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ossp-pkg/js/src/fdlibm/fdlibm.h 1.2
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
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 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
 * March 31, 1998.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
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 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
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/* @(#)fdlibm.h 1.5 95/01/18 */
 * ====================================================
 * Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Developed at SunSoft, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
 * software is freely granted, provided that this notice 
 * is preserved.
 * ====================================================

#ifdef OSSP
/* select functionality */
#define _IEEE_LIBM
/* avoid namespace pollution */
#define __ieee754_acos          js___ieee754_acos
#define __ieee754_acosh         js___ieee754_acosh
#define __ieee754_asin          js___ieee754_asin
#define __ieee754_atan2         js___ieee754_atan2
#define __ieee754_atanh         js___ieee754_atanh
#define __ieee754_cosh          js___ieee754_cosh
#define __ieee754_exp           js___ieee754_exp
#define __ieee754_fmod          js___ieee754_fmod
#define __ieee754_gamma         js___ieee754_gamma
#define __ieee754_gamma_r       js___ieee754_gamma_r
#define __ieee754_hypot         js___ieee754_hypot
#define __ieee754_j0            js___ieee754_j0
#define __ieee754_j1            js___ieee754_j1
#define __ieee754_jn            js___ieee754_jn
#define __ieee754_lgamma        js___ieee754_lgamma
#define __ieee754_lgamma_r      js___ieee754_lgamma_r
#define __ieee754_log           js___ieee754_log
#define __ieee754_log10         js___ieee754_log10
#define __ieee754_pow           js___ieee754_pow
#define __ieee754_rem_pio2      js___ieee754_rem_pio2
#define __ieee754_remainder     js___ieee754_remainder
#define __ieee754_scalb         js___ieee754_scalb
#define __ieee754_sinh          js___ieee754_sinh
#define __ieee754_sqrt          js___ieee754_sqrt
#define __ieee754_y0            js___ieee754_y0
#define __ieee754_y1            js___ieee754_y1
#define __ieee754_yn            js___ieee754_yn
#define __kernel_cos            js___kernel_cos
#define __kernel_rem_pio2       js___kernel_rem_pio2
#define __kernel_sin            js___kernel_sin
#define __kernel_standard       js___kernel_standard
#define __kernel_tan            js___kernel_tan
#define fd_acos                 js_fd_acos
#define fd_acosh                js_fd_acosh
#define fd_asin                 js_fd_asin
#define fd_asinh                js_fd_asinh
#define fd_atan                 js_fd_atan
#define fd_atan2                js_fd_atan2
#define fd_atanh                js_fd_atanh
#define fd_cbrt                 js_fd_cbrt
#define fd_ceil                 js_fd_ceil
#define fd_copysign             js_fd_copysign
#define fd_cos                  js_fd_cos
#define fd_cosh                 js_fd_cosh
#define fd_erf                  js_fd_erf
#define fd_erfc                 js_fd_erfc
#define fd_exp                  js_fd_exp
#define fd_expm1                js_fd_expm1
#define fd_fabs                 js_fd_fabs
#define fd_finite               js_fd_finite
#define fd_floor                js_fd_floor
#define fd_fmod                 js_fd_fmod
#define fd_frexp                js_fd_frexp
#define fd_gamma                js_fd_gamma
#define fd_hypot                js_fd_hypot
#define fd_ilogb                js_fd_ilogb
#define fd_isnan                js_fd_isnan
#define fd_j0                   js_fd_j0
#define fd_j1                   js_fd_j1
#define fd_jn                   js_fd_jn
#define fd_ldexp                js_fd_ldexp
#define fd_lgamma               js_fd_lgamma
#define fd_log                  js_fd_log
#define fd_log10                js_fd_log10
#define fd_log1p                js_fd_log1p
#define fd_logb                 js_fd_logb
#define fd_matherr              js_fd_matherr
#define fd_modf                 js_fd_modf
#define fd_nextafter            js_fd_nextafter
#define fd_pow                  js_fd_pow
#define fd_remainder            js_fd_remainder
#define fd_rint                 js_fd_rint
#define fd_scalb                js_fd_scalb
#define fd_scalbn               js_fd_scalbn
#define fd_sin                  js_fd_sin
#define fd_sinh                 js_fd_sinh
#define fd_sqrt                 js_fd_sqrt
#define fd_tan                  js_fd_tan
#define fd_tanh                 js_fd_tanh
#define fd_y0                   js_fd_y0
#define fd_y1                   js_fd_y1
#define fd_yn                   js_fd_yn
#define gamma_r                 js_gamma_r
#define lgamma_r                js_lgamma_r
#define significand             js_significand

/* Modified defines start here.. */

#ifdef _WIN32
#define huge myhuge

#ifdef XP_OS2

#if defined(linux) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__ia64) || (defined(__mips) && defined(__MIPSEL__)))

/* End here. The rest is the standard file. */

#ifdef SOLARIS	/* special setup for Sun test regime */
#if defined(i386) || defined(i486) || \
	defined(intel) || defined(x86) || defined(i86pc)

typedef union {
    struct { int lo, hi; } ints;
    struct { int hi, lo; } ints;
    double d;
} fd_twoints;

#define __HI(x) x.ints.hi
#define __LO(x) x.ints.lo

#undef __P
#ifdef __STDC__
#define	__P(p)	p
#define	__P(p)	()


extern int signgam;

#define	MAXFLOAT	((float)3.40282346638528860e+38)

enum fdversion {fdlibm_ieee = -1, fdlibm_svid, fdlibm_xopen, fdlibm_posix};

#define _LIB_VERSION_TYPE enum fdversion
#define _LIB_VERSION _fdlib_version  

/* if global variable _LIB_VERSION is not desirable, one may 
 * change the following to be a constant by: 
 *	#define _LIB_VERSION_TYPE const enum version
 * In that case, after one initializes the value _LIB_VERSION (see
 * s_lib_version.c) during compile time, it cannot be modified
 * in the middle of a program

#define _IEEE_  fdlibm_ieee
#define _SVID_  fdlibm_svid
#define _XOPEN_ fdlibm_xopen
#define _POSIX_ fdlibm_posix

struct exception {
	int type;
	char *name;
	double arg1;
	double arg2;
	double retval;


 * set X_TLOSS = pi*2**52, which is possibly defined in <values.h>
 * (one may replace the following line by "#include <values.h>")

#define X_TLOSS		1.41484755040568800000e+16 

#define	DOMAIN		1
#define	SING		2
#define	OVERFLOW	3
#define	UNDERFLOW	4
#define	TLOSS		5
#define	PLOSS		6


extern double fd_acos __P((double));
extern double fd_asin __P((double));
extern double fd_atan __P((double));
extern double fd_atan2 __P((double, double));
extern double fd_cos __P((double));
extern double fd_sin __P((double));
extern double fd_tan __P((double));
extern double fd_cosh __P((double));
extern double fd_sinh __P((double));
extern double fd_tanh __P((double));

extern double fd_exp __P((double));
extern double fd_frexp __P((double, int *));
extern double fd_ldexp __P((double, int));
extern double fd_log __P((double));
extern double fd_log10 __P((double));
extern double fd_modf __P((double, double *));

extern double fd_pow __P((double, double));
extern double fd_sqrt __P((double));

extern double fd_ceil __P((double));
extern double fd_fabs __P((double));
extern double fd_floor __P((double));
extern double fd_fmod __P((double, double));

extern double fd_erf __P((double));
extern double fd_erfc __P((double));
extern double fd_gamma __P((double));
extern double fd_hypot __P((double, double));
extern int fd_isnan __P((double));
extern int fd_finite __P((double));
extern double fd_j0 __P((double));
extern double fd_j1 __P((double));
extern double fd_jn __P((int, double));
extern double fd_lgamma __P((double));
extern double fd_y0 __P((double));
extern double fd_y1 __P((double));
extern double fd_yn __P((int, double));

extern double fd_acosh __P((double));
extern double fd_asinh __P((double));
extern double fd_atanh __P((double));
extern double fd_cbrt __P((double));
extern double fd_logb __P((double));
extern double fd_nextafter __P((double, double));
extern double fd_remainder __P((double, double));
#ifdef _SCALB_INT
extern double fd_scalb __P((double, int));
extern double fd_scalb __P((double, double));

extern int fd_matherr __P((struct exception *));

 * IEEE Test Vector
extern double significand __P((double));

 * Functions callable from C, intended to support IEEE arithmetic.
extern double fd_copysign __P((double, double));
extern int fd_ilogb __P((double));
extern double fd_rint __P((double));
extern double fd_scalbn __P((double, int));

 * BSD math library entry points
extern double fd_expm1 __P((double));
extern double fd_log1p __P((double));

 * Reentrant version of gamma & lgamma; passes signgam back by reference
 * as the second argument; user must allocate space for signgam.
extern double gamma_r __P((double, int *));
extern double lgamma_r __P((double, int *));
#endif	/* _REENTRANT */

/* ieee style elementary functions */
extern double __ieee754_sqrt __P((double));			
extern double __ieee754_acos __P((double));			
extern double __ieee754_acosh __P((double));			
extern double __ieee754_log __P((double));			
extern double __ieee754_atanh __P((double));			
extern double __ieee754_asin __P((double));			
extern double __ieee754_atan2 __P((double,double));			
extern double __ieee754_exp __P((double));
extern double __ieee754_cosh __P((double));
extern double __ieee754_fmod __P((double,double));
extern double __ieee754_pow __P((double,double));
extern double __ieee754_lgamma_r __P((double,int *));
extern double __ieee754_gamma_r __P((double,int *));
extern double __ieee754_lgamma __P((double));
extern double __ieee754_gamma __P((double));
extern double __ieee754_log10 __P((double));
extern double __ieee754_sinh __P((double));
extern double __ieee754_hypot __P((double,double));
extern double __ieee754_j0 __P((double));
extern double __ieee754_j1 __P((double));
extern double __ieee754_y0 __P((double));
extern double __ieee754_y1 __P((double));
extern double __ieee754_jn __P((int,double));
extern double __ieee754_yn __P((int,double));
extern double __ieee754_remainder __P((double,double));
extern int    __ieee754_rem_pio2 __P((double,double*));
#ifdef _SCALB_INT
extern double __ieee754_scalb __P((double,int));
extern double __ieee754_scalb __P((double,double));

/* fdlibm kernel function */
extern double __kernel_standard __P((double,double,int,int*));
extern double __kernel_sin __P((double,double,int));
extern double __kernel_cos __P((double,double));
extern double __kernel_tan __P((double,double,int));
extern int    __kernel_rem_pio2 __P((double*,double*,int,int,int,const int*));

CVSTrac 2.0.1