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ossp - ossp-pkg/cfg/THANKS 1.1
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ossp-pkg/cfg/THANKS 1.1
   _        ___  ____ ____  ____          __       
  |_|_ _   / _ \/ ___/ ___||  _ \    ___ / _| __ _ 
  _|_||_| | | | \___ \___ \| |_) |  / __| |_ / _` |
 |_||_|_| | |_| |___) |__) |  __/  | (__|  _| (_| |
  |_|_|_|  \___/|____/____/|_|      \___|_|  \__, |

  OSSP cfg - Configuration Parsing


  Credit has to be given to the following sponsors for contributing
  hardware, network and manpower resources (in alphabetical order):

    o  Cable & Wireless Deutschland GmbH

  Credit has to be given to the following people who contributed ideas,
  bugfixes, hints, gave platform feedback, etc. (in alphabetical order):

    o  Thomas Lotterer             <thomas@lotterer.net>

CVSTrac 2.0.1