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ossp-pkg/shiela/ChangeLog 1.17
   _        ___  ____ ____  ____        _     _      _
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  |_|_|_|  \___/|____/____/|_|     |___/_| |_|_|\___|_|\__,_|

  OSSP shiela - Access Control and Logging Facility for CVS


  Changes between 0.9.2 and 0.9.3 (19-Aug-2002 to 21-Dec-2002):

   *) Fix incorrect use (and hence producing a warning for uninitialized
      variable) of variables in the writing of history files.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

   *) Finally really use the "Environment" configuration section to find
      "cvs" and "sendmail" directly and add a "Program" sub-command to it
      for easier extension of the "Environment" section in the future.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

   *) Consistently use IO objects instead of the anchient direct
      fiddling with Perl's filedescriptor symbol globs.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

   *) Correctly determine CVS version and optional RSE patches (from
      OpenPKG "cvs" package).
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

   *) Upgraded to GNU shtool 1.6.2 and GNU autoconf 2.57.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

   *) Fix the "invalid file specification `<absolute path>' for access
      control" issue by using Cwd::realpath to resolve the absolute path
      instead of calling `pwd`.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

   *) Consistently switch to the "OSSP shiela" branding.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

  Changes between 0.9.1 and 0.9.2 (10-Feb-2001 to 19-Aug-2002):

   *) Switched to the OSSP devtool build environment
      and upgraded to GNU shtool 1.6.1 and GNU autoconf 2.53.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

   *) Fixed warning in dereferencing uninitialized variable.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall, Markus Sander]

   *) Fixed information gathering for stock CVS version.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]
   *) Fixed +d/-d output on removed files.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

   *) Fixed meta character handling in regex matchings.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

   *) Make sure shiela accepts CVS 1.11 and newer, too.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

   *) Adjusted shiela-install's Perl tool checks to use
      the logic of GNU shtool' "path" command.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

   *) Upgraded to GNU shtool 1.5.3
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

  Changes between 0.9.0 and 0.9.1 (18-Jun-2000 to 10-Feb-2001):

   *) Upgraded to GNU shtool 1.5.2-pre.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

   *) Added --with-perl=PATH and --with-cvs=PATH Autoconf options
      to allow one to force the use of particular programs.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

   *) Added $(DESTDIR) support for "make install".
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

  Changes between *GENESIS* and 0.9.0 (Apr-2000 to 18-Jun-2000):

   *) Created the first OSSP shiela version.
      [Ralf S. Engelschall]

CVSTrac 2.0.1