// // OSSP asgui - Accounting system graphical user interface // Copyright (c) 2002-2004 The OSSP Project (http://www.ossp.org/) // Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Ralf S. Engelschall // Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Michael Schloh von Bennewitz // Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Cable & Wireless Telecommunications Services GmbH // // This file is part of OSSP asgui, an accounting system graphical user // interface which can be found at http://www.ossp.org/pkg/tool/asgui/. // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for // any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that // the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all // copies. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED // WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND THEIR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF // USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND // ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, // OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT // OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. // // as_reportpanel.cpp: ISO C++ implementation // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "as_reportpanel.h" #include "as_numdial.h" #include "as_table.h" #include "as_pref.h" #include "as_generic.h" #include "as_const.h" #include "as_except.h" // Version information #define _AS_VERSION_CPP_AS_HEADER_ #include "as_version.cpp" #undef _AS_VERSION_CPP_AS_HEADER_ namespace AS { // // Constructs a Reportpanel as a child of 'pParent', with the // name 'kszName' and widget flags set to 'Flags'. // // The dialog will by default be modal, unless you set 'bModal' to // false to construct a modeless dialog. // Reportpanel::Reportpanel(TiTable *pTable, Preferences *pPreferences, QWidget *pParent, const char *kszName, bool bModal, WFlags Flags) : QDialog(pParent, kszName, bModal, Flags) { // Boilerplate code to initialize the panel if (!kszName) this->setName("Reportpanel"); // Make panel resizeable this->setSizeGripEnabled(true); this->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy((QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, 0, 0, this->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth())); // Store matrix and prefs members m_pReptable = pTable; m_pReprefs = pPreferences; m_pPrinter = new QPrinter; // Preset number of weeks and months to report m_nWeeks = m_pReprefs->getNumber(TITRAQ_PREFREPORTWEEKS, TITRAQ_DEFREPORTWEEKS); m_nMonths = m_pReprefs->getNumber(TITRAQ_PREFREPORTMONTHS, TITRAQ_DEFREPORTMONTHS); // Build panel using already constructed widgets and layouts m_pFormlay = new QVBoxLayout(this, 11, 6, "Formlayout"); m_pToolay = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 6, "Toolbuttonlay"); m_pPushlay = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 6, "Pushbuttonlay"); // Groupbox and its text display m_pBrowser = new QTextEdit(this, "Reportbrowser"); m_pBrowser->setTextFormat(PlainText); m_pBrowser->setReadOnly(true); m_pBrowser->setFont(QFont("Courier", 10)); m_pFormlay->addWidget(m_pBrowser); m_pFormlay->addSpacing(6); m_pFormlay->addLayout(m_pToolay); m_pFormlay->addSpacing(6); m_pFormlay->addLayout(m_pPushlay); // Tool button suite m_pWeekmonthgroup = new QButtonGroup(this, "Weekmonthgroup"); m_pWeekmonthgroup->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Horizontal); m_pWeekmonthgroup->layout()->setSpacing(11); m_pWeekmonthgroup->layout()->setMargin(0); m_pWeekmonthlay = new QHBoxLayout(m_pWeekmonthgroup->layout()); m_pWeekmonthgroup->setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame); m_pWeekmonthgroup->setExclusive(true); m_pWeeklybutt = new QToolButton(m_pWeekmonthgroup, "Weeklybutton"); // m_pWeeklybutt->setPaletteBackgroundColor(QColor(198, 196, 186)); m_pWeeklybutt->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::TabFocus); m_pWeeklybutt->setCursor(QCursor(13)); m_pWeeklybutt->setToggleButton(true); m_pMonthlybutt = new QToolButton(m_pWeekmonthgroup, "Monthlybutton"); // m_pMonthlybutt->setPaletteBackgroundColor(QColor(198, 196, 186)); m_pMonthlybutt->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::TabFocus); m_pMonthlybutt->setCursor(QCursor(13)); m_pMonthlybutt->setToggleButton(true); // Popup for number of weeks m_pWeekpop = new QPopupMenu(this); if (m_pWeekpop == NULL) // Sanity check throw Genexcept("Weekly toolbutton popup creation failed."); m_pWeekpop->insertItem(trUtf8("One week"), this, SLOT(reportWeeks(int))); m_pWeekpop->insertItem(trUtf8("Two weeks"), this, SLOT(reportWeeks(int))); m_pWeekpop->insertItem(trUtf8("Three weeks"), this, SLOT(reportWeeks(int))); m_pWeekpop->insertItem(trUtf8("Four weeks"), this, SLOT(reportWeeks(int))); m_pWeekpop->insertItem(trUtf8("N... weeks"), this, SLOT(reportWeeks(int))); m_pWeekpop->setCheckable(true); m_pWeeklybutt->setPopup(m_pWeekpop); m_pWeeklybutt->setPopupDelay(TITRAQ_POPUPMSECS); { // Initialize check button correctly int nPosition = (m_nWeeks < m_pWeekpop->count()) ? m_nWeeks : m_pWeekpop->count(); m_pWeekpop->setItemChecked(m_pWeekpop->idAt(--nPosition), true); } // Popup for number of months m_pMonthpop = new QPopupMenu(this); if (m_pMonthpop == NULL) // Sanity check throw Genexcept("Monthly toolbutton popup creation failed."); m_pMonthpop->insertItem(trUtf8("One month"), this, SLOT(reportMonths(int))); m_pMonthpop->insertItem(trUtf8("Two months"), this, SLOT(reportMonths(int))); m_pMonthpop->insertItem(trUtf8("Three months"), this, SLOT(reportMonths(int))); m_pMonthpop->insertItem(trUtf8("Four months"), this, SLOT(reportMonths(int))); m_pMonthpop->insertItem(trUtf8("N... months"), this, SLOT(reportMonths(int))); m_pMonthpop->setCheckable(true); m_pMonthlybutt->setPopup(m_pMonthpop); m_pMonthlybutt->setPopupDelay(TITRAQ_POPUPMSECS); { // Initialize check button correctly int nPosition = (m_nMonths < m_pMonthpop->count()) ? m_nMonths : m_pMonthpop->count(); m_pMonthpop->setItemChecked(m_pMonthpop->idAt(--nPosition), true); } // Add our tool buttons m_pWeekmonthlay->addWidget(m_pWeeklybutt); m_pWeekmonthlay->addWidget(m_pMonthlybutt); m_pToolay->addWidget(m_pWeekmonthgroup); // Push button suite m_pSavebutt = new QPushButton(this, "Savebutton"); m_pSavebutt->setPaletteBackgroundColor(QColor(202, 194, 182)); m_pSavebutt->setCursor(QCursor(13)); m_pPrintbutt = new QPushButton(this, "Printbutton"); m_pPrintbutt->setPaletteBackgroundColor(QColor(198, 196, 186)); m_pPrintbutt->setCursor(QCursor(13)); #ifdef QT_NO_PRINTER m_pPrintbutt->setEnabled(false); #endif m_pDismissbutt = new QPushButton(this, "Dismissbutton"); m_pDismissbutt->setPaletteBackgroundColor(QColor(198, 196, 186)); m_pDismissbutt->setCursor(QCursor(13)); m_pDismissbutt->setDefault(true); m_pPushlay->addWidget(m_pSavebutt); m_pPushlay->addWidget(m_pPrintbutt); m_pPushlay->addWidget(m_pDismissbutt); // Connect signals to slots, accept() and reject() are Qt implicit connect(m_pWeeklybutt, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), SLOT(reportWeeks(void))); connect(m_pMonthlybutt, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), SLOT(reportMonths(void))); connect(m_pSavebutt, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), SLOT(saveReport(void))); connect(m_pPrintbutt, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), SLOT(printReport(void))); connect(m_pDismissbutt, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), SLOT(accept(void))); this->resize(QSize(464, 332).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint())); this->textChange(); } // // Overload QDialog::exec(), and generate a report before executing modally // int Reportpanel::exec(void) { int nRet = 0; int nPeriod = m_pReprefs->getNumber(TITRAQ_PREFREPORTYPE, TITRAQ_DEFREPORTYPE); switch (nPeriod) { case TITRAQ_REPORTWEEK: this->reportWeeks(1); m_pWeekmonthgroup->setButton(TITRAQ_REPORTWEEK); break; case TITRAQ_REPORTMONTH: this->reportMonths(1); m_pWeekmonthgroup->setButton(TITRAQ_REPORTMONTH); break; default: throw Genexcept("Reportpanel: Modal event loop entered with no report period."); break; } nRet = QDialog::exec(); // Blast off // Before losing scope, the preferred report period m_pReprefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFREPORTYPE, m_pWeekmonthgroup->id(m_pWeekmonthgroup->selected())); m_pReprefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFREPORTWEEKS, m_nWeeks); m_pReprefs->setNumber(TITRAQ_PREFREPORTMONTHS, m_nMonths); return nRet; } // // Makes a new weekly report of so many weeks // void Reportpanel::reportWeeks(int nMenuid) { // Range of weeks to report int nFirstweek, nLastweek; // Menu index, first item is always 0 int nIndex = m_pWeekpop->indexOf(nMenuid); // Corresponds to weeks int nLastid = 0; // Last menu id selected if (m_nWeeks < m_pWeekpop->count()) nLastid = m_pWeekpop->idAt(m_nWeeks - 1); // Probably not last item else nLastid = m_pWeekpop->idAt(m_pWeekpop->count() - 1); // Last item selected // Set the button in case from a menu selection m_pWeekmonthgroup->setButton(TITRAQ_REPORTWEEK); // Update m_nWeeks only if user prefers a different number if (nIndex >= 0) { // User selected N... to indicate an arbitrary number if (nIndex == m_pWeekpop->count() - 1) { Numdial Weeksinput; Weeksinput.setNum(m_nWeeks); if (Weeksinput.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { m_nWeeks = Weeksinput.getNum(); m_pWeekpop->setItemChecked(nLastid, false); m_pWeekpop->setItemChecked(nMenuid, true); } else return; } else { // User selected a preset menu item such as '2 weeks' m_nWeeks = nIndex + 1; m_pWeekpop->setItemChecked(nLastid, false); m_pWeekpop->setItemChecked(nMenuid, true); } } // Clear data window m_pBrowser->setUpdatesEnabled(false); m_pBrowser->clear(); // Determine first and last week numbers, then write header nLastweek = QDate::currentDate().weekNumber(); if (m_nWeeks > 1) { nFirstweek = QDate::currentDate().addDays(m_nWeeks * -7).weekNumber() + 1; this->writeHeader(nFirstweek, nLastweek); } else this->writeHeader(nLastweek); // Write new contents to data window m_pBrowser->append(this->getWeektotals(QDate::currentDate(), m_nWeeks)); if (m_pReprefs->getBool(TITRAQ_PREFDETAILON, TITRAQ_DEFDETAILON)) m_pBrowser->append(this->getWeekdetails(QDate::currentDate(), m_nWeeks)); this->writeFooter(); m_pBrowser->setCursorPosition(0, 0); m_pBrowser->ensureCursorVisible(); m_pBrowser->setUpdatesEnabled(true); m_pBrowser->repaint(false); } // // Makes a new monthly report of so many months // void Reportpanel::reportMonths(int nMenuid) { // Range of months to report QString Firstmonth, Lastmonth; // Menu index, first item is always 0 int nIndex = m_pMonthpop->indexOf(nMenuid); // Corresponds to months int nLastid = 0; // Last menu id selected if (m_nMonths < m_pMonthpop->count()) nLastid = m_pMonthpop->idAt(m_nMonths - 1); // Probably not last item else nLastid = m_pMonthpop->idAt(m_pMonthpop->count() - 1); // Last item selected // Set the button in case from a menu selection m_pWeekmonthgroup->setButton(TITRAQ_REPORTMONTH); // Update m_nMonths only if user prefers a different number if (nIndex >= 0) { // User selected N... to indicate an arbitrary number if (nIndex == m_pMonthpop->count() - 1) { Numdial Monthsinput; Monthsinput.setNum(m_nMonths); if (Monthsinput.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { m_nMonths = Monthsinput.getNum(); m_pMonthpop->setItemChecked(nLastid, false); m_pMonthpop->setItemChecked(nMenuid, true); } else return; } else { // User selected a preset menu item such as '2 months' m_nMonths = nIndex + 1; m_pMonthpop->setItemChecked(nLastid, false); m_pMonthpop->setItemChecked(nMenuid, true); } } // Clear data window m_pBrowser->setUpdatesEnabled(false); m_pBrowser->clear(); // Determine first and last month names, then write header Lastmonth = QDate::longMonthName(QDate::currentDate().month()); if (m_nMonths > 1) { int nMonth = (QDate::currentDate().addMonths(m_nMonths * -1).month() + 12) % 12 + 1; Firstmonth = QDate::longMonthName(nMonth); this->writeHeader(Firstmonth, Lastmonth); } else this->writeHeader(Lastmonth); // Write new contents to data window m_pBrowser->append(this->getMonthtotals(QDate::currentDate(), m_nMonths)); if (m_pReprefs->getBool(TITRAQ_PREFDETAILON, TITRAQ_DEFDETAILON)) { m_pBrowser->append(this->getMonthdetails(QDate::currentDate(), m_nMonths)); } this->writeFooter(); m_pBrowser->setCursorPosition(0, 0); m_pBrowser->ensureCursorVisible(); m_pBrowser->setUpdatesEnabled(true); m_pBrowser->repaint(false); } // // Writes a report header to the display window // void Reportpanel::writeHeader(int nWeeknum) { QString Header; Header = QString("Accounting System "); Header += QString(asgui_version.v_short); Header += trUtf8("\nLocal report, username '"); Header += m_pReprefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFUSER, TITRAQ_DEFUSER); Header += QString("'\n"); Header += trUtf8("Date "); Header += QDate::currentDate().toString(Qt::ISODate); Header += trUtf8(", Time "); Header += QTime::currentTime().toString(Qt::ISODate); Header += trUtf8("\nReporting for week %1...").arg(nWeeknum); Header += QString("\n\n"); m_pBrowser->setText(Header); } // // Writes a report header to the display window // void Reportpanel::writeHeader(QString Month) { QString Header; Header = QString("Accounting System "); Header += QString(asgui_version.v_short); Header += trUtf8("\nLocal report, username '"); Header += m_pReprefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFUSER, TITRAQ_DEFUSER); Header += QString("'\n"); Header += trUtf8("Date "); Header += QDate::currentDate().toString(Qt::ISODate); Header += trUtf8(", Time "); Header += QTime::currentTime().toString(Qt::ISODate); Header += trUtf8("\nReporting for month %1...").arg(Month); Header += QString("\n\n"); m_pBrowser->setText(Header); } // // Writes a report header to the display window // void Reportpanel::writeHeader(int nFirst, int nLast) { QString Header; Header = QString("Accounting System "); Header += QString(asgui_version.v_short); Header += trUtf8("\nLocal report, username '"); Header += m_pReprefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFUSER, TITRAQ_DEFUSER); Header += QString("'\n"); Header += trUtf8("Date "); Header += QDate::currentDate().toString(Qt::ISODate); Header += trUtf8(", Time "); Header += QTime::currentTime().toString(Qt::ISODate); Header += trUtf8("\nReporting for weeks %1 through %2...").arg(nFirst).arg(nLast); Header += QString("\n\n"); m_pBrowser->setText(Header); } // // Writes a report header to the display window // void Reportpanel::writeHeader(QString First, QString Last) { QString Header; Header = QString("Accounting System "); Header += QString(asgui_version.v_short); Header += trUtf8("\nLocal report, username '"); Header += m_pReprefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFUSER, TITRAQ_DEFUSER); Header += QString("'\n"); Header += trUtf8("Date "); Header += QDate::currentDate().toString(Qt::ISODate); Header += trUtf8(", Time "); Header += QTime::currentTime().toString(Qt::ISODate); Header += trUtf8("\nReporting months %1 through %2...").arg(First).arg(Last); Header += QString("\n\n"); m_pBrowser->setText(Header); } // // Writes a report footer to the display window // void Reportpanel::writeFooter(void) { if (m_pReprefs->getBool(TITRAQ_PREFSIGNATON, TITRAQ_DEFSIGNATON)) { m_pBrowser->append(trUtf8("\n\nPrint name ________________________________________\n")); m_pBrowser->append(trUtf8("\n\nSignature ________________________________________")); } } // // Returns one week of details data // QString Reportpanel::getWeekdetails(QDate Dayref, int nWeeks) { QString Data; // Output string QString Tempstring; // Temp churning int nRows = m_pReptable->numRows(); // Find range boundaries Q_ASSERT(nWeeks > 0); QDate Tempdate; QDate Firstday; QDate Lastday; Firstday = Dayref.addDays(Dayref.dayOfWeek() * -1 + 1); Firstday = Firstday.addDays((nWeeks - 1) * -7); Lastday = Firstday.addDays(7 * nWeeks); // Write some quick header text to the outgoing string Data = trUtf8("\nDate Hours Account details\n"); Data += QString("---------- ----- ----------------------------------------\n"); // Build the long week data string for (int nIter = nRows - 1; nIter >= 0; nIter--) { // Work on this tuple only if it within the reporting range Tempstring = m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXTASK); Tempdate = QDate::fromString(m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXDATE), Qt::ISODate); if (!Tempstring.isEmpty() && Firstday <= Tempdate && Tempdate < Lastday) { Tempstring = m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXDATE); if (!Tempstring.isEmpty()) Data += Tempstring; Tempstring = m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT); if (!Tempstring.isEmpty()) Data += QString(TITRAQ_SEPARATORTOK) + Tempstring; Tempstring = m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXTASK); if (!Tempstring.isEmpty()) Data += QString(TITRAQ_SEPARATORTOK) + Tempstring; Data += QString("\n"); // Finish off line } } return Data; } // // Returns one week of totals data // QString Reportpanel::getWeektotals(QDate Dayref, int nWeeks) { using namespace std; // Needed for maps and hash map Hashtasks; // Hashtable to store tasks multimap Hashhours; // Hashtable to store hours map::iterator Taskiter; // Hashtable task iterator multimap::iterator Houriter; // Hashtable hour iterator QString Totals; // Data totals to return for writing QString Tempstring; // Temporary processing string QDate Tempdate; // Temporary processing date int nRows = m_pReptable->numRows(); // Find range boundaries Q_ASSERT(nWeeks > 0); QDate Firstday; QDate Lastday; Firstday = Dayref.addDays(Dayref.dayOfWeek() * -1 + 1); Firstday = Firstday.addDays((nWeeks - 1) * -7); Lastday = Firstday.addDays(7 * nWeeks); // Parse the table for interesting values for (int nIter = 0; nIter < nRows; nIter++) { // Work on this tuple only if it within the reporting range Tempstring = m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXTASK); Tempdate = QDate::fromString(m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXDATE), Qt::ISODate); if (!Tempstring.isEmpty() && Firstday <= Tempdate && Tempdate < Lastday) { string Convstring = Tempstring; // Convert to string (can't cast?) QTime Intable = QTime::fromString(m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT), Qt::ISODate); int nTothours = QString(Hashtasks[Convstring]).section(':', 0, 0).toInt() + Intable.hour(); int nTotminut = QString(Hashtasks[Convstring]).section(':', 1, 1).toInt() + Intable.minute(); nTothours += nTotminut / 60; nTotminut %= 60; QString Hours = QString::number(nTothours).rightJustify(3, ' '); QString Mins = QString::number(nTotminut).rightJustify(2, '0'); string Timestring = Hours + ':' + Mins; // Convert to string (can't cast?) Hashtasks[Convstring] = Timestring; // Finally store in hashtable } } // Reverse copy the tasks hashtable to both sort and index by amount key for (Taskiter = Hashtasks.begin(); Taskiter != Hashtasks.end(); Taskiter++) Hashhours.insert(pair(Taskiter->second, Taskiter->first)); // Write the actual data totals to the outgoing string in reverse order for (Houriter = Hashhours.begin(); Houriter != Hashhours.end(); Houriter++) Totals = Houriter->first + ' ' + Houriter->second + '\n' + Totals; // Write some quick header text to the outgoing string in reverse order Totals = QString("------ ----------------------------------------\n") + Totals; Totals = trUtf8("Total Account summary\n") + Totals; return Totals; // The outgoing string... its finally gone, let's go to bed } // // Returns one month of details data // QString Reportpanel::getMonthdetails(QDate Dayref, int nMonths) { QString Data; // Output string QString Tempstring; // Temp churning QDate Tempdate; // For comparing QDate Firstday; // Minimum boundary QDate Lastday; // Maximum boundary int nRows = m_pReptable->numRows(); // Find range boundaries Q_ASSERT(nMonths > 0); int nYear = Dayref.year(); int nMonth = (Dayref.addMonths(nMonths * -1).month() + 12) % 12 + 1; if (nMonth > Dayref.month()) nYear--; Firstday = QDate(nYear, nMonth, 1); Lastday = QDate(Dayref.year(), Dayref.month(), Dayref.daysInMonth()); // Write some quick header text to the outgoing string Data = trUtf8("\nDate Hours Account details\n"); Data += QString("---------- ----- ----------------------------------------\n"); // Build the long week data string for (int nIter = nRows - 1; nIter >= 0; nIter--) { // Work on this tuple only if it within the reporting range Tempstring = m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXTASK); Tempdate = QDate::fromString(m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXDATE), Qt::ISODate); if (!Tempstring.isEmpty() && Firstday <= Tempdate && Tempdate < Lastday) { Tempstring = m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXDATE); if (!Tempstring.isEmpty()) Data += Tempstring; Tempstring = m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT); if (!Tempstring.isEmpty()) Data += QString(TITRAQ_SEPARATORTOK) + Tempstring; Tempstring = m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXTASK); if (!Tempstring.isEmpty()) Data += QString(TITRAQ_SEPARATORTOK) + Tempstring; Data += trUtf8("\n"); // Finish off line } } return Data; } // // Returns one month of totals data // QString Reportpanel::getMonthtotals(QDate Dayref, int nMonths) { using namespace std; // Needed for maps and hash map Hashtasks; // Hashtable to store tasks multimap Hashhours; // Hashtable to store hours map::iterator Taskiter; // Hashtable task iterator multimap::iterator Houriter; // Hashtable hour iterator QString Totals; // Data totals to return for writing QString Tempstring; // Temporary processing string QDate Tempdate; // Temporary processing date int nRows = m_pReptable->numRows(); // Find range boundaries Q_ASSERT(nMonths > 0); int nYear = Dayref.year(); int nMonth = (Dayref.addMonths(nMonths * -1).month() + 12) % 12 + 1; if (nMonth > Dayref.month()) nYear--; QDate Firstday = QDate(nYear, nMonth, 1); QDate Lastday = QDate(Dayref.year(), Dayref.month(), Dayref.daysInMonth()); // Parse the table for interesting values for (int nIter = 0; nIter < nRows; nIter++) { // Work on this tuple only if it within the reporting range Tempstring = m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXTASK); Tempdate = QDate::fromString(m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXDATE), Qt::ISODate); if (!Tempstring.isEmpty() && Firstday <= Tempdate && Tempdate < Lastday) { string Convstring = Tempstring; // Convert to string (can't cast?) QTime Intable = QTime::fromString(m_pReptable->text(nIter, TITRAQ_IDXAMOUNT), Qt::ISODate); int nTothours = QString(Hashtasks[Convstring]).section(':', 0, 0).toInt() + Intable.hour(); int nTotminut = QString(Hashtasks[Convstring]).section(':', 1, 1).toInt() + Intable.minute(); nTothours += nTotminut / 60; nTotminut %= 60; QString Hours = QString::number(nTothours).rightJustify(3, ' '); QString Mins = QString::number(nTotminut).rightJustify(2, '0'); string Timestring = Hours + ':' + Mins; // Convert to string (can't cast?) Hashtasks[Convstring] = Timestring; // Finally store in hashtable } } // Reverse copy the tasks hashtable to both sort and index by amount key for (Taskiter = Hashtasks.begin(); Taskiter != Hashtasks.end(); Taskiter++) Hashhours.insert(pair(Taskiter->second, Taskiter->first)); // Write the actual data totals to the outgoing string in reverse order for (Houriter = Hashhours.begin(); Houriter != Hashhours.end(); Houriter++) Totals = Houriter->first + ' ' + Houriter->second + '\n' + Totals; // Write some quick header text to the outgoing string in reverse order Totals = QString("------ ----------------------------------------\n") + Totals; Totals = trUtf8("Total Account summary\n") + Totals; return Totals; // The outgoing string... its finally gone, let's go to bed } // // Saves the currently displayed local report // void Reportpanel::saveReport(void) { int nResult = 0; // For checking user's answer QFile Report; // The resulting report file QString Filestring; // The user chosen file name to save QString Openas = m_pReprefs->getString(TITRAQ_PREFHOME, TITRAQ_DEFHOME); // And then get the name of the selected file to save to Filestring = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(Openas, trUtf8("Text files (*.txt);;All Files (*)"), this, trUtf8("ChooserDialog"), trUtf8("Choose a file to save"), NULL, false); if (!Filestring.isEmpty()) { if (QFile::exists(Filestring)) { nResult = QMessageBox::warning(this, QString(TITRAQ_APPTITLE) + ' ' + asgui_version.v_short, trUtf8(TITRAQ_OVERWRITE), trUtf8("&Yes"), trUtf8("&No"), NULL, 1, 1); if (nResult = QMessageBox::Ok) { // Overwrite a file Report.setName(Filestring); // User wished name Report.open(IO_WriteOnly | IO_Truncate); // Open report file QTextStream Outstream(&Report); // Convert to stream Outstream << m_pBrowser->text(); // Write the data Report.close(); // Finish by closing } } else { // User gave a file name, and there was no preexisting file there Report.setName(Filestring); // User wished name Report.open(IO_WriteOnly | IO_Truncate); // Open report file QTextStream Outstream(&Report); // Convert to stream Outstream << m_pBrowser->text(); // Write the data Report.close(); // Finish by closing } } // Otherwise, user did not select a valid file and push okay button } // // Prints the currently displayed local report // void Reportpanel::printReport(void) { #ifndef QT_NO_PRINTER if (m_pPrinter->setup(this)) { // Opens printer dialog m_pPrinter->setFullPage(true); // Set our own margins QPainter Paint; // Our painter (for pages) Paint.begin(m_pPrinter); // Paint on printer Paint.setFont(m_pBrowser->font()); QFontMetrics Fontmetrics = Paint.fontMetrics(); QPaintDeviceMetrics Devmetrics(m_pPrinter); // Need width/height of printer surface const int knMargin = Devmetrics.logicalDpiX() / 2; // Half-inch margin int nYpos = knMargin; // Y position for each line int nPageno = 1; // The starting page number for (int nIter = 0; nIter < m_pBrowser->lines() && !m_pPrinter->aborted(); nIter++) { // See if there is some space on this page to paint on if (nYpos + Fontmetrics.lineSpacing() > Devmetrics.height() - knMargin) { // QString Printmsg(trUtf8("Printing page ")) // + QString::number(++nPageno) + QString("..."); // m_pStatus()->message(Printmsg); // Not in scope (crap) if (!m_pPrinter->newPage()) // Start new page break; // Some error nYpos = knMargin; // Back to top of page } Paint.drawText(knMargin, nYpos, Devmetrics.width() - 2 * knMargin, Fontmetrics.lineSpacing(), Qt::ExpandTabs, m_pBrowser->text(nIter)); nYpos += Fontmetrics.lineSpacing(); } Paint.end(); // Send job to printer // m_pStatus()->message(trUtf8("Printing completed"), 2000); // Not in scope } // m_pStatusBar()->message(trUtf8("Printing completed"), 2000); // Not in scope #endif } // // Sets the strings of the subwidgets using the current language // void Reportpanel::textChange(void) { this->setCaption(trUtf8("AS local report", "Local report using weekly or monthly data.")); // Top level push buttons associated with accept and save slots m_pSavebutt->setText(trUtf8("Save As...", "Comment for Savebutton")); QToolTip::add(m_pSavebutt, trUtf8("Saves the report text", "Comment for tooltip Savebutton")); QWhatsThis::add(m_pSavebutt, trUtf8("The save button saves the report text to a file", "Comment for whatsThis Savebutton")); m_pPrintbutt->setText(trUtf8("Print...", "Comment for Printbutton")); QToolTip::add(m_pPrintbutt, trUtf8("Print the report text", "Comment for tooltip Printbutton")); QWhatsThis::add(m_pPrintbutt, trUtf8("The print button prints the report text to a file", "Comment for whatsThis Printbutton")); m_pDismissbutt->setText(trUtf8("Dismiss", "Comment for Dismissbutton")); QToolTip::add(m_pDismissbutt, trUtf8("Closes the report panel", "Comment for tooltip Dismissbutton")); QWhatsThis::add(m_pDismissbutt, trUtf8("The dismiss button dismisses the report panel", "Comment for whatsThis Dismissbutton")); // Inner tool buttons for new local report generation m_pWeeklybutt->setText(trUtf8("Weekly", "Comment for Weeklybutt")); QToolTip::add(m_pWeeklybutt, trUtf8("Hold down for options", "Comment for tooltip Weeklybutt")); QWhatsThis::add(m_pWeeklybutt, trUtf8("The Weekly button generates a new weekly report.\nHold this button down to specify many weeks.", "Comment for whatsThis Weeklybutt")); m_pMonthlybutt->setText(trUtf8("Monthly", "Comment for Monthlybutt")); QToolTip::add(m_pMonthlybutt, trUtf8("Hold down for options", "Comment for tooltip Monthlybutt")); QWhatsThis::add(m_pMonthlybutt, trUtf8("The Monthly button makes a new monthly report.\nHold this button down to specify how many months.", "Comment for whatsThis Monthlybutt")); } } // namespace AS