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ossp-pkg/flow2rrd/flow2rrd.pod 1.4
##  OSSP flow2rrd -- NetFlow to Round-Robin Database
##  Copyright (c) 2004 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
##  Copyright (c) 2004 The OSSP Project <http://www.ossp.org/>
##  This file is part of OSSP flow2rrd, a tool for storing NetFlow data
##  into an RRD which can be found at http://www.ossp.org/pkg/tool/flow2rrd/.
##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
##  (at your option) any later version.
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##  General Public License for more details.
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
##  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
##  USA, or contact Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>.
##  flow2rrd.pod: manual page (language: POD)


=head1 NAME

B<OSSP flow2rrd> - NetFlow to Round-Robin Database

=head1 VERSION




I<host>[C<:>I<target>]C<@>I<file>C<:>I<width>C<:>I<height>C<:>I<start>C<:>I<end>C<:>I<ulimit>C<:>I<llimit> ...





B<OSSP flow2rrd> is a companion tool to the B<Flow-Tools> toolkit for
storing I<NetFlow> network traffic data in an accumulating fixed-size
B<RRDTool> I<Round-Robin-Database> (RRD) for visualization purposes.

The B<Flow-Tools>' B<flow-capture> command is a I<NetFlow> data
collector which stores received network I<flow> data. B<OSSP flow2rrd>
reads these I<flow> data and stores it into a backend RRD according to
pre-configured hosts, targets and services.

B<OSSP flow2rrd> can then generate host/target and target/service graphs
from the accumulated network traffic data. To support easy on-demand
graph generation and displaying, B<OSSP flow2rrd> can be also called
from a Web server through CGI to render a small two-layer Web user
interface showing graphs of all stored data and allowing a single
graph to be displayed with arbitrary size, time-range and data-range

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-c>|B<--config> I<file>

Specifies the path to the F<flow2rrd.cfg> configuration file.
See B<CONFIGURATION> section below for details on the
content of the configuration file.

=item B<-s>|B<--store>

Enable the I<data storage operation>. The B<Flow-Tools>' I<flow> data is
expected on F<stdin> with time-ordered records and with the time of the
first record to be higher than the time of the last record from last
B<--store> operation was. This is a constraint from the backend RRD.

=item B<-g>|B<--graph>

Enable the I<graph generation operation>. On the
command line one or more arguments of the form
:>I<end>C<:>I<ulimit>C<:>I<llimit> are expected, each specifying the
content and output format for a particular graph. Actually, this
operation is intended to be used implicitly under the I<CGI operation>
(see below), but for debugging and manual post-processing reasons (for
instance to generate graphs for importing into B<Cacti> or similar RRD
based tools) is can be used from the command line, too.

The I<host> and I<target> syntax parts have to be strings directly
corresponding to the B<Host> and B<Target> directives in the
configuration file. Specifying just I<host> renders a host/target graph,
specifying I<host> and I<target> renders a target/service graph.

The I<file> syntax part is just the filename where the graph image
is written to. If it ends with the extension "C<.png>", the image is
generated in PNG format. Else, a GIF format image is generated.

The I<width> and I<height> syntax parts are the X and Y sizes of the
graph canvas in the generated image. It is I<not> the size of the image
as a whole because of surrounding titles, annotations, etc. Reasonable
specifications are "C<400:100>" or "C<800:200>".

The I<start> and I<end> syntax parts are the start and end times
(X axis) of the graph. The values effectively are in seconds
since Unix epoch (01-01-1970), but can be also specified as
abbreviated [-+]I<number>[C<smhdwMy>] (e.g. "C<48h>") or as absolute
I<dd>-I<Mmm>-I<yyyy> (e.g. "C<24-Dec-2004>") times. Additionally, the
time can be relative to each others and to the current time. Finally,
"C<now>" specifies the current time. Reasonable specification is

The I<ulimit> and I<llimit> syntax parts are the upper and lower (Y
axis) limits of the graph. The values effectively are in Bit/s, but can
be also specified as abbreviated [-+]I<number>[C<KMGT>]. Keep in mind
that usually the upper limit has to be positive and the lower limit
negative. Specifying a limit as "C<0>" means auto-scaling. Reasonable
specifications are "C<0:0>" and "C<2M:-500K>".

=item B<-c>|B<--cgi>

Enable the I<CGI operation>. This option is automatically enabled if
the environment variable C<GATEWAY_INTERFACE> is set to the value

=item B<-v>|B<--version>

Print the B<OSSP flow2rrd> program version.

=item B<-h>|B<--help>

Print a short command line usage.



B<OSSP flow2rrd> is configured with a configuration file
F<flow2rrd.cfg> (see also option B<--config> above)
with a syntax generated by the following grammar:

 <config>          ::= <seq-global>
 <seq-global>      ::= ( <dir-database> |
                         <dir-protocol> |
                         <dir-service>  |
                         <dir-host>     |
                         <dir-colors>   )+
 <dir-database>    ::= "Database" <path> ";"
 <dir-protocol>    ::= "Protocol" <name> <number> ";"
 <dir-service>     ::= "Service" <name> (<name>.":".(<number>|"*"))+ ";"
 <dir-host>        ::= "Host" <hostname> "{" "}" <seq-host> ";"
 <dir-colors>      ::= "Colors" <name> <color>+ ";"
 <seq-host>        ::= <dir-target>+ 
 <dir-target>      ::= "Target" <name> "{" <seq-target> "}" ";"
 <seq-target>      ::= (<dir-network> | <dir-service>)+
 <dir-network>     ::= "Network" <network>+ ";"
 <dir-service>     ::= "Service" <name>+ ";"
 <path>            ::= /(/?[^/]+|/[^/]*)+/
 <name>            ::= /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/
 <number>          ::= /[0-9]+/
 <hostname>        ::= /[^.]+(\.[^.]+)*/
 <network>         ::= /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+(/\d+)?$/

An example configuration can be seen below under section B<EXAMPLE>:

=head1 EXAMPLE

 #   Round-Robin Database
 Database /var/tmp/flow2rrd.rrd;
 #   Protocol Definitions
 Protocol icmp     1;
 Protocol tcp      6;
 Protocol udp      17;
 Protocol vrrp     112;
 #   Service Definitions
 Service  icmp     icmp:*;
 Service  vrrp     vrrp:*;
 Service  ftp      tcp:20 tcp:21;
 Service  ssh      tcp:22;
 Service  smtp     tcp:25;
 Service  dns      udp:53 tcp:53;
 Service  ntp      udp:123 tcp:123;
 Service  radius   udp:1645 udp:1646 udp:1812 udp:1813;
 #   Host Definitions
 Host host.example.com {
     Target host.example.com {
         Service icmp vrrp dns ntp ssh smtp;
     Target service1.engelschall.com {
         Service dns smtp;
     Target service1.engelschall.com {
         Service ftp radius;
=head1 SEE ALSO

B<Flow-Toolkit> E<lt>http://www.splintered.net/sw/flow-tools/E<gt>,
flow-capture(1), B<RRDTool> E<lt>http://www.rrdtool.org/E<gt>, rrdtool(1).

=head1 HISTORY

The B<OSSP flow2rrd> tool was designed and implemented in December 2004
by I<Ralf S. Engelschall> E<lt>rse@engelschall.comE<gt> for the B<OSSP>
project. It was prompted by the need for having accurate and flexible
host network traffic statistics.


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