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ossp - ossp-web/SHARE/ossp_page.wml 1.2
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ossp-web/SHARE/ossp_page.wml 1.2
##  ossp_page.wml -- General HTML Page Structure
##  Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com> 

#   the general structure of the HTML page markup
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <title*>OSSP: {#PAGE_TITLE#}</title*>
  <body status="OSSP: {#PAGE_TITLE#}" {#PAGE_BODY_ATTR#}>

#   allow us to divert title information
..PAGE_TITLE!>>Error: Undefined Title!<<..
<define-tag title endtag=required>

#   allow us to divert header information
<define-tag head endtag=required>

#   allow us to divert body attributes
<define-tag body_attr endtag=required>

#   allow us to divert prolog information
<define-tag prolog endtag=required>

#   allow us to divert epilog information
<define-tag epilog endtag=required>

#   finally, the HTML structure is now rendered, so divert all
#   remaining stuff into the HTML body area...

CVSTrac 2.0.1