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ossp - ossp-pkg/tabea/test/output.cgi.html.1 1.1
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ossp-pkg/tabea/test/output.cgi.html.1 1.1
<br><br>We are testing<br>

Here comes the text output:<br>
<p>Street Address: <input name=street><br>Postal City code: <input name=city size=16 maxlength=16><br>Zip Code: <input name=zip size=10 maxlength=10 value="99999-9999"><br><br><br>

Here comes the password output:<br>
<p>Name: <input name=login> Password: <input type=password name=passwd><br><br>

Here comes the checkbox output:<br>
<p>What flavors do you like?
<input type=checkbox name=flavor value=vanilla checked>Vanilla<br>
<input type=checkbox name=flavor value=strawberry>Strawberry<br>
<input type=checkbox name=flavor value=chocolate checked>Chocolate<br>

Here comes the radio output:<br>
<p>Which is your favorite?
<input type=radio name=flavor value=vanilla checked>Vanilla<br>
<input type=radio name=flavor value=strawberry>Strawberry<br>
<input type=radio name=flavor value=chocolate>Chocolate<br>

Here comes the image output:<br>
<img alt="gif not found" src="/ossp-cgi/test/1.gif">

Here comes the submit output:<br>
<input type=submit name=recipient value=internal><br>
<input type=submit name=recipient value=world>

Here comes the reset output:<br>
<input type=reset>

Here comes the select output:<br>
<SELECT NAME="flavor" SIZE="2">
<OPTION value="RumRasin">Rum and Raisin
<OPTION selected>Peach and Orange

Here comes the textaraea output:<br>
<TEXTAREA NAME="address" ROWS=6 COLS=64>
HaL Computer Systems
Dell Avenue
Campbell, California 95008


CVSTrac 2.0.1