#ifndef __LMTP_H__ #define __LMTP_H__ #include #include #include #include struct lmtp_st; typedef struct lmtp_st lmtp_t; typedef struct { int (*select)(int nfds, fd_set *rfds, fd_set *wrfds, fd_set *efds, struct timeval *t); ssize_t (*read) (int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes); ssize_t (*write) (int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes); } lmtp_io_t; typedef struct { char *verb; /* verb found */ char *msg; /* wholly message including verb */ } lmtp_req_t; typedef struct { char *statuscode; /* digit digit digit NUL */ char *dsncode; /* digit dot digit dot digit NUL */ char *statusmsg; /* message with >=0*NLs, not terminating with NL. NUL */ } lmtp_res_t; typedef enum { LMTP_OK, LMTP_EOF, /* eof */ LMTP_ERR_SYSTEM, /* see errno */ LMTP_ERR_MEM, /* dynamic memory allocation failed */ LMTP_ERR_OVERFLOW, /* static allocated memory exhausted */ LMTP_ERR_VERB, /* search for verb failed */ LMTP_ERR_ARG, /* invalid arg was passed to function */ LMTP_ERR_UNKNOWN /* guru meditation */ } lmtp_rc_t; typedef lmtp_rc_t (*lmtp_cb_t)(lmtp_t *lmtp, lmtp_io_t *io, lmtp_req_t *req, void *ctx); lmtp_t *lmtp_create (int rfd, int wfd, lmtp_io_t *io); void lmtp_destroy (lmtp_t *lmtp); lmtp_rc_t lmtp_readline(lmtp_t *lmtp, char *buf, size_t buflen); lmtp_rc_t lmtp_readmsg (lmtp_t *lmtp, char **buf, size_t maxlen); lmtp_rc_t lmtp_request (lmtp_t *lmtp, lmtp_req_t *req); lmtp_rc_t lmtp_response(lmtp_t *lmtp, lmtp_res_t *res); char **lmtp_message (lmtp_t *lmtp, char *verb); void lmtp_reset (lmtp_t *lmtp); char *lmtp_error (lmtp_t *lmtp, lmtp_rc_t rc); lmtp_rc_t lmtp_register(lmtp_t *lmtp, char *verb, lmtp_cb_t cb, void *ctx, lmtp_cb_t *oldcb, void **oldctx); lmtp_rc_t lmtp_loop (lmtp_t *lmtp); #endif /* __LMTP_H__ */