## ## ossp_pkg.wml -- Package Macros ## Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Ralf S. Engelschall ## # define a process bar />/> /> 100/>/> /> 100/>/> 0 "" >
% />/> 0 "" > />/>
# define a macro which can be used to create a file listing which # is optically more compact than the stuff Apache's mod_autoindex # creates. ..PAGE_CSS>> TR.files0N { background: #f5f5f0; } TR.files1N { background: #e5e5e0; } .files0N,.files1N,A.files0N,A.files1N { color: #000000; } TR.files0S,TR.files1S { background: #993333; } .files0S,.files1S,A.files0S,A.files1S { color: #ffffff; } TR.files0U,TR.files1U { background: #666699; } .files0U,.files1U,A.files0U,A.files1U { color: #ffffff; } <<.. <: my $url = ""; my $directory = ""; my $files = ""; my $stable = ""; my $unstable = ""; $url =~ s|/+$||s; :> <: my $odir = chdir($directory) || die; my @F = reverse sort { (stat($a))[9] <=> (stat($b))[9]; } (glob($files)); chdir($odir); my $O = ''; $ncol = 0; foreach my $f (@F) { my @S = stat($f); my $size = $S[7]; if ($size > (1024*1024)) { $size = sprintf("%.1fMB", $size / (1024*1024)); } elsif ($size > (1024)) { $size = sprintf("%.1fKB", $size / (1024)); } $f = "$f/" if (-d $f); my @T = localtime($S[9]); my @moy = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); $ncol = ($ncol + 1) % 2; my $type = "N"; $type = "S" if ($f =~ m|$stable|); $type = "U" if ($f =~ m|$unstable|); my $class = "files${ncol}${type}"; $f = "$f"; my $e = "" . " " . " " . " ". ""; $O .= $e . "\n"; } print $O; :>
File: Size: Time:
".$f."    ".$size."  ".sprintf("%"."02d-%"."s-%"."04d", $T[3], $moy[$T[4]], 1900+$T[5]) . "
# define a package summary list %body
* derived from external sources
" "yes" " *"> Stable: " "none" "none" > Unstable: " "none" "none" > " "none" "" >> " "100" "" >>
Stable Version:   () " "" "" " "none" "" Bug Reporting] >> >>
Unstable Version:   () " "" "" Bug Reporting] >>
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