and ready
+ to handle data as soon as possible after a client has connected.
+ The first void * pointer holds platform specific information (in
+ Unix, it would be a pair of file descriptors); the second holds the
+ void * pointer passed to all user-supplied functions.
+ [djg: I don't think I really agree with the distinction here between
+ the bottom and the other filters.  Take the select() example, it's
+ valid for any layer to define a fd that can be used for select...
+ in fact it's the topmost layer that should really get to make this
+ definition.  Or maybe I just have your top and bottom flipped.  In
+ any event I think this should be part of the filter structure and
+ not separate.]
+        The BUFF structure
+ A couple of changes are needed for this structure: remove fd and
+ fd_in; add a bfilter structure; add a pointer to a bbottomfilter;
+ add three pointers to the next BUFFs: one for the next BUFF in the
+ stack, one for the next BUFF which implements write, and one
+ for the next BUFF which implements read.
+        Public functions in buff.c
+ BUFF * bpushfilter (BUFF *, struct bfilter *, void *);
+ This function adds the filter functions from bfilter, stacking them on
+ top of the BUFF.  It returns the new top BUFF, or NULL on error.
+ BUFF * bpushbuffer (BUFF *, BUFF *);
+ This function places the second buffer on the top of the stack that
+ the first one is on.  It returns the new top BUFF, or NULL on error.
+ BUFF * bpopfilter(BUFF *);
+ BUFF * bpopbuffer(BUFF *);
+ Unattaches the top-most filter from the stack, and returns the new
+ top-level BUFF, or NULL on error or when there are no BUFFs
+ remaining.  The two are synonymous.
+ void bclosestack(BUFF *);
+ Closes the I/O stack, removing all the filters in it.
+ BUFF * bcreatestack(pool *p, int flags, struct bfilter *,
+                     struct bbottomfilter *, void *);
+ This creates an I/O stack.  It returns NULL on error.
+ BUFF * bcreatebuffer(pool *p, int flags, struct bfilter *, void *);
+ This creates a BUFF for later use with bpushbuffer.  The BUFF is
+ not set up to be used as an I/O stack, however.  It returns NULL
+ on error.
+ int bsetstackopts(BUFF *, int, const void *);
+ int bsetstackflags(BUFF *, int, int);
+ These functions, respectively, set options on all the BUFFs in a
+ stack.  The new flag, B_MAXBUFFERING is used to disable a feature
+ described in the next section, whereby only the first and last
+ BUFFs will buffer data.
+ *************************************************************************
+                Efficiency Considerations
+        Buffering
+ All input and output is buffered by the standard buffering code.
+ People writing code to use buff.c should not concern themselves with
+ buffering for efficiency, and should not buffer except when necessary.
+ The write function will typically be called with large blocks of text;
+ the read function will attempt to place the specified number of bytes
+ into the buffer.
+ Dean noted that there are possible problems w/ multiple buffers;
+ further, some applications must not be buffered.  This can be
+ partially dealt with by turning off buffering, or by flushing the
+ data when appropriate.
+ However, some potential problems arise anyway.  The simplest example
+ involves shrinking transformations; suppose that you have a set
+ of filters, A, B, and C, such that A outputs less text than it
+ recieves, as does B (say A strips comments, and B gzips the result).
+ Then after a write to A which fills the buffer, A writes to B.
+ However, A won't write enough to fill B's buffer, so a memory copy
+ will be needed.  This continues till B's buffer fills up, then
+ B will write to C's buffer -- with the same effect.
+ [djg: I don't think this is the issue I was really worried about --
+ in the case of shrinking transformations you are already doing 
+ non-trivial amounts of CPU activity with the data, and there's
+ no copying of data that you can eliminate anyway.  I do recognize
+ that there are non-CPU intensive filters -- such as DMA-capable
+ hardware crypto cards.  I don't think they're hard to support in
+ a zero-copy manner though.]
+ The maximum additional number of bytes which will be copied in this
+ scenario is on the order of nk, where n is the total number of bytes,
+ and k is the number of filters doing shrinking transformations.
+ There are several possible solutions to this issue.  The first
+ is to turn off buffering in all but the first filter and the
+ last filter.  This reduces the number of unnecessary byte copies
+ to at most one per byte, however it means that the functions in
+ the stack will get called more frequently; but it is the default
+ behavior, overridable by setting the B_MAXBUFFERING with
+ bsetstackflags.  Most filters won't involve a net shrinking
+ transformation, so even this will rarely be an issue; however,
+ if the filters do involve a net shrinking transformation, for
+ the sake of network-efficiency (sending reasonably sized blocks),
+ it may be more efficient anyway.
+ A second solution is more general use of writev for communication
+ between different buffers.  This complicates the programing work,
+ however.
+        Memory copies
+ Each write function is passed a pointer to constant text; if any changes
+ are being made to the text, it must be copied.  However, if no changes
+ are made to the text (or to some smaller part of it), then it may be
+ sent to the next filter without any additional copying.  This should
+ provide the minimal necessary memory copies.
+ [djg: Unfortunately this makes it hard to support page-flipping and
+ async i/o because you don't have any reference counts on the data.
+ But I go into a little detail that already in docs/page_io.]
+        Function chaining
+ In order to avoid unnecessary function chaining for reads and writes,
+ when a filter is pushed onto the stack, the buff.c code will determine
+ which is the next BUFF which contains a read or write function, and
+ reads and writes, respectively, will go directly to that BUFF.
+        writev
+ writev is a function for efficient writing to the system; in terms of
+ this API, however, it also works for dealing with multiple blocks of
+ text without doing unnecessary byte copies.  It is not required.
+ Currently, the system level writev is used in two contexts: for
+ chunking and when a block of text is writen which, combined with
+ the text already in the buffer, would make the buffer overflow.
+ writev would be implemented both by the default bottom level filter
+ and by the chunking filter for these operations.  In addition, writev
+ may, be used, as noted above, to pass multiple blocks of text w/o
+ copying them into a single buffer.  Note that if the next filter does
+ not implement writev, however, this will be equivalent to repeated
+ calls to write, which may or may not be more efficient.  Up to
+ IOV_MAX-2 blocks of text may be passed along in this manner.  Unlike
+ the system writev call, the writev in this API should be called only
+ once, with a array with iovec's and a count as to the number of
+ iovecs in it.
+ If a bfilter defines writev, writev will be called whether or not
+ NO_WRITEV is set; hence, it should deal with that case in a reasonable
+ manner.
+ [djg: We can't guarantee atomicity of writev() when we emulate it.
+ Probably not a problem, just an observation.]
+ *************************************************************************
+                Code in buff.c
+        Default Functions
+ The default actions are generally those currently performed by Apache,
+ save that they they'll only attempt to write to a buffer, and they'll
+ return an error if there are no more buffers.  That is, you must implement
+ read, write, and flush in the bottom-most filter.
+ Except for close(), the default code will simply pass the function call
+ on to the next filter in the stack.  Some samples follow.
+        Heuristics for writev
+ Currently, we call writev for chunking, and when we get a enough so that
+ the total overflows the buffer.  Since chunking is going to become a
+ filter, the chunking filter will use writev; in addition, bwrite will
+ trigger bwritev as shown (note that system specific information should
+ be kept at the filter level):
+ in bwrite:
+     if (fb->outcnt > 0 && nbyte + fb->outcnt >= fb->bufsiz) {
+         /* build iovec structs */
+         struct iovec vec[2];
+         vec[0].iov_base = (void *) fb->outbase;
+         vec[0].iov_len = fb->outcnt;
+         fb->outcnt = 0;
+         vec[1].iov_base = (void *)buff;
+         vec[1].iov_length = nbyte;
+         return bwritev (fb, vec, 2);
+     } else if (nbye >= fb->bufsiz) {
+         return write_with_errors(fb,buff,nbyte);
+     }
+ Note that the code above takes the place of large_write (as well
+ as taking code from it).
+ So, bwritev would look something like this (copying and pasting freely
+ from the current source for writev_it_all, which could be replaced):
+ -----
+ int bwritev (BUFF * fb, struct iovec * vec, int nvecs) {
+     if (!fb)
+         return -1; /* the bottom level filter implemented neither write nor
+                     * writev. */
+     if (fb->bfilter.bwritev) {
+         return bf->bfilter.writev(fb->next, vec, nvecs);
+     } else if (fb->bfilter.write) {
+         /* while it's nice an easy to build the vector and crud, it's painful
+          * to deal with partial writes (esp. w/ the vector)
+          */
+         int i = 0,rv;
+         while (i < nvecs) {
+             do {
+                 rv = fb->bfilter.write(fb, vec[i].iov_base, vec[i].iov_len);
+             } while (rv == -1 && (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN)
+                      && !(fb->flags & B_EOUT));
+             if (rv == -1) {
+                 if (errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN) {
+                     doerror (fb, B_WR);
+                 }
+                 return -1;
+             }
+             fb->bytes_sent += rv;
+             /* recalculate vec to deal with partial writes */
+             while (rv > 0) {
+                 if (rv < vec[i].iov_len) {
+                     vec[i].iov_base = (char *)vec[i].iov_base + rv;
+                     vec[i].iov_len -= rv;
+                     rv = 0;
+                     if (vec[i].iov_len == 0) {
+                         ++i;
+                     }
+                 } else {
+                     rv -= vec[i].iov_len;
+                     ++i;
+                 }
+             }
+             if (fb->flags & B_EOUT)
+                 return -1;
+         }
+         /* if we got here, we wrote it all */
+         return 0;
+     } else {
+         return bwritev(fb->next,vec,nvecs);
+     }
+ }
+ -----
+ The default filter's writev function will pretty much like
+ writev_it_all.
+        Writing
+ The general case for writing data is significantly simpler with this
+ model.  Because special cases are not dealt with in the BUFF core,
+ a single internal interface to writing data is possible; I'm going
+ to assume it's reasonable to standardize on write_with_errors, but
+ some other function may be more appropriate.
+ In the revised bwrite (which I'll ommit for brievity), the following
+ must be done:
+        check for error conditions
+        check to see if any buffering is done; if not, send the data
+                directly to the write_with_errors function
+        check to see if we should use writev or write_with_errors
+                as above
+        copy the data to the buffer (we know it fits since we didn't
+                need writev or write_with_errors)
+ The other work the current bwrite is doing is
+        ifdef'ing around NO_WRITEV
+        numerous decisions regarding whether or not to send chunks
+ Generally, buff.c has a number of functions whose entire purpose is
+ to handle particular special cases wrt chunking, all of which could
+ be simplified with a chunking filter.
+ write_with_errors would not need to change; buff_write would.  Here
+ is a new version of it:
+ -----
+ /* the lowest level writing primitive */
+ static ap_inline int buff_write(BUFF *fb, const void *buf, int nbyte)
+ {
+     if (fb->bfilter.write)
+         return fb->bfilter.write(fb->next_writer,buff,nbyte);
+     else
+         return bwrite(fb->next_writer,buff,nbyte);
+ }
+ -----
+ If the btransmitfile function is called on a buffer which doesn't implement
+ it, the system will attempt to read data from the file identified
+ by the file_info_ptr structure and use other methods to write to it.
+        Reading
+ One of the basic reading functions in Apache 1.3b3 is buff_read;
+ here is how it would look within this spec:
+ -----
+ /* the lowest level reading primitive */
+ static ap_inline int buff_read(BUFF *fb, void *buf, int nbyte)
+ {
+     int rv;
+     if (!fb)
+         return -1; /* the bottom level filter is not set up properly */
+     if (fb->bfilter.read)
+         return fb->bfilter.read(fb->next_reader,buf,nbyte,fb->bfilter_info);
+     else
+         return bread(fb->next_reader,buff,nbyte);
+ }
+ -----
+ The code currently in buff_read would become part of the default
+ filter.
+        Flushing data
+ flush will get passed on down the stack automatically, with recursive
+ calls to bflush.  The user-supplied flush function will be called then,
+ and also before close is called.  The user-supplied flush should not
+ call flush on the next buffer.
+ [djg: Poorly written "expanding" filters can cause some nastiness
+ here.  In order to flush a layer you have to write out your current
+ buffer, and that may cause the layer below to overflow a buffer and
+ flush it.  If the filter is expanding then it may have to add more to
+ the buffer before flushing it to the layer below.  It's possible that
+ the layer below will end up having to flush twice.  It's a case where
+ writev-like capabilities are useful.]
+        Closing Stacks and Filters
+ When a filter is removed from the stack, flush will be called then close
+ will be called.  When the entire stack is being closed, this operation
+ will be done automatically on each filter within the stack; generally,
+ filters should not operate on other filters further down the stack,
+ except to pass data along when flush is called.
+        Flags and Options
+ Changes to flags and options using the current functions only affect
+ one buffer.  To affect all the buffers on down the chain, use
+ bsetstackopts or bsetstackflags.
+ bgetopt is currently only used to grab a count of the bytes sent;
+ it will continue to provide that functionality.  bgetflags is
+ used to provide information on whether or not the connection is
+ still open; it'll continue to provide that functionality as well.
+ The core BUFF operations will remain, though some operations which
+ are done via flags and options will be done by attaching appropriate
+ filters instead (eg. chunking).
+ [djg: I'd like to consider filesystem metadata as well -- we only need
+ a few bits of metadata to do HTTP: file size and last modified.  We
+ need an etag generation function, it is specific to the filters in
+ use.  You see, I'm envisioning a bottom layer which pulls data out of
+ a database rather than reading from a file.]
+ -------
+ This file is there so that I do not have to remind myself
+ about the reasons for Layered IO, apart from the obvious one.
+ 0. To get away from a 1 to 1 mapping
+    i.e. a single URI can cause multiple backend requests, 
+    in arbitrary configurations, such as in paralel, tunnel/piped, 
+    or in some sort of funnel mode. Such multiple backend
+    requests, with fully layered IO can be treated exactly
+    like any URI request; and recursion is born :-)
+ 1. To do on the fly charset conversion
+    Be, theoretically, be able to send out your content using
+    latin1, latin2 or any other charset; generated from static
+    _and_ dynamic content in other charsets (typically unicode
+    encoded as UTF7 or UTF8). Such conversion is prompted by
+    things like the user-agent string, a cookie, or other hints
+    about the capabilities of the OS, language preferences and
+    other (in)capabilities of the final receipient. 
+ 2. To be able to do fancy templates
+    Have your application/cgi sending out an XML structure of
+    field/value pair-ed contents; which is substituted into a 
+    template by the web server; possibly based on information 
+    accessible/known to the webserver which you do not want to 
+    be known to the backend script. Ideally that template would
+    be just as easy to generate by a backend as well (see 0).
+ 3. On the fly translation
+    And other general text and output mungling, such as translating
+    an english page in spanish whilst it goes through your Proxy,
+    or JPEG-ing a GIF generated by mod_perl+gd.
+ Dw.
+ ---------
+ From dgaudet@arctic.org Fri Feb 20 00:36:52 1998
+ Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 00:35:37 -0800 (PST)
+ From: Dean Gaudet <dgaudet@arctic.org>
+ To: new-httpd@apache.org
+ Subject: page-based i/o
+ X-Comment: Visit http://www.arctic.org/~dgaudet/legal for information regarding copyright and disclaimer.
+ Reply-To: new-httpd@apache.org
+ Ed asked me for more details on what I mean when I talk about "paged based
+ zero copy i/o". 
+ While writing mod_mmap_static I was thinking about the primitives that the
+ core requires of the filesystem.  What exactly is it that ties us into the
+ filesystem?  and how would we abstract it?  The metadata (last modified
+ time, file length) is actually pretty easy to abstract.  It's also easy to
+ define an "index" function so that MultiViews and such can be implemented. 
+ And with layered I/O we can hide the actual details of how you access
+ these "virtual" files. 
+ But therein lies an inefficiency.  If we had only bread() for reading
+ virtual files, then we would enforce at least one copy of the data. 
+ bread() supplies the place that the caller wants to see the data, and so
+ the bread() code has to copy it.  But there's very little reason that
+ bread() callers have to supply the buffer... bread() itself could supply
+ the buffer.  Call this new interface page_read().  It looks something like
+ this:
+     typedef struct {
+        const void *data;
+        size_t data_len; /* amt of data on page which is valid */
+        ... other stuff necessary for managing the page pool ...
+     } a_page_head;
+     /* returns NULL if an error or EOF occurs, on EOF errno will be
+      * set to 0
+      */
+     a_page_head *page_read(BUFF *fb);
+     /* queues entire page for writing, returns 0 on success, -1 on
+      * error
+      */
+     int page_write(BUFF *fb, a_page_head *);
+ It's very important that a_page_head structures point to the data page
+ rather than be part of the data page.  This way we can build a_page_head
+ structures which refer to parts of mmap()d memory.
+ This stuff is a little more tricky to do, but is a big win for performance.
+ With this integrated into our layered I/O it means that we can have
+ zero-copy performance while still getting the advantages of layering.
+ But note I'm glossing over a bunch of details... like the fact that we
+ have to decide if a_page_heads are shared data, and hence need reference
+ counting (i.e. I said "queues for writing" up there, which means some
+ bit of the a_page_head data has to be kept until its actually written).
+ Similarly for the page data.
+ There are other tricks in this area that we can take advantage of --
+ like interprocess communication on architectures that do page flipping.
+ On these boxes if you write() something that's page-aligned and page-sized
+ to a pipe or unix socket, and the other end read()s into a page-aligned
+ page-sized buffer then the kernel can get away without copying any data.
+ It just marks the two pages as shared copy-on-write, and only when
+ they're written to will the copy be made.  So to make this work, your
+ writer uses a ring of 2+ page-aligned/sized buffers so that it's not
+ writing on something the reader is still reading.
+ Dean
+ ----
+ For details on HPUX and avoiding extra data copies, see
+ <ftp://ftp.cup.hp.com/dist/networking/briefs/copyavoid.pdf>.
+ (note that if you get the postscript version instead, you have to 
+ manually edit it to remove the front page before any version of 
+ ghostscript that I have used will read it)
+ ----
+ I've been told by an engineer in Sun's TCP/IP group that zero-copy TCP
+ in Solaris 2.6 occurs when:
+     - you've got the right interface card (OC-12 ATM card I think)
+     - you use write()
+     - your write buffer is 16k aligned and a multiple of 16k in size
+ We currently get the 16k stuff for free by using mmap().  But sun's
+ current code isn't smart enough to deal with our initial writev()
+ of the headers and first part of the response.
+ ----
+ Systems that have a system call to efficiently send the contents of a 
+ descriptor across the network.  This is probably the single best way
+ to do static content on systems that support it.
+ HPUX: (10.30 and on)
+       ssize_t sendfile(int s, int fd, off_t offset, size_t nbytes,
+               const struct iovec *hdtrl, int flags);
+       (allows you to add headers and trailers in the form of iovec
+       structs)  Marc has a man page; ask if you want a copy.  Not included
+       due to copyright issues.  man page also available from 
+       http://docs.hp.com/ (in particular, 
+       http://docs.hp.com:80/dynaweb/hpux11/hpuxen1a/rvl3en1a/@Generic__BookTextView/59894;td=3 )
+ Windows NT:
+        BOOL TransmitFile(     SOCKET hSocket, 
+            HANDLE hFile, 
+            DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite, 
+            DWORD nNumberOfBytesPerSend, 
+            LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, 
+            LPTRANSMIT_FILE_BUFFERS lpTransmitBuffers, 
+            DWORD dwFlags 
+           ); 
+        (does it start from the current position in the handle?  I would
+        hope so, or else it is pretty dumb.)
+        lpTransmitBuffers allows for headers and trailers.
+        Documentation at:
+        http://premium.microsoft.com/msdn/library/sdkdoc/wsapiref_3pwy.htm
+        http://premium.microsoft.com/msdn/library/conf/html/sa8ff.htm
+        Even less related to page based IO: just context switching:
+        AcceptEx does an accept(), and returns the start of the
+        input data.  see:
+        http://premium.microsoft.com/msdn/library/sdkdoc/pdnds/sock2/wsapiref_17jm.htm
+        What this means is you require one less syscall to do a
+        typical request, especially if you have a cache of handles
+        so you don't have to do an open or close.  Hmm.  Interesting
+        question: then, if TransmitFile starts from the current
+        position, you need a mutex around the seek and the
+        TransmitFile.  If not, you are just limited (eg. byte
+        ranges) in what you can use it for.
+        Also note that TransmitFile can specify TF_REUSE_SOCKET, so that
+        after use the same socket handle can be passed to AcceptEx.  
+        Obviously only good where we don't have a persistent connection
+        to worry about.
+ ----
+ Note that all this is shot to bloody hell by HTTP-NG's multiplexing.
+ If fragment sizes are big enough, it could still be worthwhile to
+ do copy avoidence.  It also causes performance issues because of
+ its credit system that limits how much you can write in a single
+ chunk.
+ Don't tell me that if HTTP-NG becomes popular we will seen vendors 
+ embedding SMUX (or whatever multiplexing is used) in the kernel to
+ get around this stuff.  There we go, Apache with a loadable kernel
+ module.  
+ ----
+ Larry McVoy's document for SGI regarding sendfile/TransmitFile:
+ ftp://ftp.bitmover.com/pub/splice.ps.gz
+ From dgaudet@arctic.org Sun Jun 20 11:07:58 1999
+ Path: engelschall.com!mail2news!apache.org!new-httpd-owner-rse+apache=en.muc.de
+ From: dgaudet@arctic.org (Dean Gaudet)
+ Newsgroups: en.lists.apache-new-httpd
+ Subject: mpm update
+ Date: 19 Jun 1999 07:17:00 +0200
+ Organization: Mail2News at engelschall.com
+ Lines: 104
+ Approved: postmaster@m2ndom
+ Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96dg4.990618172933.27639Y-100000@twinlark.arctic.org>
+ Reply-To: new-httpd@apache.org
+ NNTP-Posting-Host: en1.engelschall.com
+ X-Trace: en1.engelschall.com 929769420 64417 (19 Jun 1999 05:17:00 GMT)
+ X-Complaints-To: postmaster@engelschall.com
+ NNTP-Posting-Date: 19 Jun 1999 05:17:00 GMT
+ X-Mail2News-Gateway: mail2news.engelschall.com
+ Xref: engelschall.com en.lists.apache-new-httpd:31056
+ I imported mpm-3 into the apache-2.0 repository (tag mpm-3 if you want
+ it).
+ Then I threw in a bunch of my recent email ramblings, because I'm getting
+ tired of repeating them, mostly off-list to folks who ask "why doesn't
+ apache do XYZ?"  I intend to be more proactive in this area, because it
+ can only help. 
+ Then I ripped up BUFF and broke lots of stuff and put in a first crack at
+ layering.  Info on that below.
+ If you check out the tree, and build it (using Configuration.mpm) you
+ should be able to serve up the top page of the manual, that's all I've
+ tested so far ;) 
+ Dean
+ goals? we need an i/o abstraction which has these properties:
+ - buffered and non-buffered modes
+     The buffered mode should look like FILE *.
+     The non-buffered mode should look more like read(2)/write(2).
+ - blocking and non-blocking modes
+     The blocking mode is the "easy" mode -- it's what most module writers
+     will see.  The non-blocking mode is the "hard" mode, this is where
+     module writers wanting to squeeze out some speed will have to play.
+     In order to build async/sync hybrid models we need the
+     non-blocking i/o abstraction.
+ - timed reads and writes (for blocking cases)
+     This is part of my jihad against asynchronous notification.
+ - i/o filtering or layering
+     Yet another Holy Grail of computing.  But I digress.  These are
+     hard when you take into consideration non-blocking i/o -- you have
+     to keep lots of state.  I expect our core filters will all support
+     non-blocking i/o, well at least the ones I need to make sure we kick
+     ass on benchmarks.  A filter can deny a switch to non-blocking mode,
+     the server will have to recover gracefully (ha).
+ - copy-avoidance
+     Hey what about zero copy a la IO-Lite?  After having experienced it
+     in a production setting I'm no longer convinced of its benefits.
+     There is an enormous amount of overhead keeping lists of buffers,
+     and reference counts, and cleanup functions, and such which requires
+     a lot of tuning to get right.  I think there may be something here,
+     but it's not a cakewalk.
+     What I do know is that the heuristics I put into apache-1.3 to choose
+     writev() at times are almost as good as what you can get from doing
+     full zero-copy in the cases we *currently* care about.  To put it
+     another way, let's wait another generation to deal with zero copy.
+     But sendfile/transmitfile/etc. those are still interesting.
+     So instead of listing "zero copy" as a property, I'll list
+     "copy-avoidance".
+ So far?
+ - ap_bungetc added
+ - ap_blookc changed to return the character, rather than take a char *buff
+ - in theory, errno is always useful on return from a BUFF routine
+ - ap_bhalfduplex, B_SAFEREAD will be re-implemented using a layer I think
+ - chunking gone for now, will return as a layer
+ - ebcdic gone for now... it should be a layer
+ - ap_iol.h defined, first crack at the layers...
+     Step back a second to think on it.  Much like we have fread(3)
+     and read(2), I've got a BUFF and an ap_iol abstraction.  An ap_iol
+     could use a BUFF if it requires some form of buffering, but many
+     won't require buffering... or can do a better job themselves.
+     Consider filters such as:
+        - ebcdic -> ascii
+        - encryption
+        - compression
+     These all share the property that no matter what, they're going to make
+     an extra copy of the data.  In some cases they can do it in place (read)
+     or into a fixed buffer... in most cases their buffering requirements
+     are different than what BUFF offers.
+     Consider a filter such as chunking.  This could actually use the writev
+     method to get its job done... depends on the chunks being used.  This
+     is where zero-copy would be really nice, but we can get by with a few
+     heuristics.
+     At any rate -- the NSPR folks didn't see any reason to included a
+     buffered i/o abstraction on top of their layered i/o abstraction... so
+     I feel like I'm not the only one who's thinking this way.
+ - iol_unix.c implemented... should hold us for a bit
+ From dgaudet@arctic.org Mon Jun 28 19:06:50 1999
+ Path: engelschall.com!mail2news!apache.org!new-httpd-owner-rse+apache=en.muc.de
+ From: dgaudet@arctic.org (Dean Gaudet)
+ Newsgroups: en.lists.apache-new-httpd
+ Subject: Re: async routines
+ Date: 28 Jun 1999 17:33:24 +0200
+ Organization: Mail2News at engelschall.com
+ Lines: 96
+ Approved: postmaster@m2ndom
+ Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96dg4.990628081527.31647G-100000@twinlark.arctic.org>
+ Reply-To: new-httpd@apache.org
+ NNTP-Posting-Host: en1.engelschall.com
+ X-Trace: en1.engelschall.com 930584004 99816 (28 Jun 1999 15:33:24 GMT)
+ X-Complaints-To: postmaster@engelschall.com
+ NNTP-Posting-Date: 28 Jun 1999 15:33:24 GMT
+ X-Mail2News-Gateway: mail2news.engelschall.com
+ Xref: engelschall.com en.lists.apache-new-httpd:31280
+ [hope you don't mind me cc'ing new-httpd zach, I think others will be
+ interested.]
+ On Mon, 28 Jun 1999, Zach Brown wrote:
+ > so dean, I was wading through the mpm code to see if I could munge the
+ > sigwait stuff into it.
+ > 
+ > as far as I could tell, the http protocol routines are still blocking.
+ > what does the future hold in the way for async routines? :)  I basically
+ > need a way to do something like..
+ You're still waiting for me to get the async stuff in there... I've done
+ part of the work -- the BUFF layer now supports non-blocking sockets. 
+ However, the HTTP code will always remain blocking.  There's no way I'm
+ going to try to educate the world in how to write async code... and since
+ our HTTP code has arbitrary call outs to third party modules... It'd
+ have a drastic effect on everyone to make this change.
+ But I honestly don't think this is a problem.  Here's my observations:
+ All the popular HTTP clients send their requests in one packet (or two
+ in the case of a POST and netscape).  So the HTTP code would almost
+ never have to block while processing the request.  It may block while
+ processing a POST -- something which someone else can worry about later,
+ my code won't be any worse than what we already have in apache.  So
+ any effort we put into making the HTTP parsing code async-safe would
+ be wasted on the 99.9% case.
+ Most responses fit in the socket's send buffer, and again don't require
+ async support.  But we currently do the lingering_close() routine which
+ could easily use async support.  Large responses also could use async
+ support.
+ The goal of HTTP parsing is to figure out which response object to
+ send.  In most cases we can reduce that to a bunch of common response
+ types:
+ - copying a file to the socket
+ - copying a pipe/socket to the socket  (IPC, CGIs)
+ - copying a mem region to the socket (mmap, some dynamic responses)
+ So what we do is we modify the response handlers only.  We teach them
+ about how to send async responses.
+ There will be a few new primitives which will tell the core "the response
+ fits one of these categories, please handle it".  The core will do the
+ rest -- and for MPMs which support async handling, the core will return
+ to the MPM and let the MPM do the work async...  the MPM will call a
+ completion function supplied by the core.  (Note that this will simplify
+ things for lots of folks... for example, it'll let us move range request
+ handling to a common spot so that more than just default_handler
+ can support it.)
+ I expect this to be a simple message passing protocol (pass by reference).
+ Well rather, that's how I expect to implement it in ASH -- where I'll
+ have a single thread per-process doing the select/poll stuff; and the
+ other threads are in a pool that handles the protocol stuff.  For your
+ stuff you may want to do it another way -- but we'll be using a common
+ structure that the core knows about... and that structure will look like
+ a message:
+     struct msg {
+        enum {
+            MSG_SEND_FILE,
+            MSG_SEND_PIPE,
+            MSG_SEND_MEM,
+            MSG_WAIT_FOR_READ,  /* for handling keep-alives */
+            ...
+        } type;
+        BUFF *client;
+        void (*completion)(struct msg *, int status);
+        union {
+            ... extra data here for whichver types need it ...;
+        } x;
+     };
+ The nice thing about this is that these operations are protocol
+ independant... at this level there's no knowledge of HTTP, so the same
+ MPM core could be used to implement other protocols.
+ > so as I was thinking about this stuff, I realized it might be neat to have
+ > 'classes' of non blocking pending work and have different threads with
+ > differnt priorities hacking on it.  Say we have a very high priority
+ > thread that accepts connectoins, does initial header parsing, and
+ > sendfile()ing data out.  We could have lower priority threads that are
+ > spinning doing 'harder' BUFF work like an encryption layer or gziping
+ > content, whatever.
+ You should be able to implement this in your MPM easily I think... because
+ you'll see the different message types and can distribute them as needed.
+ Dean

ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/att-sfio.txt -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Wed Feb 19 00:10:39 2025
--- -    Wed Feb 19 00:10:40 2025
*** 0 ****
--- 1,2442 ----
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        ssffiioo - safe/fast string/file input/output
+        #include   <sfio.h>
+        Void_t;
+        Sfoff_t;
+        Sflong_t;
+        Sfulong_t;
+        Sfdouble_t;
+        Sfio_t;
+        Sfdisc_t;
+        ssize_t    (*Sfread_f)(Sfio_t*, Void_t*, size_t, Sfdisc_t*);
+        ssize_t    (*Sfwrite_f)(Sfio_t*, const Void_t*, size_t, Sfdisc_t*);
+        Sfoff_t    (*Sfseek_f)(Sfio_t*, Sfoff_t, int, Sfdisc_t*);
+        int        (*Sfexcept_f)(Sfio_t*, int, Void_t*, Sfdisc_t*);
+        Sffmt_t;
+        int        (*Sffmtext_f)(Sfio_t*, Void_t*, Sffmt_t*);
+        int        (*Sffmtevent_f)(Sfio_t*, int, Void_t*, Sffmt_t*);
+        SF_STRING
+        SF_READ
+        SF_WRITE
+        SF_APPEND
+        SF_LINE
+        SF_SHARE
+        SF_PUBLIC
+        SF_MALLOC
+        SF_STATIC
+        SF_IOCHECK
+        SF_BUFCONST
+        SF_WHOLE
+        Sfio_t*    sfnew(Sfio_t* f, Void_t* buf, size_t size, int fd, int flags);
+        Sfio_t*    sfopen(Sfio_t* f, const char* string, const char* mode);
+        Sfio_t*    sfpopen(Sfio_t* f, const char* cmd, const char* mode);
+        Sfio_t*    sftmp(size_t size);
+        int        sfclose(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sfgetc(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sfputc(Sfio_t* f, int c);
+        int        sfnputc(Sfio_t* f, int c, int n);
+        int        sfungetc(Sfio_t* f, int c);
+                           05 August 1999                        1
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        Sfulong_t  sfgetu(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sfputu(Sfio_t* f, Sfulong_t v);
+        Sflong_t   sfgetl(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sfputl(Sfio_t* f, Sflong_t v);
+        Sfdouble_t sfgetd(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sfputd(Sfio_t* f, Sfdouble_t v);
+        char*      sfgetr(Sfio_t* f, int rsc, int type);
+        ssize_t    sfputr(Sfio_t* f, const char* s, int rsc);
+        Sfoff_t    sfmove(Sfio_t* fr, Sfio_t* fw, Sfoff_t n, int rsc);
+        ssize_t    sfread(Sfio_t* f, Void_t* buf, size_t n);
+        ssize_t    sfwrite(Sfio_t* f, const Void_t* buf, size_t n);
+        Sfoff_t    sfseek(Sfio_t* f, Sfoff_t offset, int type);
+        Void_t*    sfreserve(Sfio_t* f, ssize_t n, int lock);
+        int        sfscanf(Sfio_t* f, const char* format, ...);
+        int        sfsscanf(const char* s, const char* format, ...);
+        int        sfvsscanf(const char* s, const char* format, va_list args);
+        int        sfvscanf(Sfio_t* f, const char* format, va_list args);
+        int        sfprintf(Sfio_t* f, const char* format, ...);
+        char*      sfprints(const char* format, ...);
+        int        sfsprintf(char* s, int n, const char* format, ...);
+        int        sfvsprintf(char* s, int n, const char* format, va_list args);
+        int        sfvprintf(Sfio_t* f, const char* format, va_list args);
+        Sffmt_t;
+        int        (*Sffmtext_f)(Sfio_t* f, Void_t* v, Sffmt_t* fe);
+        int        (*Sffmtevent_f)(Sfio_t* f, int type, Void_t* v, Sffmt_t* fe);
+        void       va_copy(va_list to, va_list fr);
+        long       sffmtversion(Sffmt_t* fe, type);
+        Void_t*    sfsetbuf(Sfio_t* f, Void_t* buf, size_t size);
+        int        sfsync(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sfpoll(Sfio_t** flist, int n, int timeout);
+        Sfio_t*    sfpool(Sfio_t* f, Sfio_t* poolf, int mode);
+        int        sfpurge(Sfio_t* f);
+        Sfdisc_t*  sfdisc(Sfio_t* f, Sfdisc_t* disc);
+        int        sfraise(Sfio_t* f, int type, Void_t* data);
+        ssize_t    sfrd(Sfio_t* f, Void_t* buf, size_t n, Sfdisc_t* disc);
+        ssize_t    sfwr(Sfio_t* f, const Void_t* buf, size_t n, Sfdisc_t* disc);
+        Sfoff_t    sfsk(Sfio_t* f, Sfoff_t offset, int type, Sfdisc_t* disc);
+        int        sfset(Sfio_t* f, int flags, int i);
+        int        sfsetfd(Sfio_t* f, int fd);
+        Sfio_t*    sfstack(Sfio_t* base, Sfio_t* top);
+        Sfio_t*    sfswap(Sfio_t* f1, Sfio_t* f2);
+                           05 August 1999                        2
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        Sfoff_t    sfsize(Sfio_t* f);
+        Sfoff_t    sftell(Sfio_t* f);
+        ssize_t    sfvalue(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sffileno(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sfstacked(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sfeof(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sferror(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sfclrerr(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sfclrlock(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sfnotify(void (*notify)(Sfio_t* f, int type, int fd));
+        ssize_t    sfslen();
+        int        sfulen(Sfulong_t v);
+        int        sfllen(Sflong_t v);
+        int        sfdlen(Sfdouble_t v);
+        ssize_t    sfpkrd(int fd, Void_t* buf, size_t n,
+                          int rsc, long tm, int peek);
+        #include   <sfio_t.h>
+        #define    SFNEW(buf,size,file,flags,disc)
+        int        sfdcdio(Sfio_t* f, size_t bufsize);
+        int        sfdcdos(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sfdcfilter(Sfio_t* f, const char* cmd);
+        int        sfdclzw(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sfdcseekable(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sfdcslow(Sfio_t* f);
+        int        sfdcsubstream(Sfio_t* f, Sfio_t* parent,
+                                 Sfoff_t offset, Sfoff_t extent);
+        int        sfdctee(Sfio_t* f, Sfio_t* tee);
+        int        sfdcunion(Sfio_t* f, Sfio_t** array, int n);
+        #include   <stdio.h>
+        cc ... -lstdio -lsfio
+        Sfio  is  a  library  of  I/O functions to manage buffered
+        streams.  Each Sfio stream is a _f_i_l_e _s_t_r_e_a_m,  representing
+        a  file  (see open(2)), or a _s_t_r_i_n_g _s_t_r_e_a_m, representing a
+        memory  segment.   Beyond  the  usual  I/O  operations  on
+        streams,  Sfio  provides I/O disciplines for extended data
+        processing, stream stacks for recursive stream processing,
+        and  stream pools for automatic data synchronization.  The
+        sfprintf()/sfscanf()  functions  allow   applications   to
+        define  their  own formatting patterns as well as to rede-
+        fine existing patterns.
+                           05 August 1999                        3
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        A  discipline  defines  analogues  of  the  system   calls
+        read(2),  write(2)  and  lseek(2).   Such  system calls or
+        their discipline replacements are used to  process  stream
+        data.  Henceforth, ``_s_y_s_t_e_m _c_a_l_l'' will mean a system call
+        or its discipline replacement.
+        A system call is said to cause an exception if its  return
+        value  is  non-positive.   Unless  overridden by exception
+        handlers (see sfdisc()), an interrupted system call (errno
+        ==  EINTR on UNIX systems) will be automatically reinvoked
+        to continue the ongoing operation.
+        The buffer of a stream is typically a memory segment allo-
+        cated  via malloc(3) or supplied by the application.  File
+        streams may also use memory mapping (mmap(2)) if  that  is
+        more efficient.  When memory mapping is used, the underly-
+        ing file should not  be  truncated  while  the  stream  is
+        active.   Memory  mapping  can  be turned off using sfset-
+        buf().
+        There are three _s_t_a_n_d_a_r_d _s_t_r_e_a_m_s: sfstdin for input  (file
+        descriptor  0 on UNIX systems), sfstdout for normal output
+        (file descriptor 1), and sfstderr for error  output  (file
+        descriptor 2).
+      VVooiidd__tt**
+        This  defines  a type suitable to exchange data of unknown
+        types between application and Sfio.   Void_t  is  a  macro
+        defined as void for ANSI-C and C++ and char for other com-
+        pilation environments.
+      SSffooffff__tt
+        This defines an integral  type  suitable  to  address  the
+        largest possible file extent.
+      SSffuulloonngg__tt,, SSfflloonngg__tt,, SSffddoouubbllee__tt
+        These  are  respectively  the  largest  unsigned  integer,
+        signed integer, and floating  point  value  types  on  the
+        local platform.
+      SSffiioo__tt
+        This defines the stream type.
+      SSffddiisscc__tt
+      ssssiizzee__tt ((**SSffrreeaadd__ff))((SSffiioo__tt**,, VVooiidd__tt**,, ssiizzee__tt,, SSffddiisscc__tt**))
+                           05 August 1999                        4
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        ssssiizzee__tt   ((**SSffwwrriittee__ff))((SSffiioo__tt**,,   ccoonnsstt  VVooiidd__tt**,,  ssiizzee__tt,,
+        SSffddiisscc__tt**))
+      SSffooffff__tt ((**SSffsseeeekk__ff))((SSffiioo__tt**,, SSffooffff__tt,, iinntt,, SSffddiisscc__tt**))
+      iinntt ((**SSffeexxcceepptt__ff))((SSffiioo__tt**,, iinntt,, VVooiidd__tt**,, SSffddiisscc__tt**))
+        Sfdisc_t defines a stream discipline structure.  Sfread_f,
+        Sfwrite_f  and  Sfseek_f are the types of discipline func-
+        tions to replace the system calls: read(2),  write(2)  and
+        lseek(2).   Sfexcept_f  is  the  type of an event-handling
+        function.  See sfdisc() for more details.
+      SSffffmmtt__tt
+      iinntt ((**SSffffmmtteexxtt__ff))((SSffiioo__tt**,, VVooiidd__tt**,, SSffffmmtt__tt**))
+      iinntt ((**SSffffmmtteevveenntt__ff))((SSffiioo__tt**,, iinntt,, VVooiidd__tt**,, SSffffmmtt__tt**))
+        Sffmt_t defines a formatting environment that can be  used
+        to  extend  scanning  and formatting in the sfprint()/sfs-
+        canf() functions. Sffmtext_f and Sffmtevent_f  define  the
+        types  of  extension  functions definable in Sffmt_t.  See
+        Sffmt_t below for more details.
+        This is a macro value of type long int  that  defines  the
+        current   version   number   of  Sfio.  For  example,  the
+        Sfio1998's version number is 19980501L (which  also  indi-
+        cates its release date).
+        A number of bit flags control stream operations.  They are
+        set either at stream initialization or by calling sfset().
+        Following are the flags:
+        SF_STRING:
+               The stream is memory-based.
+               Flags SF_READ and SF_WRITE indicate readability and
+               writability.   Flag  SF_APPEND  asserts  that   the
+               stream is a file opened in append mode (see open(2)
+               and fcntl(2)) so that data is always output at  the
+               end of file.  On systems without direct support for
+               append mode, Sfio uses lseek(2) or  its  discipline
+               replacement to approximate this behavior.
+        SF_LINE:
+               The   stream  is  line-oriented.   For  a  SF_WRITE
+               stream, this means that buffered  data  is  flushed
+               whenever  a new-line character, \n, is output.  For
+               a SF_READ stream, SF_LINE is only significant  dur-
+               ing  calls  to  functions  in the sfscanf() family.
+               SF_LINE is set on initialization of any stream rep-
+               resenting a terminal device.
+                           05 August 1999                        5
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+               Flag   SF_SHARE  means  that  the  underlying  file
+               descriptor is shared by independent  entities  (for
+               example, multiple processes).
+               For a seekable file stream, SF_SHARE means that the
+               logical stream and the physical file positions will
+               be  made  the  same before a system call to perform
+               physical I/O.  There are  different  possibilities.
+               If SF_PUBLIC is not set, the physical file position
+               is made equal to the logical stream  position.   If
+               SF_PUBLIC  is  set,  there  are  two cases.  If the
+               physical file position has changed  from  its  last
+               known position, the logical stream position is made
+               equal to the new physical file position.   Finally,
+               if  the  physical file location remains the same as
+               its last known position, the physical file position
+               is made the same as the logical stream position.
+               For  an  unseekable stream (e.g., pipes or terminal
+               devices), if  possible,  SF_SHARE  means  that  the
+               block   and   record   I/O   operations  (sfread(),
+               sfwrite(),  sfmove(),  sfgetr(),  sfputr(),   sfre-
+               serve(),  sfscanf()  and  sfvprintf()) will ensure:
+               (1) after each writing  operation,  the  stream  is
+               synchronized  and  (2)  each reading operation only
+               reads the requested amount.   Note,  however,  that
+               (2) is not always possible without proper OS facil-
+               ities such as recv(2) or streamio(4).
+               A standard stream that is seekable will be initial-
+               ized with SF_SHARE|SF_PUBLIC.
+        SF_MALLOC:
+               The  stream  buffer  was obtained via malloc(3) and
+               can be reallocated or freed.
+        SF_STATIC:
+               The stream  structure  should  not  be  freed  when
+               closed (sfclose()).  This flag is used by an appli-
+               cations that allocate their own stream  structures.
+               Such applications must use the header file sfio_t.h
+               instead of sfio.h.
+        SF_IOCHECK:
+               If the stream has a discipline  exception  handler,
+               exceptions will be raised in sfsync(), sfpurge() or
+               before a  system  call  read(2)  or  write(2)  (see
+               sfdisc()).
+        SF_BUFCONST:
+               The  application  guarantees  that  a stream buffer
+               obtained via sfreserve() or sfgetr()  will  not  be
+               modified.    This   allows   Sfio  to  tune  buffer
+                           05 August 1999                        6
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+               management and memory maps.  For example, a memory-
+               mapped  stream  will  map  with  MAP_SHARED  on and
+               PROT_WRITE off so that the file itself will  likely
+               be the backing store for mapped pages.
+        SF_WHOLE:
+               This  flag guarantees that data written in any sin-
+               gle sfwrite() or sfputr() call will always be  out-
+               put  as a whole to the output device.  This is use-
+               ful  in  certain  applications  (e.g.,  networking)
+               where a complex object must be output without being
+               split in different system  calls.   Note  that  the
+               respective  stream still buffers data as the buffer
+               can accomodate.
+      SSffiioo__tt** ssffnneeww((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, VVooiidd__tt** bbuuff,, ssiizzee__tt ssiizzee,,  iinntt  ffdd,,
+        iinntt ffllaaggss))
+        This  function creates or renews a stream.  It returns the
+        new stream on success and NULL on error.
+        f:     If f is NULL, a new stream is created.   Otherwise,
+               f  is reused.  In this case, if flags does not have
+               SF_EOF, f shall  be  closed  via  sfclose()  before
+               being  reused.   During  a  stream renewal, buffer,
+               pool and  discipline  stack  are  preserved.   Note
+               that,  except  for  SF_STATIC  streams,  renewing a
+               stream already  closed  will  result  in  undefined
+               behavior.
+        buf, size:
+               These determine a buffering scheme.  See sfsetbuf()
+               for more details.
+        fd:    If  SF_STRING  is  specified  in  flags,  this   is
+               ignored.  Otherwise, fd is a file descriptor (e.g.,
+               from open(2)) to use for raw data I/O.   Note  that
+               Sfio  supports  unseekable  file descriptors opened
+               for both read and write, e.g., sockets.
+        flags: This is composed from SF_EOF and bit values defined
+               in the BBIITT FFLLAAGGSS section.
+       SSffiioo__tt**  ssffooppeenn((SSffiioo__tt**  ff,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr** ssttrriinngg,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr**
+        mmooddee))
+        If string is NULL and f is a file stream that has not per-
+        formed  any  I/O operation, sfopen() will change the modes
+        of f according to mode.  In this case, sfopen() returns  f
+        on success and NULL on error.  This somewhat unusual usage
+        of sfopen() is good for changing the predefined  modes  of
+        standard streams.
+                           05 August 1999                        7
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        sfopen()  is normally used to create a new stream or renew
+        a stream.  In this case, it returns the new stream on suc-
+        cess  and  NULL  on  error.  Below are the meanings of the
+        arguments:
+        f:     This is treated as in sfnew().
+        string:
+               This is a file name or a string to perform I/O  on.
+        mode:  This  is composed from the set of letters {s, r, w,
+               +, a, x, b, t}.
+               s specifies opening a string stream.  string can be
+               a  null-terminated  string  or  NULL.  Specifying s
+               alone is equivalent to specifying sr.  If s is  not
+               specified, string defines a file name.
+               r  and  w specify read and write modes.  Write mode
+               creates and/or truncates the given file to make  an
+               empty  file.   The  +  modifier  indicates that the
+               stream is opened for both read and write.
+               a specifies append mode, i.e., data is always  out-
+               put at end of file.
+               x specifies exclusive mode, i.e., a file opened for
+               writing should not already exist.
+               b and t specify binary and text modes.
+      SSffiioo__tt** ssffppooppeenn((SSffiioo__tt** ff,,  ccoonnsstt  cchhaarr**  ccmmdd,,  ccoonnsstt  cchhaarr**
+        mmooddee))
+        This  function  opens  a  stream  that  corresponds to the
+        coprocess cmd.  The argument mode should be composed  from
+        r,  w, and +.  The argument f, if not NULL, is a stream to
+        be renewed  (see  sfnew()).   sfpopen()  returns  the  new
+        stream or NULL on error.
+        The  standard  input/output  of  cmd  is  connected to the
+        application via a pipe if the stream is opened  for  writ-
+        ing/reading.  If the stream is opened for both reading and
+        writing, there  will  be  two  different  associated  file
+        descriptors,  one for each type of I/O (note the effect on
+        sffileno()).
+        On opening a coprocess for writing (i.e., mode contains  w
+        or +), the signal handler for SIGPIPE in the parent appli-
+        cation will be set to SIG_IGN if it  is  SIG_DFL  at  that
+        time.   This  protects  the  parent application from being
+        accidentally killed on any attempt to write to a coprocess
+        that  closes  its  reading end.  Applications that need to
+        detect  such  write  errors  should  use  disciplines  and
+                           05 August 1999                        8
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        exception handlers (see sfdisc()).
+        The  command  cmd  is  executed by an _i_n_t_e_r_p_r_e_t_e_r which is
+        either /bin/sh or an executable  command  defined  by  the
+        environment  variable  SHELL.   In either case, the inter-
+        preter is invoked with 2 arguments,  respectively  -c  and
+        the  given command cmd. When the interpreter is /bin/sh or
+        /bin/ksh, sfpopen() may execute the command cmd itself  if
+        there are no shell meta-characters in cmd.
+      SSffiioo__tt** ssffttmmpp((ssiizzee__tt ssiizzee))
+        This  function  creates  a  stream for temporary data.  It
+        returns the new stream or NULL on error.
+        A stream created by sftmp() can be completely or partially
+        memory-resident.   If  size is SF_UNBOUND, the stream is a
+        pure string stream.  If size is zero, the stream is a pure
+        file  stream.  Otherwise, the stream is first created as a
+        string stream but when its buffer grows larger  than  size
+        or  on any attempt to change disciplines, a temporary file
+        is  created.   Two  environment  variables,  TMPPATH   and
+        TMPDIR,  direct  where  temporary files are created.  TMP-
+        PATH, if  defined,  specifies  a  colon-separated  set  of
+        directories  to be used in a round-robin fashion to create
+        files.  If TMPPATH is undefined, TMPDIR  can  be  used  to
+        specify a single directory to create files.  If neither of
+        TMPPATH and TMPDIR are defined, /tmp is used.
+      iinntt ssffcclloossee((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+        This function closes the stream f and frees its resources.
+        SF_STATIC should be used if the stream space is to be pre-
+        served.  If f is the base of  a  stream  stack  (see  sfs-
+        tack()),  all  streams on the stack are closed.  If f is a
+        sfpopen-stream, sfclose() waits until the associated  com-
+        mand  terminates  and  returns its exit status.  sfclose()
+        returns -1 for failure and 0 for success.
+        SF_READ|SF_SHARE and  SF_WRITE  streams  are  synchronized
+        before  closing  (see  sfsync()).   If  f has disciplines,
+        their exception handlers will be called twice.  The  first
+        exception  handler  call  has  the type argument as one of
+        SF_CLOSE or SF_NEW (see sfdisc().)  The latter, SF_NEW  is
+        used  when a stream is being closed via sfnew() so that it
+        can be renewed.  The second call uses type as SF_FINAL and
+        is  done  after  all closing operations have succeeded but
+        before the stream itself is deallocated.  In either  case,
+        if   the  exception  handler  returns  a  negative  value,
+        sfclose() will immediately  return  this  value.   If  the
+        exception handler returns a positive value, sfclose() will
+        immediately return a zero value.
+                           05 August 1999                        9
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+      iinntt ssffggeettcc((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+      iinntt ssffppuuttcc((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, iinntt cc))
+        These functions  read/write  a  byte   from/to  stream  f.
+        sfgetc()  returns  the byte read or -1 on error.  sfputc()
+        returns c on success and -1 on error.
+      ssssiizzee__tt ssffnnppuuttcc((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, iinntt cc,, ssiizzee__tt nn))
+        This function attempts to write the byte c to f  n  times.
+        It  returns  the number of bytes actually written or -1 on
+        failure.
+      iinntt ssffuunnggeettcc((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, iinntt cc))
+        This function pushes the byte c back into f.  If c matches
+        the  byte  immediately  before  the  current  position  in
+        buffered data, the current position is  simply  backed  up
+        (note  the  effect  on sftell() and sfseek()). There is no
+        theoretical limit on the  number  of  bytes  that  can  be
+        pushed  back  into a stream. Pushed back bytes not part of
+        buffered data will be  discarded  on  any  operation  that
+        implies  buffer  synchronization.  sfungetc() returns c on
+        success and -1 on failure.
+      SSffuulloonngg__tt ssffggeettuu((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+      iinntt ssffppuuttuu((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, SSffuulloonngg__tt vv))
+        These functions read and write Sfulong_t values in a  com-
+        pact  variable-length portable format.  Portability across
+        a write architecture and a read architecture requires that
+        the  bit order in a byte is the same on both architectures
+        and the written value is storable in an Sfulong_t  on  the
+        read  architecture.  sfgetu() returns the value read or -1
+        on error.  sfputu() returns the number of bytes written or
+        -1 on error.  See also sfulen().
+      SSfflloonngg__tt ssffggeettll((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+      iinntt ssffppuuttll((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, SSfflloonngg__tt vv))
+        These  functions  are similar to sfgetu() and sfputu() but
+        for reading and writing  (signed)  Sflong_t  values.   See
+        also sfllen().
+      SSffddoouubbllee__tt ssffggeettdd((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+      iinntt ssffppuuttdd((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, SSffddoouubbllee__tt vv))
+        These functions read and write Sfdouble_t values.  In this
+        case, portability depends on the input and  output  archi-
+        tectures  having the same floating point value representa-
+        tion.  Values are coded and  decoded  using  ldexp(3)  and
+        frexp(3) so they are constrained to the sizes supported by
+        these functions.  See also sfdlen().
+                           05 August 1999                       10
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+      cchhaarr** ssffggeettrr((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, iinntt rrsscc,, iinntt ttyyppee))
+        This function reads a record of data ending in the  record
+        separator  rsc.  After sfgetr() returns, the length of the
+        record even if it is  incomplete  can  be  retrieved  with
+        sfvalue().   sfgetr()  returns  the  record on success and
+        NULL on error.
+        The type argument is composed of some subset of the  below
+        bit flags:
+        SF_STRING:
+               A  null  byte  will replace the record separator to
+               make the record into a C  string.   Otherwise,  the
+               record separator is left alone.
+        SF_LOCKR:
+               Upon  successfully obtaining a record r, the stream
+               will be locked from  further  access  until  it  is
+               released with a call sfread(f,r,0).
+        SF_LASTR:
+               This should be used only after a failed sfgetr() to
+               retrieve the last incomplete record. In this  case,
+               rsc is ignored.
+      ssssiizzee__tt ssffppuuttrr((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr** ss,, iinntt rrsscc))
+        This  function  writes  the null-terminated string s to f.
+        If rsc is non-negative, (unsigned char)rsc is output after
+        the  string.  sfputr() returns the number of bytes written
+        or -1 on failure.
+      SSffooffff__tt ssffmmoovvee((SSffiioo__tt** ffrr,, SSffiioo__tt** ffww,, SSffooffff__tt nn,, iinntt rrsscc))
+        This function moves objects from input stream fr to output
+        stream  fw.   sfmove() returns the number of objects moved
+        or -1 on failure.
+        An object is either a byte or a  record.   The  latter  is
+        indicated by a non-negative value for the record separator
+        character rsc.  If n is negative, all of fr will be moved.
+        Otherwise,  n indicates the number of objects to move.  If
+        either fr or fw is NULL, it acts as if it is a stream cor-
+        responding  to /dev/null, the UNIX device that has no read
+        data and throws away any write  data.   For  example,  the
+        call sfmove(f,(Sfio_t*)0,(Sfoff_t)(-1),'\n') simply counts
+        the number of lines in stream f.
+      ssssiizzee__tt ssffrreeaadd((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, VVooiidd__tt** bbuuff,, ssiizzee__tt nn))
+        This function reads up to n bytes from f into buffer  buf.
+        It  returns  the  number  of  bytes actually read or -1 on
+        error.
+                           05 August 1999                       11
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+      ssssiizzee__tt ssffwwrriittee((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, ccoonnsstt VVooiidd__tt** bbuuff,, ssiizzee__tt nn))
+        This function writes n bytes from  buf  to  f.   If  f  is
+        SF_STRING, and the buffer is not large enough, an SF_WRITE
+        exception shall be raised.  sfwrite() returns  the  number
+        of bytes written or -1 on failure.
+      SSffooffff__tt ssffsseeeekk((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, SSffooffff__tt ooffffsseett,, iinntt ttyyppee))
+        This  function  sets a new I/O position for f.  It returns
+        the new position or -1 on failure.
+        If the stream is a SF_STRING stream and the new address is
+        beyond  the  current  buffer  extent, an SF_SEEK exception
+        will be raised (see sfdisc()).
+        The new position is determined based on  offset  and  type
+        which is composed from the bit flags:
+        0 or SEEK_SET:
+               offset is the desired position.
+        1 or SEEK_CUR:
+               offset  is  relative  to  the current position (see
+               SF_PUBLIC below).
+        2 or SEEK_END:
+               offset is relative to the physical end of file.
+        SF_SHARE:
+               The stream is treated as if it has the control  bit
+               SF_SHARE  on.  This implies that a system call seek
+               will be done to ensure that the location seeking to
+               is valid.
+        SF_PUBLIC:
+               The  stream is treated as if it has the control bit
+               SF_PUBLIC on.  If the physical  file  position  has
+               changed  from  its last known location, the current
+               position is taken as  the  new  physical  position.
+               Otherwise,  the  current  position  is  the logical
+               stream position.
+      VVooiidd__tt** ssffrreesseerrvvee((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, ssssiizzee__tt nn,, iinntt lloocckk))
+        This function reserves a data block from f.  For a SF_READ
+        stream,  a  data  block  is  a  segment  of data and for a
+        SF_WRITE stream, it is a buffer suitable for writing.  For
+        consistency, a stream opened with SF_READ|SF_WRITE will be
+        treated as if it is a SF_READ stream (see sfset() for set-
+        ting a particular mode.)  sfreserve() returns the obtained
+        data block on success and NULL on failure.
+        After a sfreserve() call,  whether  or  not  it  succeeds,
+        sfvalue() can be used to obtain the size of the (may-have-
+                           05 August 1999                       12
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        been) available data block.
+        n != 0:
+               f will be filled or flushed as  necessary  to  make
+               available  a  data block of size at least the abso-
+               lute value of n.  If this is successful and lock is
+               non-positive,  the I/O position will advance by the
+               size of the available data block when n is negative
+               or  by  exactly n when n is positive.  For example,
+               sfreserve(f,-1,0)  returns  a  positive  size  data
+               block  and  advances  the I/O position by its size.
+               On the other hand, sfreserve(f,1,0) returns a posi-
+               tive  size data block and advances the I/O position
+               by exactly 1.
+        n == 0:
+               If lock is zero, f will be  filled  or  flushed  as
+               necessary to ensure that a positive-size data block
+               is available.  If lock  is  non-zero,  no  fill  or
+               flush  will  be performed.  In addition, if lock is
+               positive, f will be  locked  from  further  access.
+               Therefore,  an  application  can  lock f with sfre-
+               serve(f,0,1).
+        lock:  When lock is positive, there are restrictions.   If
+               f  is  SF_READ  and  not  using memory-mapping (see
+               sfsetbuf()), reservation must be limited to  stream
+               buffer  size.  If f is SF_READ|SF_SHARE and unseek-
+               able, sfreserve() will peek at incoming data  using
+               either   recv(2)  or  streamio(4)  without  reading
+               ahead.  In this case, if peeking is  not  supported
+               by  the underlying platform, sfreserve() will fail.
+               Note that SF_SHARE is automatically on for  sfstdin
+               so programs (e.g., //bbiinn//ssoorrtt) that will consume all
+               of input anyway should turn this bit off to  reduce
+               the number of system calls.
+               If  a  reservation  successfully  results in a data
+               block data, and lock is positive,  the  stream  I/O
+               position  does  not  advance  and  f will be locked
+               until  unlocked  with  sfread/sfwrite(f,data,size).
+               sfread()  should  be  used  on read-only stream and
+               sfwrite() should be used on write-only  stream.   A
+               stream in both read and write modes can release the
+               lock with either call (with associated  operational
+               semantics!)
+        Data printing and scanning are done via the sfprintf() and
+        sfscanf() family of functions.  These functions are  simi-
+        lar  to  their ANSI-C fprintf() and fscanf() counterparts.
+        However, the Sfio versions have  been  extended  for  both
+                           05 August 1999                       13
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        portability  and generality.  In particular, a notion of a
+        formatting environment stack is introduced.  Each  format-
+        ting  element  on  the stack defines a separate _f_o_r_m_a_t_t_i_n_g
+        _p_a_i_r of a format specification string, char*  format  (the
+        usual second argument in the formatting functions), and an
+        argument list, va_list args (the third argument  in  func-
+        tions  sfvprintf() and sfvscanf()).  A formatting environ-
+        ment element  may  also  specify  extension  functions  to
+        obtain  or  assign  arguments and to provide new semantics
+        for  pattern  processing.   To  simplify  the  description
+        below,  whenever  we  talk  about an argument list, unless
+        noted otherwise, it is understood that this  means  either
+        the true argument list when there is no extension function
+        or the action to be taken by such a function in processing
+        arguments.  The manipulation of the formatting environment
+        stack is done via the pattern ! discussed below.
+    %%!! aanndd SSffffmmtt__tt
+        The pattern  %!  manipulates  the  formatting  environment
+        stack  to (1) change the top environment to a new environ-
+        ment, (2) stack a new environment on top  of  the  current
+        top,  or  (3)  pop the top environment.  The bottom of the
+        environment stack always contains  a  virtual  environment
+        with  the  original formatting pair and without any exten-
+        sion functions.
+        The top environment of a stack, say fe,  is  automatically
+        popped whenever its format string is completely processed.
+        In this case, its  event-handling  function  (if  any)  is
+        called  as (*eventf)(f,SF_FINAL,NIL(Void_t*),fe).  The top
+        environment can also be popped by giving an argument  NULL
+        to  %!   or  by returning a negative value in an extension
+        function.  In these cases, the event-handling function  is
+        called  as  (*eventf)(f,SF_DPOP,form,fe) where form is the
+        remainder of the format string. A  negative  return  value
+        from the event handling function will prevent the environ-
+        ment from being popped.
+        A formatting environment is a structure  of  type  Sffmt_t
+        which contains the following elements:
+            Sffmtext_f   extf;   /* extension processor        */
+            Sffmtevent_f eventf; /* event handler              */
+            char*        form;   /* format string to stack     */
+            va_list      args;   /* corresponding arg list     */
+            int          fmt;    /* pattern being processed    */
+            ssize_t      size;   /* object size                */
+            int          flags;  /* formatting control flags   */
+            int          width;  /* width of field             */
+            int          precis; /* precision required         */
+            int          base;   /* conversion base            */
+                           05 August 1999                       14
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+            char*        t_str;  /* type string in parentheses */
+            int          n_str;  /* length of t_str            */
+        The  first four elements of Sffmt_t must be defined by the
+        application.   The  two  function  fields  should  not  be
+        changed  during processing.  Other elements of Sffmt_t are
+        set on calls to the extension function  Sffmt_t.extf  and,
+        in turn, can be modified by this function to redirect for-
+        matting or scanning.  For example, consider a call from  a
+        sfprintf()  function  to  process  an  unknown  pattern %t
+        (which we may take to mean ``time'') based on a formatting
+        environment  fe.   fe->extf  may reset fe->fmt to `d' upon
+        returing to cause sfprintf() to process  the  value  being
+        formatted as an integer.
+        Below are the fields of Sffmt_t:
+        extf:  extf  is  a function to extend scanning and format-
+               ting patterns.  Its usage is discussed below.
+        eventf:
+               This is a function to process events  as  discussed
+               earlier.
+        form and args:
+               This  is  the  formatting  pair  of a specification
+               string and corresponding argument  list.   When  an
+               environment fe is being inserted into the stack, if
+               fe->form is NULL, the top environment is changed to
+               fe  and its associated extension functions but pro-
+               cessing of the current formatting  pair  continues.
+               On the other hand, if fe->form is not NULL, the new
+               environment is pushed onto the stack so  that  pat-
+               tern  processing will start with the new formatting
+               pair as well as any associated extension functions.
+               During  processing,  whenever  extf is called, form
+               and args will be set to the current values  of  the
+               formatting pair in use.
+        fmt:   This is the pattern being processed.
+        size:  This is the size of the object being processed.
+        flags: This  is  a collection of bits defining the format-
+               ting flags specified for  the  pattern.   The  bits
+               are:
+               SFFMT_LEFT: Flag - in sfprintf().
+               SFFMT_SIGN: Flag + in sfprintf().
+               SFFMT_BLANK: Flag _s_p_a_c_e in sfprintf().
+               SFFMT_ZERO: Flag 0 in sfprintf().
+                           05 August 1999                       15
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+               SFFMT_THOUSAND: Flag ' in sfprintf().
+               SFFMT_LONG: Flag l in sfprintf() and sfscanf().
+               SFFMT_LLONG: Flag ll in sfprintf() and sfscanf().
+               SFFMT_SHORT: Flag h in sfprintf() and sfscanf().
+               SFFMT_LDOUBLE:  Flag L in sfprintf() and sfscanf().
+               SFFMT_IFLAG: flag I in sfprintf() and sfscanf().
+               SFFMT_ALTER: Flag # in sfprintf() and sfscanf().
+               SFFMT_SKIP: Flag * in sfscanf().
+               SFFMT_ARGPOS: This  indicates  argument  processing
+               for pos$.
+               SFFMT_VALUE:  This  is  set by fe->extf to indicate
+               that it is returning a value to be formatted or the
+               address of an object to be assigned.
+        width: This is the field width.
+        precis:
+               This is the precision.
+        base:  This is the conversion base.
+        t_str and n_str:
+               This is the type string and its size.
+      iinntt ((**SSffffmmtteexxtt__ff))((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, VVooiidd__tt** vv,, SSffffmmtt__tt** ffee))
+        This  is  the  type  of the extension function fe->extf to
+        process patterns and arguments.  Arguments are always pro-
+        cessed  in  order  and fe->extf is called exactly once per
+        argument.  Note that, when pos$ (below) is not  used  any-
+        where  in  a  format string, each argument is used exactly
+        once per a corresponding pattern.  In that case,  fe->extf
+        is  called as soon as the pattern is recognized and before
+        any scanning or formatting.  On the other hand, when  pos$
+        is used in a format string, an argument may be used multi-
+        ple times.  In this case, all arguments shall be processed
+        in  order  by  calling  fe->extf exactly once per argument
+        before any pattern processing.  This case is signified  by
+        the flag SFFMT_ARGPOS in fe->flags.
+        In  addition  to  the  predefined  formatting patterns and
+        other application-defined patterns, fe->extf may be called
+        with  fe->fmt  being  one  of  `(' (left parenthesis), `.'
+        (dot), and `I'.  The left parenthesis requests a string to
+                           05 August 1999                       16
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        be used as the type string discussed below.  In this case,
+        upon returning, fe->extf should set the fe->size field  to
+        be  the  length of the string or a negative value to indi-
+        cate a null-terminated string.  The dot requests an  inte-
+        ger  for  width,  precision,  or  base.  In this case, the
+        fe->size field will indicate how many dots  have  appeared
+        in the pattern specification.  The `I' requests an integer
+        to define the object size.
+        f:     This is the input/output stream in the calling for-
+               matting  function.   During a call to fe->extf, the
+               stream shall be unlocked so that fe->extf can  read
+               from or write to it as appropriate.
+        v:     For  both  sfscanf()  and  sfprintf()  functions, v
+               points to a location suitable for storing any prim-
+               itive  data  types,  i.e., scalars or pointers.  On
+               return, fe->extf treats v as discussed below.
+        fe:    This is the current formatting environment.
+        The return value rv of fe->extf directs  further  process-
+        ing.   There are two cases.  When pos$ is present, a nega-
+        tive return value means to ignore fe in  further  argument
+        processing while a non-negative return value is treated as
+        the case rv  ==  0  below.   When  pos$  is  not  present,
+        fe->extf is called per argument immediately before pattern
+        processing and its return values are treated as below:
+        rv < 0:
+               The environment stack is immediately popped.
+        rv == 0:
+               The extension function has not consumed (in a scan-
+               ning  case) or output (in a printing case) data out
+               of or into the given stream  f.   The  fields  fmt,
+               flags,  size,  width,  precis  and base of fe shall
+               direct further processing.
+               For sfprintf() functions, if fe->flags has the  bit
+               SFFMT_VALUE,  fe->extf  should  have  set *v to the
+               value to be processed; otherwise, a value should be
+               obtained  from  the  argument  list.  Likewise, for
+               sfscanf()  functions,  SFFMT_VALUE  means  that  *v
+               should  have  a  suitable  address;  otherwise,  an
+               address to assign value should be obtained from the
+               argument list.
+               When  pos$ is present, if fe->extf changes fe->fmt,
+               this pattern shall be used regardless of  the  pat-
+               tern  defined  in  the  format string. On the other
+               hand, if fe->fmt is unchanged by fe->extf, the pat-
+               tern  in  the  format string is used.  In any case,
+               the  effective  pattern  should  be  one   of   the
+                           05 August 1999                       17
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+               standardly defined pattern.  Otherwise, it shall be
+               treated as unmatched.
+        rv > 0:
+               The extension function has accessed the stream f to
+               the  extent of rv bytes.  Processing of the current
+               pattern ceases except that, for scanning functions,
+               if  fe->flags  does not contain the bit SFFMT_SKIP,
+               the assignment count shall increase by 1.
+    vvooiidd vvaa__ccooppyy((vvaa__lliisstt ttoo,, vvaa__lliisstt ffrr))
+        This macro function portably copies the argument  list  fr
+        to  the  argument  list  to.  It should be used to set the
+        field Sffmt_t.args.
+    lloonngg ssffffmmttvveerrssiioonn((SSffffmmtt__tt** ffee,, iinntt ttyyppee))
+        This macro function initializes the formatting environment
+        fe  with  a version number if type is non-zero. Otherwise,
+        it returns the current value of the version number of  fe.
+        This  is useful for applications to find out when the for-
+        mat of the structure Sffmt_t changes.  Note that the  ver-
+        sion  number  corresponds to the Sfio version number which
+        is defined in the macro value SFIO_VERSION.
+      iinntt ssffpprriinnttff((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr** ffoorrmmaatt,, ......))
+      cchhaarr** ssffpprriinnttss((ccoonnsstt cchhaarr** ffoorrmmaatt,, ......))
+      iinntt ssffsspprriinnttff((cchhaarr** ss,, iinntt nn,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr** ffoorrmmaatt,, ......))
+      iinntt ssffvvsspprriinnttff((cchhaarr** ss,, iinntt nn,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr**  ffoorrmmaatt,,  vvaa__lliisstt
+        aarrggss))
+      iinntt ssffvvpprriinnttff((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr** ffoorrmmaatt,, vvaa__lliisstt aarrggss))
+        These   functions  format  output  data.   sfprintf()  and
+        sfvprintf() write to output  stream  f.   sfsprintf()  and
+        sfvsprintf()  write  to  buffer  s  which  is  of  size n.
+        sfprints() constructs output in some Sfio-defined  buffer.
+        sfvprintf()  is  the  underlying  primitive  for the other
+        functions.  Except for sfprints() which  returns  a  null-
+        terminated string or NULL, other functions return the num-
+        ber of output bytes or -1 on failure.
+        The  length   of   string   constructed   by   sfprints(),
+        sfsprintf(), or sfvsprintf() can be retrieved by sfslen().
+        The standard patterns are: n, s, c, %, h, i, d, p,  u,  o,
+        x,  X,  g,  G, e, E, f and !.  Except for ! which shall be
+        described  below,  see   the   ANSI-C   specification   of
+        fprintf(3)  for  details  on the other patterns.  Let z be
+        some pattern type. A  formatting  pattern  is  defined  as
+        below:
+            %[pos$][flag][width][.precision][.base][(type)]z
+                           05 August 1999                       18
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        pos$:  A  pattern  can specify which argument in the argu-
+               ment list to use.  This is done via pos$ where  pos
+               is  the  argument position.  Arguments are numbered
+               so that the first argument after format is at posi-
+               tion 1.  If pos is not specified, the argument fol-
+               lowing the most recently used  one  will  be  used.
+               The  pattern  %!  (see below) cannot be used subse-
+               quent to a usage of pos$.  Doing so may cause unex-
+               pected behaviors.
+        flag:  The flag characters are h, l, L, I, -, +, _s_p_a_c_e, 0,
+               ' and #.
+               Flag I defines the size or type of the object being
+               formatted.   There  are  two cases: (1) I by itself
+               and (2) I followed by either a  decimal  number  or
+               `*'.
+               In  the  first case, for integer and floating point
+               patterns, the  object  type  is  taken  to  be  the
+               largest  appropriate  type  (i.e., one of Sflong_t,
+               Sfulong_t or Sfdouble_t).   For  conversion  speci-
+               fiers s and c, the flag is ignored.
+               In  the  second  case,  a given decimal value would
+               define a size while `*' would cause the size to  be
+               obtained from the argument list.  Then, if the con-
+               version specifier  is  s,  this  size  defines  the
+               length  of  the  string  or strings being formatted
+               (see the discussion of base  below).   For  integer
+               and  floating  point  patterns, the size is used to
+               select a type from one of the below lists as  indi-
+               cated by the conversion specifier:
+                   Sflong_t, long, int, short
+                   Sfulong_t, unsigned long, unsigned int, unsigned short
+                   Sfdouble_t, double, float
+               The  selection  algorithm always matches types from
+               left to right in any given list.   Although  selec-
+               tion is generally based on sizes in bytes, for com-
+               patibility with Microsoft-C, the size 64 is matched
+               with  an  appropriate  type with the same number of
+               bits, if any.  If the given size does not match any
+               of  the  listed  types,  it shall match one of int,
+               unsigned int, and double as defined by the  format-
+               ting pattern.
+               Below  are a few examples of using the I flag.  The
+               first example prints  an  Sflong_t  integer.   This
+               example  is actually not portable and only works on
+               platforms where sizeof(Sflong_t) is 8.  The  second
+               example  shows  how  to  that  portably.  The third
+               example specifies printing a string of  length  16.
+                           05 August 1999                       19
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+               This  length shall be used regardless of whether or
+               not the given string is shorter or longer than  16.
+               The last example shows the use of the pattern %n to
+               assign the amount of data  already  output  into  a
+               short integer n_output.
+                   sfprintf(sfstdout,"%I8d", Sflong_obj);
+                   sfprintf(sfstdout,"%I*d", sizeof(Sflong_obj), Sflong_obj);
+                   sfprintf(sfstdout,"%I*s", 16, s);
+                   sfprintf(sfstdout,"%d%I*n", 1001, sizeof(short), &n_output);
+               Flags  h,  l,  and  L are the ANSI-C conventions to
+               select the types of input  objects.   For  example,
+               %hd  indicates  a  short  int while %ld indicates a
+               long int.  The flags ll and L address  respectively
+               the largest integer and floating value types, i.e.,
+               Sfulong_t, Sflong_t, and Sfdouble_t.
+               Flag - left-justifies data within the field (other-
+               wise, right-justification).
+               Flag  +  means that a signed conversion will always
+               begin with a plus or minus sign.
+               Flag _s_p_a_c_e is ignored if + is specified; otherwise,
+               it  means  that  if the first character of a signed
+               conversion is not a sign or if the result is empty,
+               a space will be prepended.
+               Flag 0 means padding with zeros on the left.
+               Flag ' outputs thousands-separator used by the cur-
+               rent locale.  setlocale(3) should have been used to
+               set the desired locale.
+               Flag  # indicates an alternative format processing.
+               For %o, the first digit is always a zero.   For  %x
+               and  %X, a non-zero result will have a prefix 0x or
+               0X. For %e, %E, %f, %g, and %G, the  result  always
+               contains  a  decimal point. For %g and %G, trailing
+               zeros will not be removed. For %d, %i and  %u,  the
+               form  is  _b_a_s_e_#_n_u_m_b_e_r  where _b_a_s_e is the conversion
+               base and _n_u_m_b_e_r is represented by digits  for  this
+               _b_a_s_e.  For example, a base 2 conversion with %#..2d
+               for 10 is 2#1010 instead of 1010  as  printed  with
+               %..2d.
+        width: This  defines  the  width  of the printing field. A
+               value to be printed will be justified and padded if
+               necessary to fill out the field width.
+        precis:
+               After  a  first  dot  appears,  an  integral  value
+               defines a  precision.   For  floating  point  value
+                           05 August 1999                       20
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+               patterns, precision is the number of precision dig-
+               its.  For %c, precision defines the number of times
+               to  repeat  the character being formatted.  For %s,
+               precision defines the maximum number of  characters
+               to output.
+        base:  After  a  second  dot  appears,  an  integral value
+               defines a conversion base.
+               For %i, %d, and %u, a conversion base should be  in
+               the inclusive range [2,64].  If base is not in this
+               range, it is defined to be 10.  The digits to  rep-
+               resent numbers are:
+                   01234567890
+                   abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+                   @_
+               For  %s,  when  base is defined (i.e., at least two
+               dots appeared in the  pattern  specification),  the
+               input  argument  is taken as a NULL-terminated list
+               of strings instead of a single string.  Each string
+               is formatted based on the usual width and precision
+               rules.  If base is non-zero, it  defines  an  ASCII
+               character  used  to separate the formatted strings.
+               Below is an example showing both the call  and  the
+               result  of printing a NULL-terminated list of three
+               strings apple, orange, and grape:
+                   sfprintf(sfstdout,"%..*s",',',list);
+                   apple,orange,grape
+               Likewise, for %c, when base is defined,  the  input
+               argument  is  taken  as  a  null-terminated  string
+               instead of a single character.  Each  character  is
+               formatted  based  on the normal width and precision
+               rules.   In  addition,  if  base  is  non-zero,  it
+               defines  an  ASCII  character  used to separate the
+               formatted characters if there are more than one.
+        (str): This defines a string  str  to  be  passed  to  the
+               extension function Sffmt_t.extf.  Parentheses shall
+               be balanced.  If str is *, the string  is  obtained
+               from the argument list.
+      iinntt ssffssccaannff((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr** ffoorrmmaatt,, ......))
+      iinntt ssffssssccaannff((ccoonnsstt cchhaarr** ss,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr** ffoorrmmaatt,, ......))
+       iinntt  ssffvvssssccaannff((ccoonnsstt  cchhaarr**  ss,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr** ffoorrmmaatt,, vvaa__lliisstt
+        aarrggss))
+                           05 August 1999                       21
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+      iinntt ssffvvssccaannff((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr** ffoorrmmaatt,, vvaa__lliisstt aarrggss))
+        These functions scan data items.  sfscanf() scans from the
+        input  stream f while sfsscanf() and sfvsscanf() scan from
+        the null-terminated string s.  sfvscanf() is the  underly-
+        ing  primitive  that  performs  the actual scanning.  Item
+        types are  determined  from  patterns  in  string  format.
+        These  functions  return  the number of items successfully
+        scanned or -1 on error.
+        A white space character (blank, tab, or new-line) in  for-
+        mat  normally  matches  a  maximal sequence of input white
+        space characters.  However, if  the  input  stream  is  in
+        SF_LINE  mode  (see  sfset()),  a  new-line character only
+        matches white spaces up to an  input  new-line  character.
+        This  is  useful  to  avoid  blocking  when scanning typed
+        inputs.
+        The standard scan patterns are: i, d, u, o, x, X, p, n, f,
+        e,  E,  g, G, c, %, s, [] and !.  Except for ! which shall
+        be  described  below,  see  the  ANSI-C  specification  of
+        fscanf(3)  for  details  on other patterns.  Let z be some
+        pattern type. A formatting pattern is specified as below:
+            %[*][pos$][width][.width.base][(type)][flag]z
+        pos$:  A pattern can specify which argument in  the  argu-
+               ment  list to use.  This is done via pos$ where pos
+               is the argument position.  Arguments  are  numbered
+               so that the first argument after format is at posi-
+               tion 1.  If pos is not specified, the argument fol-
+               lowing  the  most  recently  used one will be used.
+               The pattern %! (see below) cannot  be  used  subse-
+               quent to a usage of pos$.
+        *:     This discards the corresponding scanned item.
+        width and base:
+               width  defines  the maximum number of bytes to scan
+               and base defines the  base  of  an  integral  value
+               being  scanned.  The `.' (dot) notation also allows
+               specifying a `*' (star) to obtain  the  value  from
+               the  argument  list.  The  below  example specifies
+               scanning 4 bytes to obtain the value of an  integer
+               in  base 10. At the end of scanning, the variable v
+               should have the value 1234.
+                   sfsscanf("12345678","%.*.*d", 4, 10, &v);
+        (str): This defines a string  str  to  be  passed  to  the
+               extension function Sffmt_t.extf.  Parentheses shall
+               be balanced.  If str is *, the string  is  obtained
+               from the argument list.
+                           05 August 1999                       22
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        flag:  This is #, I, or some sequence of h, l, and L.
+               Flag  #  is significant for pattern %i and %[.  For
+               %i, it means that the # symbol does  not  have  its
+               usual meaning in an input sequence base#value.  For
+               example, the scanning result of %#i on input 2#1001
+               is 2 and the next sfgetc() call will return #.  For
+               %[, if the next character in the input stream  does
+               not  match  the  given  scan  set  of characters, #
+               causes a match to a null string instead of a  fail-
+               ure.
+               Flag I defines the size or type of the object being
+               formatted.  There are two cases: (1)  I  by  itself
+               and  (2)  I  followed by either a decimal number or
+               `*'.
+               In the first case, for integer and  floating  point
+               patterns,  the  object  type  is  taken  to  be the
+               largest appropriate type (i.e.,  one  of  Sflong_t,
+               Sfulong_t or Sfdouble_t).  For string patterns such
+               as %s, the flag is ignored.
+               In the second case, a  given  decimal  value  would
+               define  a size while `*' would cause the size to be
+               obtained from the argument list.  For  string  pat-
+               terns  such  as  %s  or  %[,  this size defines the
+               length of the buffer to store scanned data.  Speci-
+               fying  a buffer size only limits the amount of data
+               copied into the buffer.  Scanned  data  beyond  the
+               buffer  limit  will  be discarded.  For integer and
+               floating point patterns, the size is used to select
+               a  type from one of the below lists as indicated by
+               the conversion specifier:
+                   Sflong_t, long, int, short
+                   Sfulong_t, unsigned long, unsigned int, unsigned short
+                   Sfdouble_t, double, float
+               The selection algorithm always matches  types  from
+               left  to  right in any given list.  Although selec-
+               tion is generally based on sizes in bytes, for com-
+               patibility with Microsoft-C, the size 64 is matched
+               with an appropriate type with the  same  number  of
+               bits, if any.  If the given size does not match any
+               of the listed types, it shall  match  one  of  int,
+               unsigned  int,  and double as indicated by the for-
+               matting pattern.
+               Below are examples of using the I flag.  The  first
+               example  scans  a 64-bit integer.  The second scans
+               some floating point value whose size is  explicitly
+               computed  and  given.   The  last  example  scans a
+               string into a buffer with the given size 128.  Note
+                           05 August 1999                       23
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+               that if the scanned string is longer than 127, only
+               the first  127  bytes  shall  be  copied  into  the
+               buffer.  The rest of the scanned data shall be dis-
+               carded.
+                    sfscanf(sfstdin,"%I64d", &int64_obj);
+                    sfscanf(sfstdin,"%I*f", sizeof(float_obj), &float_obj);
+                    sfscanf(sfstdin,"%I*s", 128, buffer);
+               Flags h, l, and L are the  ANSI-C  conventions  for
+               indicating  the  type  of  a  scanned element.  For
+               example, %hd means scanning a short int.  The flags
+               ll and L mean respectively scanning an integer or a
+               floating  point  value  with  largest  size   (i.e,
+               Sflong_t or Sfdouble_t).
+        The %i, %d and %u patterns scan numbers in bases from 2 to
+        64.  %i scans integral values in self-describing  formats.
+        Except for octal, decimal and hexadecimal numbers with the
+        usual formats, numbers in general bases are assumed to  be
+        of  the form: _b_a_s_e_#_v_a_l_u_e where _b_a_s_e is a number in base 10
+        and _v_a_l_u_e is a number in the  given  base.   For  example,
+        2#1001  is  the binary representation of the decimal value
+        9.  If _b_a_s_e is 36 or less, the digits for _v_a_l_u_e can be any
+        combination  of  [0-9], [a-z], [A-Z] where upper and lower
+        case digits are not distinguishable.  If  _b_a_s_e  is  larger
+        than 36, the set of digits is:
+            0123456789
+            abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+            @_
+      VVooiidd__tt** ssffsseettbbuuff((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, VVooiidd__tt** bbuuff,, ssiizzee__tt ssiizzee))
+        This  function sets the buffering scheme for the stream f.
+        Except for buffer inquiry (see the case size == 0,) f will
+        be  synchronized before any buffer modification.  If a new
+        buffer is successfully set and the old buffer has not been
+        deallocated,  sfsetbuf()  returns  the  address of the old
+        buffer.  Otherwise, it returns NULL.
+        After a sfsetbuf() call, sfvalue() returns the size of the
+        returned buffer.
+        size == SF_UNBOUND:
+               Sfio  will  pick a suitable buffer size.  If buf is
+               NULL, Sfio will  also  pick  a  suitable  buffering
+               scheme  (such  as  memory  mapping.)  If buf is not
+               NULL, its actual value is ignored  but  the  buffer
+               will  be allocated via malloc(3).  This can be used
+               to avoid memory mapping.
+                           05 August 1999                       24
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        size > 0:
+               This is the suggested size to use for buffering  or
+               memory  mapping.   If buf is NULL, Sfio will pick a
+               suitable buffering scheme as discussed  above.   If
+               buf  is  not  NULL,  then  buf and size determine a
+               buffer of the given size.
+        size == 0:
+               If buf is NULL, the stream will be unbuffered.   If
+               buf  is  not  NULL,  sfsetbuf()  simply returns the
+               stream buffer.  In this case, no  attempt  will  be
+               made to synchronize the stream.
+      iinntt ssffssyynncc((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+        This  function synchronizes the logical and physical views
+        of stream f.  For a SF_WRITE stream, this means  to  write
+        out  any  buffered  data.   For  a  seekable  SF_READ file
+        stream, the physical file position  is  aligned  with  the
+        logical  stream  position and, if SF_SHARE is on, buffered
+        data is discarded.  If f is NULL, all streams are synchro-
+        nized.   If  f  is  the  base  of a stream stack (see sfs-
+        tack()), all stacked streams are synchronized.  Note  that
+        a  stacked stream can only be synchronized this way.  If f
+        is in a pool (see sfpool()) but not being  the  head,  the
+        pool  head  is  synchronized.  After a successful synchro-
+        nization, if f has flag SF_IOCHECK,  a  SF_SYNC  event  is
+        raised.  sfsync() returns a negative value for failure and
+        0 for success.
+      iinntt ssffppoollll((SSffiioo__tt**** fflliisstt,, iinntt nn,, iinntt ttiimmeeoouutt))
+        This function polls a set of streams to see if I/O  opera-
+        tions  can be performed on them without blocking.  This is
+        useful for multiplexing I/O over a set of streams.   If  a
+        stream  has  a  discipline,  the exception function may be
+        called before and after the stream is polled (see sfdisc()
+        for  details).   sfpoll()  returns  the  number  of  ready
+        streams or -1 on failure.
+        flist and n:
+               flist is an array of n streams to be polled.   Upon
+               return,  ready  streams  are  moved to the front of
+               flist in the same relative order.
+        timeout:
+               This defines an ellapse  time  in  milliseconds  to
+               wait  to  see  if  any stream is ready for I/O.  If
+               timeout is negative, sfpoll() will block until some
+               stream  become ready.  Note that SF_STRING and nor-
+               mal file streams never block and are  always  ready
+               for  I/O.   If  a  stream  with discipline is being
+               polled and its readiness  is  as  yet  undetermined
+               (e.g.,  empty  buffer,)  the  discipline  exception
+                           05 August 1999                       25
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+               function will be called with SF_DPOLL before normal
+               actions are taken.
+      SSffiioo__tt** ssffppooooll((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, SSffiioo__tt** ppoooollff,, iinntt mmooddee))
+        This  function  manipulates  pools of streams.  In a pool,
+        only one stream is at the head and can have buffered data.
+        All  other  streams  in  the pool will be synchronized.  A
+        stream becomes head when it is used for  some  I/O  opera-
+        tion.  sfpool() returns NULL on failure.
+        f and poolf:
+               If  f  is NULL, sfpool() simply returns the head of
+               the pool containing poolf.  If f is  not  NULL  and
+               poolf is NULL, f is deleted from its pool.  In this
+               case, if no other stream from  the  same  pool  can
+               become  head, sfpool() will return NULL; otherwise,
+               it returns some stream from the  remainder  of  the
+               pool.  If both f and poolf are not NULL, f is moved
+               from its current pool (if any) into the  same  pool
+               with poolf.  In this case, poolf is returned.
+        mode:  If  poolf  is  already  in a pool, mode is ignored.
+               Otherwise,  mode  should  be  0  or  SF_SHARE.    A
+               SF_SHARE  pool contains streams with SF_WRITE mode.
+               In addition,  on  change  to  a  new  head  stream,
+               buffered  write  data of the current head is trans-
+               ferred to the new head.
+      iinntt ssffppuurrggee((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+        This function discards all buffered data  unless  f  is  a
+        SF_STRING  stream.   Note  that  if  f is a SF_READ stream
+        based on an unseekable device, purged  data  will  not  be
+        recoverable.   If  f  is  a sfpopen-stream opened for both
+        read and write, data of both the read and write pipe  ends
+        will  be  purged (see sfset() to selectively turn off read
+        or write mode if one set of  data  is  to  be  preserved.)
+        After  purging,  if  f  has  flag  SF_IOCHECK,  the  event
+        SF_PURGE is raised.  sfpurge() returns -1 for failure  and
+        0 for success.
+        A  file stream uses the system calls read(2), write(2) and
+        lseek(2) to read, write and  position  in  the  underlying
+        file.   Disciplines enable application-defined I/O methods
+        including exception handling and data pre/post-processing.
+      SSffddiisscc__tt** ssffddiisscc((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, SSffddiisscc__tt** ddiisscc))
+        Each  stream has a discipline stack whose bottom is a vir-
+        tual discipline  representing  the  actual  system  calls.
+                           05 August 1999                       26
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        sfdisc()  manipulates the discipline stack of stream f.  f
+        will be synchronized before any discipline stack manipula-
+        tion.   After  a successful discipline stack manipulation,
+        the stream I/O position (see sfseek()  and  sftell())  and
+        extent  (see sfsize()) are updated to reflect that defined
+        by  the  top  discipline.   If  disc  is   SF_POPDISC   or
+        (Sfdisc_t*)0,  the  top  element  of the stack, if any, is
+        popped and its address is returned.   Otherwise,  disc  is
+        pushed  onto  the discipline stack.  In this case, if suc-
+        cessful, sfdisc() returns the discipline that  was  pushed
+        down.  sfdisc() returns NULL on failure.
+        Note that a discipline can be used only on one stream at a
+        time.  An application should take care to allocate differ-
+        ent  discipline structures for use with different streams.
+        A discipline structure is of the type Sfdisc_t which  con-
+        tains the following public fields:
+            Sfread_f   readf;
+            Sfwrite_f  writef;
+            Sfseek_f   seekf;
+            Sfexcept_f exceptf;
+        The first three fields of Sfdisc_t specify alternative I/O
+        functions.  If any of them is NULL, it is inherited from a
+        discipline  pushed earlier on the stack.  Note that a file
+        stream  always  has  read(2),   write(2),   lseek(2)   and
+        NIL(Sfexcept_f)  as  the _l_o_g_i_c_a_l _b_o_t_t_o_m _d_i_s_c_i_p_l_i_n_e.  Argu-
+        ments to I/O discipline functions have the same meaning as
+        that  of the functions sfrd(), sfwr() and sfsk() described
+        below.
+        The exception function, (*exceptf)() announces exceptional
+        events   during   I/O   operations.    It   is  called  as
+        (*exceptf)(Sfio_t* f, int type, Void_t*  value,  Sfdisc_t*
+        disc).   Unless  noted  otherwise,  the  return  value  of
+        (*exceptf)() is used as follows:
+        <0:    The on-going operation shall terminate.
+        >0:    If the event was raised due to an  I/O  error,  the
+               error  has been repaired and the on-going operation
+               shall continue normally.
+        =0:    The on-going  operation  performs  default  actions
+               with  respect to the raised event.  For example, on
+               a reading error or reaching end of  file,  the  top
+               stream of a stack will be popped and closed and the
+               on-going  operation  continue  with  the  new   top
+               stream.
+        The  argument type of (*exceptf)() identifies the particu-
+        lar exceptional event:
+                           05 August 1999                       27
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        SF_LOCKED:
+               The stream is in a locked state.
+        SF_READ, SF_WRITE:
+               These events are raised around reading and  writing
+               operations.
+               If  SF_IOCHECK  is  on,  SF_READ  and  SF_WRITE are
+               raised  immediately  before  read(2)  and  write(2)
+               calls.   In  this  case,  *((ssize_t*)value) is the
+               amount of data to be processed.  The  return  value
+               of  (*exceptf)(),  if  negative, indicates that the
+               stream is not ready for I/O and the calling  opera-
+               tion  will  abort with failure.  If it is positive,
+               the stream is ready for I/O but the  amount  should
+               be  restricted  to  the  amount  specified  by this
+               value.  If the return value is zero, the I/O opera-
+               tion is carried out normally.
+               SF_READ  and  SF_WRITE are also raised on operation
+               failures.  In such a  case,  *((ssize_t*)value)  is
+               the return value from the failed operation.
+        SF_SEEK:
+               This event is raised when a seek operation fails.
+               These  events  are  raised during a stream closing.
+               SF_NEW is raised for a stream about to be closed to
+               be renewed (see sfnew()).  SF_CLOSE is raised for a
+               stream about to  be  closed.   SF_FINAL  is  raised
+               after a stream has been closed and before its space
+               is to be  destroyed  (see  sfclose()).   For  these
+               events,  a  non-zero return value from (*exceptf)()
+               causes sfclose() to  return  immediately  with  the
+               same value.
+               Events  SF_DPUSH and SF_DPOP are raised when a dis-
+               cipline  is  about  to   be   pushed   or   popped.
+               (Sfdisc_t*)value  is  the  to-be top discipline, if
+               any.
+               A stream buffer is always synchronized before push-
+               ing  or popping a discipline.  If this synchroniza-
+               tion  fails,  SF_DBUFFER  will   be   raised   with
+               *((size_t*)value)  being  the  amount  of  buffered
+               data.  If the return value of exceptf is  positive,
+               the  push  or pop operation will continue normally;
+               otherwise, sfdisc() returns failure.
+        SF_DPOLL:
+               This event is raised by  sfpoll()  to  see  if  the
+               stream  is ready for I/O.  *((int*)value) indicates
+                           05 August 1999                       28
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+               a time-out interval to  wait.   A  negative  return
+               value  from  the exception function means blocking.
+               A positive return value means non-blocking.  A zero
+               return  value  means that sfpoll() should query the
+               stream file descriptor using default methods.
+        SF_READY:
+               This event is raised by  sfpoll()  for  each  ready
+               stream  after  they  are  determined.   A  negative
+               return  value  from  the  exeption  handler  causes
+               sfpoll() to return immediately with the same return
+               value.  A positive return value causes sfpoll()  to
+               retry polling the whole set of streams.
+        SF_SYNC, SF_PURGE:
+               If SF_IOCHECK is set, these events are raised imme-
+               diately after sfsync()  or  sfpurge()  successfully
+               complete  their  operations and before they return.
+               Note that sfsync() is implied when  a  SF_WRITE  or
+               SF_SHARE|SF_READ  stream is closed.  Note also that
+               SF_SYNC is not raised  for  a  stream  synchronized
+               during a call sfsync((Sfio_t*)0).
+        SF_ATEXIT:
+               This  event  is  raised for each open stream before
+               the process exits.
+      iinntt ssffrraaiissee((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, iinntt ttyyppee,, VVooiidd__tt** ddaattaa))
+        This function calls all exception  handlers  of  stream  f
+        with  the event type and associated data.  If an exception
+        handler returns  a  non-zero  value,  sfraise()  immediate
+        returns the same value.  Application-defined events should
+        start from the value SF_EVENT so  as  to  avoid  confusion
+        with system-defined events, sfraise() returns 0 on success
+        and -1 on failure.
+      ssssiizzee__tt ssffrrdd((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, VVooiidd__tt**  bbuuff,,  ssiizzee__tt  nn,,  SSffddiisscc__tt**
+        ddiisscc))
+       ssssiizzee__tt  ssffwwrr((SSffiioo__tt**  ff,,  ccoonnsstt  VVooiidd__tt**  bbuuff,,  ssiizzee__tt  nn,,
+        SSffddiisscc__tt** ddiisscc))
+      SSffooffff__tt ssffsskk((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, SSffooffff__tt ooffffsseett,, iinntt ttyyppee,,  SSffddiisscc__tt**
+        ddiisscc))
+        These functions provides safe methods for a discipline I/O
+        function to invoke earlier discipline I/O functions and to
+        properly  handle  exceptions.   They should not be used in
+        any other context.  sfrd() and sfwr() return the number of
+        bytes  read or written.  sfsk() returns the new seek posi-
+        tion.  On error, all three  functions  return  a  negative
+        value  which  should  be  -1  or the value returned by the
+        exception handler.
+                           05 August 1999                       29
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+      iinntt ssffsseett((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, iinntt ffllaaggss,, iinntt sseett))
+        This function sets control flags for  the  stream  f.   It
+        returns the previous set of flags or 0 on error.
+        Settable   flags   are:   SF_READ,  SF_WRITE,  SF_IOCHECK,
+        SF_BUFCONST.  Note that SF_READ and SF_WRITE can be turned
+        on  or  off   only   if   the   stream   was   opened   as
+        SF_READ|SF_WRITE.   Turning off one of them means that the
+        stream is to be treated exclusively in the other mode.  It
+        is not possible to turn off both.  If legal, an attempt to
+        turn on either SF_READ or SF_WRITE will cause  the  stream
+        to be in the given I/O mode.
+        set == 0:
+               If  flags is zero, the current set of flags is sim-
+               ply returned.  Note that when  a  stream  is  first
+               opened,  not  all  of its flags are initialized yet
+               (more below). If flags is non-zero, an  attempt  is
+               made to turn off the specified flags.
+        set != 0:
+               If  flags is zero, the stream is initialized if not
+               yet done so.  Then the  current  set  of  flags  is
+               returned.  If flags is non-zero, an attempt is made
+               to turn on the specified flags.
+      iinntt ssffsseettffdd((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, iinntt ffdd))
+        This function changes the file descriptor of f.  Before  a
+        change is realized, (*notify)(f,SF_SETFD,newfd) (see sfno-
+        tify()) is called.  sfsetfd() returns -1  on  failure  and
+        the new file descriptor on success.
+        fd >= 0:
+               If  the current file descriptor is non-negative, it
+               will be changed using dup(3) to a value  larger  or
+               equal  to fd.  Upon a successful change, the previ-
+               ous file descriptor will be closed.  If the current
+               file  descriptor  is negative, it will be set to fd
+               and the stream will be reinitialized.
+        fd < 0:
+               The stream is synchronized (see sfsync())  and  its
+               file  descriptor  will be set to this value.  Then,
+               except for sfclose(), the stream will be inaccessi-
+               ble  until  a future sfsetfd() call resets the file
+               descriptor  to   a   non-negative   value.    Thus,
+               sfsetfd(f,-1) can be used to avoid closing the file
+               descriptor of f when f is closed.
+                           05 August 1999                       30
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+      SSffiioo__tt** ssffssttaacckk((SSffiioo__tt** bbaassee,, SSffiioo__tt** ttoopp))
+        This function stacks or  unstacks  stream.   Every  stream
+        stack  is  identified  by  a base stream via which all I/O
+        operations  are  performed.   However,  an  I/O  operation
+        always  takes effect on the top stream.  If the top stream
+        reaches the end of file or has an unrecoverable error con-
+        dition,  it  is  automatically popped and closed (see also
+        sfdisc() for alternative handling of these conditions).
+        base:  This is the base stream of the  stack.   If  it  is
+               NULL, sfstack() does nothing and returns top.
+        top:   If  this is SF_POPSTACK or (Sfio_t*)0, the stack is
+               popped and sfstack()  returns  the  popped  stream.
+               Otherwise,  top is pushed on top of the stack iden-
+               tified by  base  and  sfstack()  returns  the  base
+               stream.
+      SSffiioo__tt** ssffsswwaapp((SSffiioo__tt** ff11,, SSffiioo__tt** ff22))
+        This  function swaps contents of f1 and f2.  This fails if
+        either stream is in a stream stack but not  being  a  base
+        stream.   If  f2 is NULL, a new stream is constructed as a
+        duplicate of f1.  sfswap() returns f2 or f1  duplicate  on
+        success and NULL on failure.
+      SSffooffff__tt ssffssiizzee((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+        This  function returns the size of stream f (see sfnew()).
+        If f is not seekable or if its size is  not  determinable,
+        sfsize() returns -1.
+      SSffooffff__tt ssfftteellll((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+        This  function  returns the current I/O position in stream
+        f.  Note that if f is SF_APPEND and  a  writing  operation
+        was  just  performed,  the  current I/O position is at the
+        physical end of file.  If f is unseekable, sftell  returns
+        the  number  of bytes read from or written to f.  See also
+        sfungetc().
+      ssssiizzee__tt ssffvvaalluuee((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+        This function returns the  string  or  buffer  length  for
+        sfreserve(), sfsetbuf(), and sfgetr().
+      iinntt ssffffiilleennoo((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+        This function returns the file descriptor of stream f.
+                           05 August 1999                       31
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+      iinntt ssffssttaacckkeedd((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+        This  function  returns  a  non-zero value if stream f has
+        been stacked.
+      iinntt ssffeeooff((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+      iinntt ssffeerrrroorr((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+      iinntt ssffccllrreerrrr((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+        sfeof() tells whether or not the stream has an end-of-file
+        condition.   sferror() tells whether or not the stream has
+        an error condition.  sfclrerr()  clears  both  end-of-file
+        and  error  conditions.   The end-of-file and error condi-
+        tions are also cleared on an I/O operation.
+      iinntt ssffccllrrlloocckk((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+        This function restores the stream back to a normal  state.
+        This  means  clearing  locks  and  possibly  throwing away
+        unprocessed data.  As such, this operation is  unsafe  and
+        should  be  used  with  care.  For example, it may be used
+        before a long jump (longjmp(3)) out of some discipline I/O
+        function  to  restore  the internal stream states.  sfclr-
+        lock() returns the current set of flags.
+      iinntt ssffnnoottiiffyy((((vvooiidd((**))nnoottiiffyy))((SSffiioo__tt**,, iinntt,, iinntt)) ))
+        This  sets  a  function  (*notify)()  to  be   called   as
+        (*notify)(f,type,file)  on  various  stream events.  Argu-
+        ments f and file are stream and related  file  descriptor.
+        Argument type indicates the reason for the call:
+        SF_NEW:
+               f  is  being opened and file is the underlying file
+               descriptor.
+        SF_CLOSE:
+               f and file are being closed.
+        SF_SETFD:
+               The file descriptor of f is being changed  to  file
+               (see sfsetfd().)
+        SF_READ:
+               An attempt to change f to read mode failed.
+        SF_WRITE:
+               An attempt to change f to write mode failed.
+      ssssiizzee__tt ssffsslleenn(())
+        This  function  returns  the  length of a string just con-
+        structed  by  sfsprintf()   or   sfprints().    See   also
+                           05 August 1999                       32
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        sfvalue().
+      iinntt ssffuulleenn((SSffuulloonngg__tt vv))
+      iinntt ssfflllleenn((SSfflloonngg__tt vv))
+      iinntt ssffddlleenn((SSffddoouubbllee__tt vv))
+        These  functions  return  respectively the number of bytes
+        required to code the  Sfulong_t,  Sflong_t  or  Sfdouble_t
+        value v by sfputu(), sfputl() or sfputd().
+       ssssiizzee__tt  ssffppkkrrdd((iinntt  ffdd,, cchhaarr** bbuuff,, ssiizzee__tt nn,, iinntt rrsscc,, lloonngg
+        ttmm,, iinntt aaccttiioonn))
+        This function acts directly on the file descriptor fd.  It
+        does a combination of peeking on incoming data and a time-
+        out read.  Upon success, it returns the  number  of  bytes
+        received.   A return value of 0 means that the end-of-file
+        condition has been detected.  A negative value  represents
+        an error.
+        buf, n:
+               These  define  a  buffer  and its size to read data
+               into.
+        rsc:   If >=0,  this  defines  a  record  separator.   See
+               action for detail.
+        tm:    If  >=0,  this defines a time interval in millisec-
+               onds to wait for incoming data.
+        action:
+               When rsc >= 0, the absolute  value  of  action,  _r,
+               determines  the  number  of records to be read.  If
+               action > 0, sfpkrd() will peek on incoming data but
+               will not read past it. Therefore, a future sfpkrd()
+               or read(2) will see the same data again.  If action
+               == 0, sfpkrd() will not peek.  If action < 0, there
+               are two cases: if rsc < 0, sfpkrd() reads n  bytes;
+               otherwise,  exactly  _r  records will be read.  Note
+               that, in the last case,  reading  records  from  an
+               unseekable  device  may  be  slow if the underlying
+               platform does not allow peeking on such a device.
+      ##iinncclluuddee <<ssffiioo__tt..hh>>
+        Most applications based on Sfio only need to  include  the
+        header  file  sfio.h  which  defines an abbreviated Sfio_t
+        structure without certain fields private  to  Sfio.   How-
+        ever,  there  are times (e.g., debugging) when an applica-
+        tion may require more details about the full Sfio_t struc-
+        ture.  In such cases, the header file sfio_t.h can be used
+        in place of sfio.h.  Note that an application  doing  this
+                           05 August 1999                       33
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        will become sensitive to changes in the internal architec-
+        ture of Sfio.
+      ##ddeeffiinnee SSFFNNEEWW((bbuuff,,ssiizzee,,ffiillee,,ffllaaggss,,ddiisscc))
+        This macro function is defined  in  sfio_t.h  for  use  in
+        static initialization of an Sfio_t structure.  It requires
+        five arguments:
+        buf, size:
+               These define a buffer and its size.
+        file:  This defines the underlying file descriptor if any.
+        flags: This is composed from bit flags described above.
+        disc:  This defines a discipline if any.
+        The  below  functions  create  disciplines and insert them
+        into the given streams f. These functions return 0 on suc-
+        cess and -1 on failure.
+    iinntt ssffddccddiioo((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, ssiizzee__tt bbuuffssiizzee))
+        This  creates a discipline that uses the direct IO feature
+        available on file systems such as SGI's XFS  to  speed  up
+        IO.   The  argument  bufsize suggests a buffer size to use
+        for data transfer.
+    iinntt ssffddccddooss((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+        This creates a discipline to  read  DOS  text  files.   It
+        basically transforms pairs of \r\n to \n.
+    iinntt ssffddccffiilltteerr((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr** ccmmdd))
+        This  creates  a  discipline that sends data from f to the
+        given command cmd to process, then  reads  back  the  pro-
+        cessed data.
+    iinntt ssffddccllzzww((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+        This creates a discipline that would decompress data in f.
+        The stream f should have data from a source compressed  by
+        the Unix ccoommpprreessss program.
+    iinntt ssffddccsseeeekkaabbllee((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+        This creates a discipline that makes an unseekable reading
+        stream seekable.
+                           05 August 1999                       34
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+    iinntt ssffddccssllooww((SSffiioo__tt** ff))
+        This creates a discipline that makes all  Sfio  operations
+        return immediately on interrupts. This is useful for deal-
+        ing with slow devices.
+    iinntt ssffddccssuubbssttrreeaamm((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, SSffiioo__tt** ppaarreenntt,,  SSffooffff__tt  ooffffsseett,,
+        SSffooffff__tt eexxtteenntt))
+        This  creates a discipline that makes f acts as if it cor-
+        responds exactly to the subsection of parent  starting  at
+        offset with size extent.
+    iinntt ssffddcctteeee((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, SSffiioo__tt** tteeee))
+        This  creates  a  discipline that copies to the stream tee
+        any data written to f.
+    iinntt ssffddccuunniioonn((SSffiioo__tt** ff,, SSffiioo__tt**** aarrrraayy,, iinntt nn))
+        This creates a discipline that makes f act as if it is the
+        concatenation of the n streams given in array.
+        Sfio  provides  two  compatibility packages to Stdio-based
+        applications, a source level interface and a binary  level
+        library.   These  packages provide a union of functions in
+        popular Stdio implementations.
+        The  source  Stdio-compatibility  interface  provides  the
+        header  file  stdio.h  that  defines  a  set  of macros or
+        inlined functions to map Stdio calls to Sfio  ones.   This
+        mapping  may benignly extend or change the meaning of cer-
+        tain original Stdio operations. For  example,  the  Sfio's
+        version  of  popen()  allows  a coprocess to be opened for
+        both reading and writing unlike the  original  call  which
+        only  allows  a  coprocess to be opened for a single mode.
+        Similarly, the Sfio's fopen() call can be used  to  create
+        string streams in addition to file streams.
+        The  binary  Stdio-compatibility library, libstdio.a, pro-
+        vides a complete implementation of Stdio  functions  suit-
+        able for linking applications already compiled with native
+        header stdio.h.  Functions in this implementation are also
+        slightly altered or extended as discussed above.
+        Below are the supported Stdio functions:
+        FILE*  fopen(const char* file, const char* mode);
+        FILE*  freopen(const char* file, const char* mode, FILE* stream);
+        FILE*  fdopen(int filedesc, const char* mode);
+        FILE*  popen(const char* command, const char* mode);
+        FILE*  tmpfile();
+                           05 August 1999                       35
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        int    fclose(FILE* stream);
+        int    pclose(FILE* stream);
+        void   setbuf(FILE* stream, char* buf);
+        int    setvbuf(FILE* stream, char* buf, int mode, size_t size);
+        void   setbuffer(FILE* stream, char* buf, size_t size);
+        int    setlinebuf(FILE* stream);
+        int    fflush(FILE* stream);
+        int    fpurge(FILE* stream);
+        int    fseek(FILE* stream, long offset, int whence);
+        void   rewind(FILE* stream);
+        int    fgetpos(FILE* stream, fpos_t* pos);
+        int    fsetpos(FILE* stream, fpos_t* pos);
+        long   ftell(FILE* stream);
+        int    getc(FILE* stream);
+        int    fgetc(FILE* stream);
+        int    getchar(void);
+        int    ungetc(int c, FILE* stream);
+        int    getw(FILE* stream);
+        char*  gets(char* s);
+        char*  fgets(char* s, int n, FILE* stream);
+        size_t fread(Void_t* ptr, size_t size, size_t nelt, FILE* stream);
+        int    putc(int c, FILE* stream);
+        int    fputc(int c, FILE* stream);
+        int    putchar(int c);
+        int    putw(int w, FILE* stream);
+        int    puts(const char* s, FILE* stream);
+        int    fputs(const char* s, FILE* stream);
+        size_t fwrite(const Void_t* ptr, size_t size, size_t nelt, FILE* stream);
+        int    fscanf(FILE* stream, const char* format, ...);
+        int    vfscanf(FILE* stream, const char* format, va_list args);
+        int    _doscan(FILE* stream, const char* format, va_list args);
+        int    scanf(const char* format, ...);
+        int    vscanf(const char* format, va_list args);
+        int    sscanf(const char* s, const char* format, ...);
+        int    vsscanf(const char* s, const char* format, va_list args);
+        int    fprintf(FILE* stream, const char* format, ...);
+        int    vfprintf(FILE* stream, const char* format, va_list args);
+        int    _doprnt(FILE* stream, const char* format, va_list args);
+        int    printf(const char* format, ...);
+        int    vprintf(const char* format, va_list args);
+        int    sprintf(const char* s, const char* format, ...);
+        int    snprintf(const char* s, int n, const char* format, ...);
+        int    vsprintf(const char* s, const char* format, va_list args);
+        int    vsnprintf(const char* s, int n, const char* format, va_list args);
+        int    feof(FILE* stream);
+        int    ferror(FILE* stream);
+        int    clearerr(FILE* stream);
+                           05 August 1999                       36
+ SFIO(3)                                                   SFIO(3)
+        A  few  exception  types  have  been added. In particular,
+        exception handlers  shall  be  raised  with  SF_LOCKED  on
+        accessing  a  locked  stream.  Before a process exits, the
+        event SF_ATEXIT is raised for each open stream.
+        A number of disciplines have been added for  various  pro-
+        cessing  functions.   Of  interests are disciplines to use
+        the direct I/O feature on IRIX6.2, read  DOS  text  files,
+        and decompress files compressed by Unix _c_o_m_p_r_e_s_s.
+        Various new stream and function flags have been added. For
+        example, the third argument of sfgetr() is now  a  set  of
+        bit  flags and not just a three-value object. However, the
+        old semantics of this argument of sfgetr() is  still  sup-
+        ported.
+        The    sfopen()   call   has   been   extended   so   that
+        sfopen(f,NULL,mode) can be used to changed the mode  of  a
+        file  stream before any I/O operations.  This is most use-
+        ful for changing the modes of the standard streams.
+        The buffering strategy has been significantly enhanced for
+        streams  that perform many seek operations. Also, the han-
+        dling of stream and file positions have been better clari-
+        fied  so  that  applications  that  share file descriptors
+        across streams and/or processes can be sure that the  file
+        states will be consistent.
+        Kiem-Phong Vo, kpv@research.att.com,
+        David G. Korn, dgk@research.att.com, and
+        Glenn S. Fowler, gsf@research.att.com.
+                           05 August 1999                       37

ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/bsd-stdio.txt -> 1.1

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+ STDIO(3)              FreeBSD Library Functions Manual               STDIO(3)
+      stdio - standard input/output library functions
+      #include <stdio.h>
+      FILE *stdin;
+      FILE *stdout;
+      FILE *stderr;
+      The standard I/O library provides a simple and efficient buffered stream
+      I/O interface.  Input and output is mapped into logical data streams and
+      the physical I/O characteristics are concealed. The functions and macros
+      are listed below; more information is available from the individual man
+      pages.
+      A stream is associated with an external file (which may be a physical de-
+      vice) by opening a file, which may involve creating a new file. Creating
+      an existing file causes its former contents to be discarded.  If a file
+      can support positioning requests (such as a disk file, as opposed to a
+      terminal) then a file position indicator associated with the stream is
+      positioned at the start of the file (byte zero), unless the file is
+      opened with append mode. If append mode is used, the position indicator
+      will be placed at the end-of-file.  The position indicator is maintained
+      by subsequent reads, writes and positioning requests. All input occurs as
+      if the characters were read by successive calls to the fgetc(3) function;
+      all output takes place as if all characters were written by successive
+      calls to the fputc(3) function.
+      A file is disassociated from a stream by closing the file.  Output
+      streams are flushed (any unwritten buffer contents are transferred to the
+      host environment) before the stream is disassociated from the file.  The
+      value of a pointer to a FILE object is indeterminate (garbage) after a
+      file is closed.
+      A file may be subsequently reopened, by the same or another program exe-
+      cution, and its contents reclaimed or modified (if it can be repositioned
+      at the start).  If the main function returns to its original caller, or
+      the exit(3) function is called, all open files are closed (hence all out-
+      put streams are flushed) before program termination.  Other methods of
+      program termination may not close files properly and hence buffered out-
+      put may be lost.  In particular, _exit(2) does not flush stdio files.
+      Neither does an exit due to a signal.  Buffers are flushed by abort(3) as
+      required by POSIX, although previous implementations did not.
+      This implementation makes no distinction between ``text'' and ``binary''
+      streams.  In effect, all streams are binary.  No translation is performed
+      and no extra padding appears on any stream.
+      At program startup, three streams are predefined and need not be opened
+      explicitly:
+           o   standard input (for reading conventional input),
+           o   standard output (for writing conventional output), and
+           o   standard error (for writing diagnostic output).
+      These streams are abbreviated stdin, stdout and stderr. Initially, the
+      standard error stream is unbuffered; the standard input and output
+      streams are fully buffered if and only if the streams do not refer to an
+      interactive or ``terminal'' device, as determined by the isatty(3) func-
+      tion.  In fact, all freshly-opened streams that refer to terminal devices
+      default to line buffering, and pending output to such streams is written
+      automatically whenever such an input stream is read.  Note that this ap-
+      plies only to ``true reads''; if the read request can be satisfied by ex-
+      isting buffered data, no automatic flush will occur.  In these cases, or
+      when a large amount of computation is done after printing part of a line
+      on an output terminal, it is necessary to fflush(3) the standard output
+      before going off and computing so that the output will appear.  Alterna-
+      tively, these defaults may be modified via the setvbuf(3) function.
+      The stdio library is a part of the library libc and routines are automat-
+      ically loaded as needed by the C compiler.  The SYNOPSIS sections of the
+      following manual pages indicate which include files are to be used, what
+      the compiler declaration for the function looks like and which external
+      variables are of interest.
+      The following are defined as macros; these names may not be re-used with-
+      out first removing their current definitions with #undef: BUFSIZ, EOF,
+      FILENAME_MAX, FOPEN_MAX, L_cuserid, L_ctermid, L_tmpnam, NULL, P_tmpdir,
+      SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END, SEEK_SET, TMP_MAX, clearerr, feof, ferror, fileno,
+      fropen, fwopen, getc, getchar, putc, putchar, stderr, stdin, stdout,
+      vfscanf. Function versions of the macro functions clearerr(), feof(),
+      ferror(), fileno(), getc(), getchar(), putc(), and putchar() exist and
+      will be used if the macro definitions are explicitly removed.
+      close(2), open(2),  read(2),  write(2)
+      The standard buffered functions do not interact well with certain other
+      library and system functions, especially vfork(2).
+      The stdio library conforms to ISO 9899: 1990 (``ISO C'').
+      Function      Description
+      asprintf      formatted output conversion
+      clearerr      check and reset stream status
+      fclose        close a stream
+      fdopen        stream open functions
+      feof          check and reset stream status
+      ferror        check and reset stream status
+      fflush        flush a stream
+      fgetc         get next character or word from input stream
+      fgetln        get a line from a stream
+      fgetpos       reposition a stream
+      fgets         get a line from a stream
+      fileno        check and reset stream status
+      fopen         stream open functions
+      fprintf       formatted output conversion
+      fpurge        flush a stream
+      fputc         output a character or word to a stream
+      fputs         output a line to a stream
+      fread         binary stream input/output
+      freopen       stream open functions
+      fropen        open a stream
+      fscanf        input format conversion
+      fseek         reposition a stream
+      fsetpos       reposition a stream
+      ftell         reposition a stream
+      funopen       open a stream
+      fwopen        open a stream
+      fwrite        binary stream input/output
+      getc          get next character or word from input stream
+      getchar       get next character or word from input stream
+      gets          get a line from a stream
+      getw          get next character or word from input stream
+      mkdtemp       create unique temporary file
+      mkstemp       create unique temporary file
+      mktemp        create unique temporary file
+      perror        system error messages
+      printf        formatted output conversion
+      putc          output a character or word to a stream
+      putchar       output a character or word to a stream
+      puts          output a line to a stream
+      putw          output a character or word to a stream
+      remove        remove directory entry
+      rewind        reposition a stream
+      scanf         input format conversion
+      setbuf        stream buffering operations
+      setbuffer     stream buffering operations
+      setlinebuf     stream buffering operations
+      setvbuf       stream buffering operations
+      snprintf      formatted output conversion
+      sprintf       formatted output conversion
+      sscanf        input format conversion
+      strerror      system error messages
+      sys_errlist    system error messages
+      sys_nerr      system error messages
+      tempnam       temporary file routines
+      tmpfile       temporary file routines
+      tmpnam        temporary file routines
+      ungetc        un-get character from input stream
+      vasprintf     formatted output conversion
+      vfprintf      formatted output conversion
+      vfscanf       input format conversion
+      vprintf       formatted output conversion
+      vscanf        input format conversion
+      vsnprintf     formatted output conversion
+      vsprintf      formatted output conversion
+      vsscanf       input format conversion
+ 4th Berkeley Distribution      April 19, 1994                               3

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+ BIO Routines
+ This documentation is rather sparse, you are probably best 
+ off looking at the code for specific details.
+ The BIO library is a IO abstraction that was originally 
+ inspired by the need to have callbacks to perform IO to FILE 
+ pointers when using Windows 3.1 DLLs.  There are two types 
+ of BIO; a source/sink type and a filter type.
+ The source/sink methods are as follows:
+ -      BIO_s_mem()  memory buffer - a read/write byte array that
+        grows until memory runs out :-).
+ -      BIO_s_file()  FILE pointer - A wrapper around the normal 
+        'FILE *' commands, good for use with stdin/stdout.
+ -      BIO_s_fd()  File descriptor - A wrapper around file 
+        descriptors, often used with pipes.
+ -      BIO_s_socket()  Socket - Used around sockets.  It is 
+        mostly in the Microsoft world that sockets are different 
+        from file descriptors and there are all those ugly winsock 
+        commands.
+ -      BIO_s_null()  Null - read nothing and write nothing.; a 
+        useful endpoint for filter type BIO's specifically things 
+        like the message digest BIO.
+ The filter types are
+ -      BIO_f_buffer()  IO buffering - does output buffering into 
+        larger chunks and performs input buffering to allow gets() 
+        type functions.
+ -      BIO_f_md()  Message digest - a transparent filter that can 
+        be asked to return a message digest for the data that has 
+        passed through it.
+ -      BIO_f_cipher()  Encrypt or decrypt all data passing 
+        through the filter.
+ -      BIO_f_base64()  Base64 decode on read and encode on write.
+ -      BIO_f_ssl()  A filter that performs SSL encryption on the 
+        data sent through it.
+ Base BIO functions.
+ The BIO library has a set of base functions that are 
+ implemented for each particular type.  Filter BIOs will 
+ normally call the equivalent function on the source/sink BIO 
+ that they are layered on top of after they have performed 
+ some modification to the data stream.  Multiple filter BIOs 
+ can be 'push' into a stack of modifers, so to read from a 
+ file, unbase64 it, then decrypt it, a BIO_f_cipher, 
+ BIO_f_base64 and a BIO_s_file would probably be used.  If a 
+ sha-1 and md5 message digest needed to be generated, a stack 
+ two BIO_f_md() BIOs and a BIO_s_null() BIO could be used.
+ The base functions are
+ -      BIO *BIO_new(BIO_METHOD *type); Create  a new BIO of  type 'type'.
+ -      int BIO_free(BIO *a); Free a BIO structure.  Depending on 
+        the configuration, this will free the underlying data 
+        object for a source/sink BIO.
+ -      int BIO_read(BIO *b, char *data, int len); Read upto 'len' 
+        bytes into 'data'. 
+ -      int BIO_gets(BIO *bp,char *buf, int size); Depending on 
+        the BIO, this can either be a 'get special' or a get one 
+        line of data, as per fgets();
+ -      int BIO_write(BIO *b, char *data, int len); Write 'len' 
+        bytes from 'data' to the 'b' BIO.
+ -      int BIO_puts(BIO *bp,char *buf); Either a 'put special' or 
+        a write null terminated string as per fputs().
+ -      long BIO_ctrl(BIO *bp,int cmd,long larg,char *parg);  A 
+        control function which is used to manipulate the BIO 
+        structure and modify it's state and or report on it.  This 
+        function is just about never used directly, rather it 
+        should be used in conjunction with BIO_METHOD specific 
+        macros.
+ -      BIO *BIO_push(BIO *new_top, BIO *old); new_top is apped to the
+        top of the 'old' BIO list.  new_top should be a filter BIO.
+        All writes will go through 'new_top' first and last on read.
+        'old' is returned.
+ -      BIO *BIO_pop(BIO *bio); the new topmost BIO is returned, NULL if
+        there are no more.
+ If a particular low level BIO method is not supported 
+ (normally BIO_gets()), -2 will be returned if that method is 
+ called.  Otherwise the IO methods (read, write, gets, puts) 
+ will return the number of bytes read or written, and 0 or -1 
+ for error (or end of input).  For the -1 case, 
+ BIO_should_retry(bio) can be called to determine if it was a 
+ genuine error or a temporary problem.  -2 will also be 
+ returned if the BIO has not been initalised yet, in all 
+ cases, the correct error codes are set (accessible via the 
+ ERR library).
+ The following functions are convenience functions:
+ -      int BIO_printf(BIO *bio, char * format, ..);  printf but 
+        to a BIO handle.
+ -      long BIO_ctrl_int(BIO *bp,int cmd,long larg,int iarg); a 
+        convenience function to allow a different argument types 
+        to be passed to BIO_ctrl().
+ -      int BIO_dump(BIO *b,char *bytes,int len); output 'len' 
+        bytes from 'bytes' in a hex dump debug format.
+ -      long BIO_debug_callback(BIO *bio, int cmd, char *argp, int 
+        argi, long argl, long ret) - a default debug BIO callback, 
+        this is mentioned below.  To use this one normally has to 
+        use the BIO_set_callback_arg() function to assign an 
+        output BIO for the callback to use.
+ -      BIO *BIO_find_type(BIO *bio,int type); when there is a 'stack'
+        of BIOs, this function scan the list and returns the first
+        that is of type 'type', as listed in buffer.h under BIO_TYPE_XXX.
+ -      void BIO_free_all(BIO *bio); Free the bio and all other BIOs
+        in the list.  It walks the bio->next_bio list.
+ Extra commands are normally implemented as macros calling BIO_ctrl().
+ -      BIO_number_read(BIO *bio) - the number of bytes processed 
+        by BIO_read(bio,.).
+ -      BIO_number_written(BIO *bio) - the number of bytes written 
+        by BIO_write(bio,.).
+ -      BIO_reset(BIO *bio) - 'reset' the BIO.
+ -      BIO_eof(BIO *bio) - non zero if we are at the current end 
+        of input.
+ -      BIO_set_close(BIO *bio, int close_flag) - set the close flag.
+ -      BIO_get_close(BIO *bio) - return the close flag.
+        BIO_pending(BIO *bio) - return the number of bytes waiting 
+        to be read (normally buffered internally).
+ -      BIO_flush(BIO *bio) - output any data waiting to be output.
+ -      BIO_should_retry(BIO *io) - after a BIO_read/BIO_write 
+        operation returns 0 or -1, a call to this function will 
+        return non zero if you should retry the call later (this 
+        is for non-blocking IO).
+ -      BIO_should_read(BIO *io) - we should retry when data can 
+        be read.
+ -      BIO_should_write(BIO *io) - we should retry when data can 
+        be written.
+ -      BIO_method_name(BIO *io) - return a string for the method name.
+ -      BIO_method_type(BIO *io) - return the unique ID of the BIO method.
+ -      BIO_set_callback(BIO *io,  long (*callback)(BIO *io, int 
+        cmd, char *argp, int argi, long argl, long ret); - sets 
+        the debug callback.
+ -      BIO_get_callback(BIO *io) - return the assigned function 
+        as mentioned above.
+ -      BIO_set_callback_arg(BIO *io, char *arg)  - assign some 
+        data against the BIO.  This is normally used by the debug 
+        callback but could in reality be used for anything.  To 
+        get an idea of how all this works, have a look at the code 
+        in the default debug callback mentioned above.  The 
+        callback can modify the return values.
+ Details of the BIO_METHOD structure.
+ typedef struct bio_method_st
+         {
+        int type;
+        char *name;
+        int (*bwrite)();
+        int (*bread)();
+        int (*bputs)();
+        int (*bgets)();
+        long (*ctrl)();
+        int (*create)();
+        int (*destroy)();
+        } BIO_METHOD;
+ The 'type' is the numeric type of the BIO, these are listed in buffer.h;
+ 'Name' is a textual representation of the BIO 'type'.
+ The 7 function pointers point to the respective function 
+ methods, some of which can be NULL if not implemented.
+ The BIO structure
+ typedef struct bio_st
+        {
+        BIO_METHOD *method;
+        long (*callback)(BIO * bio, int mode, char *argp, int 
+                argi, long argl, long ret);
+        char *cb_arg; /* first argument for the callback */
+        int init;
+        int shutdown;
+        int flags;      /* extra storage */
+        int num;
+        char *ptr;
+        struct bio_st *next_bio; /* used by filter BIOs */
+        int references;
+        unsigned long num_read;
+        unsigned long num_write;
+        } BIO;
+ -      'Method' is the BIO method.
+ -      'callback', when configured, is called before and after 
+        each BIO method is called for that particular BIO.  This 
+        is intended primarily for debugging and of informational feedback.
+ -      'init' is 0 when the BIO can be used for operation.  
+        Often, after a BIO is created, a number of operations may 
+        need to be performed before it is available for use.  An 
+        example is for BIO_s_sock().  A socket needs to be 
+        assigned to the BIO before it can be used.
+ -      'shutdown', this flag indicates if the underlying 
+        comunication primative being used should be closed/freed 
+        when the BIO is closed.
+ -      'flags' is used to hold extra state.  It is primarily used 
+        to hold information about why a non-blocking operation 
+        failed and to record startup protocol information for the 
+        SSL BIO.
+ -      'num' and 'ptr' are used to hold instance specific state 
+        like file descriptors or local data structures.
+ -      'next_bio' is used by filter BIOs to hold the pointer of the
+        next BIO in the chain. written data is sent to this BIO and
+        data read is taken from it.
+ -      'references' is used to indicate the number of pointers to 
+        this structure.  This needs to be '1' before a call to 
+        BIO_free() is made if the BIO_free() function is to 
+        actually free() the structure, otherwise the reference 
+        count is just decreased.  The actual BIO subsystem does 
+        not really use this functionality but it is useful when 
+        used in more advanced applicaion.
+ -      num_read and num_write are the total number of bytes 
+        read/written via the 'read()' and 'write()' methods.
+ BIO_ctrl operations.
+ The following is the list of standard commands passed as the 
+ second parameter to BIO_ctrl() and should be supported by 
+ all BIO as best as possible.  Some are optional, some are 
+ manditory, in any case, where is makes sense, a filter BIO 
+ should pass such requests to underlying BIO's.
+ -      BIO_CTRL_RESET  - Reset the BIO back to an initial state.
+ -      BIO_CTRL_EOF    - return 0 if we are not at the end of input, 
+        non 0 if we are.
+ -      BIO_CTRL_INFO   - BIO specific special command, normal
+        information return.
+ -      BIO_CTRL_SET    - set IO specific parameter.
+ -      BIO_CTRL_GET    - get IO specific parameter.
+ -      BIO_CTRL_GET_CLOSE - Get the close on BIO_free() flag, one 
+        of BIO_CLOSE or BIO_NOCLOSE.
+ -      BIO_CTRL_SET_CLOSE - Set the close on BIO_free() flag.
+ -      BIO_CTRL_PENDING - Return the number of bytes available 
+        for instant reading
+ -      BIO_CTRL_FLUSH  - Output pending data, return number of bytes output.
+ -      BIO_CTRL_SHOULD_RETRY - After an IO error (-1 returned) 
+        should we 'retry' when IO is possible on the underlying IO object.
+ -      BIO_CTRL_RETRY_TYPE - What kind of IO are we waiting on.
+ The following command is a special BIO_s_file() specific option.
+ -      BIO_CTRL_SET_FILENAME - specify a file to open for IO.
+ The BIO_CTRL_RETRY_TYPE needs a little more explanation.  
+ When performing non-blocking IO, or say reading on a memory 
+ BIO, when no data is present (or cannot be written), 
+ BIO_read() and/or BIO_write() will return -1.  
+ BIO_should_retry(bio) will return true if this is due to an 
+ IO condition rather than an actual error.  In the case of 
+ BIO_s_mem(), a read when there is no data will return -1 and 
+ a should retry when there is more 'read' data.
+ The retry type is deduced from 2 macros
+ BIO_should_read(bio) and BIO_should_write(bio).
+ Now while it may appear obvious that a BIO_read() failure 
+ should indicate that a retry should be performed when more 
+ read data is available, this is often not true when using 
+ things like an SSL BIO.  During the SSL protocol startup 
+ multiple reads and writes are performed, triggered by any 
+ SSL_read or SSL_write.
+ So to write code that will transparently handle either a 
+ socket or SSL BIO,
+        i=BIO_read(bio,..)
+        if (I == -1)
+                {
+                if (BIO_should_retry(bio))
+                        {
+                        if (BIO_should_read(bio))
+                                {
+                                /* call us again when BIO can be read */
+                                }
+                        if (BIO_should_write(bio))
+                                {
+                                /* call us again when BIO can be written */
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+ At this point in time only read and write conditions can be 
+ used but in the future I can see the situation for other 
+ conditions, specifically with SSL there could be a condition 
+ of a X509 certificate lookup taking place and so the non-
+ blocking BIO_read would require a retry when the certificate 
+ lookup subsystem has finished it's lookup.  This is all 
+ makes more sense and is easy to use in a event loop type 
+ setup.
+ When using the SSL BIO, either SSL_read() or SSL_write()s 
+ can be called during the protocol startup and things will 
+ still work correctly.
+ The nice aspect of the use of the BIO_should_retry() macro 
+ is that all the errno codes that indicate a non-fatal error 
+ are encapsulated in one place.  The Windows specific error 
+ codes and WSAGetLastError() calls are also hidden from the 
+ application.
+ Notes on each BIO method.
+ Normally buffer.h is just required but depending on the 
+ BIO_METHOD, ssl.h or evp.h will also be required.
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_mem(void);
+ -      BIO_set_mem_buf(BIO *bio, BUF_MEM *bm, int close_flag) - 
+        set the underlying BUF_MEM structure for the BIO to use.
+ -      BIO_get_mem_ptr(BIO *bio, char **pp) - if pp is not NULL, 
+        set it to point to the memory array and return the number 
+        of bytes available.
+ A read/write BIO.  Any data written is appended to the 
+ memory array and any read is read from the front.  This BIO 
+ can be used for read/write at the same time. BIO_gets() is 
+ supported in the fgets() sense.
+ BIO_CTRL_INFO can be used to retrieve pointers to the memory 
+ buffer and it's length.
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_file(void);
+ -      BIO_set_fp(BIO *bio, FILE *fp, int close_flag) - set 'FILE *' to use.
+ -      BIO_get_fp(BIO *bio, FILE **fp) - get the 'FILE *' in use.
+ -      BIO_read_filename(BIO *bio, char *name) - read from file.
+ -      BIO_write_filename(BIO *bio, char *name) - write to file.
+ -      BIO_append_filename(BIO *bio, char *name) - append to file.
+ This BIO sits over the normal system fread()/fgets() type 
+ functions. Gets() is supported.  This BIO in theory could be 
+ used for read and write but it is best to think of each BIO 
+ of this type as either a read or a write BIO, not both.
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_socket(void);
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_fd(void);
+ -      BIO_sock_should_retry(int i) - the underlying function 
+        used to determine if a call should be retried; the 
+        argument is the '0' or '-1' returned by the previous BIO 
+        operation.
+ -      BIO_fd_should_retry(int i) - same as the 
+ -      BIO_sock_should_retry() except that it is different internally.
+ -      BIO_set_fd(BIO *bio, int fd, int close_flag) - set the 
+        file descriptor to use
+ -      BIO_get_fd(BIO *bio, int *fd) - get the file descriptor.
+ These two methods are very similar.  Gets() is not 
+ supported, if you want this functionality, put a 
+ BIO_f_buffer() onto it.  This BIO is bi-directional if the 
+ underlying file descriptor is.  This is normally the case 
+ for sockets but not the case for stdio descriptors.
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_null(void);
+ Read and write as much data as you like, it all disappears 
+ into this BIO.
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_buffer(void);
+ -      BIO_get_buffer_num_lines(BIO *bio) - return the number of 
+        complete lines in the buffer.
+ -      BIO_set_buffer_size(BIO *bio, long size) - set the size of 
+        the buffers.
+ This type performs input and output buffering.  It performs 
+ both at the same time.  The size of the buffer can be set 
+ via the set buffer size option.  Data buffered for output is 
+ only written when the buffer fills.
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_ssl(void);
+ -      BIO_set_ssl(BIO *bio, SSL *ssl, int close_flag) - the SSL 
+        structure to use.
+ -      BIO_get_ssl(BIO *bio, SSL **ssl) - get the SSL structure 
+        in use.
+ The SSL bio is a little different from normal BIOs because 
+ the underlying SSL structure is a little different.  A SSL 
+ structure performs IO via a read and write BIO.  These can 
+ be different and are normally set via the
+ SSL_set_rbio()/SSL_set_wbio() calls.  The SSL_set_fd() calls 
+ are just wrappers that create socket BIOs and then call 
+ SSL_set_bio() where the read and write BIOs are the same.  
+ The BIO_push() operation makes the SSLs IO BIOs the same, so 
+ make sure the BIO pushed is capable of two directional 
+ traffic.  If it is not, you will have to install the BIOs 
+ via the more conventional SSL_set_bio() call.  BIO_pop() will retrieve
+ the 'SSL read' BIO.
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_md(void);
+ -      BIO_set_md(BIO *bio, EVP_MD *md) - set the message digest 
+        to use.
+ -      BIO_get_md(BIO *bio, EVP_MD **mdp) - return the digest 
+        method in use in mdp, return 0 if not set yet.
+ -      BIO_reset() reinitializes the digest (EVP_DigestInit()) 
+        and passes the reset to the underlying BIOs.
+ All data read or written via BIO_read() or BIO_write() to 
+ this BIO will be added to the calculated digest.  This 
+ implies that this BIO is only one directional.  If read and 
+ write operations are performed, two separate BIO_f_md() BIOs 
+ are reuqired to generate digests on both the input and the 
+ output.  BIO_gets(BIO *bio, char *md, int size) will place the 
+ generated digest into 'md' and return the number of bytes.  
+ The EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE should probably be used to size the 'md' 
+ array.  Reading the digest will also reset it.
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_cipher(void);
+ -      BIO_reset() reinitializes the cipher.
+ -      BIO_flush() should be called when the last bytes have been 
+        output to flush the final block of block ciphers.
+ -      BIO_get_cipher_status(BIO *b), when called after the last 
+        read from a cipher BIO, returns non-zero if the data 
+        decrypted correctly, otherwise, 0.
+ -      BIO_set_cipher(BIO *b, EVP_CIPHER *c, unsigned char *key, 
+        unsigned char *iv, int encrypt)   This function is used to 
+        setup a cipher BIO.  The length of key and iv are 
+        specified by the choice of EVP_CIPHER.  Encrypt is 1 to 
+        encrypt and 0 to decrypt.
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_base64(void);
+ -      BIO_flush() should be called when the last bytes have been output.
+ This BIO base64 encodes when writing and base64 decodes when 
+ reading.  It will scan the input until a suitable begin line 
+ is found.  After reading data, BIO_reset() will reset the 
+ BIO to start scanning again.  Do not mix reading and writing 
+ on the same base64 BIO.  It is meant as a single stream BIO.
+ Directions     type
+ both           BIO_s_mem()
+ one/both       BIO_s_file()
+ both           BIO_s_fd()
+ both           BIO_s_socket() 
+ both           BIO_s_null()
+ both           BIO_f_buffer()
+ one            BIO_f_md()  
+ one            BIO_f_cipher()  
+ one            BIO_f_base64()  
+ both           BIO_f_ssl()
+ It is easy to mix one and two directional BIOs, all one has 
+ to do is to keep two separate BIO pointers for reading and 
+ writing and be careful about usage of underlying BIOs.  The 
+ SSL bio by it's very nature has to be two directional but 
+ the BIO_push() command will push the one BIO into the SSL 
+ BIO for both reading and writing.
+ The best example program to look at is apps/enc.c and/or perhaps apps/dgst.c.
+ /* crypto/bio/bio.h */
+ /* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)
+  * All rights reserved.
+  *
+  * This package is an SSL implementation written
+  * by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com).
+  * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL.
+  * 
+  * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as
+  * the following conditions are aheared to.  The following conditions
+  * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA,
+  * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code.  The SSL documentation
+  * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms
+  * except that the holder is Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).
+  * 
+  * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in
+  * the code are not to be removed.
+  * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution
+  * as the author of the parts of the library used.
+  * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or
+  * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package.
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+  * are met:
+  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright
+  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
+  *    must display the following acknowledgement:
+  *    "This product includes cryptographic software written by
+  *     Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)"
+  *    The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library
+  *    being used are not cryptographic related :-).
+  * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from 
+  *    the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement:
+  *    "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com)"
+  * 
+  * 
+  * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or
+  * derivative of this code cannot be changed.  i.e. this code cannot simply be
+  * copied and put under another distribution licence
+  * [including the GNU Public Licence.]
+  */
+ #ifndef HEADER_BIO_H
+ #define HEADER_BIO_H
+ #ifdef  __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <openssl/crypto.h>
+ /* These are the 'types' of BIOs */
+ #define BIO_TYPE_NONE          0
+ #define BIO_TYPE_MEM           (1|0x0400)
+ #define BIO_TYPE_FILE          (2|0x0400)
+ #define BIO_TYPE_FD            (4|0x0400|0x0100)
+ #define BIO_TYPE_SOCKET                (5|0x0400|0x0100)
+ #define BIO_TYPE_NULL          (6|0x0400)
+ #define BIO_TYPE_SSL           (7|0x0200)
+ #define BIO_TYPE_MD            (8|0x0200)              /* pasive filter */
+ #define BIO_TYPE_BUFFER                (9|0x0200)              /* filter */
+ #define BIO_TYPE_CIPHER                (10|0x0200)             /* filter */
+ #define BIO_TYPE_BASE64                (11|0x0200)             /* filter */
+ #define BIO_TYPE_CONNECT       (12|0x0400|0x0100)      /* socket - connect */
+ #define BIO_TYPE_ACCEPT                (13|0x0400|0x0100)      /* socket for accept */
+ #define BIO_TYPE_PROXY_CLIENT  (14|0x0200)             /* client proxy BIO */
+ #define BIO_TYPE_PROXY_SERVER  (15|0x0200)             /* server proxy BIO */
+ #define BIO_TYPE_NBIO_TEST     (16|0x0200)             /* server proxy BIO */
+ #define BIO_TYPE_NULL_FILTER   (17|0x0200)
+ #define BIO_TYPE_BER           (18|0x0200)             /* BER -> bin filter */
+ #define BIO_TYPE_BIO           (19|0x0400)             /* (half a) BIO pair */
+ #define BIO_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR    0x0100  /* socket, fd, connect or accept */
+ #define BIO_TYPE_FILTER                0x0200
+ #define BIO_TYPE_SOURCE_SINK   0x0400
+ /* BIO_FILENAME_READ|BIO_CLOSE to open or close on free.
+  * BIO_set_fp(in,stdin,BIO_NOCLOSE); */
+ #define BIO_NOCLOSE            0x00
+ #define BIO_CLOSE              0x01
+ /* These are used in the following macros and are passed to
+  * BIO_ctrl() */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_RESET         1  /* opt - rewind/zero etc */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_EOF           2  /* opt - are we at the eof */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_INFO          3  /* opt - extra tit-bits */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_SET           4  /* man - set the 'IO' type */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_GET           5  /* man - get the 'IO' type */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_PUSH          6  /* opt - internal, used to signify change */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_POP           7  /* opt - internal, used to signify change */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_GET_CLOSE     8  /* man - set the 'close' on free */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_SET_CLOSE     9  /* man - set the 'close' on free */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_PENDING       10  /* opt - is their more data buffered */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_FLUSH         11  /* opt - 'flush' buffered output */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_DUP           12  /* man - extra stuff for 'duped' BIO */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_WPENDING      13  /* opt - number of bytes still to write */
+ /* callback is int cb(BIO *bio,state,ret); */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_SET_CALLBACK  14  /* opt - set callback function */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_GET_CALLBACK  15  /* opt - set callback function */
+ #define BIO_CTRL_SET_FILENAME  30      /* BIO_s_file special */
+ /* modifiers */
+ #define BIO_FP_READ            0x02
+ #define BIO_FP_WRITE           0x04
+ #define BIO_FP_APPEND          0x08
+ #define BIO_FP_TEXT            0x10
+ #define BIO_FLAGS_READ         0x01
+ #define BIO_FLAGS_WRITE                0x02
+ #define BIO_FLAGS_IO_SPECIAL   0x04
+ /* Used in BIO_gethostbyname() */
+ #define BIO_GHBN_CTRL_HITS             1
+ #define BIO_GHBN_CTRL_MISSES           2
+ #define BIO_GHBN_CTRL_CACHE_SIZE       3
+ #define BIO_GHBN_CTRL_GET_ENTRY                4
+ #define BIO_GHBN_CTRL_FLUSH            5
+ /* Mostly used in the SSL BIO */
+ /* Not used anymore
+  */
+ #define BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL 0x100
+ /* This is used with memory BIOs: it means we shouldn't free up or change the
+  * data in any way.
+  */
+ #define BIO_FLAGS_MEM_RDONLY   0x200
+ #define BIO_set_flags(b,f) ((b)->flags|=(f))
+ #define BIO_get_flags(b) ((b)->flags)
+ #define BIO_set_retry_special(b) \
+                ((b)->flags|=(BIO_FLAGS_IO_SPECIAL|BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY))
+ #define BIO_set_retry_read(b) \
+                ((b)->flags|=(BIO_FLAGS_READ|BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY))
+ #define BIO_set_retry_write(b) \
+                ((b)->flags|=(BIO_FLAGS_WRITE|BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY))
+ /* These are normally used internally in BIOs */
+ #define BIO_clear_flags(b,f) ((b)->flags&= ~(f))
+ #define BIO_clear_retry_flags(b) \
+                ((b)->flags&= ~(BIO_FLAGS_RWS|BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY))
+ #define BIO_get_retry_flags(b) \
+                ((b)->flags&(BIO_FLAGS_RWS|BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY))
+ /* These shouldbe used by the application to tell why we should retry */
+ #define BIO_should_read(a)             ((a)->flags & BIO_FLAGS_READ)
+ #define BIO_should_write(a)            ((a)->flags & BIO_FLAGS_WRITE)
+ #define BIO_should_io_special(a)       ((a)->flags & BIO_FLAGS_IO_SPECIAL)
+ #define BIO_retry_type(a)              ((a)->flags & BIO_FLAGS_RWS)
+ #define BIO_should_retry(a)            ((a)->flags & BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY)
+ /* The next two are used in conjunction with the
+  * BIO_should_io_special() condition.  After this returns true,
+  * BIO *BIO_get_retry_BIO(BIO *bio, int *reason); will walk the BIO 
+  * stack and return the 'reason' for the special and the offending BIO.
+  * Given a BIO, BIO_get_retry_reason(bio) will return the code. */
+ /* Returned from the SSL bio when the certificate retrieval code had an error */
+ #define BIO_RR_SSL_X509_LOOKUP         0x01
+ /* Returned from the connect BIO when a connect would have blocked */
+ #define BIO_RR_CONNECT                 0x02
+ /* These are passed by the BIO callback */
+ #define BIO_CB_FREE    0x01
+ #define BIO_CB_READ    0x02
+ #define BIO_CB_WRITE   0x03
+ #define BIO_CB_PUTS    0x04
+ #define BIO_CB_GETS    0x05
+ #define BIO_CB_CTRL    0x06
+ /* The callback is called before and after the underling operation,
+  * The BIO_CB_RETURN flag indicates if it is after the call */
+ #define BIO_CB_RETURN  0x80
+ #define BIO_CB_return(a) ((a)|BIO_CB_RETURN))
+ #define BIO_cb_pre(a)  (!((a)&BIO_CB_RETURN))
+ #define BIO_cb_post(a) ((a)&BIO_CB_RETURN)
+ #define BIO_set_callback(b,cb)         ((b)->callback=(cb))
+ #define BIO_set_callback_arg(b,arg)    ((b)->cb_arg=(char *)(arg))
+ #define BIO_get_callback_arg(b)                ((b)->cb_arg)
+ #define BIO_get_callback(b)            ((b)->callback)
+ #define BIO_method_name(b)             ((b)->method->name)
+ #define BIO_method_type(b)             ((b)->method->type)
+ #ifndef WIN16
+ typedef struct bio_method_st
+        {
+        int type;
+        const char *name;
+        int (*bwrite)();
+        int (*bread)();
+        int (*bputs)();
+        int (*bgets)();
+        long (*ctrl)();
+        int (*create)();
+        int (*destroy)();
+        } BIO_METHOD;
+ #else
+ typedef struct bio_method_st
+        {
+        int type;
+        const char *name;
+        int (_far *bwrite)();
+        int (_far *bread)();
+        int (_far *bputs)();
+        int (_far *bgets)();
+        long (_far *ctrl)();
+        int (_far *create)();
+        int (_far *destroy)();
+        } BIO_METHOD;
+ #endif
+ typedef struct bio_st
+        {
+        BIO_METHOD *method;
+        /* bio, mode, argp, argi, argl, ret */
+        long (*callback)(struct bio_st *,int,const char *,int, long,long);
+        char *cb_arg; /* first argument for the callback */
+        int init;
+        int shutdown;
+        int flags;      /* extra storage */
+        int retry_reason;
+        int num;
+        void *ptr;
+        struct bio_st *next_bio;        /* used by filter BIOs */
+        struct bio_st *prev_bio;        /* used by filter BIOs */
+        int references;
+        unsigned long num_read;
+        unsigned long num_write;
+        CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data;
+        } BIO;
+ typedef struct bio_f_buffer_ctx_struct
+        {
+        /* BIO *bio; */ /* this is now in the BIO struct */
+        int ibuf_size;  /* how big is the input buffer */
+        int obuf_size;  /* how big is the output buffer */
+        char *ibuf;             /* the char array */
+        int ibuf_len;           /* how many bytes are in it */
+        int ibuf_off;           /* write/read offset */
+        char *obuf;             /* the char array */
+        int obuf_len;           /* how many bytes are in it */
+        int obuf_off;           /* write/read offset */
+        } BIO_F_BUFFER_CTX;
+ /* connect BIO stuff */
+ #define BIO_CONN_S_BEFORE              1
+ #define BIO_CONN_S_GET_IP              2
+ #define BIO_CONN_S_GET_PORT            3
+ #define BIO_CONN_S_CREATE_SOCKET       4
+ #define BIO_CONN_S_CONNECT             5
+ #define BIO_CONN_S_OK                  6
+ #define BIO_CONN_S_NBIO                        8
+ /*#define BIO_CONN_get_param_hostname  BIO_ctrl */
+ #define BIO_number_read(b)     ((b)->num_read)
+ #define BIO_number_written(b)  ((b)->num_write)
+ #define BIO_C_SET_CONNECT                      100
+ #define BIO_C_DO_STATE_MACHINE                 101
+ #define BIO_C_SET_NBIO                         102
+ #define BIO_C_SET_PROXY_PARAM                  103
+ #define BIO_C_SET_FD                           104
+ #define BIO_C_GET_FD                           105
+ #define BIO_C_SET_FILE_PTR                     106
+ #define BIO_C_GET_FILE_PTR                     107
+ #define BIO_C_SET_FILENAME                     108
+ #define BIO_C_SET_SSL                          109
+ #define BIO_C_GET_SSL                          110
+ #define BIO_C_SET_MD                           111
+ #define BIO_C_GET_MD                           112
+ #define BIO_C_GET_CIPHER_STATUS                        113
+ #define BIO_C_SET_BUF_MEM                      114
+ #define BIO_C_GET_BUF_MEM_PTR                  115
+ #define BIO_C_GET_BUFF_NUM_LINES               116
+ #define BIO_C_SET_BUFF_SIZE                    117
+ #define BIO_C_SET_ACCEPT                       118
+ #define BIO_C_SSL_MODE                         119
+ #define BIO_C_GET_MD_CTX                       120
+ #define BIO_C_GET_PROXY_PARAM                  121
+ #define BIO_C_SET_BUFF_READ_DATA               122 /* data to read first */
+ #define BIO_C_GET_CONNECT                      123
+ #define BIO_C_GET_ACCEPT                       124
+ #define BIO_C_SET_SSL_RENEGOTIATE_BYTES                125
+ #define BIO_C_GET_SSL_NUM_RENEGOTIATES         126
+ #define BIO_C_FILE_SEEK                                128
+ #define BIO_C_GET_CIPHER_CTX                   129
+ #define BIO_C_SET_BUF_MEM_EOF_RETURN           130/*return end of input value*/
+ #define BIO_C_SET_BIND_MODE                    131
+ #define BIO_C_GET_BIND_MODE                    132
+ #define BIO_C_FILE_TELL                                133
+ #define BIO_C_GET_SOCKS                                134
+ #define BIO_C_SET_SOCKS                                135
+ #define BIO_C_SET_WRITE_BUF_SIZE               136/* for BIO_s_bio */
+ #define BIO_C_GET_WRITE_BUF_SIZE               137
+ #define BIO_C_MAKE_BIO_PAIR                    138
+ #define BIO_C_DESTROY_BIO_PAIR                 139
+ #define BIO_C_GET_WRITE_GUARANTEE              140
+ #define BIO_C_GET_READ_REQUEST                 141
+ #define BIO_C_SHUTDOWN_WR                      142
+ #define BIO_C_NREAD0                           143
+ #define BIO_C_NREAD                            144
+ #define BIO_C_NWRITE0                          145
+ #define BIO_C_NWRITE                           146
+ #define BIO_C_RESET_READ_REQUEST               147
+ #define BIO_set_app_data(s,arg)                BIO_set_ex_data(s,0,(char *)arg)
+ #define BIO_get_app_data(s)            BIO_get_ex_data(s,0)
+ /* BIO_s_connect() and BIO_s_socks4a_connect() */
+ #define BIO_set_conn_hostname(b,name) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_CONNECT,0,(char *)name)
+ #define BIO_set_conn_port(b,port) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_CONNECT,1,(char *)port)
+ #define BIO_set_conn_ip(b,ip)    BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_CONNECT,2,(char *)ip)
+ #define BIO_set_conn_int_port(b,port) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_CONNECT,3,(char *)port)
+ #define BIO_get_conn_hostname(b)  BIO_ptr_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_CONNECT,0)
+ #define BIO_get_conn_port(b)      BIO_ptr_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_CONNECT,1)
+ #define BIO_get_conn_ip(b,ip) BIO_ptr_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_CONNECT,2)
+ #define BIO_get_conn_int_port(b,port) BIO_int_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_CONNECT,3,port)
+ #define BIO_set_nbio(b,n)      BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_NBIO,(n),NULL)
+ /* BIO_s_accept_socket() */
+ #define BIO_set_accept_port(b,name) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_ACCEPT,0,(char *)name)
+ #define BIO_get_accept_port(b) BIO_ptr_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_ACCEPT,0)
+ /* #define BIO_set_nbio(b,n)   BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_NBIO,(n),NULL) */
+ #define BIO_set_nbio_accept(b,n) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_ACCEPT,1,(n)?"a":NULL)
+ #define BIO_set_accept_bios(b,bio) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_ACCEPT,2,(char *)bio)
+ #define BIO_BIND_NORMAL                        0
+ #define BIO_BIND_REUSEADDR             2
+ #define BIO_set_bind_mode(b,mode) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_BIND_MODE,mode,NULL)
+ #define BIO_get_bind_mode(b,mode) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_BIND_MODE,0,NULL)
+ #define BIO_do_connect(b)      BIO_do_handshake(b)
+ #define BIO_do_accept(b)       BIO_do_handshake(b)
+ #define BIO_do_handshake(b)    BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_DO_STATE_MACHINE,0,NULL)
+ /* BIO_s_proxy_client() */
+ #define BIO_set_url(b,url)     BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_PROXY_PARAM,0,(char *)(url))
+ #define BIO_set_proxies(b,p)   BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_PROXY_PARAM,1,(char *)(p))
+ /* BIO_set_nbio(b,n) */
+ #define BIO_set_filter_bio(b,s) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_PROXY_PARAM,2,(char *)(s))
+ /* BIO *BIO_get_filter_bio(BIO *bio); */
+ #define BIO_set_proxy_cb(b,cb) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_PROXY_PARAM,3,(char *)(cb))
+ #define BIO_set_proxy_header(b,sk) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_PROXY_PARAM,4,(char *)sk)
+ #define BIO_set_no_connect_return(b,bool) BIO_int_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_PROXY_PARAM,5,bool)
+ #define BIO_get_proxy_header(b,skp) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_PROXY_PARAM,0,(char *)skp)
+ #define BIO_get_proxies(b,pxy_p) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_PROXY_PARAM,1,(char *)(pxy_p))
+ #define BIO_get_url(b,url)     BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_PROXY_PARAM,2,(char *)(url))
+ #define BIO_get_no_connect_return(b)   BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_PROXY_PARAM,5,NULL)
+ #define BIO_set_fd(b,fd,c)     BIO_int_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_FD,c,fd)
+ #define BIO_get_fd(b,c)                BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_FD,0,(char *)c)
+ #define BIO_set_fp(b,fp,c)     BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_FILE_PTR,c,(char *)fp)
+ #define BIO_get_fp(b,fpp)      BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_FILE_PTR,0,(char *)fpp)
+ #define BIO_seek(b,ofs)        (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_FILE_SEEK,ofs,NULL)
+ #define BIO_tell(b)    (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_FILE_TELL,0,NULL)
+ /* name is cast to lose const, but might be better to route through a function
+    so we can do it safely */
+ /* If you are wondering why this isn't defined, its because CONST_STRICT is
+  * purely a compile-time kludge to allow const to be checked.
+  */
+ int BIO_read_filename(BIO *b,const char *name);
+ #else
+ #define BIO_read_filename(b,name) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_FILENAME, \
+                BIO_CLOSE|BIO_FP_READ,(char *)name)
+ #endif
+ #define BIO_write_filename(b,name) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_FILENAME, \
+                BIO_CLOSE|BIO_FP_WRITE,name)
+ #define BIO_append_filename(b,name) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_FILENAME, \
+                BIO_CLOSE|BIO_FP_APPEND,name)
+ #define BIO_rw_filename(b,name) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_FILENAME, \
+                BIO_CLOSE|BIO_FP_READ|BIO_FP_WRITE,name)
+ /* WARNING WARNING, this ups the reference count on the read bio of the
+  * SSL structure.  This is because the ssl read BIO is now pointed to by
+  * the next_bio field in the bio.  So when you free the BIO, make sure
+  * you are doing a BIO_free_all() to catch the underlying BIO. */
+ #define BIO_set_ssl(b,ssl,c)   BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_SSL,c,(char *)ssl)
+ #define BIO_get_ssl(b,sslp)    BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_SSL,0,(char *)sslp)
+ #define BIO_set_ssl_mode(b,client)     BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SSL_MODE,client,NULL)
+ #define BIO_set_ssl_renegotiate_bytes(b,num) \
+ #define BIO_get_num_renegotiates(b) \
+ #define BIO_set_ssl_renegotiate_timeout(b,seconds) \
+ /* defined in evp.h */
+ /* #define BIO_set_md(b,md)    BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_MD,1,(char *)md) */
+ #define BIO_get_mem_data(b,pp) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_CTRL_INFO,0,(char *)pp)
+ #define BIO_set_mem_buf(b,bm,c)        BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_BUF_MEM,c,(char *)bm)
+ #define BIO_get_mem_ptr(b,pp)  BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_BUF_MEM_PTR,0,(char *)pp)
+ #define BIO_set_mem_eof_return(b,v) \
+                                BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_BUF_MEM_EOF_RETURN,v,NULL)
+ /* For the BIO_f_buffer() type */
+ #define BIO_get_buffer_num_lines(b)    BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_BUFF_NUM_LINES,0,NULL)
+ #define BIO_set_buffer_size(b,size)    BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_BUFF_SIZE,size,NULL)
+ #define BIO_set_read_buffer_size(b,size) BIO_int_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_BUFF_SIZE,size,0)
+ #define BIO_set_write_buffer_size(b,size) BIO_int_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_BUFF_SIZE,size,1)
+ #define BIO_set_buffer_read_data(b,buf,num) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_BUFF_READ_DATA,num,buf)
+ /* Don't use the next one unless you know what you are doing :-) */
+ #define BIO_dup_state(b,ret)   BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_CTRL_DUP,0,(char *)(ret))
+ #define BIO_reset(b)           (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_CTRL_RESET,0,NULL)
+ #define BIO_eof(b)             (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_CTRL_EOF,0,NULL)
+ #define BIO_set_close(b,c)     (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_CTRL_SET_CLOSE,(c),NULL)
+ #define BIO_get_close(b)       (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_CTRL_GET_CLOSE,0,NULL)
+ #define BIO_pending(b)         (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_CTRL_PENDING,0,NULL)
+ #define BIO_wpending(b)                (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_CTRL_WPENDING,0,NULL)
+ /* ...pending macros have inappropriate return type */
+ size_t BIO_ctrl_pending(BIO *b);
+ size_t BIO_ctrl_wpending(BIO *b);
+ #define BIO_flush(b)           (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_CTRL_FLUSH,0,NULL)
+ #define BIO_get_info_callback(b,cbp) (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_CTRL_GET_CALLBACK,0,(char *)cbp)
+ #define BIO_set_info_callback(b,cb) (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_CTRL_SET_CALLBACK,0,(char *)cb)
+ /* For the BIO_f_buffer() type */
+ #define BIO_buffer_get_num_lines(b) BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_CTRL_GET,0,NULL)
+ /* For BIO_s_bio() */
+ #define BIO_set_write_buf_size(b,size) (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_SET_WRITE_BUF_SIZE,size,NULL)
+ #define BIO_get_write_buf_size(b,size) (size_t)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_WRITE_BUF_SIZE,size,NULL)
+ #define BIO_make_bio_pair(b1,b2)   (int)BIO_ctrl(b1,BIO_C_MAKE_BIO_PAIR,0,b2)
+ #define BIO_destroy_bio_pair(b)    (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_DESTROY_BIO_PAIR,0,NULL)
+ /* macros with inappropriate type -- but ...pending macros use int too: */
+ #define BIO_get_write_guarantee(b) (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_WRITE_GUARANTEE,0,NULL)
+ #define BIO_get_read_request(b)    (int)BIO_ctrl(b,BIO_C_GET_READ_REQUEST,0,NULL)
+ size_t BIO_ctrl_get_write_guarantee(BIO *b);
+ size_t BIO_ctrl_get_read_request(BIO *b);
+ int BIO_ctrl_reset_read_request(BIO *b);
+ #ifdef NO_STDIO
+ #define NO_FP_API
+ #endif
+ /* These two aren't currently implemented */
+ /* int BIO_get_ex_num(BIO *bio); */
+ /* void BIO_set_ex_free_func(BIO *bio,int idx,void (*cb)()); */
+ int BIO_set_ex_data(BIO *bio,int idx,char *data);
+ char *BIO_get_ex_data(BIO *bio,int idx);
+ int BIO_get_ex_new_index(long argl, char *argp, int (*new_func)(),
+        int (*dup_func)(), void (*free_func)());
+ #  if defined(WIN16) && defined(_WINDLL)
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_file_internal(void);
+ BIO *BIO_new_file_internal(char *filename, char *mode);
+ BIO *BIO_new_fp_internal(FILE *stream, int close_flag);
+ #    define BIO_s_file BIO_s_file_internal
+ #    define BIO_new_file       BIO_new_file_internal
+ #    define BIO_new_fp BIO_new_fp_internal
+ #  else /* FP_API */
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_file(void );
+ BIO *BIO_new_file(const char *filename, const char *mode);
+ BIO *BIO_new_fp(FILE *stream, int close_flag);
+ #    define BIO_s_file_internal                BIO_s_file
+ #    define BIO_new_file_internal      BIO_new_file
+ #    define BIO_new_fp_internal                BIO_s_file
+ #  endif /* FP_API */
+ BIO *  BIO_new(BIO_METHOD *type);
+ int    BIO_set(BIO *a,BIO_METHOD *type);
+ int    BIO_free(BIO *a);
+ int    BIO_read(BIO *b, void *data, int len);
+ int    BIO_gets(BIO *bp,char *buf, int size);
+ int    BIO_write(BIO *b, const char *data, int len);
+ int    BIO_puts(BIO *bp,const char *buf);
+ long   BIO_ctrl(BIO *bp,int cmd,long larg,void *parg);
+ char * BIO_ptr_ctrl(BIO *bp,int cmd,long larg);
+ long   BIO_int_ctrl(BIO *bp,int cmd,long larg,int iarg);
+ BIO *  BIO_push(BIO *b,BIO *append);
+ BIO *  BIO_pop(BIO *b);
+ void   BIO_free_all(BIO *a);
+ BIO *  BIO_find_type(BIO *b,int bio_type);
+ BIO *  BIO_get_retry_BIO(BIO *bio, int *reason);
+ int    BIO_get_retry_reason(BIO *bio);
+ BIO *  BIO_dup_chain(BIO *in);
+ int BIO_nread0(BIO *bio, char **buf);
+ int BIO_nread(BIO *bio, char **buf, int num);
+ int BIO_nwrite0(BIO *bio, char **buf);
+ int BIO_nwrite(BIO *bio, char **buf, int num);
+ #ifndef WIN16
+ long BIO_debug_callback(BIO *bio,int cmd,const char *argp,int argi,
+        long argl,long ret);
+ #else
+ long _far _loadds BIO_debug_callback(BIO *bio,int cmd,const char *argp,int argi,
+        long argl,long ret);
+ #endif
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_mem(void);
+ BIO *BIO_new_mem_buf(void *buf, int len);
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_socket(void);
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_connect(void);
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_accept(void);
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_fd(void);
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_log(void);
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_bio(void);
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_null(void);
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_null(void);
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_buffer(void);
+ BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_nbio_test(void);
+ /* BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_ber(void); */
+ int BIO_sock_should_retry(int i);
+ int BIO_sock_non_fatal_error(int error);
+ int BIO_fd_should_retry(int i);
+ int BIO_fd_non_fatal_error(int error);
+ int BIO_dump(BIO *b,const char *bytes,int len);
+ struct hostent *BIO_gethostbyname(const char *name);
+ /* We might want a thread-safe interface too:
+  * struct hostent *BIO_gethostbyname_r(const char *name,
+  *     struct hostent *result, void *buffer, size_t buflen);
+  * or something similar (caller allocates a struct hostent,
+  * pointed to by "result", and additional buffer space for the various
+  * substructures; if the buffer does not suffice, NULL is returned
+  * and an appropriate error code is set).
+  */
+ int BIO_sock_error(int sock);
+ int BIO_socket_ioctl(int fd, long type, unsigned long *arg);
+ int BIO_socket_nbio(int fd,int mode);
+ int BIO_get_port(const char *str, unsigned short *port_ptr);
+ int BIO_get_host_ip(const char *str, unsigned char *ip);
+ int BIO_get_accept_socket(char *host_port,int mode);
+ int BIO_accept(int sock,char **ip_port);
+ int BIO_sock_init(void );
+ void BIO_sock_cleanup(void);
+ int BIO_set_tcp_ndelay(int sock,int turn_on);
+ void ERR_load_BIO_strings(void );
+ BIO *BIO_new_socket(int sock, int close_flag);
+ BIO *BIO_new_fd(int fd, int close_flag);
+ BIO *BIO_new_connect(char *host_port);
+ BIO *BIO_new_accept(char *host_port);
+ int BIO_new_bio_pair(BIO **bio1, size_t writebuf1,
+        BIO **bio2, size_t writebuf2);
+ /* If successful, returns 1 and in *bio1, *bio2 two BIO pair endpoints.
+  * Otherwise returns 0 and sets *bio1 and *bio2 to NULL.
+  * Size 0 uses default value.
+  */
+ void BIO_copy_next_retry(BIO *b);
+ long BIO_ghbn_ctrl(int cmd,int iarg,char *parg);
+ int BIO_printf(BIO *bio, ...);
+ /* The following lines are auto generated by the script mkerr.pl. Any changes
+  * made after this point may be overwritten when the script is next run.
+  */
+ /* Error codes for the BIO functions. */
+ /* Function codes. */
+ #define BIO_F_ACPT_STATE                                100
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_ACCEPT                                101
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_BER_GET_HEADER                        102
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_CTRL                                  103
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_GETHOSTBYNAME                                 120
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_GETS                                  104
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_GET_ACCEPT_SOCKET                     105
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_GET_HOST_IP                           106
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_GET_PORT                              107
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_MAKE_PAIR                             121
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_NEW                                   108
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_NEW_FILE                              109
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_NEW_MEM_BUF                           126
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_NREAD                                         123
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_NREAD0                                124
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_NWRITE                                125
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_NWRITE0                               122
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_PUTS                                  110
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_READ                                  111
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_SOCK_INIT                             112
+ #define BIO_F_BIO_WRITE                                         113
+ #define BIO_F_BUFFER_CTRL                               114
+ #define BIO_F_CONN_STATE                                115
+ #define BIO_F_FILE_CTRL                                         116
+ #define BIO_F_MEM_WRITE                                         117
+ #define BIO_F_SSL_NEW                                   118
+ #define BIO_F_WSASTARTUP                                119
+ /* Reason codes. */
+ #define BIO_R_ACCEPT_ERROR                              100
+ #define BIO_R_BAD_FOPEN_MODE                            101
+ #define BIO_R_BAD_HOSTNAME_LOOKUP                       102
+ #define BIO_R_BROKEN_PIPE                               124
+ #define BIO_R_CONNECT_ERROR                             103
+ #define BIO_R_ERROR_SETTING_NBIO                        104
+ #define BIO_R_GETHOSTBYNAME_ADDR_IS_NOT_AF_INET                 107
+ #define BIO_R_INVALID_ARGUMENT                          125
+ #define BIO_R_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS                        108
+ #define BIO_R_IN_USE                                    123
+ #define BIO_R_KEEPALIVE                                         109
+ #define BIO_R_NBIO_CONNECT_ERROR                        110
+ #define BIO_R_NO_ACCEPT_PORT_SPECIFIED                  111
+ #define BIO_R_NO_HOSTNAME_SPECIFIED                     112
+ #define BIO_R_NO_PORT_DEFINED                           113
+ #define BIO_R_NO_PORT_SPECIFIED                                 114
+ #define BIO_R_NULL_PARAMETER                            115
+ #define BIO_R_TAG_MISMATCH                              116
+ #define BIO_R_UNABLE_TO_BIND_SOCKET                     117
+ #define BIO_R_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_SOCKET                   118
+ #define BIO_R_UNABLE_TO_LISTEN_SOCKET                   119
+ #define BIO_R_UNINITIALIZED                             120
+ #define BIO_R_UNSUPPORTED_METHOD                        121
+ #define BIO_R_WRITE_TO_READ_ONLY_BIO                    126
+ #define BIO_R_WSASTARTUP                                122
+ #ifdef  __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif

ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/panos-sio.txt -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Wed Feb 19 00:10:39 2025
--- -    Wed Feb 19 00:10:40 2025
*** 0 ****
--- 1,462 ----
+ SIO(3X)                                                   SIO(3X)
+        Sread,  Sgetc,  Srdline,  Sfetch,  Swrite,  Sputc, Sprint,
+        Sprintv,  Sdone,  Sundo,  Stie,  Suntie,  Sflush,  Sclose,
+        Sbuftype,   Smorefds,   Sgetchar,   Sputchar,  SIOLINELEN,
+        SIOMAXLINELEN - fast stream I/O
+        ##iinncclluuddee ""ssiioo..hh""
+        iinntt SSrreeaadd(( ffdd,, bbuuff,, nnbbyytteess ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+        cchhaarr **bbuuff ;;
+        iinntt nnbbyytteess ;;
+        iinntt SSggeettcc(( ffdd ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+        cchhaarr **SSrrddlliinnee(( ffdd ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+        cchhaarr **SSffeettcchh(( ffdd,, lleennggtthh ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+        lloonngg **lleennggtthh ;;
+        iinntt SSwwrriittee(( ffdd,, bbuuff,, nnbbyytteess ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+        cchhaarr **bbuuff ;;
+        iinntt nnbbyytteess ;;
+        iinntt SSppuuttcc(( ffdd,, cc ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+        cchhaarr cc ;;
+        iinntt SSpprriinntt(( ffdd,, ffoorrmmaatt [[ ,, ...... ]] ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+        cchhaarr **ffoorrmmaatt ;;
+        iinntt SSpprriinnttvv(( ffdd,, ffoorrmmaatt,, aapp ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+        cchhaarr **ffoorrmmaatt ;;
+        vvaa__lliisstt aapp ;;
+        iinntt SSddoonnee(( ffdd ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+        iinntt SSuunnddoo(( ffdd,, ttyyppee ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+        iinntt ttyyppee ;;
+        iinntt SSttiiee(( iiffdd,, ooffdd ))
+        iinntt iiffdd,, ooffdd ;;
+        iinntt SSuunnttiiee(( ffdd ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+                            29 May 1992                          1
+ SIO(3X)                                                   SIO(3X)
+        iinntt SSbbuuffttyyppee(( ffdd,, ttyyppee ))
+        iinntt ffdd,, ttyyppee ;;
+        iinntt SSmmoorreeffddss(())
+        iinntt SSfflluusshh(( ffdd ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+        iinntt SScclloossee(( ffdd ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+        iinntt SSggeettcchhaarr(( ffdd ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+        iinntt SSppuuttcchhaarr(( ffdd,, cc ))
+        iinntt ffdd;;
+        cchhaarr cc ;;
+        iinntt SSIIOOLLIINNEELLEENN(( ffdd ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+        iinntt SSIIOOMMAAXXLLIINNEELLEENN(( ffdd ))
+        iinntt ffdd ;;
+        The _S_I_O library provides support for _s_t_r_e_a_m  I/O  on  file
+        descriptors.   The  first  argument  of  every function or
+        macro is a file descriptor. The  file  descriptor  may  be
+        used  either  for  input  or  for  output,  but  not both.
+        Attempting to use a descriptor for both input  and  output
+        will  cause the call for the latter use to fail.  When you
+        are done with using a file descriptor, you  should  inform
+        _S_I_O  by  invoking  SSddoonnee(()) (unless the program is about to
+        call _e_x_i_t_(_3_)).  You can also use SSddoonnee(()) if  you  want  to
+        perform  a  different  type  of operation on the same file
+        descriptor (e.g. first you were reading data from the file
+        descriptor and then you want to write some data).  Another
+        possibility is to do stream I/O at different file  offsets
+        by  using  SSddoonnee(())  before using llsseeeekk((22)) to move to a new
+        file offset.
+        I/O operations on different file descriptors do not inter-
+        fere  (unless the file descriptors refer to the same file,
+        in which case the results are undefined).
+        For disk files, I/O always starts at the current file off-
+        set.   If  that  offset is not a multiple of the preferred
+        block size for file system I/O, performance  will  not  be
+        optimal  (the  preferred block size is determined from the
+        _s_t___b_l_k_s_i_z_e field in _s_t_r_u_c_t  _s_t_a_t).   For  optimal  perfor-
+        mance,  it  is  recommended  that  no I/O operations (like
+        _r_e_a_d_(_2_) or _w_r_i_t_e_(_2_)) are applied to the file descriptor if
+        it is to be used by _S_I_O.
+                            29 May 1992                          2
+ SIO(3X)                                                   SIO(3X)
+        Read  I/O is either buffered, or is done using memory map-
+        ping whenever that is possible and appropriate.
+        The library functions that do stream I/O  resemble  system
+        calls (for example SSrreeaadd(()) resembles _r_e_a_d_(_2_)) so that mod-
+        ifying a program that uses the system calls to use the _S_I_O
+        functions is easy (e.g. just replace _r_e_a_d_(_2_) with SSrreeaadd(());
+        the function signatures as well as the return  values  are
+        exactly  the  same;  also  make  sure  to replace calls to
+        _c_l_o_s_e_(_2_) with SScclloossee(())).
+        _S_I_O uses the underlying system calls _r_e_a_d_(_2_) and  _w_r_i_t_e_(_2_)
+        to  do  I/O  (except  when reading files using memory map-
+        ping).  These calls may  be  interrupted  (i.e.  they  may
+        return -1 with _e_r_r_n_o set to EINTR). Such interruptions are
+        ignored by _S_I_O which simply reissues the system call (this
+        means that a _S_I_O call will never fail because the underly-
+        ing I/O system call was interrupted).
+        SSrreeaadd(()) reads _n_b_y_t_e_s bytes from the stream associated with
+        file descriptor _f_d into the buffer pointed to by _b_u_f.
+        SSggeettcc(())  reads a character from the stream associated with
+        file descriptor _f_d.  It returns SSIIOO__EEOOFF if the end of file
+        has been reached.
+        SSggeettcchhaarr(()) (a macro) performs exactly the same function as
+        SSggeettcc(()) but it is much faster.
+        SSrrddlliinnee(()) reads a line from  the  stream  associated  with
+        file descriptor _f_d.  The newline at the end of the line is
+        replaced by a NUL byte. Lines longer than the maximum line
+        length supported by _S_I_O will have characters deleted.
+        SSIIOOLLIINNEELLEENN(())  (a  macro)  returns  the  length of the line
+        returned by the last call to SSrrddlliinnee(()) (the value returned
+        by  SSIIOOLLIINNEELLEENN(()) is valid only after SSrrddlliinnee(()) and as long
+        as no other _S_I_O calls are performed on that file  descrip-
+        tor).
+        SSIIOOMMAAXXLLIINNEELLEENN(())  (a macro) returns the maximul line length
+        supported by _S_I_O for the file descriptor. As a side-effect
+        it initializes _f_d for input.
+        SSffeettcchh(())  returns a pointer to data coming from the stream
+        associated with file descriptor _f_d.  The  amount  of  data
+        available  is indicated by the _l_e_n_g_t_h argument. One possi-
+        ble use for this function is to copy files.
+        SSwwrriittee(()) writes _n_b_y_t_e_s bytes to the stream associated with
+        file descriptor _f_d from the buffer pointed to by _b_u_f.
+        SSppuuttcc(()) writes a single character to the stream associated
+        with file descriptor _f_d.
+                            29 May 1992                          3
+ SIO(3X)                                                   SIO(3X)
+        SSppuuttcchhaarr(()) (a macro) performs exactly the same function as
+        SSppuuttcc(()) but it is much faster.
+        SSpprriinntt(())  imitates the behavior of printf(3) as defined in
+        the ANSI C Standard. There are some limitations. Check the
+        SSpprriinntt(()) man page for more information.
+        SSpprriinnttvv(())  is  the  same as SSpprriinntt(()) except that it uses a
+        _v_a_r_a_r_g_s argument list.
+        SSuunnddoo(()) returns the characters returned by the  last  call
+        to  SSrrddlliinnee(()), SSggeettcc(()) or SSggeettcchhaarr(()) to the stream so that
+        they can be reread. The _t_y_p_e argument to  SSuunnddoo(())  can  be
+        SSIIOO__UUNNDDOO__LLIINNEE  or  SSIIOO__UUNNDDOO__CCHHAARR  depending on whether the
+        call whose effect needs to  be  undone  was  SSrrddlliinnee(())  or
+        SSggeettcc(())/SSggeettcchhaarr(())  respectively.   There  is  no check on
+        whether the last function invoked on _f_d  was  one  of  the
+        above  and the results are undefined if there is no corre-
+        spondence between the _t_y_p_e and the last operation  on  _f_d.
+        (i.e. the result is undefined if you try SSIIOO__UUNNDDOO__CCHHAARR and
+        the last operation was not SSggeettcchhaarr(()) or SSggeettcc(())).
+        SSttiiee(()) ties the file descriptor _i_f_d to the file descriptor
+        _o_f_d.   This  means that whenever a _r_e_a_d_(_2_) is done on _i_f_d,
+        it is preceded by a _w_r_i_t_e_(_2_) on _o_f_d.  For  filters  it  is
+        useful  to do _S_t_i_e_( _0_, _1 _) to maximize concurrency.  It is
+        also useful to do the same thing when you issue prompts to
+        the user and you want the user reply to appear on the same
+        line with the prompt.  _i_f_d, _o_f_d  will be  initialized  for
+        input, output respectively (if any of them is initialized,
+        it must be for the appropriate stream type (input or  out-
+        put)).   If  _i_f_d  was tied to another file descriptor, the
+        old tie is broken.
+        SSuunnttiiee(()) undoes the effect of  SSttiiee(())  for  the  specified
+        input file descriptor.
+        SSbbuuffttyyppee(())  determines  the  buffering type for the output
+        stream associated with file  descriptor  _f_d.   By  default
+        output  directed  to  terminals  is  line buffered, output
+        directed  to  file  descriptor  2  (standard   error)   is
+        unbuffered  and everything else is fully buffered.  Possi-
+        ble values for the _t_y_p_e argument are
+               SSIIOO__FFUULLLLBBUUFF    for full buffering
+               SSIIOO__LLIINNEEBBUUFF    for line buffering
+               SSIIOO__NNOOBBUUFF      for no buffering
+        SSmmoorreeffddss(()) should be used to inform SSIIOO that the number of
+        available file descriptors has been increased. SSIIOO uses an
+        array of internal stream descriptors which are indexed  by
+        the  file  descriptor  number. Some operating systems (ex.
+                            29 May 1992                          4
+ SIO(3X)                                                   SIO(3X)
+        SunOS 4.1[.x]) allow the number of available file descrip-
+        tors  to vary. If that number is increased beyond its ini-
+        tial value SSIIOO needs to know in  order  to  allocate  more
+        stream descriptors.
+        SSddoonnee(())  flushes  any  buffered output for _f_d and releases
+        the _S_I_O resources used. SSddoonnee(()) is useful in case the pro-
+        gram  needs  to  reprocess  the  data of a file descriptor
+        (assuming the file descriptor corresponds to a file).  The
+        program can call SSddoonnee(()), _l_s_e_e_k_(_2_) to the beginning of the
+        file and then proceed to reread the file.
+        SSfflluusshh(()) causes any buffered stream output to  be  written
+        to  the  file  descriptor.  If its argument is the special
+        value  SSIIOO__FFLLUUSSHH__AALLLL  then  all  output  streams  will  be
+        flushed.
+        SScclloossee(())  closes  a  file  descriptor used for stream I/O,
+        flushes any buffered output and releases the _S_I_O resources
+        used.
+        The  following code implements a (poor) substitute for the
+        tee command (it copies standard input to a file as well as
+        to standard output).
+               ##iinncclluuddee ""ssiioo..hh""
+               mmaaiinn(( aarrggcc,, aarrggvv ))
+                    iinntt aarrggcc ;;
+                    cchhaarr **aarrggvv[[]] ;;
+               {{
+                    cchhaarr **ffiillee == ((aarrggcc >> 11)) ?? aarrggvv[[ 11 ]] :: ""tteeee..ffiillee"" ;;
+                    iinntt ffdd == ccrreeaatt(( ffiillee,, 00664444 )) ;;
+                    lloonngg lleennggtthh ;;
+                    cchhaarr **ss ;;
+                    wwhhiillee (( ss == SSffeettcchh(( 00,, &&lleennggtthh )) ))
+                    {{
+                         SSwwrriittee(( 11,, ss,, lleennggtthh )) ;;
+                         SSwwrriittee(( ffdd,, ss,, lleennggtthh )) ;;
+                    }}
+                    eexxiitt(( 00 )) ;;
+               }}
+        SSrreeaadd(())  returns  the  number  of bytes read on success (0
+        means end-of-file) or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o is set  to
+        indicate the error).
+        SSggeettcc(())  returns  the  character  read on success, SIO_EOF
+        when the end-of-file is reached,  or  SSIIOO__EERRRR  on  failure
+        (_e_r_r_n_o is set to indicate the error).
+        SSrrddlliinnee(())  returns  a pointer to the next line on success.
+        On failure or when the end-of-file is reached  it  returns
+        NULL.   If  the  end-of-file is reached _e_r_r_n_o is set to 0,
+                            29 May 1992                          5
+ SIO(3X)                                                   SIO(3X)
+        otherwise it indicates the error.
+        SSffeettcchh(()) returns a pointer to file data on success.   (the
+        _l_e_n_g_t_h  argument  indicates how many bytes are available).
+        On failure or when the end-of-file is reached  it  returns
+        NULL.   If  the  end-of-file is reached _e_r_r_n_o is set to 0,
+        otherwise it indicates the error.
+        SSwwrriittee(()) returns the number of bytes written on success or
+        SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o is set to indicate the error).
+        SSppuuttcc(())  returns the character it was given as an argument
+        on success  SSpprriinntt(())  returns  the  number  of  characters
+        printed  on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o is set to
+        indicate the error).
+        SSddoonnee(()) returns 00 on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure  (_e_r_r_n_o
+        is set to indicate the error).
+        SSuunnddoo(())  returns 00 on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o
+        is set to indicate the error).
+        SSttiiee(()) returns 00 on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on  failure  (_e_r_r_n_o
+        is set to indicate the error).
+        SSuunnttiiee(()) returns 00 on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o
+        is set to EEBBAADDFF if there was no tied file descriptor).
+        SSbbuuffttyyppee(()) returns 00 on  success  or  SSIIOO__EERRRR  on  failure
+        (_e_r_r_n_o  is set to EEBBAADDFF if this is not an output stream or
+        to EEIINNVVAALL if an unknown _t_y_p_e is specified).
+        SSmmoorreeffddss(()) returns 00 on  success  or  SSIIOO__EERRRR  on  failure
+        (because of lack of memory).
+        SSfflluusshh(()) returns 00 on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o
+        is set to indicate the error).
+        SScclloossee(()) returns 00 on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o
+        is set to indicate the error).
+        SSggeettcchhaarr(())  returns the character read on success, SIO_EOF
+        when the end-of-file is reached,  or  SSIIOO__EERRRR  on  failure
+        (_e_r_r_n_o is set to indicate the error).
+        SSppuuttcchhaarr(())  returns the character it was given as an argu-
+        ment on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure  (_e_r_r_n_o  is  set  to
+        indicate the error).
+        SSIIOOLLIINNEELLEENN(())  returns  the length of the last line read by
+        SSrrddlliinnee(()).
+        SSIIOOMMAAXXLLIINNEELLEENN(()) returns the length  of  the  longest  line
+        supported  by  _S_I_O on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o
+                            29 May 1992                          6
+ SIO(3X)                                                   SIO(3X)
+        is set to indicate the error).
+        Attempting a read operation on  a  descriptor  opened  for
+        writing  or  vice  versa  will cause the operation to fail
+        with _e_r_r_n_o set to EEBBAADDFF.
+        The first _S_I_O operation on a descriptor must be a read  or
+        write  operation.  It  cannot be a control operation (like
+        SSfflluusshh(())). Such an operation will fail with _e_r_r_n_o  set  to
+        EEBBAADDFF.
+        NNOOTTEE 11::        SSttiiee(()) is an input/output operation for the
+                       respective file descriptors, not a  control
+                       operation. SSuunnttiiee(()) is a control operation.
+        NNOOTTEE 22::        SSIIOO__EERRRR is defined to be --11.
+        Sprint(3)
+        If the operating system does not provide for invocation of
+        a  finalization  function upon exit, the program will have
+        to explicitly flush all  output  streams.   The  following
+        operating  systems  provide  such  a  facility: SunOS 4.x,
+        Ultrix 4.x, SunOS 5.x
+        Socket file descriptors can be used for input as  well  as
+        output but SSIIOO does not support this.
+        The current implementation will not try to use memory map-
+        ping to read a file if the file offset is not 0  (it  will
+        use buffered I/O instead).
+        Pointers  returned  by SSffeettcchh(()) point to read-only memory.
+        Attempting to modify this memory will result in a  segmen-
+        tation violation.
+                            29 May 1992                          7

ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/postfix-vstream.txt -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Wed Feb 19 00:10:39 2025
--- -    Wed Feb 19 00:10:40 2025
*** 0 ****
--- 1,396 ----
+ VSTREAM(3)                                             VSTREAM(3)
+        vstream - light-weight buffered I/O package
+        #include <vstream.h>
+        VSTREAM *vstream_fopen(path, flags, mode)
+        char    *path;
+        int     flags;
+        int     mode;
+        VSTREAM *vstream_fdopen(fd, flags)
+        int     fd;
+        int     flags;
+        int     vstream_fclose(stream)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        VSTREAM *vstream_printf(format, ...)
+        char    *format;
+        VSTREAM *vstream_fprintf(stream, format, ...)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        char    *format;
+        int     VSTREAM_GETC(stream)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        int     VSTREAM_PUTC(ch, stream)
+        int     ch;
+        int     VSTREAM_GETCHAR(void)
+        int     VSTREAM_PUTCHAR(ch)
+        int     ch;
+        int     vstream_ungetc(stream, ch)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        int     ch;
+        int     vstream_fputs(str, stream)
+        char    *str;
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        long    vstream_ftell(stream)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        long    vstream_fseek(stream, offset, whence)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        long    offset;
+        int     whence;
+        int     vstream_fflush(stream)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+                                                                 1
+ VSTREAM(3)                                             VSTREAM(3)
+        int     vstream_fread(stream, buf, len)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        char    *buf;
+        int     len;
+        int     vstream_fwrite(stream, buf, len)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        char    *buf;
+        int     len;
+        void    vstream_control(stream, name, ...)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        int     name;
+        int     vstream_fileno(stream)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        int     vstream_ferror(stream)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        int     vstream_feof(stream)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        int     vstream_clearerr(stream)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        char    *VSTREAM_PATH(stream)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        char    *vstream_vfprintf(vp, format, ap)
+        char    *format;
+        va_list *ap;
+        int     vstream_peek(stream)
+        VSTREAM *stream;
+        The  _v_s_t_r_e_a_m  module  implements light-weight buffered I/O
+        similar to the standard I/O routines.
+        The interface is implemented in terms of VSTREAM structure
+        pointers,  also  called  streams.  For  convenience, three
+        streams  are  predefined:  VSTREAM_IN,  VSTREAM_OUT,   and
+        VSTREAM_ERR.  These  streams are connected to the standard
+        input, output and error file descriptors, respectively.
+        Although the interface is patterned after the standard I/O
+        library, there are some major differences:
+        +o      File  descriptors  are  not  limited  to  the range
+               0..255. This was reason #1 to write these  routines
+               in the first place.
+        +o      The  application  can  switch  between  reading and
+                                                                 2
+ VSTREAM(3)                                             VSTREAM(3)
+               writing on the same stream without having  to  per-
+               form  a  flush  or  seek  operation, and can change
+               write position without having to flush.   This  was
+               reason  #2.  Upon  position  or  direction  change,
+               unread input is discarded, and unwritten output  is
+               flushed   automatically.  Exception:  with  double-
+               buffered streams, unread  input  is  not  discarded
+               upon  change  of I/O direction, and output flushing
+               is delayed until the read buffer must be  refilled.
+        +o      A  bidirectional stream can read and write with the
+               same buffer and file descriptor,  or  it  can  have
+               separate  read/write  buffers  and/or file descrip-
+               tors.
+        +o      No automatic flushing of VSTREAM_OUT  upon  program
+               exit,  or of VSTREAM_ERR at any time. No unbuffered
+               or line buffered modes.  This functionality may  be
+               added when it is really needed.
+        vstream_fopen()  opens  the  named  file  and associates a
+        buffered stream with it.  The _p_a_t_h, _f_l_a_g_s and  _m_o_d_e  argu-
+        ments  are passed on to the open(2) routine. The result is
+        a null pointer in case of problems. The _p_a_t_h  argument  is
+        copied and can be looked up with VSTREAM_PATH().
+        vstream_fdopen()  takes  an  open  file  and  associates a
+        buffered stream with it. The _f_l_a_g_s argument specifies  how
+        the  file  was opened. vstream_fdopen() either succeeds or
+        never returns.
+        vstream_fclose() closes the  named  buffered  stream.  The
+        result  is  0  in  case of success, VSTREAM_EOF in case of
+        problems.
+        vstream_fprintf() formats its arguments according  to  the
+        _f_o_r_m_a_t argument and writes the result to the named stream.
+        The result is the stream argument. It understands  the  s,
+        c, d, u, o, x, X, e, f and g format types, the l modifier,
+        field width and precision, sign, and padding with zeros or
+        spaces.  In  addition, vstream_fprintf() recognizes the %m
+        format specifier and expands it to the error message  cor-
+        responding  to the current value of the global _e_r_r_n_o vari-
+        able.
+        vstream_printf() performs formatted output to the standard
+        output stream.
+        VSTREAM_GETC()  reads  the  next  character from the named
+        stream.  The result is  VSTREAM_EOF  when  end-of-file  is
+        reached or if a read error was detected. VSTREAM_GETC() is
+        an unsafe macro that evaluates some  arguments  more  than
+        once.
+                                                                 3
+ VSTREAM(3)                                             VSTREAM(3)
+        VSTREAM_GETCHAR()        is       an       alias       for
+        VSTREAM_PUTC() appends  the  specified  character  to  the
+        specified  stream.  The result is the stored character, or
+        VSTREAM_EOF in case  of  problems.  VSTREAM_PUTC()  is  an
+        unsafe macro that evaluates some arguments more than once.
+        VSTREAM_PUTCHAR(c)  is  an   alias   for   VSTREAM_PUTC(c,
+        VSTREAM_OUT).
+        vstream_unget() pushes back a character onto the specified
+        stream and returns the character, or VSTREAM_EOF  in  case
+        of  problems.   It is an error to push back before reading
+        (or immediately  after  changing  the  stream  offset  via
+        vstream_fseek()).  Upon successful return, vstream_unget()
+        clears the end-of-file stream flag.
+        vstream_fputs() appends the given  null-terminated  string
+        to  the specified buffered stream. The result is 0 in case
+        of success, VSTREAM_EOF in case of problems.
+        vstream_ftell() returns the file offset for the  specified
+        stream,  -1  if  the stream is connected to a non-seekable
+        file.
+        vstream_fseek() changes the file  position  for  the  next
+        read or write operation. Unwritten output is flushed. With
+        unidirectional streams, unread  input  is  discarded.  The
+        _o_f_f_s_e_t  argument  specifies  the  file  position  from the
+        beginning of the file (_w_h_e_n_c_e is SEEK_SET), from the  cur-
+        rent  file position (_w_h_e_n_c_e is SEEK_CUR), or from the file
+        end (SEEK_END). The result value is the file  offset  from
+        the beginning of the file, -1 in case of problems.
+        vstream_fflush() flushes unwritten data to a file that was
+        opened in read-write or write-only mode.  vstream_fflush()
+        returns 0 in case of success, VSTREAM_EOF in case of prob-
+        lems. It is an error to flush a read-only stream.
+        vstream_fread() and vstream_fwrite()  perform  unformatted
+        I/O on the named stream. The result value is the number of
+        bytes transferred. A short count is returned  in  case  of
+        end-of-file or error conditions.
+        vstream_control()  allows the user to fine tune the behav-
+        ior of the specified stream.  The arguments are a list  of
+        (name, value) pairs, terminated with VSTREAM_CTL_END.  The
+        following lists the names and the types of the correspond-
+        ing value arguments.
+        VSTREAM_CTL_READ_FN (int (*)(int, void *, unsigned))
+               The  argument  specifies  an  alternative  for  the
+               read(2) function, for example, a read function that
+                                                                 4
+ VSTREAM(3)                                             VSTREAM(3)
+               enforces a time limit.
+        VSTREAM_CTL_WRITE_FN (int (*)(int, void *, unsigned))
+               The  argument  specifies  an  alternative  for  the
+               write(2) function, for example,  a  write  function
+               that enforces a time limit.
+        VSTREAM_CTL_PATH (char *)
+               Updates   the  stored  pathname  of  the  specified
+               stream. The pathname is copied.
+        VSTREAM_CTL_DOUBLE (no value)
+               Use separate buffers for reading and  for  writing.
+               This  prevents  unread  input  from being discarded
+               upon change of I/O direction.
+        VSTREAM_CTL_READ_FD (int)
+               The argument specifies the file  descriptor  to  be
+               used  for reading.  This feature is limited to dou-
+               ble-buffered streams, and  makes  the  stream  non-
+               seekable.
+        VSTREAM_CTL_WRITE_FD (int)
+               The  argument  specifies  the file descriptor to be
+               used for writing.  This feature is limited to  dou-
+               ble-buffered  streams,  and  makes  the stream non-
+               seekable.
+        VSTREAM_CTL_WAITPID_FN (int (*)(pid_t, WAIT_STATUS_T *,
+               int))
+               A  pointer to function that behaves like waitpid().
+               This information is used  by  the  vstream_pclose()
+               routine.
+        vstream_fileno()  gives  access to the file handle associ-
+        ated with a buffered stream. With streams that have  sepa-
+        rate  read/write  file descriptors, the result is the cur-
+        rent descriptor.
+        VSTREAM_PATH() is an unsafe macro that  returns  the  name
+        stored with vstream_fopen() or with vstream_control(). The
+        macro is unsafe because it evaluates some  arguments  more
+        than once.
+        vstream_ferror()  (vstream_feof()) returns non-zero when a
+        previous operation on the specified stream caused an error
+        (end-of-file) condition.
+        vstream_clearerr()  resets the error and end-of-file indi-
+        cation of specified stream, and returns no useful  result.
+        vstream_vfprintf()  provides  an  alternate  interface for
+        formatting an argument list according to a format  string.
+                                                                 5
+ VSTREAM(3)                                             VSTREAM(3)
+        vstream_peek()  returns  the number of characters that can
+        be read from the named stream without refilling  the  read
+        buffer.
+        Panics: interface violations. Fatal errors: out of memory.
+        vbuf_print(3) formatting engine
+        Should use mmap() on reasonable systems.
+        The Secure Mailer license must be  distributed  with  this
+        software.
+        Wietse Venema
+        IBM T.J. Watson Research
+        P.O. Box 704
+        Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
+                                                                 6

ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/stash-buf.txt -> 1.1

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+ /* -*- mode: c ; c-file-style: "canonware-c-style" -*-
+  ****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Jason Evans <jasone@canonware.com>.
+  * All rights reserved.
+  * 
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+  * are met:
+  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+  *    notice(s), this list of conditions and the following disclaimer as
+  *    the first lines of this file unmodified other than the possible
+  *    addition of one or more copyright notices.
+  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+  *    notice(s), this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+  *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+  *    distribution.
+  * 
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * Version: s19990524a
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * The buf and bufc classes implement a buffer abstraction.  These classes are
+  * designed specifically to handle streaming and transparent extensible
+  * buffering of data for applications such as socket programs.  The main
+  * features include:
+  *
+  * - Dynamically extensible and contractible buffering.
+  * - Internal reference counting, which avoids copying between buf's, and allows
+  *   for compact usage of memory buffers.
+  * - 8, 32, and 64 bit read functions for arbitrary byte offsets (within the
+  *   valid data range) within buf's.
+  * - 8, 32, and 64 bit, and string, write/append functions for arbitrary byte
+  *   offsets.
+  * - Easy ability to use with readv() and writev().
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ /* Pseudo-opaque typedefs. */
+ typedef struct cw_buf_s cw_buf_t;
+ typedef struct cw_bufc_s cw_bufc_t;
+ /* Opaque typedef. */
+ typedef struct cw_bufel_s cw_bufel_t;
+ /* The following data types should be considered opaque. */
+ struct cw_bufc_s
+ {
+ #if (defined(_LIBSTASH_DBG) || defined(_LIBSTASH_DEBUG))
+   cw_uint32_t magic;
+ #endif
+ #ifdef _CW_REENTRANT
+   cw_mtx_t lock;
+ #endif
+   void (*dealloc_func)(void *, void *);
+   void * dealloc_arg;
+   void (*buffer_dealloc_func)(void *, void *);
+   void * buffer_dealloc_arg;
+   cw_uint32_t ref_count;
+   cw_bool_t is_writeable;
+   cw_uint32_t buf_size;
+   cw_uint8_t * buf;
+ };
+ struct cw_buf_s
+ {
+ #if (defined(_LIBSTASH_DBG) || defined(_LIBSTASH_DEBUG))
+   cw_uint32_t magic;
+ #endif
+   cw_bool_t is_malloced;
+ #ifdef _CW_REENTRANT
+   cw_bool_t is_threadsafe;
+   cw_mtx_t lock;
+ #endif
+   cw_uint32_t size;
+   cw_uint32_t array_size;
+   cw_uint32_t array_num_valid;
+   cw_uint32_t array_start;
+   cw_uint32_t array_end;
+   cw_bool_t is_cumulative_valid;
+   cw_bool_t is_cached_bufel_valid;
+   cw_uint32_t cached_bufel;
+   cw_bufel_t * bufel_array;
+   cw_uint32_t * cumulative_index;
+   struct iovec * iov;
+ };
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to space for a buf, or NULL.
+  *
+  * a_is_thread_safe : FALSE == not thread safe, TRUE == thread safe.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : Pointer to a buf, or NULL.
+  *          NULL : Memory allocation error.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Constructor.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ #ifdef _CW_REENTRANT
+ cw_buf_t *
+ buf_new(cw_buf_t * a_buf, cw_bool_t a_is_threadsafe);
+ #else
+ cw_buf_t *
+ buf_new(cw_buf_t * a_buf);
+ #endif
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * None.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Destructor.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ void
+ buf_delete(cw_buf_t * a_buf);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_prefix : Pointer to a string that represents a string to be prefixed to
+  *            each line of output.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * None.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Dump the internal state of a_buf to cw_g_log.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ void
+ buf_dump(cw_buf_t * a_buf, const char * a_prefix);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : Number of bytes of valid data.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Return the amount of valid data in bytes.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_uint32_t
+ buf_get_size(cw_buf_t * a_buf);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : Number of bufel's in a_buf (same as iovec count in buf_get_iovec()).
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Return the number of bufel's in a_buf.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_uint32_t
+ buf_get_num_bufels(cw_buf_t * a_buf);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_max_data : Maximum number of bytes of space to include in the iovec.
+  *
+  * a_is_sys_iovec : If TRUE, limit *r_iovec_count to the maximum iovec count
+  *                  supported by this system for readv()/writev().
+  *
+  * a_iovec_count : Pointer to an int.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : Pointer to an iovec array that represents the internal data buffers
+  *          in a_buf.
+  *
+  * *r_iovec_count : Number of valid iovec structures in retval.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Build an iovec array that represents the valid data in a_buf's internal
+  * buffers (up to a_max_data bytes) and return a pointer to it.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ const struct iovec *
+ buf_get_iovec(cw_buf_t * a_buf, cw_uint32_t a_max_data,
+              cw_bool_t a_is_sys_iovec, int * r_iovec_count);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_a : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_b : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_preserve : If TRUE, preserve a_b (don't modify it).  If FALSE, release the
+  *              data in a_b after catenating a_b to a_a.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : FALSE == success, TRUE == error.
+  *          TRUE : Memory allocation error.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Catenate two bufs.  a_b is left unmodified if a_preserve is TRUE.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_bool_t
+ buf_catenate_buf(cw_buf_t * a_a, cw_buf_t * a_b, cw_bool_t a_preserve);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_a : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_b : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_offset : Offset at which to split a_b.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : FALSE == success, TRUE == error.
+  *          TRUE : Memory allocation error.  a_a and a_b are returned to their
+  *                 original states.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Split a_b at offset a_offset.  Append the data before a_offset to a_a, and
+  * leave the remainder in a_b.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_bool_t
+ buf_split(cw_buf_t * a_a, cw_buf_t * a_b, cw_uint32_t a_offset);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_bufel : Pointer to a bufel.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : FALSE == success, TRUE == error.
+  *          TRUE : Memory allocation error.  a_buf is still valid.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Prepend the data from a_bufel to a_buf.  a_bufel is not modified.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_bool_t
+ buf_prepend_bufel(cw_buf_t * a_buf, cw_bufel_t * a_bufel);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_bufc : Pointer to a bufc.
+  *
+  * a_beg_offset : Offset of first valid byte in a_bufc's memory buffer.
+  *
+  * a_end_offset : Offset of first byte past the valid range of bytes in a_bufc's
+  *                memory buffer.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : FALSE == success, TRUE == error.
+  *          TRUE : Memory allocation error.  a_buf is still valid.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Prepend a_bufc, bytes a_beg_offset .. (a_end_offset - 1) to a_buf.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_bool_t
+ buf_prepend_bufc(cw_buf_t * a_buf, cw_bufc_t * a_bufc,
+                 cw_uint32_t a_beg_offset, cw_uint32_t a_end_offset);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_bufc : Pointer to a bufc.
+  *
+  * a_beg_offset : Offset of first valid byte in a_bufc's memory buffer.
+  *
+  * a_end_offset : Offset of first byte past the valid range of bytes in a_bufc's
+  *                memory buffer.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : FALSE == success, TRUE == error.
+  *          TRUE : Memory allocation error.  a_buf is still valid.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Append a_bufc, bytes a_beg_offset .. (a_end_offset - 1) to a_buf.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_bool_t
+ buf_append_bufc(cw_buf_t * a_buf, cw_bufc_t * a_bufc,
+                cw_uint32_t a_beg_offset, cw_uint32_t a_end_offset);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_bufel : Pointer to a bufel.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : FALSE == success, TRUE == error.
+  *          TRUE : Memory allocation error.  a_buf is still valid.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Append the data from a_bufel to a_buf.  a_bufel is not modified.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_bool_t
+ buf_append_bufel(cw_buf_t * a_buf, cw_bufel_t * a_bufel);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_amount : Number of bytes of data to release from the head of a_buf.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : FALSE == success, TRUE == error.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Release a_amount bytes from the head of a_buf.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_bool_t
+ buf_release_head_data(cw_buf_t * a_buf, cw_uint32_t a_amount);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_amount : Number of bytes of data to release from the tail of a_buf.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : FALSE == success, TRUE == error.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Release a_amount bytes from the tail of a_buf.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_bool_t
+ buf_release_tail_data(cw_buf_t * a_buf, cw_uint32_t a_amount);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_offset : Offset in bytes of uint8 to return.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : Value of the uint8 at offset a_offset in a_buf.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Return the uint8 at offset a_offset.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_uint8_t
+ buf_get_uint8(cw_buf_t * a_buf, cw_uint32_t a_offset);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_offset : Offset in bytes of uint32 to return.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : Value of the uint32 at offset a_offset in a_buf.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Return the uint32 at offset a_offset.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_uint32_t
+ buf_get_uint32(cw_buf_t * a_buf, cw_uint32_t a_offset);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_offset : Offset in bytes of uint64 to return.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : Value of the uint64 at offset a_offset in a_buf.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Return the uint64 at offset a_offset.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_uint64_t
+ buf_get_uint64(cw_buf_t * a_buf, cw_uint32_t a_offset);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_offset : Offset in bytes of data to set. (a_offset <= buf_get_size(a_buf))
+  *
+  * a_val : Value to set data at a_offset to.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : FALSE == success, TRUE == error.
+  *          TRUE : memory allocation error.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Set the uint8 at a_offset to a_val.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_bool_t
+ buf_set_uint8(cw_buf_t * a_buf, cw_uint32_t a_offset, cw_uint8_t a_val);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_offset : Offset in bytes of data to set. (a_offset <= buf_get_size(a_buf))
+  *
+  * a_val : Value to set data at a_offset to.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : FALSE == success, TRUE == error.
+  *          TRUE : memory allocation error.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Set the uint32 at a_offset to a_val.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_bool_t
+ buf_set_uint32(cw_buf_t * a_buf, cw_uint32_t a_offset, cw_uint32_t a_val);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_offset : Offset in bytes of data to set. (a_offset <= buf_get_size(a_buf))
+  *
+  * a_val : Value to set data at a_offset to.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : FALSE == success, TRUE == error.
+  *          TRUE : memory allocation error.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Set the uint64 at a_offset to a_val.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_bool_t
+ buf_set_uint64(cw_buf_t * a_buf, cw_uint32_t a_offset, cw_uint64_t a_val);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_buf : Pointer to a buf.
+  *
+  * a_offset : Offset in bytes of data to set. (a_offset <= buf_get_size(a_buf))
+  *
+  * a_length : Number of bytes to copy from a_val.
+  *
+  * a_val : Value to set data at a_offset to.
+  *
+  * a_is_writeable : FALSE == non-writeable buffer, TRUE == writeable buffer.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : FALSE == success, TRUE == error.
+  *          TRUE : memory allocation error.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Copy a_offset bytes from a_val to a_buf at offset a_offset.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_bool_t
+ buf_set_range(cw_buf_t * a_buf, cw_uint32_t a_offset, cw_uint32_t a_length,
+              cw_uint8_t * a_val, cw_bool_t a_is_writeable);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_bufc : Pointer to space for a bufc, or NULL.
+  *
+  * a_dealloc_func : Pointer to a deallocation function for a_bufc, or NULL.
+  *                  Ignored if a_bufc == NULL.
+  *
+  * a_dealloc_arg : First argument to a_dealloc_func.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * retval : Pointer to an initialized bufc, or NULL.
+  *          NULL : Memory allocation error.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Constructor.  The return value should be used in a call to bufc_set_buffer(),
+  * then bufel_set_bufc().  bufc_delete() can be called at any time up until the
+  * call to bufel_set_bufc() to deallocate, but should not be called thereafter.
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ cw_bufc_t *
+ bufc_new(cw_bufc_t * a_bufc,
+         void (*a_dealloc_func)(void * dealloc_arg, void * bufel),
+         void * a_dealloc_arg);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_bufc : Pointer to a bufc.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * None.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Destructor.  Only call this if a_bufc was never used in a call to
+  * bufel_set_bufc().
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ void
+ bufc_delete(cw_bufc_t * a_bufc);
+ /****************************************************************************
+  *
+  * <<< Input(s) >>>
+  *
+  * a_bufc : Pointer to a bufc.
+  *
+  * a_buffer : Pointer to a buffer.
+  *
+  * a_size : Size of *a_buffer.
+  *
+  * a_dealloc_func : Pointer to a deallocation function for a_buffer, or NULL.
+  *
+  * a_dealloc_arg : First argument to a_dealloc_func.
+  *
+  * <<< Output(s) >>>
+  *
+  * None.
+  *
+  * <<< Description >>>
+  *
+  * Set a_bufc's internal data buffer to a_buffer, with size a_size, and
+  * deallocation function a_dealloc_func(a_dealloc_arg, a_buffer).
+  *
+  ****************************************************************************/
+ void
+ bufc_set_buffer(cw_bufc_t * a_bufc, void * a_buffer, cw_uint32_t a_size,
+                cw_bool_t a_is_writeable,
+                void (*a_dealloc_func)(void * dealloc_arg, void * buffer),
+                void * a_dealloc_arg);

ossp-pkg/sio/BRAINSTORM/substdio.txt -> 1.1

*** /dev/null    Wed Feb 19 00:10:39 2025
--- -    Wed Feb 19 00:10:40 2025
*** 0 ****
--- 1,396 ----
+ substdio(3)                                           substdio(3)
+        substdio - the Sub-Standard Input/Output Library
+        ##iinncclluuddee <<ssuubbssttddiioo..hh>>
+        void ssuubbssttddiioo__ffddbbuuff(&_s,_o_p,_f_d,_b_u_f,_l_e_n);
+        int ssuubbssttddiioo__ffiilleennoo(&_s);
+        substdio _s;
+        int (*_o_p)();
+        int _f_d;
+        char *_b_u_f;
+        int _l_e_n;
+        ssuubbssttddiioo  is  the Sub-Standard I/O Library.  ssuubbssttddiioo con-
+        tains only a few of the features of stdio; it is  a  fast,
+        lightweight, low-level library, suitable for use as a com-
+        ponent of higher-level I/O libraries.
+        The point of ssuubbssttddiioo is to  provide  buffered  I/O.   The
+        basic object in ssuubbssttddiioo is the ssuubbssttddiioo structure; a ssuubb--
+        ssttddiioo variable stores an operation, a  descriptor,  and  a
+        pointer  into a buffer of some nonzero length.  The ssuubbsstt--
+        ddiioo operations read data  from  the  buffer,  filling  the
+        buffer as necessary using the operation on the descriptor,
+        or write data to the buffer, flushing the buffer as neces-
+        sary  using  the  operation  on the descriptor.  Input and
+        output operations cannot be mixed.
+        ssuubbssttddiioo__ffddbbuuff initializes a ssuubbssttddiioo variable.  The oper-
+        ation is _o_p.  The descriptor is _f_d.  The buffer is _b_u_f, an
+        array of _l_e_n chars.
+        _o_p will be called as _o_p(_f_d,_x,_n).  Here _x is a  pointer  to
+        an  array  of  characters  of  length _n; _o_p must read some
+        characters from _f_d to that array, or write some characters
+        to  _f_d  from that array.  The return value from _o_p must be
+        the number of characters read or  written.   0  characters
+        read  means  end of input; 0 characters written means that
+        the write operation should be tried again immediately.  On
+        error,  _o_p  must  return  -1, setting eerrrrnnoo appropriately,
+        without reading or  writing  anything.   Most  errors  are
+        returned  directly to the ssuubbssttddiioo caller, but an error of
+        eerrrroorr__iinnttrr means that the operation should be tried  again
+        immediately.
+        There is a SSUUBBSSTTDDIIOO__FFDDBBUUFF macro that can be used to stati-
+        cally initialize a ssuubbssttddiioo variable:
+           substdio s = SUBSTDIO_FDBUF(op,fd,buf,len);
+                                                                 1
+ substdio(3)                                           substdio(3)
+        ssuubbssttddiioo__ffiilleennoo returns the descriptor for an  initialized
+        ssuubbssttddiioo variable.
+        substdio_in(3),     substdio_out(3),     substdio_copy(3),
+        error(3)
+                                                                 2
+ substdio_in(3)                                     substdio_in(3)
+        substdio_in - substdio input routines
+        ##iinncclluuddee <<ssuubbssttddiioo..hh>>
+        int ssuubbssttddiioo__ggeett(&_s,_t_o,_l_e_n);
+        int ssuubbssttddiioo__bbggeett(&_s,_t_o,_l_e_n);
+        int ssuubbssttddiioo__ffeeeedd(&_s);
+        char *ssuubbssttddiioo__ppeeeekk(&_s);
+        void ssuubbssttddiioo__sseeeekk(&_s,_l_e_n);
+        substdio _s;
+        char *_t_o;
+        int _l_e_n;
+        ssuubbssttddiioo__ggeett  reads at most _l_e_n characters from _s into the
+        character array _t_o.  It returns the number  of  characters
+        read,  0  for  end of file, or -1 for error, setting eerrrrnnoo
+        appropriately.
+        ssuubbssttddiioo__bbggeett has the same function as ssuubbssttddiioo__ggeett.   The
+        difference  is what happens when there is no buffered data
+        and _l_e_n exceeds the buffer  size:  ssuubbssttddiioo__ggeett  tries  to
+        read  _l_e_n  characters, whereas ssuubbssttddiioo__bbggeett tries to read
+        one buffer of characters.   In  some  cases  ssuubbssttddiioo__bbggeett
+        will be more efficient than ssuubbssttddiioo__ggeett.
+        ssuubbssttddiioo__ffeeeedd  makes  sure that there is buffered data, so
+        that the next ssuubbssttddiioo__ggeett or ssuubbssttddiioo__bbggeett will  succeed.
+        If the buffer is empty, ssuubbssttddiioo__ffeeeedd tries to fill it; it
+        returns 0 for end of file, -1 for error, or the number  of
+        buffered characters on success.  If the buffer already had
+        data, ssuubbssttddiioo__ffeeeedd leaves it alone and returns the number
+        of buffered characters.
+        ssuubbssttddiioo__ppeeeekk returns a pointer to the buffered data.
+        ssuubbssttddiioo__sseeeekk  throws  away _l_e_n buffered characters, as if
+        they had been read.  _l_e_n must be at least 0  and  at  most
+        the amount of buffered data.
+        The ssuubbssttddiioo__PPEEEEKK and ssuubbssttddiioo__SSEEEEKK macros behave the same
+        way as ssuubbssttddiioo__ppeeeekk and ssuubbssttddiioo__sseeeekk  but  may  evaluate
+        their arguments several times.
+        The  point  of  ssuubbssttddiioo__ppeeeekk and ssuubbssttddiioo__sseeeekk is to read
+        data without unnecessary copies.  Sample code:
+                                                                 1
+ substdio_in(3)                                     substdio_in(3)
+          for (;;) {
+            n = substdio_feed(s);
+            if (n <= 0) return n;
+            x = substdio_PEEK(s);
+            handle(x,n);
+            substdio_SEEK(s,n);
+          }
+        The SSUUBBSSTTDDIIOO__IINNSSIIZZEE macro is defined as a reasonably large
+        input buffer size for ssuubbssttddiioo__ffddbbuuff.
+        When  a  ssuubbssttddiioo  variable  _s is used for input, there is
+        free buffer space from _s..xx to _s..xx + _s..nn; data is  buffered
+        from _s..xx + _s..nn to _s..xx + _s..nn + _s..pp; the total buffer length
+        is _s..nn + _s..pp.
+        substdio(3)
+                                                                 2
+ substdio_out(3)                                   substdio_out(3)
+        substdio_out - substdio output routines
+        ##iinncclluuddee <<ssuubbssttddiioo..hh>>
+        int ssuubbssttddiioo__ppuutt(&_s,_f_r_o_m,_l_e_n);
+        int ssuubbssttddiioo__ppuuttss(&_s,_f_r_o_m);
+        int ssuubbssttddiioo__bbppuutt(&_s,_f_r_o_m,_l_e_n);
+        int ssuubbssttddiioo__bbppuuttss(&_s,_f_r_o_m);
+        int ssuubbssttddiioo__fflluusshh(&_s);
+        int ssuubbssttddiioo__ppuuttfflluusshh(&_s,_f_r_o_m,_l_e_n);
+        int ssuubbssttddiioo__ppuuttssfflluusshh(&_s,_f_r_o_m);
+        substdio _s;
+        char *_f_r_o_m;
+        int _l_e_n;
+        ssuubbssttddiioo__ppuutt writes _l_e_n characters to _s out of the charac-
+        ter array _f_r_o_m.  It returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
+        ssuubbssttddiioo__bbppuutt has the same function as ssuubbssttddiioo__ppuutt.   The
+        difference  is  how the buffer is flushed when there isn't
+        enough room for _l_e_n characters: ssuubbssttddiioo__ppuutt  flushes  the
+        buffered  data before copying the new data, whereas ssuubbsstt--
+        ddiioo__bbppuutt fills the buffer with new data before flushing.
+        ssuubbssttddiioo__fflluusshh forces all data  to  be  written  from  the
+        internal buffer.  It returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
+        ssuubbssttddiioo__ppuuttfflluusshh  is  similar to ssuubbssttddiioo__ppuutt followed by
+        ssuubbssttddiioo__fflluusshh, but it avoids all internal copies.
+        ssuubbssttddiioo__ppuuttss, ssuubbssttddiioo__bbppuuttss, and ssuubbssttddiioo__ppuuttssfflluusshh  are
+        the same as ssuubbssttddiioo__ppuutt, ssuubbssttddiioo__bbppuutt, and ssuubbssttddiioo__ppuutt--
+        fflluusshh except that _f_r_o_m must be a  0-terminated  string  of
+        characters.   The string, not including the 0, is written.
+        The SSUUBBSSTTDDIIOO__OOUUTTSSIIZZEE macro  is  defined  as  a  reasonably
+        large output buffer size for ssuubbssttddiioo__ffddbbuuff.
+        When  a  ssuubbssttddiioo  variable  _s is used for output, data is
+        buffered from _s..xx to _s..xx + _s..pp; there is free buffer space
+        from to _s..xx + _s..pp to _s..xx + _s..nn; the total buffer length is
+        _s..nn.
+        substdio(3)
+                                                                 1
+ substdio_copy(3)                                 substdio_copy(3)
+        substdio_copy - copy an entire input to an output
+        ##iinncclluuddee <<ssuubbssttddiioo..hh>>
+        int ssuubbssttddiioo__ccooppyy(&_s_o_u_t,&_s_i_n);
+        substdio _s_o_u_t;
+        substdio _s_i_n;
+        ssuubbssttddiioo__ccooppyy reads characters from _s_i_n until end of file,
+        writing each character to _s_o_u_t.  It then  returns  0.   It
+        does not flush _s_o_u_t.
+        Upon  a _s_i_n error, ssuubbssttddiioo__ccooppyy returns -2, leaving eerrrrnnoo
+        set appropriately.
+        Upon a _s_o_u_t error, ssuubbssttddiioo__ccooppyy returns -3, leaving eerrrrnnoo
+        set appropriately.
+        substdio(3)
+                                                                 1

CVSTrac 2.0.1