before release, check for - FIXME - strdup - check printf/log for consistent look'n'feel and uniqness - check printf/log for consistent usage of strerr()/XXX_error() should we resolv on startup only or for every access or using dns ttl add --define foo:bar option allowing the user to specify arbitrary variables which can then be used as ${option.define}[x] when you know x expanding to 'foo:bar' or be used as ${} and expanding to 'bar'. newsserver fallback: when a server does not respond, mark it "disabled" for a specified time. Until the time is expired, ignore this server. However, if all others fail, ignore the timestamp. use sa_buffer (where sa_timeout is called) on waiting for childs to finish: maximum number of seconds to wait at all and if childs still are running, kill them. This means we have to remember pid_t's. add a %dumpvars function to the header rewrite engine LMTP and NNTP logging by passing the l2 context into their structures. Proper cleanup when exiting through signals. make msg.c a library with functions to add/ remove headers. add artifical delay for error respones to defeat DoS attacks. the name of the variable "errorstring" is confusing since it is used for other strings as well, see processing of -r option Lawrence Greenfield inn permissions require "read" for a STAT, so a "post w/o stat" delivery mode should be implemented. **** DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION **** Debugging: $ ./.configure [wegen --with-dmalloc!] $ dmalloc -l dmalloc.log $ dmalloc debug3 **** DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION **** I want to ask how cross posting to multiple lists are handled. For example: User posts to the following two lists which are both mail to news gateways: -> lists.listsone -> lists.listtwo Obviously both messages will have an identical Message-ID header of which nntp will reject one of the two posts. Ideally this would be caught and the message would be cross posted to both lists.listsone and lists.listtwo groups. Proposal for using -h Newsgroups:${To:s/SEARCH/REPLACE/} with SEARCH/REPLACE being the following regex: perl -e '$_="foo\@bar\nFoo Bar \nfoo\@bar (Foo Bar)\n Foo Bar\n(Foo Bar) foo\@bar\n"; foreach $a (split(/\n/, $_)) { $n=$a; $n=~s/^(?:([^@<>()]+)@[^<>()]+|.*<([^@]+)@[^>]+?>.*|.*?([^@ <>()]+)@[^ <>()]+.*)$/$1$2$3/; print "$a->$n\n" };' empty Subject: headers can be handled by -h Subject:${Subject:-empty} missing Message-Id: headers can be handeld by -h Message-Id:${Message-Id:-$_CreateMessageId} illegal Message-Id: two or more @ use -h ${Message-Id:s/^.*@.*@.*$/$_CreateMesssageId/} illegal Message-Id: no @ use -h ${Message-Id:s/^[^@]*$/$_CreateMesssageId/} crossposting problem -h [Newsgroups:see perl example above and use feature 2.)\n] potential to merge post/header modes -h [Newsgroups:${_EnvelopeRCPT}\n]