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ossp - ossp-pkg/lmtp2nntp/THANKS 1.5
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ossp-pkg/lmtp2nntp/THANKS 1.5
   _       ___  ____ ____  ____   _         _        ___            _
  |_|_ _  / _ \/ ___/ ___||  _ \ | |_ _ __ | |_ _ __|__ \ _ _  _ _ | |_ _ __
  _|_||_|| | | \___ \___ \| |_) || | ' `  \| __| '_ \ _) | ' \| ' \| __| '_ \
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  |_|_|_| \___/|____/____/|_|    |_|_||_||_|\__| .__/____|_||_|_||_|\__| .__/
                                               |_|                     |_|
  OSSP lmtp2nntp - Mail to News Gateway


  Thanks to Cable & Wireless Deutschland GmbH for supporting open source

  This is a list of contributors who have written or edited parts of the OSSP
  lmtp2nntp sources, provided suggestions or inspired the AUTHORS.

  Lawrence Greenfield   <leg+@andrew.cmu.edu>
  Christos Ricudis      <ricudis@paiko.gr>
  Christoph Schug       <christoph.schug@cw.com>
  Daniel Tschan         <tschan@devzone.ch>

CVSTrac 2.0.1