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ossp - ossp-pkg/string-divert/ChangeLog 1.7
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ossp-pkg/string-divert/ChangeLog 1.7

  0.94 (22-Feb-2005)
      o use empty EXPORT_OK because we have an OO style API only
      o add default empty EXPORT array
  0.93 (22-Sep-2003)
      o fix obj->folder(format, pattern) implementation
  0.92 (29-Apr-2003)
      o fix auto-indentation generation on unfolding
      o add "storage" mode functionality
  0.91 (23-Apr-2003)
      o direct MakeMaker to not install sample[12].pl
      o cleanup naming of module, etc.
      o remove trailing whitespaces from codes
      o cleanup and extend documentation
  0.90 (22-Apr-2003)
      o initial release

CVSTrac 2.0.1