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ossp - ossp-pkg/lmtp2nntp/lmtp2nntp_dotconf.h 1.3
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ossp-pkg/lmtp2nntp/lmtp2nntp_dotconf.h 1.3
#ifndef DOTCONF_H
#define DOTCONF_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* stdio.h should be included by the application - as the manual page says */
#ifndef _STDIO_H
#include <stdio.h>		/* needed for FILE* */

#ifdef WIN32
# ifndef R_OK
#define R_OK 0
# endif

/* some buffersize definitions */
#define CFG_BUFSIZE 4096	/* max length of one line */
#define CFG_MAX_OPTION 32	/* max length of any option name */
#define CFG_MAX_VALUE 4064	/* max length of any options value */
#define CFG_MAX_FILENAME 256	/* max length of a filename */
#define CFG_VALUES 16		/* max # of arguments an option takes */

#define WILDCARDS	"*?"		/* list of supported wild-card characters */

/* constants for type of option */
#define ARG_TOGGLE    0		/* TOGGLE on,off; yes,no; 1, 0; */
#define ARG_INT       1		/* callback wants an integer */
#define ARG_STR       2		/* callback expects a \0 terminated str */
#define ARG_LIST      3		/* wants list of strings */
#define ARG_NAME      4		/* wants option name plus ARG_LIST stuff */
#define ARG_RAW       5		/* wants raw argument data */
#define ARG_NONE      6		/* does not expect ANY args */

#define CTX_ALL       0		/* context: option can be used anywhere */

/* for convenience of terminating the dotconf_options list */
#define LAST_OPTION						{ "", 0, NULL, NULL    }
#define LAST_CONTEXT_OPTION				{ "", 0, NULL, NULL, 0 }		

#define DOTCONF_CB(__name)     const char *__name(command_t *cmd,             \
                                                  context_t *ctx)
#define FUNC_ERRORHANDLER(_name) int _name(configfile_t * configfile,		  \
											int type, long dc_errno, const char *msg)

/* some flags that change the runtime behaviour of dotconf */
#define NONE 0
#define CASE_INSENSITIVE 1<<0	/* match option names case insensitive */
#define DONT_SUBSTITUTE 1<<1    /* do not call substitute_env after read_arg */

/* syslog style errors as suggested by Sander Steffann <sander@steffann.nl> */
#include <syslog.h>

#define DCLOG_EMERG		LOG_EMERG			/* system is unusable */
#define DCLOG_ALERT		LOG_ALERT			/* action must be taken immediately */
#define DCLOG_CRIT		LOG_CRIT			/* critical conditions */
#define DCLOG_ERR		LOG_ERR				/* error conditions */
#define DCLOG_WARNING	LOG_WARNING			/* warning conditions */
#define DCLOG_NOTICE	LOG_NOTICE			/* normal but significant condition */
#define DCLOG_INFO		LOG_INFO			/* informational */
#define DCLOG_DEBUG		LOG_DEBUG			/* debug-level messages */

#define DCLOG_LEVELMASK	LOG_PRIMASK			/* mask off the level value */

#else /* HAVE_SYSLOG */

#define DCLOG_EMERG     0       /* system is unusable */
#define DCLOG_ALERT     1       /* action must be taken immediately */
#define DCLOG_CRIT      2       /* critical conditions */
#define DCLOG_ERR       3       /* error conditions */
#define DCLOG_WARNING   4       /* warning conditions */
#define DCLOG_NOTICE    5       /* normal but significant condition */
#define DCLOG_INFO      6       /* informational */
#define DCLOG_DEBUG     7       /* debug-level messages */

#define DCLOG_LEVELMASK 7       /* mask off the level value */

#endif /* HAVE_SYSLOG */

/* callback types for dotconf_callback */

/* error constants */
#define ERR_NOERROR                0x0000
#define ERR_PARSE_ERROR            0x0001
#define ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION         0x0002
#define ERR_WRONG_ARG_COUNT        0x0003
#define ERR_INCLUDE_ERROR          0x0004
#define ERR_NOACCESS               0x0005
#define ERR_USER                   0x1000   /* base for userdefined errno's */

/* i needed this to check an ARG_LIST entry if it's toggled in one of my apps; maybe you do too */
#define CFG_TOGGLED(_val) ( (_val[0] == 'Y'                                \
                             || _val[0] == 'y')                            \
                             || (_val[0] == '1')                           \
                             || ((_val[0] == 'o'                           \
                                 || _val[0] == 'O')                        \
                                && (_val[1] == 'n'                         \
                                    || _val[1] == 'N')))

enum callback_types

typedef enum callback_types			callback_types;
typedef struct configfile_t			configfile_t;
typedef struct configoption_t       configoption_t;
typedef struct configoption_t		ConfigOption;
typedef struct command_t        	command_t;
typedef void                        context_t;
typedef void                        info_t;

typedef const char *(*dotconf_callback_t)(command_t *, context_t *);
typedef int (*dotconf_errorhandler_t)(configfile_t *, int, unsigned long, const char *);
typedef const char *(*dotconf_contextchecker_t)(command_t *, unsigned long);

struct configfile_t
	/* ------ the fields in configfile_t are provided to the app via command_t's ; READ ONLY! --- */

	FILE *stream;
	char eof;                       /* end of file reached ? */
	size_t size;					/* file size; cached on-demand for here-documents */

	context_t *context;

	configoption_t const **config_options;
	int config_option_count;

	/* ------ misc read-only fields ------------------------------------------------------------- */
	char *filename;         		/* name of file this option was found in */
	unsigned long line;           	/* line number we're currently at */
	unsigned long flags;			/* runtime flags given to dotconf_open */

	char *includepath;

	/* ------ some callbacks for interactivity -------------------------------------------------- */
	dotconf_errorhandler_t 		errorhandler;
	dotconf_contextchecker_t 	contextchecker;

	int (*cmp_func)(const char *, const char *, size_t);

struct configoption_t
  const char *name;								/* name of configuration option */
  int type;										/* for possible values, see above */
  dotconf_callback_t callback;					/* callback function */
  info_t *info;									/* additional info for multi-option callbacks */
  unsigned long context;						/* context sensitivity flags */

struct command_t
	const char *name;             		/* name of the command */
	configoption_t *option;		/* the option as given in the app; READ ONLY */

	/* ------ argument data filled in for each line / command ----------------------------------- */
	struct {
		long value;                   	/* ARG_INT, ARG_TOGGLE */
		char *str;                    	/* ARG_STR */
		char **list;                  	/* ARG_LIST */
	} data;
	int arg_count;                		/* number of arguments (in data.list) */

	/* ------ misc context information ---------------------------------------------------------- */
	configfile_t *configfile;
	context_t *context;

/* ------ dotconf_create() - create the configfile_t needed for further dot.conf fun ------------ */
configfile_t *dotconf_create(char *, const configoption_t *, context_t *, unsigned long);

/* ------ dotconf_cleanup() - tidy up behind dotconf_create and the parser dust ----------------- */
void dotconf_cleanup(configfile_t *configfile);

/* ------ dotconf_command_loop() - iterate through each line of file and handle the commands ---- */
int dotconf_command_loop(configfile_t *configfile);

/* ------ dotconf_command_loop_until_error() - like continue_line but return on the first error - */
const char *dotconf_command_loop_until_error(configfile_t *configfile);

/* ------ dotconf_continue_line() - check if line continuation is to be handled ----------------- */
int dotconf_continue_line(char *buffer, size_t length);

/* ------ dotconf_get_next_line() - read in the next line of the configfile_t ------------------- */
int dotconf_get_next_line(char *buffer, size_t bufsize, configfile_t *configfile);

/* ------ dotconf_get_here_document() - read the here document until delimit is found ----------- */
char *dotconf_get_here_document(configfile_t *configfile, const char *delimit);

/* ------ dotconf_invoke_command() - call the callback for command_t ---------------------------- */
const char *dotconf_invoke_command(configfile_t *configfile, command_t *cmd);

/* ------ dotconf_find_command() - iterate through all registered options trying to match ------- */
configoption_t *dotconf_find_command(configfile_t *configfile, const char *command);

/* ------ dotconf_read_arg() - read one argument from the line handling quoting and escaping ---- */
	side effects: the char* returned by dotconf_read_arg is malloc() before, hence that pointer
                  will have to be free()ed later. 
char *dotconf_read_arg(configfile_t *configfile, char **line);

/* ------ dotconf_handle_command() - parse, substitute, find, invoke the command found in buffer  */
const char *dotconf_handle_command(configfile_t *configfile, char *buffer);

/* ------ dotconf_register_option() - add a new option table to the list of commands ------------ */
void dotconf_register_options(configfile_t *configfile, const configoption_t *options);

/* ------ dotconf_warning() - handle the dispatch of error messages of various levels ----------- */
int dotconf_warning(configfile_t *configfile, int level, unsigned long errnum, const char *, ...);

/* ------ dotconf_callback() - register a special callback -------------------------------------- */
void dotconf_callback(configfile_t *configfile, callback_types type, dotconf_callback_t);

/* ------ dotconf_substitute_env() - handle the substitution on environment variables ----------- */
char *dotconf_substitute_env(configfile_t *, char *);

/* ------ internal utility function that verifies if a character is in the WILDCARDS list -- */
int dotconf_is_wild_card(char value);

/* ------ internal utility function that calls the appropriate routine for the wildcard passed in -- */
int dotconf_handle_wild_card(command_t* cmd, char wild_card, char* path, char* pre, char* ext);

/* ------ internal utility function that frees allocated memory from dotcont_find_wild_card -- */
void dotconf_wild_card_cleanup(char* path, char* pre);

/* ------ internal utility function to check for wild cards in file path -- */
/* ------ path and pre must be freed by the developer ( dotconf_wild_card_cleanup) -- */ 
int dotconf_find_wild_card(char* filename, char* wildcard, char** path, char** pre, char** ext);

/* ------ internal utility function that compares two stings from back to front -- */
int dotconf_strcmp_from_back(const char* s1, const char* s2);

/* ------ internal utility function that determins if a string matches the '?' criteria -- */
int dotconf_question_mark_match(char* dir_name, char* pre, char* ext);

/* ------ internal utility function that determins if a string matches the '*' criteria -- */
int dotconf_star_match(char* dir_name, char* pre, char* ext);

/* ------ internal utility function that determins matches for filenames with   -- */
/* ------ a '?' in name and calls the Internal Include function on that filename -- */
int dotconf_handle_question_mark(command_t* cmd, char* path, char* pre, char* ext);

/* ------ internal utility function that determins matches for filenames with   -- */
/* ------ a '*' in name and calls the Internal Include function on that filename -- */
int dotconf_handle_star(command_t* cmd, char* path, char* pre, char* ext);

#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */

#endif /* DOTCONF_H */

CVSTrac 2.0.1