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ossp - ossp-web/pkg/lib/fsl/index.wml 1.9
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ossp-web/pkg/lib/fsl/index.wml 1.9

#use wml::ossp area=pkg:lib subarea=fsl

<title>OSSP fsl</title>

<h1>Faked/Flexible Syslog</h1>


OSSP fsl offers the syslog(3) API otherwise provided by the Standard C Library
(libc). Instead of writing to the syslogd(8) process, it uses the powerful <a
href="../l2/">OSSP l2</a> logging capabilities. It is a drop-in link-time
replacement which enables any syslog(3) consumer to take advantage of <a
href="../l2/">OSSP l2</a> by just linking this library in before libc. The
source code of the program remains unchanged. The only requirement for each
program is companion <a href="../cfg/">OSSP cfg</a> based configuration
snippet which maps the openlog(3) program indentification to an <a
href="../l2/">OSSP l2</a> channel tree specification.

This library is a small wrapper around <a href="../l2/">OSSP l2</a> and <a
href="../cfg/">OSSP cfg</a> and was originally invested to allow third-party
(non <a href="/">OSSP</a>) programs to leverage from the logging flexibility
provided by <a href="../l2/">OSSP l2</a>. Its development was prompted by the
<a href="http://www.openpkg.org/">OpenPKG</a> project where no program is
allowed to directly use the original syslog(3) facility in order to allow
multiple installation instances.


<pkg_author name="Ralf S. Engelschall" mail="rse@engelschall.com">
<pkg_author name="Thomas Lotterer" mail="thomas@lotterer.net">


<a href="http://www.cw.com/">Cable &amp; Wireless</a> <a href="http://www.cw.com/de/">Germany</a>


    stable="1.0.1"   stable_date="02-Aug-2002"
    unstable="none"  unstable_date="none"


	stable="fsl-1.0.1.tar.gz" unstable="none">

<pkg_donation name="fsl" return="$(BASE_URL)/pkg/lib/fsl/">

CVSTrac 2.0.1