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ossp - ossp-pkg/str/TODO 1.20
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ossp-pkg/str/TODO 1.20
   ____  _        
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  Str - String Library                 


  o look at printf ideas from ../stdio/printf!!
  o look at ../strnatcmp
  The following *have* to be done before 1.0.0:

  o perhaps a str_shave() or str_strip() function which
    allows one to strip off characters out of a set from
    begin and end of a string. Usually for zapping whitespaces
    from begin and end of string.
    => str_shave(" \t foo bar ", " \t\n") => "foo bar"

  o use stdio-style "t" strings insead of STR_TRIGRAPH bitmasks
  o finish str_test.c: more tests
  o Dean wrote: btw -- str_compare taking a mode argument doesn't let you trim a few
    cycles by going into strcmp/strcasecmp which are usually hand-tuned
    assembly beasts on most boxes.  i'd go for str_compare and

  The following *could* be done before 1.0.0:

  o Unicode/UTF-8 support!!
  o str_encode/str_decode:
    - plain base64
    - strict base64 (with newlines and padding, etc.)
  o str to/from symbol conversion:
    - long str_symbol(char *str);
  o str_format merged with strptime
  o str_locate could become a "mode" argument which
    indicates whether "s" is small or large and if
    it is small a (faster) brute force search could be done.
  o str_parse could support s/.../g or even m/.../g 
  o one could add "vstr" support with own malloc
    Dean wrote: have you seen djb's stralloc stuff? it's part of qmail.
    it looks like a nice way to avoid thinking about lengths.

> I really like your Str library, but I have a question:
> What is its equivalent og the Perl 'g' modifier, such as in this example
> (Perl):
> $teststr = 'hello/world/nice/to/meet/you';
> $teststr =~ s/\//:/g;
> # $teststr == 'hello:world:nice:to:meet:you';
> I couldn't find it in the documentation. Has this been implemented yet?
> If not, is there some other way of doing it?

Hmmm... yes, I initially left our the /g variant because I thought just
about _matching_ like in m/.../g. But that was silly. You're right,
for s/.../ the global flag is very important. It is currently still
not implemented, but I've now added it to my TODO list for Str. OTOH
your s/\//:/g usually can be performed more easier without str_parse,
of course. Just use str_span() in a loop and replace the underlaying
character in each step until str_span reached the end of the string.

CVSTrac 2.0.1