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ossp - ossp-web/pkg/lib/var/index.wml 1.5
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ossp-web/pkg/lib/var/index.wml 1.5

#use wml::ossp area=pkg:lib subarea=var

<title>OSSP var</title>

<h1>Variable Expansion</h1>


OSSP var is a flexible, full-featured and fast variable construct
expansion library. It supports a configurable variable construct
syntax very similar to the style found in many scripting languages
(like <tt>@name</tt>, <tt>${name}</tt>, <tt>$(name)</tt>, etc.)
and provides both simple scalar (<tt>${name}</tt>) and array
(<tt>${name[index]}</tt>) expansion, plus optionally one or more
post-operations on the expanded value (<tt>${name:op:op...}</tt>).

The supported post-operations are length determination, case conversion,
defaults, postive and negative alternatives, sub-strings, regular
expression based substitutions, character translations, and padding.
Additionally, a meta-construct plus arithmetic expressions for index and
range calculations allow (even nested) iterations over array variable
expansions (<tt>..[..${name[#+1]}..]..</tt>). The actual variable value
lookup is performed through a callback function, so OSSP var can expand
arbitrary values.

<font size=-1>
Hint: There is also an ISO C++ derivative of the OSSP var library, named
<a href="http://cryp.to/libvarexp/">libvarexp</a>. It is based on
a development version of OSSP var and hence does not provide exactly
the same amount of functionality. But it provides an ISO C++ API and so
can be of interest to you if you are programming in ISO C++ (where OSSP
var's ISO C API might be too boring for you).


<pkg_author name="Ralf S. Engelschall" mail="rse@engelschall.com">
<pkg_author name="Peter Simons" mail="simons@computer.org">


    stable="none"    stable_date="none"
    unstable="0.9.0" unstable_date="08-Mar-2002"


	stable="none" unstable="var-0.9.0.tar.gz">

CVSTrac 2.0.1