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ossp - ossp-pkg/lmtp2nntp/NEWS 1.8
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ossp-pkg/lmtp2nntp/NEWS 1.8

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  OSSP lmtp2nntp - Mail to News Gateway


  Those folks who used previous versions please review the options
  carefully, there were significant changes which are not compatible with
  previous versions.

  New features:
  - logging to the extreme (file, local/remote syslog, smtp, irc) [1]
  - long options, better option parsing and syntax checking [2]
  - command line and multiple configuration files can be mixed
  - header rewriting with variable expansion [3], access to many values [4]
  - large source code modifications including use of exceptions [5]

  [1] OSSP l2   http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/l2/
  [2] OSSP popt http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/popt/
  [3] OSSP var  http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/var/
  [4] OSSP val  http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/val/
  [5] OSSP ex   http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/ex/

  Changed features:

  OLD| Option -V Very verbose logging. This means logging is unbuffered
  MOD| This option is obsolete and vanished
  NEW| Omit buffer channel from l2_spec

  OLD| -a I<addr>/I<mask>[,I<addr>/I<mask>[,...]] (LMTP daemon ACL)
  MOD| It is no longer possible to specify more than one addr/ mask per option as a comma-separated list
  NEW| Use multiple --acl options

  OLD| -d I<addr>[I<:port>][,I<addr>[I<:port>], ...] (NNTP client peer)
  MOD| It is no longer possible to specify more than one addr/ mask per option as a comma-separated list
  NEW| Use multiple --destination options

  OLD| -h I<header>:<value>
  MOD| Replaced by header rewrite facility
  NEW| see --headerrule

  OLD| -l I<level>[:I<logfile>]
  MOD| The full functionality of lib_l2 is now exposed to the user
  NEW| see --l2spec

  OLD| -t I<name>=I<sec>[,I<name>=I<sec>[,...]
  MOD| Each timeout has its own option now
  NEW| see --timeout* options

CVSTrac 2.0.1