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ossp - ossp-pkg/petidomo/subscribe.c 1.15
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ossp-pkg/petidomo/subscribe.c 1.15
   $Source: /v/ossp/cvs/ossp-pkg/petidomo/subscribe.c,v $
   $Revision: 1.15 $

   Copyright (C) 2000 by CyberSolutions GmbH, Germany.

   This file is part of Petidomo.

   Petidomo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
   any later version.

   Petidomo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

#include <string.h>
#include "libtext/text.h"
#include "petidomo.h"

AddAddress(struct Mail * MailStruct,
		const char * param1,
		const char * param2,
		const char * defaultlist)
    const struct PD_Config   * MasterConfig;
    const struct List_Config * ListConfig;
    FILE *         fh;
    const char *   address = NULL;
    const char *   listname = NULL;
    char           owner[4096];
    char           envelope[4096];
    char *         buffer;
    char *         originator;
    char *         p;

    /* Initialize internal stuff from master config file. */

    MasterConfig = getMasterConfig();
    sprintf(envelope, "petidomo-manager@%s", MasterConfig->fqdn);
    originator = (MailStruct->Reply_To) ? MailStruct->Reply_To : MailStruct->From;

    /* Try to find out, which parameter is what. */

    if (param1 != NULL)
	if (isValidListName(param1) == TRUE)
	    listname = param1;
	else if (isRFC822Address(param1) == TRUE)
	    address = param1;

	if (param2 != NULL)
	    if (listname == NULL && isValidListName(param2) == TRUE)
		listname = param2;
	    else if (address == NULL && isRFC822Address(param2) == TRUE)
		address = param2;

    if (address == NULL)
	address = (MailStruct->Reply_To) ? MailStruct->Reply_To : MailStruct->From;
    assert(address != NULL);

    if (listname == NULL)
	if (defaultlist != NULL)
	    listname = defaultlist;
	    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s: subscribe-command invalid: No list specified.", MailStruct->From);
	    fh = vOpenMailer(envelope, originator, NULL);
	    if (fh != NULL)
		fprintf(fh, "From: petidomo@%s (Petidomo Mailing List Server)\n", MasterConfig->fqdn);
		fprintf(fh, "To: %s\n", originator);
		fprintf(fh, "Subject: Petidomo: Your request \"subscribe %s\"\n", address);
		if (MailStruct->Message_Id != NULL)
		    fprintf(fh, "In-Reply-To: %s\n", MailStruct->Message_Id);
		fprintf(fh, "Precedence: junk\n");
		fprintf(fh, "Sender: %s\n", envelope);
		fprintf(fh, "\n");
		buffer = text_easy_sprintf("You tried to subscribe the address \"%s\" to a mailing list. "   \
					   "Unfortunately, your request could not be processed, because "    \
					   "you didn't specify a valid mailing list name to which the "      \
					   "address should be subscribed to. You may use the command INDEX " \
					   "to receive an overview over the available mailing lists. Also, " \
					   "use the command HELP to verify that you got the command syntax " \
					   "right.", address);
		text_wordwrap(buffer, 70);
		fprintf(fh, "%s\n", buffer);
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to send email to \"%s\" concerning his request.", originator);
	    return 0;

    /* Initialize internal stuff again from list config. */

    ListConfig = getListConfig(listname);
    sprintf(owner, "%s-owner@%s", listname, ListConfig->fqdn);
    sprintf(envelope, "%s-owner@%s", listname, ListConfig->fqdn);

    /* Check whether the request is authorized at all. */

    if (isValidAdminPassword(getPassword(), listname) == FALSE)
	/* No valid password, check further. */

	if (ListConfig->subtype == SUBSCRIPTION_ADMIN)
	    /* Access was unauthorized, notify the originator. */

	    syslog(LOG_INFO, "\"%s\" tried to subscribe \"%s\" to list \"%s\", but couldn't " \
		   "provide the correct password.", originator, address, listname);

	    fh = vOpenMailer(envelope, originator, NULL);
	    if (fh != NULL)
		fprintf(fh, "From: %s-request@%s (Petidomo Mailing List Server)\n",
			listname, ListConfig->fqdn);
		fprintf(fh, "To: %s\n", originator);
		fprintf(fh, "Subject: Petidomo: Your request \"subscribe %s %s\"\n", address, listname);
		if (MailStruct->Message_Id != NULL)
		    fprintf(fh, "In-Reply-To: %s\n", MailStruct->Message_Id);
		fprintf(fh, "Precedence: junk\n");
		fprintf(fh, "Sender: %s\n", envelope);
		fprintf(fh, "\n");
		buffer = text_easy_sprintf(
					   "The mailing list \"%s\" is a closed forum and only the maintainer may " \
					   "subscribe addresses. Your request has been forwarded to the " \
					   "appropriate person, so please don't send any further mail. You will " \
					   "be notified as soon as possible.", listname);
		text_wordwrap(buffer, 70);
		fprintf(fh, "%s\n", buffer);
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to send email to \"%s\" concerning his request.",

	    /* Notify the owner. */

	    fh = vOpenMailer(envelope, owner, NULL);
	    if (fh != NULL)
		fprintf(fh, "From: %s-request@%s (Petidomo Mailing List Server)\n",
			listname, ListConfig->fqdn);
		fprintf(fh, "To: %s\n", owner);
		fprintf(fh, "Subject: Petidomo: APPROVE %s@%s: Unauthorized request from \"%s\"\n", listname, ListConfig->fqdn, originator);
		fprintf(fh, "Precedence: junk\n");
		fprintf(fh, "Sender: %s\n", envelope);
		fprintf(fh, "\n");
		buffer = text_easy_sprintf(
					   "\"%s\" tried to subscribe the address \"%s\" to the \"%s\" mailing list, " \
					   "but couldn't provide the correct password. To subscribe him, send the " \
					   "following commands to the server:", originator, address, listname);
		text_wordwrap(buffer, 70);
		fprintf(fh, "%s\n\n", buffer);
		fprintf(fh, "password <AdminPassword>\n");
		fprintf(fh, "subscribe %s %s\n", address, listname);
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to send email to \"%s\"!", owner);
		return -1;
	    return 0;

    /* Check whether the address is subscribed already. */

    if (isSubscribed(listname, address, NULL, NULL, FALSE) == TRUE)
	/* Notify the originator, that the address is already a
           member. */

	fh = vOpenMailer(envelope, originator, NULL);
	if (fh != NULL)
	    fprintf(fh, "From: %s-request@%s (Petidomo Mailing List Server)\n", listname, ListConfig->fqdn);
	    fprintf(fh, "To: %s\n", originator);
	    fprintf(fh, "Subject: Petidomo: Your request \"subscribe %s %s\"\n", address, listname);
	    if (MailStruct->Message_Id != NULL)
		fprintf(fh, "In-Reply-To: %s\n", MailStruct->Message_Id);
	    fprintf(fh, "Precedence: junk\n");
	    fprintf(fh, "Sender: %s\n", envelope);
	    fprintf(fh, "\n");
	    fprintf(fh, "The address is subscribed to this list already.\n");
	    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to send email to \"%s\" concerning his request.", originator);
	    return -1;
	return 0;

    if (isValidAdminPassword(getPassword(), listname) == FALSE &&
	ListConfig->subtype == SUBSCRIPTION_ACKED && !g_is_approved)
	/* Require confirmation. */

	char* command = text_easy_sprintf("subscribe %s %s", address, listname);
	char* cookie  = queue_command(MailStruct, command);

	/* Notify the owner. */

	fh = vOpenMailer(envelope, address, NULL);
	if (fh != NULL)
	    fprintf(fh, "From: petidomo-approve@%s (Petidomo Mailing List Server)\n", ListConfig->fqdn);
	    fprintf(fh, "To: %s\n", address);
	    fprintf(fh, "Subject: Petidomo: CONFIRM %s@%s: Request from \"%s\"\n", listname, ListConfig->fqdn, originator);
	    fprintf(fh, "Precedence: junk\n");
	    fprintf(fh, "Sender: %s\n", envelope);
	    fprintf(fh, "\n");
	    buffer = text_easy_sprintf("Per request from \"%s\", the address \"%s\" should be subscribed to " \
				       "the mailing list \"%s\". This will not happen unless you confirm the " \
				       "request by replying to this mail and citing the string",
				       originator, address, listname);
	    text_wordwrap(buffer, 70);
	    fprintf(fh, "%s\n", buffer);
	    fprintf(fh, "\n    %s\n\n", cookie);
	    fprintf(fh, "in your reply.\n");

	    fh = vOpenMailer(envelope, originator, NULL);
	    if (fh != NULL)
		fprintf(fh, "From: %s-request@%s (Petidomo Mailing List Server)\n", listname, ListConfig->fqdn);
		fprintf(fh, "To: %s\n", originator);
		fprintf(fh, "Subject: Petidomo: Your request \"subscribe %s %s\"\n", address, listname);
		if (MailStruct->Message_Id != NULL)
		    fprintf(fh, "In-Reply-To: %s\n", MailStruct->Message_Id);
		fprintf(fh, "Precedence: junk\n");
		fprintf(fh, "Sender: %s\n", envelope);
		fprintf(fh, "\n");
		fprintf(fh, "Subscribing the address will need confirmation. Such a\n");
		fprintf(fh, "request has been sent to the address already, so don't move!\n");
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to send email to \"%s\" concerning his request.", originator);
		return -1;
	    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to send email to \"%s\"!", owner);
	    return -1;
	return 0;

    /* Okay, add the address to the list. */

    fh = fopen(ListConfig->address_file, "a");
    if (fh == NULL)
	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to open file \"%s\" for writing: %m", ListConfig->address_file);
	return -1;
    fprintf(fh, "%s\n", address);

    /* Send success notification to the originator, the new
       subscriber, and the owner. */

    if (!strcasecmp(address, originator) == TRUE)
	fh = vOpenMailer(envelope, address, owner, NULL);
	fh = vOpenMailer(envelope, address, originator, owner, NULL);
    if (fh != NULL)
	fprintf(fh, "From: %s-request@%s (Petidomo Mailing List Server)\n",
		listname, ListConfig->fqdn);
	fprintf(fh, "To: %s\n", address);
	if (!strcasecmp(address, originator) == TRUE)
	    fprintf(fh, "Cc: %s\n", owner);
	    fprintf(fh, "Cc: %s, %s\n", originator, owner);
	fprintf(fh, "Subject: Petidomo: Request \"subscribe %s %s\"\n", address, listname);
	if (MailStruct->Message_Id != NULL)
	    fprintf(fh, "In-Reply-To: %s\n", MailStruct->Message_Id);
	fprintf(fh, "Precedence: junk\n");
	fprintf(fh, "Sender: %s\n", envelope);
	fprintf(fh, "\n");
	if (!strcasecmp(address, originator) == TRUE)
	    buffer = text_easy_sprintf(
				       "Per your request, the address \"%s\" has been subscribed to the " \
				       "\"%s\" mailing list. If you want to unsubscribe later, you can " \
				       "do so by sending the following command to \"%s-request@%s\":",
				       address, listname, listname, ListConfig->fqdn);
	    buffer = text_easy_sprintf(
				       "Per request from \"%s\", the address \"%s\" has been subscribed to the " \
				       "\"%s\" mailing list. If you want to unsubscribe later, you can " \
				       "do so by sending the following command to \"%s-request@%s\":",
				       originator, address, listname, listname, ListConfig->fqdn);
	text_wordwrap(buffer, 70);
	fprintf(fh, "%s\n\n", buffer);
	fprintf(fh, "unsubscribe %s\n\n", address);
	fprintf(fh, "Please save a copy of this mail, to make sure you remember how " \
	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to send email to \"%s\"!", owner);
	return -1;

    /* Send introduction text to the new member. */

    p = loadfile(ListConfig->intro_file);
    if (p != NULL)
	fh = vOpenMailer(envelope, address, NULL);
	if (fh != NULL)
	    fprintf(fh, "From: %s-request@%s (Petidomo Mailing List Server)\n",
		    listname, ListConfig->fqdn);
	    fprintf(fh, "To: %s\n", address);
	    fprintf(fh, "Subject: Petidomo: Welcome to the \"%s\" mailing list!\n", listname);
	    if (MailStruct->Message_Id != NULL)
		fprintf(fh, "In-Reply-To: %s\n", MailStruct->Message_Id);
	    fprintf(fh, "Precedence: junk\n");
	    fprintf(fh, "Sender: %s\n", envelope);
	    fprintf(fh, "\n");
	    fprintf(fh, "%s\n", p);
	    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to send introduction mail to \"%s\"!", address);
	    return -1;
    return 0;

CVSTrac 2.0.1