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## ## ossp_page.wml -- General HTML Page Structure ## Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com> ## # the general structure of the HTML page markup [PAGE_HEAD:\ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> {#PAGE_HEAD#} <title*>OSSP: {#PAGE_TITLE#}{#PAGE_SUBTITLE#}</title*> </head> <body status="OSSP: {#PAGE_TITLE#}" {#PAGE_BODY_ATTR#}> :PAGE_HEAD][PAGE_BODY: {#PAGE_PROLOG#} {#PAGE_BODY#} {#PAGE_EPILOG#} :PAGE_BODY][PAGE_FOOT: </body> </html> :PAGE_FOOT] # allow us to divert title information ..PAGE_TITLE!>>Error: Undefined Title!<<.. <define-tag title endtag=required> ..!PAGE_TITLE>>%body<<.. </define-tag> # allow us to divert sub-title information ..PAGE_SUBTITLE!>><<.. <define-tag subtitle endtag=required> ..!PAGE_SUBTITLE>>: %body<<.. </define-tag> # allow us to divert header information <define-tag head endtag=required> ..PAGE_HEAD>>%body<<.. </define-tag> # allow us to divert body attributes <define-tag body_attr endtag=required> ..PAGE_BODY_ATTR>>%body<<.. </define-tag> # allow us to divert prolog information <define-tag prolog endtag=required> ..PAGE_PROLOG>>%body<<.. </define-tag> # allow us to divert epilog information <define-tag epilog endtag=required> ..PAGE_EPILOG>>%body<<.. </define-tag> # finally, the HTML structure is now rendered, so divert all # remaining stuff into the HTML body area... ..PAGE_BODY>>