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ossp - Ticket #181
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Ticket 181: Please provide a namespaced header/pkg-config file

On a given system, it's anyone's guess whether the result of #include <uuid.h> comes from OSSP uuid, or from e2fsprogs libuuid (¤https://sourceforge.net/projects/e2fsprogs/). Debian currently patches OSSP uuid to rename it to ossp-uuid, to avoid this, but that doesn't solve the problem for non-Debian OSs.

Compounding this problem, both projects install uuid.pc, so if you do a pkg-config check for "uuid", it's anyone's guess which API you'll end up with.

¤https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22972 has more on this.

It would be very useful if you could add a header with a namespaced name (/usr/include/ossp-uuid.h would work, for instance), move the uuid declarations there, and make your uuid.h just #include "ossp-uuid.h" for backwards compatibility. Similarly, it'd be great if you could provide ossp-uuid.pc (which is what the Debian package calls it already) in addition to uuid.pc.

I've filed a very similar feature request on e2fsprogs.

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Type: new           Version:  
Status: new          Created: 2010-Sep-27 18:23
Severity:          Last Change: 2010-Sep-27 18:23
Priority:          Subsystem: uuid 
Assigned To: rse           Derived From:  
Creator: anonymous 

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