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ossp - ossp-web/com/users.wml 1.3
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ossp-web/com/users.wml 1.3

#use wml::ossp area=com:users

<title>Community: Users</title>


The following companies have successfully deployed OSSP software
components in their business. If your company also uses OSSP software
components and want it to be added to this list, write to <a

<define-tag company>
  <td align=right>&nbsp;&lt;<a href="%1">%1</a>&gt;</td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
   <company "Cable &amp; Wireless Deutschland"  "http://www.cw.com/de/">
   <company "Franziskuswerk Schönbrunn"         "http://www.schoenbrunn.de/">
   <company "sd&amp;m"                          "http://www.sdm.de/">


The following individuals have successfully deployed OSSP software
components in their private work. If your also uses OSSP software
components and want yourself be added to this list, write to <a

<define-tag person>
  <td align=right>&nbsp;&lt;<a href="mailto:%1">%1</a>&gt;</td>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
   <person "Ralf S. Engelschall"   "rse@engelschall.com">
   <person "Joerg Pichel"          "pichel@sdm.de">
   <person "Thomas Lotterer"       "thomas@lotterer.net">
   <person "Christoph Schug"       "chris@schug.net">
   <person "Peter Simons"          "simons@computer.org">

CVSTrac 2.0.1