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ossp - ossp-pkg/str/THANKS 1.7
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ossp-pkg/str/THANKS 1.7
   ____  _        
  / ___|| |_ _ __ 
  \___ \| __| '__|
   ___) | |_| |   
  |____/ \__|_|   
  Str - String Library                 

  Credit has to be given to the following people who contributed ideas,
  stuff, bugfixes, hints etc. (in alphabetical order):

  o Dean Gaudet              <dgaudet@arctic.org>
  o Ed Griffiths             <edgrif@sanger.ac.uk>
  o Joseph Heenan            <joseph@picsel.com>
  o Thomas Lotterer          <thomas.lotterer@cw.com>
  o Kai Poitschke            <kai.poitschke@computer.org>
  o Alfred Reibenschuh       <alfred.reibenschu@chello.at>
  o Lukas Schroeder          <lukas@edeal.de>
  o Peter Simons             <simons@cryp.to>
  o Fritz Zaucker            <zaucker@ee.ethz.ch>

  ...and all other Str users who gave me feedback but I've forgot...

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