#/bin/sh newmsg() { if [ -r testmessage.via${1} ] then awk " } /^Subject:/ { gotit = 1; print "Subject: [" pid "] " $2 } { if (gotit == 0) { print }; gotit = 0 } ' | tee 2>&1 >/dev/null ${STDIN} else echo "ERROR: file testmessage.via${1} not readable!" exit 1 fi } prolog () { H="0"; Z="0"; E="0"; #HZE used for mass-tests with uniq IDs for i in ${FILE} ${STDIN} ${STDOUT} ${STDERR} dmalloc.log do if [ -e ${i} ]; then rm -f ${i} fi touch ${i} chmod 666 ${i} done } epilog () { for i in ${FILE} ${STDIN} ${STDOUT} ${STDERR} dmalloc.log do if [ -r ${i} ]; then echo -n "press RETURN to see the contents of ${i}" read DUMMY less -S ${i} fi done } #main () LOG="notice" FILE="stdlog" STDIN="stdin" STDOUT="stdout" STDERR="stderr" LOCAL="" HOST="" GROUP="my.test" MFILT=".+@(?:[^.]+\.)*cw\.com" NODE="gateway" # make check with automatic succeed/ fail message. # more samples and testing below. echo -n "check: -v verbose " # expected sample output: lmtp2nntp 0.9.4 (30-Aug-2001) prolog newmsg lmtp ../lmtp2nntp -v >${STDOUT} 2>${STDERR} RC=`cat ${STDOUT} | egrep 'lmtp2nntp[ ]+[0-9]+\.[0-9]\.[0-9][ ]+\([0-9]+-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)-[0-9]{4}\)' | wc -l` if [ ${RC} -ne 1 -o -s ${STDERR} ]; then echo "ERROR (got ${RC})" exit 1; fi echo "succeeded" egrep >sum.dmalloc.log echo -n "check: -? usage " # expected typical output: USAGE: ../lmtp2nntp # lmtp2nntp [-b bindaddr[:port]] [-d deliverymode] [-g groupmode] [-h # host[:port][,host[:port], ...]] [-m mailfrom] [-n nodename] [-s size] [-l # level[:logfile]] [-v] [-w waittime] newsgroup [newsgroup ...] prolog newmsg lmtp ../lmtp2nntp -? >${STDOUT} 2>${STDERR} RC=`cat ${STDERR} | egrep -- '-b.*-d.*-g.*-h.*-m.*-n.*-s.*-l.*-v.*-w.*newsgroup' | wc -l` if [ ${RC} -ne 1 -o -s ${STDOUT} ]; then echo "ERROR (got ${RC})" exit 1; fi echo "succeeded" egrep >sum.dmalloc.log echo -n "check: -- valid fake posting " prolog newmsg lmtp ../lmtp2nntp <${STDIN} -b ${LOCAL} -d 250/2.0.0 -g arg -h ${HOST} -l ${LOG}:${FILE} -m "${MFILT}" -n ${NODE} -s 1000 -w 1 ${GROUP} >${STDOUT} 2>${STDERR} ; RC=$ RC=""; if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^220[ -]LMTP Service ready' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}init "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^250[ -].*pleased to meet you' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}LHLO "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^250[ -]2.1.0 Sender ok' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}MAIL "; fi if [ 3 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^250[ -]2.1.5 Recipient accepted' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}RCPT "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^354[ -]Enter mail' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}DATA "; fi if [ 3 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^250[ -]2.0.0 NNTP noop fake' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}post "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^221[ -]2.0.0.+closing.+channel' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}QUIT "; fi if [ "${RC}" != "init LHLO MAIL RCPT DATA post QUIT " ]; then echo "ERROR (got ${RC})" exit 1; fi echo "succeeded" egrep >sum.dmalloc.log echo -n "check: -m fake posting invalid sender " prolog newmsg lmtp ( MFILT=".*@is.invalid" ; ../lmtp2nntp <${STDIN} -b ${LOCAL} -d 250/2.0.0 -g arg -h ${HOST} -l ${LOG}:${FILE} -m "${MFILT}" -n ${NODE} -s 1000 -w 1 ${GROUP} >${STDOUT} 2>${STDERR} ) ; RC=$? RC=""; if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^220[ -]LMTP Service ready' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}init "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^250[ -].+pleased to meet you' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}LHLO "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^550[ -]5.7.1.+not authorized' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}MAIL "; fi if [ 3 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^503[ -]5.5.0.+MAIL first' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}RCPT "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^503[ -]5.5.0.+RCPT first' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}DATA "; fi if [ 0 -lt `egrep <${STDOUT} '^500[ -]5.5.1.+unrecognized' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}post "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^221[ -]2.0.0.+closing.+channel' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}QUIT "; fi if [ "${RC}" != "init LHLO MAIL RCPT DATA post QUIT " ]; then echo "ERROR (got ${RC})" exit 1; fi echo "succeeded" egrep >sum.dmalloc.log echo -n "check: -s fake posting invalid size " prolog newmsg lmtp ../lmtp2nntp <${STDIN} -b ${LOCAL} -d 250/2.0.0 -g arg -h ${HOST} -l ${LOG}:${FILE} -m "${MFILT}" -n ${NODE} -s 100 -w 1 ${GROUP} >${STDOUT} 2>${STDERR} ; RC=$? RC=""; if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^220[ -]LMTP Service ready' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}init "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^250[ -].*pleased to meet you' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}LHLO "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^250[ -]2.1.0 Sender ok' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}MAIL "; fi if [ 3 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^250[ -]2.1.5 Recipient accepted' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}RCPT "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^354[ -]Enter mail' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}DATA "; fi if [ 3 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^552[ -]5.2.3.+exceeds.+limit' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}post "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^221[ -]2.0.0.+closing.+channel' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}QUIT "; fi if [ "${RC}" != "init LHLO MAIL RCPT DATA post QUIT " ]; then echo "ERROR (got ${RC})" exit 1; fi echo "succeeded" egrep >sum.dmalloc.log echo -n "check: -b with invalid address " prolog newmsg lmtp ( LOCAL="" ; ../lmtp2nntp <${STDIN} -b ${LOCAL} -d 250/2.0.0 -g arg -h ${HOST} -l ${LOG}:${FILE} -m "${MFILT}" -n ${NODE} -s 1000 -w 1 ${GROUP} >${STDOUT} 2>${STDERR} ) ; RC=$? RC=""; if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^220[ -]LMTP Service ready' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}init "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${FILE} 'error.+binding.+49' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}bind "; fi if [ "${RC}" != "init bind " ]; then echo "ERROR (got ${RC})" exit 1; fi echo "succeeded" egrep >sum.dmalloc.log echo -n "check: -g envelope with invalid group " prolog newmsg lmtp ( GROUP="foo.*" ; ../lmtp2nntp <${STDIN} -b ${LOCAL} -d 250/2.0.0 -g envelope -h ${HOST} -l ${LOG}:${FILE} -m "${MFILT}" -n ${NODE} -s 1000 -w 1 ${GROUP} >${STDOUT} 2>${STDERR} ) ; RC=$? RC=""; if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^220[ -]LMTP Service ready' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}init "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^250[ -].*pleased to meet you' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}LHLO "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^250[ -]2.1.0 Sender ok' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}MAIL "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^550[ -]5.7.2 unmatched Group' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}RCPT "; fi if [ 2 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^250[ -]2.1.5 Group accepted' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}RCPT "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^354[ -]Enter mail' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}DATA "; fi if [ 2 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^250[ -]2.0.0 NNTP noop fake' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}post "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^221[ -]2.0.0.+closing.+channel' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}QUIT "; fi if [ "${RC}" != "init LHLO MAIL RCPT RCPT DATA post QUIT " ]; then echo "ERROR (got ${RC})" exit 1; fi echo "succeeded" egrep >sum.dmalloc.log echo -n "check: -h fake posting to invalid host " prolog newmsg lmtp ( HOST="" ; ../lmtp2nntp <${STDIN} -b ${LOCAL} -d 250/2.0.0 -g arg -h ${HOST} -l ${LOG}:${FILE} -m "${MFILT}" -n ${NODE} -s 1000 -w 1 ${GROUP} >${STDOUT} 2>${STDERR} ) ; RC=$? RC=""; if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${STDOUT} '^220[ -]LMTP Service ready' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}init "; fi if [ 1 -eq `egrep <${FILE} 'warning.+connect.+failed' | wc -l` ]; then RC="${RC}conn "; fi if [ "${RC}" != "init conn " ]; then echo "ERROR (got ${RC})" exit 1; fi echo "succeeded" egrep >sum.dmalloc.log echo "CHECK COMPLETE AND PASSED" #epilog exit 0