OSSP CVS Repository

ossp - ossp-web/pkg/tool/shiela/index.wml 1.3
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ossp-web/pkg/tool/shiela/index.wml 1.3

#use wml::ossp area=pkg:tool subarea=shiela

<title>OSSP shiela</title>

<h1>CVS Access Control and Logging</h1>


OSSP shiela is an access control and logging facility for use with
the <a href="http://www.cvshome.org/">Concurrent Versions System</a>
(CVS). It is intended to be hooked into CVS's processing through the
<tt>$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/xxxinfo</tt> callbacks. This way OSSP shiela
provides access control on a path and branch basis to particular
repository users and user groups. Additionally, repository operations
are monitored, accumulated and logged. The lookout of logging messages
can be configured individually on a module path and branch basis and
messages can be both saved to files and/or delivered by Email.


<pkg_author name="Ralf S. Engelschall" mail="rse@engelschall.com">


    stable="none"    stable_date="none"
    unstable="0.9.1" unstable_date="10-Feb-2001"


	stable="none" unstable="shiela-0.9.1.tar.gz">

<pkg_donation name="shiela" return="$(BASE_URL)/pkg/tool/shiela/">

CVSTrac 2.0.1