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ossp-web/com/sponsors.wml 1.3

#use wml::ossp area=com:sponsors

<title>Community: Sponsors</title>

<h1>Community: Sponsors</h1>

OSSP is a fully non-profit <a href="http://www.opensource.org/">Open
Source Software</a> project with the goal of implementing high-quality
Unix software components for use in the Unix Open Source community. It
puts really a lot of private work on its idealistic developers, but
nevertheless makes all of its results freely available to the interested
public. Without sponsoring through donations from the individuals and
companies all this would be not possible, of course.

You can <a href="donations.html">sponsor</a> the project by <a
href="donations.html"><b>online donating money</b></a> the OSSP project.
Every sponsor will be added to this page under one of the following
three cathegories.

<h2>Gold Sponsors</h2>

Each of following individuals and companies donated (in total) money and/or
resources worth more than USD $5000.

  <li><a href="http://www.cw.com/"><img src="$(IMG)/cw.png" alt="Cable & Wireless" align=right border=0></a>
      <a href="http://www.cw.com/de/"><b>Cable &amp; Wireless Deutschland GmbH</b></a> (1999-2002)<br>
      (Hosting Rack-Space, Network Connectivity, Hardware, Manpower)

<h2>Silver Sponsors</h2>

Each of following individuals and companies donated (in total) money and/or
resources worth more than USD $500.

  <li><a href="http://www.engelschall.com/"><b>Ralf S. Engelschall</b></a> (1998-2002)<br>
      (Domain Registration, System Administration, Hardware)
  <li><a href="http://www.sdm.de/"><b>sd&m software design & management AG</b></a> (1998)<br>
      (Computing Resources, Network Resources, Manpower) 

<h2>Bronze Sponsors</h2>

Each of following individuals and companies donated (in total) money and/or
resources worth more than USD $50.


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