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ossp - ossp-pkg/lmtp2nntp/NEWS 1.10
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ossp-pkg/lmtp2nntp/NEWS 1.10
   _       ___  ____ ____  ____   _         _        ___            _
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  |_|_|_| \___/|____/____/|_|    |_|_||_||_|\__| .__/____|_||_|_||_|\__| .__/
                                               |_|                     |_|
  OSSP lmtp2nntp - Mail to News Gateway


  Those folks who used previous versions please review the options
  carefully, there were significant changes which are not compatible with
  previous versions.

  Platform support

  The software was successfully compiled and tested on the platforms
  listed below. The OSSP project makes every effort to maximize the
  portability of our software with current POSIX compliant systems being
  the preferred choice. You can assume to succeed in similar enviroments
  as well.

  - FreeBSD Unix 4.7-STABLE
  - FreeBSD Unix 5.0-CURRENT
  - RedHat Linux 8.0
  - Debian GNU/Linux 2.2
  - Debian GNU/Linux 3.0
  - Sun Solaris 8
  - Sun Solaris 9

  New features:
  - logging to the extreme (file, local/remote syslog, smtp, irc) [1]
  - long options, better option parsing and syntax checking [2]
  - command line and multiple configuration files can be mixed
  - header rewriting with variable expansion [3], access to many values [4]
  - large source code modifications including use of exceptions [5]

  [1] OSSP l2   http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/l2/
  [2] OSSP popt http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/popt/
  [3] OSSP var  http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/var/
  [4] OSSP val  http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/val/
  [5] OSSP ex   http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/ex/

  Changed features:

  OLD| Option -V Very verbose logging. This means logging is unbuffered
  MOD| This option is obsolete and vanished
  NEW| Omit buffer channel from l2_spec

  OLD| -a I<addr>/I<mask>[,I<addr>/I<mask>[,...]] (LMTP daemon ACL)
  MOD| It is no longer possible to specify more than one addr/ mask per option as a comma-separated list
  NEW| Use multiple --acl options

  OLD| -d I<addr>[I<:port>][,I<addr>[I<:port>], ...] (NNTP client peer)
  MOD| It is no longer possible to specify more than one addr/ mask per option as a comma-separated list
  NEW| Use multiple --destination options

  OLD| -h I<header>:<value>
  MOD| Replaced by header rewrite facility
  NEW| see --headerrule

  OLD| -l I<level>[:I<logfile>]
  MOD| The full functionality of lib_l2 is now exposed to the user
  NEW| see --l2spec

  OLD| -t I<name>=I<sec>[,I<name>=I<sec>[,...]
  MOD| Each timeout has its own option now
  NEW| see --timeout* options

CVSTrac 2.0.1