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ossp - ossp-pkg/rc/ChangeLog 1.5
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ossp-pkg/rc/ChangeLog 1.5
   _        ___  ____ ____  ____             
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  |_|_|_|  \___/|____/____/|_|     |_|  \___|

  OSSP rc - Run-Command Processor


  Changes between 0.1.0 and 0.7.1 (07-Jan-2002 to 07-July-2003):

    *) Implemented most essential functionality to reach first milestone
       [Michael Schloh von Bennewitz]

  Changes between *GENESIS* and 0.1.0 (07-Jan-2002 to 00-Duc-2002):

    *) Added Autoconf and other build configuration.
       [Michael Schloh von Bennewitz]

    *) Created the rc revision hierarchy.
       [Ralf S. Engelschall]

CVSTrac 2.0.1