## ## Dmalloc Init Script for use with GNU Pth ## Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Ralf S. Engelschall ## # no debugging none none # basic debugging debug1 log-stats, log-non-free, check-fence # more logging and some heap checking debug2 log-stats, log-non-free, check-fence, \ log-trans, check-heap, check-lists # good utilities debug3 log-stats, log-non-free, check-fence, \ log-trans, check-heap, check-lists, \ log-admin, realloc-copy, free-blank # full metal jacket debug4 log-stats, log-non-free, check-fence, \ log-trans, check-heap, check-lists, \ log-admin, realloc-copy, free-blank, \ log-bad-space, log-nonfree-space