## ## OSSP cfg - Configuration Parsing ## Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Ralf S. Engelschall ## Copyright (c) 2002-2004 The OSSP Project ## Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Cable & Wireless ## ## This file is part of OSSP cfg, a configuration parsing library which ## can be found at http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/cfg/. ## ## Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for ## any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that ## the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all ## copies. ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED ## WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ## MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ## IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND THEIR ## CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ## SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ## LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF ## USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ## ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, ## OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT ## OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ## SUCH DAMAGE. ## ## cfg.pm: Perl Binding (Perl part) ## package OSSP::cfg; use 5.008; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use XSLoader; use Exporter; ## ## API Definition ## # API version our $VERSION = do { my @v = ('0.9.7' =~ m/\d+/g); sprintf("%d.".("%02d"x$#v), @v); }; # API inheritance our @ISA = qw(Exporter); # API symbols my $symbols = { 'const' => [qw( CFG_OK CFG_ERR_ARG CFG_ERR_USE CFG_ERR_MEM CFG_ERR_SYS CFG_ERR_FMT CFG_ERR_INT CFG_ERR_SYN CFG_ERR_NDE CFG_FMT_CFG CFG_FMT_XML CFG_NODE_TYPE_SEQ CFG_NODE_TYPE_DIR CFG_NODE_TYPE_OPT CFG_NODE_TYPE_ARG CFG_NODE_ATTR_PARENT CFG_NODE_ATTR_LBROTH CFG_NODE_ATTR_RBROTH CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILD1 CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILDL CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILDS CFG_NODE_ATTR_NODES CFG_NODE_ATTR_DEPTH CFG_NODE_ATTR_SRCNAME CFG_NODE_ATTR_SRCPOS CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE CFG_NODE_ATTR_TOKEN CFG_NODE_ATTR_DATA CFG_DATA_TYPE_PTR CFG_DATA_TYPE_STR CFG_DATA_TYPE_INT CFG_DATA_TYPE_FLT CFG_DATA_CTRL_CLONE CFG_DATA_CTRL_DESTROY CFG_DATA_ATTR_TYPE CFG_DATA_ATTR_VALUE CFG_DATA_ATTR_CTRL )], 'func' => [qw( cfg_create cfg_destroy cfg_error cfg_version cfg_import cfg_export cfg_node_create cfg_node_destroy cfg_node_clone cfg_node_set cfg_node_get cfg_node_root cfg_node_select cfg_node_find cfg_node_apply cfg_node_cmp cfg_node_link cfg_node_unlink cfg_data_set cfg_data_get cfg_data_ctrl )] }; # API symbol exportation our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ @{$symbols->{'const'}}, @{$symbols->{'func'}} ], 'const' => [ @{$symbols->{'const'}} ], 'func' => [ @{$symbols->{'func'}} ] ); our @EXPORT_OK = @{$EXPORT_TAGS{'all'}}; our @EXPORT = (); ## ## High-Level Perl Module OO-style API ## (just an OO wrapper around the C-style API) ## sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; bless ($self, $class); $self->{-cfg} = undef; $self->{-rc} = $self->CFG_OK; my $rc = cfg_create($self->{-cfg}); if ($rc != $self->CFG_OK) { croak(sprintf("OSSP::cfg::new: cfg_create: %s (%d)", $self->error($rc), $rc)); } return $self; } sub DESTROY ($) { my ($self) = @_; $self->{-rc} = cfg_destroy($self->{-cfg}) if (defined($self->{-cfg})); if ($self->{-rc} != $self->CFG_OK) { carp(sprintf("OSSP::cfg::DESTROY: cfg_destroy: %s (%d)", $self->error($self->{-rc}), $self->{-rc})); return; } $self->{-cfg} = undef; $self->{-rc} = undef; return; } sub import { # ($$$$) # ATTENTION: The OSSP cfg API function "import" conflicts with # the standardized "import" method the Perl world expects from # their modules. In order to keep the Perl binding consist # with the C API, we solve the conflict under run-time by # distinguishing between the two types of "import" calls. if (defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) =~ m/^OSSP::cfg/) { # the regular OSSP::cfg "import" method my ($self, $node, $fmt, $in) = @_; $self->{-rc} = cfg_import($self->{-cfg}, $node, $fmt, $in, length($in)); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK); } else { # the special Perl "import" method # (usually inherited from the Exporter) no strict "refs"; return OSSP::cfg->export_to_level(1, @_); } } sub export { # ($$$) # ATTENTION: The OSSP cfg API function "export" conflicts with # the standardized "export" method the Perl world expects from # their modules. In order to keep the Perl binding consist # with the C API, we solve the conflict under run-time by # distinguishing between the two types of "export" calls. if (defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) =~ m/^OSSP::cfg/) { # the regular OSSP::cfg "export" method my ($self, $node, $fmt) = @_; my $out; $self->{-rc} = cfg_export($self->{-cfg}, $node, $fmt, $out, 0); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK ? $out : undef); } else { # the special Perl "export" method # (usually inherited from the Exporter) return Exporter::export(@_); } } sub error ($;$) { my ($self, $rc) = @_; $rc = $self->{-rc} if (not defined($rc)); my $error; if (cfg_error($self->{-cfg}, $rc, $error) != $self->CFG_OK) { croak("OSSP::cfg::error: cfg_error: INTERNAL ERROR"); } return wantarray ? ($error, $rc) : $error; } sub version () { my ($self) = @_; return cfg_version(); } sub node_create ($) { my ($self) = @_; my $node; $self->{-rc} = cfg_node_create($self->{-cfg}, $node); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK ? $node : undef); } sub node_destroy ($$) { my ($self, $node) = @_; $self->{-rc} = cfg_node_destroy($self->{-cfg}, $node); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK); } sub node_clone ($$) { my ($self, $node) = @_; my $node2; $self->{-rc} = cfg_node_clone($self->{-cfg}, $node, $node2); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK ? $node2 : undef); } sub node_set ($$$$) { my ($self, $node, $attr, $arg) = @_; $self->{-rc} = cfg_node_set($self->{-cfg}, $node, $attr, $arg); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK); } sub node_get ($$$) { my ($self, $node, $attr) = @_; my $arg; $self->{-rc} = cfg_node_get($self->{-cfg}, $node, $attr, $arg); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK ? $arg : undef); } sub node_root ($;$) { my ($self, $node_new) = @_; $node_new ||= \0; my $node_old; $self->{-rc} = cfg_node_root($self->{-cfg}, $node_new, $node_old); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK ? $node_old : undef); } sub node_select ($$$) { my ($self, $node, $spec) = @_; my $result; $self->{-rc} = cfg_node_select($self->{-cfg}, $node, $result, $spec); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK ? $result : undef); } sub node_find ($$$$) { my ($self, $node, $cb_fct_cmp, $cb_ctx_cmp) = @_; my $cont; $self->{-rc} = cfg_node_find($self->{-cfg}, $node, $cb_fct_cmp, $cb_ctx_cmp, $cont); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK ? $cont : undef); } sub node_apply ($$$$) { my ($self, $node, $cb_fct_cmp, $cb_ctx_cmp, $cb_fct_cb, $cb_ctx_cb) = @_; $self->{-rc} = cfg_node_apply($self->{-cfg}, $node, $cb_fct_cmp, $cb_ctx_cmp, $cb_fct_cb, $cb_ctx_cb); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK); } sub node_cmp ($$$) { my ($self, $node, $token) = @_; $self->{-rc} = cfg_node_cmp($self->{-cfg}, $node, $token); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK); } sub node_link ($$$$) { my ($self, $node, $id, $node2) = @_; $self->{-rc} = cfg_node_link($self->{-cfg}, $node, $id, $node2); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK); } sub node_unlink ($$) { my ($self, $node) = @_; $self->{-rc} = cfg_node_unlink($self->{-cfg}, $node); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK); } sub data_set ($$$$) { my ($self, $data, $attr, $value) = @_; $self->{-rc} = cfg_data_set($data, $attr, $value); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK); } sub data_get ($$$) { my ($self, $data, $attr) = @_; my $value; $self->{-rc} = cfg_data_get($data, $attr, $value); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK ? $value : undef); } sub data_ctrl ($$$;$) { my ($self, $data, $ctrl, $value) = @_; $self->{-rc} = cfg_data_ctrl($data, $ctrl, $value); return ($self->{-rc} == $self->CFG_OK); } ## ## Low-Level Perl XS C-style API ## (actually just the activation of the XS part) ## # auto-loading constants sub AUTOLOAD { my $constname; our $AUTOLOAD; ($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://; croak "&OSSP::cfg::constant not defined" if ($constname eq 'constant'); my ($error, $val) = constant($constname); croak $error if ($error); { no strict 'refs'; *$AUTOLOAD = sub { $val }; } goto &$AUTOLOAD; } # static-loading functions XSLoader::load('OSSP::cfg', $VERSION); ## ## Highest-Level Perl Convenience API ## (based on OSSP::cfg Perl API above) ## package OSSP::cfg::simple; use 5.008; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use IO::File; # object constructor sub new ($;$) { my ($proto, $input) = @_; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; bless ($self, $class); $self->{-cfg} = new OSSP::cfg or croak "failed to create OSSP::cfg object"; $self->parse($input) if (defined($input)); return $self; } # object destructor sub DESTROY ($) { my ($self) = @_; undef $self->{-cfg}; return; } # parse textual syntax into node tree sub parse ($$) { my ($self, $input) = @_; my $cfg = $self->{-cfg}; if (length($input) < 1024 and $input !~ m|[{}&\n\s]|s) { if (-f $input) { my $io = new IO::File "<" . $input or croak "unable to read from configuration file \"".$input."\""; { local $/; $input = <$io>; } $io->close(); } } $cfg->import(\0, $cfg->CFG_FMT_CFG, $input) or die "failed to parse configuration: " . $cfg->error(); return $self; } # format textual syntax from node tree sub format ($$) { my ($self) = @_; my $cfg = $self->{-cfg}; my $root = $cfg->node_root(); my $str = $cfg->export($root, $cfg->CFG_FMT_CFG) or die "failed to format configuration: " . $cfg->error(); return $str; } # pack Perl complex data structure into node tree sub pack ($$) { my ($self, $tree) = @_; # destroy old and create new OSSP::cfg object undef $self->{-cfg}; my $cfg = new OSSP::cfg or croak "failed to create OSSP::cfg object"; $self->{-cfg} = $cfg; # start parsing with a sequence my $node = &parse_seq($cfg, $tree); # parse a sequence (reference) scalar sub parse_seq { my ($cfg, $seq) = @_; my $node = undef; if (ref($seq) eq 'ARRAY') { $node = $cfg->node_create(); $cfg->node_set($node, $cfg->CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE, $cfg->CFG_NODE_TYPE_SEQ); if (@{$seq} > 0) { my $child = &parse_dir($cfg, $seq->[0]); $cfg->node_set($node, $cfg->CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILD1, $child); my $sibling = $child; foreach my $dir (@{$seq}[1..$#{$seq}]) { $child = &parse_dir($cfg, $dir); $cfg->node_set($sibling, $cfg->CFG_NODE_ATTR_RBROTH, $child); $sibling = $child; } } } return $node; } # parse a directive (reference) scalar sub parse_dir { my ($cfg, $dir) = @_; my $node = undef; if (ref($dir) eq 'ARRAY') { $node = $cfg->node_create(); $cfg->node_set($node, $cfg->CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE, $cfg->CFG_NODE_TYPE_DIR); if (@{$dir} > 0) { my $child = &parse_tok($cfg, $dir->[0]); $cfg->node_set($node, $cfg->CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILD1, $child); my $sibling = $child; foreach my $tok (@{$dir}[1..$#{$dir}]) { $child = &parse_tok($cfg, $tok); $cfg->node_set($sibling, $cfg->CFG_NODE_ATTR_RBROTH, $child); $sibling = $child; } } } return $node; } # parse a token scalar sub parse_tok { my ($cfg, $tok) = @_; my $node; if (ref($tok) eq 'ARRAY') { # token is actually a sub-sequence $node = &parse_seq($cfg, $tok); # recursion } else { # token is a plain one $node = $cfg->node_create(); $cfg->node_set($node, $cfg->CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE, $cfg->CFG_NODE_TYPE_ARG); $cfg->node_set($node, $cfg->CFG_NODE_ATTR_TOKEN, $tok); } return $node; } # set generated node tree into OSSP::cfg object $cfg->node_root($node); return $self; } # unpack Perl complex data structure from node tree sub unpack ($;%) { my ($self, %arg) = @_; my $cfg = $self->{-cfg}; # start traversing the node tree from the root node my $root = $cfg->node_root(); my $tree = &traverse($cfg, \%arg, $root); # node processing function sub traverse { my ($cfg, $arg, $node) = @_; return if (not(ref($node) and $$node != 0)); my $type = $cfg->node_get($node, $cfg->CFG_NODE_ATTR_TYPE); if ($type == $cfg->CFG_NODE_TYPE_SEQ) { # node is a sequence my $seq = []; $node = $cfg->node_get($node, $cfg->CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILD1); while (ref($node) and $$node != 0) { my $tree = &traverse($cfg, $arg, $node); # recursion push(@{$seq}, $tree) if (defined($tree)); $node = $cfg->node_get($node, $cfg->CFG_NODE_ATTR_RBROTH); } # optional post-processing of data structure $seq = &unpack_postproc_merge ($seq, $arg->{-merge}) if (defined($arg->{-merge})); $seq = &unpack_postproc_index ($seq, $arg->{-index}) if (defined($arg->{-index})); $seq = &unpack_postproc_strip ($seq, $arg->{-strip}) if (defined($arg->{-strip})); $seq = &unpack_postproc_flatten ($seq, $arg->{-flatten}) if (defined($arg->{-flatten})); return $seq; } elsif ($type == $cfg->CFG_NODE_TYPE_DIR) { # node is a directive my $dir = []; $node = $cfg->node_get($node, $cfg->CFG_NODE_ATTR_CHILD1); while (ref($node) and $$node != 0) { my $tree = &traverse($cfg, $arg, $node); # recursion push(@{$dir}, $tree) if (defined($tree)); $node = $cfg->node_get($node, $cfg->CFG_NODE_ATTR_RBROTH); } return $dir; } else { # node is a token my $token = $cfg->node_get($node, $cfg->CFG_NODE_ATTR_TOKEN); return $token; } } return $tree; } # unpack helper function: # optionally merge arguments of DIRectives starting with same TOKen. # complexity: O(n) (actually 3*n) sub unpack_postproc_merge { my ($seq, $re) = @_; # pass 1: determine directive names and their # occurences in sequence. complexity: O(n) my $dir = {}; for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$seq}; $i++) { if ( ref($seq->[$i]) eq 'ARRAY' and not ref($seq->[$i]->[0]) and $seq->[$i]->[0] =~ m/^$re$/s) { my $name = $seq->[$i]->[0]; $dir->{$name} = [] if (not defined($dir->{$name})); push(@{$dir->{$name}}, $i); } } # pass 2: append arguments of second and following sequences # to arguments of first directive. complexity: O(n) foreach my $name (keys(%{$dir})) { if (@{$dir->{$name}} > 1) { my $f = $dir->{$name}->[0]; foreach my $n (@{$dir->{$name}}[1..$#{$dir->{$name}}]) { foreach my $tok (@{$seq->[$n]}[1..$#{$seq->[$n]}]) { push(@{$seq->[$f]}, $tok); } $seq->[$n] = undef; } } } # pass 3: shrink sequence by eliminating removing entries # complexity: O(n) for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$seq}; $i++) { if (not defined($seq->[$i])) { splice(@{$seq}, $i, 1); $i--; # compensate for splice operation } } return $seq; } # unpack helper function: # optionally annotate SEQuence nodes with a DIRective name indexing hash # complexity: O(n) sub unpack_postproc_index { my ($seq, $re) = @_; # create an index hash my $idx = {}; for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$seq}; $i++) { if (ref($seq->[$i]) eq 'ARRAY') { # determine name of directive, i.e., # first non-sub-sequence element my $name = {}; for (my $j = 0; $j < @{$seq->[$j]}; $j++) { $name = $seq->[$i]->[$j]; last if (not ref($name)); } if ( not ref($name) and $name =~ m/^$re$/s and not defined($idx->{$name})) { # remember position of directive's # first occurrence in sequence $idx->{$name} = ($i + 1); } } } # insert index at first position of sequence array following # perlref(1)'s "Pseudo-hashes: Using an array as a hash" approach. unshift(@{$seq}, $idx); return $seq; } # unpack helper function: # strip directive command/start token # complexity: O(n) sub unpack_postproc_strip { my ($seq, $re) = @_; foreach my $dir (@{$seq}) { if ( ref($dir) eq 'ARRAY' and $dir->[0] =~ m/^$re$/s) { # remove first token of directive array shift(@{$dir}); } } return $seq; } # unpack helper function: # flatten empty and single token directives sub unpack_postproc_flatten { my ($seq, $empty) = @_; for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$seq}; $i++) { if (ref($seq->[$i]) eq 'ARRAY') { if (@{$seq->[$i]} == 0) { # replace empty directive array # (can exist after "dirstrip" processing!) $seq->[$i] = $empty; } elsif (@{$seq->[$i]} == 1) { # simplify single token directive array $seq->[$i] = $seq->[$i]->[0]; } } } return $seq; } 1;