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ossp - ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_amount.cpp 1.3
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ossp-pkg/as/as-gui/as_amount.cpp 1.3
#include <qregexp.h>

#include "titamount.h"
#include "titconst.h"

// Sets a text formatted representation
void AmountBox::setText(const QString &Strval)
    int nTotal = 0;                                 // The total amount of minutes
    QRegExp Strexpr("(\\d+):(\\d+)");               // Pattern in amount text
    QString Stramount = QRegExp::escape(Strval);    // Incoming string escaped

    if (Strval.isEmpty()) {                         // Shortcircuit in the
        this->setValue(0);                          // case of empty string
    else {                                          // Do the real work then
        nTotal = Strexpr.cap(Strexpr.numCaptures() - 1).toInt() * TITRAQ_MINSINHOUR;
        nTotal += Strexpr.cap(Strexpr.numCaptures()).toInt();

// Return a text formatted representation
QString AmountBox::text(void) const
    QString Strfirst, Strsecond;
    int nHours = 0;
    int nMins = this->value();

    nHours    = nMins / TITRAQ_MINSINHOUR;      // Calculate total hours
    nMins     = nMins % TITRAQ_MINSINHOUR;      // Calculate total minutes
    Strfirst  = trUtf8("%1:").arg(nHours);      // Format the first part
    Strsecond = trUtf8("%1").arg(nMins);        // Format the second part

    // Pad the resulting concatination before sending it out the back
    return Strfirst.rightJustify(3, '0') + Strsecond.rightJustify(2, '0');

CVSTrac 2.0.1