Sread, Sgetc, Srdline, Sfetch, Swrite, Sputc, Sprint,
Sprintv, Sdone, Sundo, Stie, Suntie, Sflush, Sclose,
Sbuftype, Smorefds, Sgetchar, Sputchar, SIOLINELEN,
SIOMAXLINELEN - fast stream I/O
##iinncclluuddee ""ssiioo..hh""
iinntt SSrreeaadd(( ffdd,, bbuuff,, nnbbyytteess ))
iinntt ffdd ;;
cchhaarr **bbuuff ;;
iinntt nnbbyytteess ;;
iinntt SSggeettcc(( ffdd ))
iinntt ffdd ;;
cchhaarr **SSrrddlliinnee(( ffdd ))
iinntt ffdd ;;
cchhaarr **SSffeettcchh(( ffdd,, lleennggtthh ))
iinntt ffdd ;;
lloonngg **lleennggtthh ;;
iinntt SSwwrriittee(( ffdd,, bbuuff,, nnbbyytteess ))
iinntt ffdd ;;
cchhaarr **bbuuff ;;
iinntt nnbbyytteess ;;
iinntt SSppuuttcc(( ffdd,, cc ))
iinntt ffdd ;;
cchhaarr cc ;;
iinntt SSpprriinntt(( ffdd,, ffoorrmmaatt [[ ,, ...... ]] ))
iinntt ffdd ;;
cchhaarr **ffoorrmmaatt ;;
iinntt SSpprriinnttvv(( ffdd,, ffoorrmmaatt,, aapp ))
iinntt ffdd ;;
cchhaarr **ffoorrmmaatt ;;
vvaa__lliisstt aapp ;;
iinntt SSddoonnee(( ffdd ))
iinntt ffdd ;;
iinntt SSuunnddoo(( ffdd,, ttyyppee ))
iinntt ffdd ;;
iinntt ttyyppee ;;
iinntt SSttiiee(( iiffdd,, ooffdd ))
iinntt iiffdd,, ooffdd ;;
iinntt SSuunnttiiee(( ffdd ))
iinntt ffdd ;;
29 May 1992 1
iinntt SSbbuuffttyyppee(( ffdd,, ttyyppee ))
iinntt ffdd,, ttyyppee ;;
iinntt SSmmoorreeffddss(())
iinntt SSfflluusshh(( ffdd ))
iinntt ffdd ;;
iinntt SScclloossee(( ffdd ))
iinntt ffdd ;;
iinntt SSggeettcchhaarr(( ffdd ))
iinntt ffdd ;;
iinntt SSppuuttcchhaarr(( ffdd,, cc ))
iinntt ffdd;;
cchhaarr cc ;;
iinntt ffdd ;;
iinntt ffdd ;;
The _S_I_O library provides support for _s_t_r_e_a_m I/O on file
descriptors. The first argument of every function or
macro is a file descriptor. The file descriptor may be
used either for input or for output, but not both.
Attempting to use a descriptor for both input and output
will cause the call for the latter use to fail. When you
are done with using a file descriptor, you should inform
_S_I_O by invoking SSddoonnee(()) (unless the program is about to
call _e_x_i_t_(_3_)). You can also use SSddoonnee(()) if you want to
perform a different type of operation on the same file
descriptor (e.g. first you were reading data from the file
descriptor and then you want to write some data). Another
possibility is to do stream I/O at different file offsets
by using SSddoonnee(()) before using llsseeeekk((22)) to move to a new
file offset.
I/O operations on different file descriptors do not inter-
fere (unless the file descriptors refer to the same file,
in which case the results are undefined).
For disk files, I/O always starts at the current file off-
set. If that offset is not a multiple of the preferred
block size for file system I/O, performance will not be
optimal (the preferred block size is determined from the
_s_t___b_l_k_s_i_z_e field in _s_t_r_u_c_t _s_t_a_t). For optimal perfor-
mance, it is recommended that no I/O operations (like
_r_e_a_d_(_2_) or _w_r_i_t_e_(_2_)) are applied to the file descriptor if
it is to be used by _S_I_O.
29 May 1992 2
Read I/O is either buffered, or is done using memory map-
ping whenever that is possible and appropriate.
The library functions that do stream I/O resemble system
calls (for example SSrreeaadd(()) resembles _r_e_a_d_(_2_)) so that mod-
ifying a program that uses the system calls to use the _S_I_O
functions is easy (e.g. just replace _r_e_a_d_(_2_) with SSrreeaadd(());
the function signatures as well as the return values are
exactly the same; also make sure to replace calls to
_c_l_o_s_e_(_2_) with SScclloossee(())).
_S_I_O uses the underlying system calls _r_e_a_d_(_2_) and _w_r_i_t_e_(_2_)
to do I/O (except when reading files using memory map-
ping). These calls may be interrupted (i.e. they may
return -1 with _e_r_r_n_o set to EINTR). Such interruptions are
ignored by _S_I_O which simply reissues the system call (this
means that a _S_I_O call will never fail because the underly-
ing I/O system call was interrupted).
SSrreeaadd(()) reads _n_b_y_t_e_s bytes from the stream associated with
file descriptor _f_d into the buffer pointed to by _b_u_f.
SSggeettcc(()) reads a character from the stream associated with
file descriptor _f_d. It returns SSIIOO__EEOOFF if the end of file
has been reached.
SSggeettcchhaarr(()) (a macro) performs exactly the same function as
SSggeettcc(()) but it is much faster.
SSrrddlliinnee(()) reads a line from the stream associated with
file descriptor _f_d. The newline at the end of the line is
replaced by a NUL byte. Lines longer than the maximum line
length supported by _S_I_O will have characters deleted.
SSIIOOLLIINNEELLEENN(()) (a macro) returns the length of the line
returned by the last call to SSrrddlliinnee(()) (the value returned
by SSIIOOLLIINNEELLEENN(()) is valid only after SSrrddlliinnee(()) and as long
as no other _S_I_O calls are performed on that file descrip-
SSIIOOMMAAXXLLIINNEELLEENN(()) (a macro) returns the maximul line length
supported by _S_I_O for the file descriptor. As a side-effect
it initializes _f_d for input.
SSffeettcchh(()) returns a pointer to data coming from the stream
associated with file descriptor _f_d. The amount of data
available is indicated by the _l_e_n_g_t_h argument. One possi-
ble use for this function is to copy files.
SSwwrriittee(()) writes _n_b_y_t_e_s bytes to the stream associated with
file descriptor _f_d from the buffer pointed to by _b_u_f.
SSppuuttcc(()) writes a single character to the stream associated
with file descriptor _f_d.
29 May 1992 3
SSppuuttcchhaarr(()) (a macro) performs exactly the same function as
SSppuuttcc(()) but it is much faster.
SSpprriinntt(()) imitates the behavior of printf(3) as defined in
the ANSI C Standard. There are some limitations. Check the
SSpprriinntt(()) man page for more information.
SSpprriinnttvv(()) is the same as SSpprriinntt(()) except that it uses a
_v_a_r_a_r_g_s argument list.
SSuunnddoo(()) returns the characters returned by the last call
to SSrrddlliinnee(()), SSggeettcc(()) or SSggeettcchhaarr(()) to the stream so that
they can be reread. The _t_y_p_e argument to SSuunnddoo(()) can be
call whose effect needs to be undone was SSrrddlliinnee(()) or
SSggeettcc(())/SSggeettcchhaarr(()) respectively. There is no check on
whether the last function invoked on _f_d was one of the
above and the results are undefined if there is no corre-
spondence between the _t_y_p_e and the last operation on _f_d.
(i.e. the result is undefined if you try SSIIOO__UUNNDDOO__CCHHAARR and
the last operation was not SSggeettcchhaarr(()) or SSggeettcc(())).
SSttiiee(()) ties the file descriptor _i_f_d to the file descriptor
_o_f_d. This means that whenever a _r_e_a_d_(_2_) is done on _i_f_d,
it is preceded by a _w_r_i_t_e_(_2_) on _o_f_d. For filters it is
useful to do _S_t_i_e_( _0_, _1 _) to maximize concurrency. It is
also useful to do the same thing when you issue prompts to
the user and you want the user reply to appear on the same
line with the prompt. _i_f_d, _o_f_d will be initialized for
input, output respectively (if any of them is initialized,
it must be for the appropriate stream type (input or out-
put)). If _i_f_d was tied to another file descriptor, the
old tie is broken.
SSuunnttiiee(()) undoes the effect of SSttiiee(()) for the specified
input file descriptor.
SSbbuuffttyyppee(()) determines the buffering type for the output
stream associated with file descriptor _f_d. By default
output directed to terminals is line buffered, output
directed to file descriptor 2 (standard error) is
unbuffered and everything else is fully buffered. Possi-
ble values for the _t_y_p_e argument are
SSIIOO__FFUULLLLBBUUFF for full buffering
SSIIOO__LLIINNEEBBUUFF for line buffering
SSIIOO__NNOOBBUUFF for no buffering
SSmmoorreeffddss(()) should be used to inform SSIIOO that the number of
available file descriptors has been increased. SSIIOO uses an
array of internal stream descriptors which are indexed by
the file descriptor number. Some operating systems (ex.
29 May 1992 4
SunOS 4.1[.x]) allow the number of available file descrip-
tors to vary. If that number is increased beyond its ini-
tial value SSIIOO needs to know in order to allocate more
stream descriptors.
SSddoonnee(()) flushes any buffered output for _f_d and releases
the _S_I_O resources used. SSddoonnee(()) is useful in case the pro-
gram needs to reprocess the data of a file descriptor
(assuming the file descriptor corresponds to a file). The
program can call SSddoonnee(()), _l_s_e_e_k_(_2_) to the beginning of the
file and then proceed to reread the file.
SSfflluusshh(()) causes any buffered stream output to be written
to the file descriptor. If its argument is the special
value SSIIOO__FFLLUUSSHH__AALLLL then all output streams will be
SScclloossee(()) closes a file descriptor used for stream I/O,
flushes any buffered output and releases the _S_I_O resources
The following code implements a (poor) substitute for the
tee command (it copies standard input to a file as well as
to standard output).
##iinncclluuddee ""ssiioo..hh""
mmaaiinn(( aarrggcc,, aarrggvv ))
iinntt aarrggcc ;;
cchhaarr **aarrggvv[[]] ;;
cchhaarr **ffiillee == ((aarrggcc >> 11)) ?? aarrggvv[[ 11 ]] :: ""tteeee..ffiillee"" ;;
iinntt ffdd == ccrreeaatt(( ffiillee,, 00664444 )) ;;
lloonngg lleennggtthh ;;
cchhaarr **ss ;;
wwhhiillee (( ss == SSffeettcchh(( 00,, &&lleennggtthh )) ))
SSwwrriittee(( 11,, ss,, lleennggtthh )) ;;
SSwwrriittee(( ffdd,, ss,, lleennggtthh )) ;;
eexxiitt(( 00 )) ;;
SSrreeaadd(()) returns the number of bytes read on success (0
means end-of-file) or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o is set to
indicate the error).
SSggeettcc(()) returns the character read on success, SIO_EOF
when the end-of-file is reached, or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure
(_e_r_r_n_o is set to indicate the error).
SSrrddlliinnee(()) returns a pointer to the next line on success.
On failure or when the end-of-file is reached it returns
NULL. If the end-of-file is reached _e_r_r_n_o is set to 0,
29 May 1992 5
otherwise it indicates the error.
SSffeettcchh(()) returns a pointer to file data on success. (the
_l_e_n_g_t_h argument indicates how many bytes are available).
On failure or when the end-of-file is reached it returns
NULL. If the end-of-file is reached _e_r_r_n_o is set to 0,
otherwise it indicates the error.
SSwwrriittee(()) returns the number of bytes written on success or
SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o is set to indicate the error).
SSppuuttcc(()) returns the character it was given as an argument
on success SSpprriinntt(()) returns the number of characters
printed on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o is set to
indicate the error).
SSddoonnee(()) returns 00 on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o
is set to indicate the error).
SSuunnddoo(()) returns 00 on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o
is set to indicate the error).
SSttiiee(()) returns 00 on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o
is set to indicate the error).
SSuunnttiiee(()) returns 00 on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o
is set to EEBBAADDFF if there was no tied file descriptor).
SSbbuuffttyyppee(()) returns 00 on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure
(_e_r_r_n_o is set to EEBBAADDFF if this is not an output stream or
to EEIINNVVAALL if an unknown _t_y_p_e is specified).
SSmmoorreeffddss(()) returns 00 on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure
(because of lack of memory).
SSfflluusshh(()) returns 00 on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o
is set to indicate the error).
SScclloossee(()) returns 00 on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o
is set to indicate the error).
SSggeettcchhaarr(()) returns the character read on success, SIO_EOF
when the end-of-file is reached, or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure
(_e_r_r_n_o is set to indicate the error).
SSppuuttcchhaarr(()) returns the character it was given as an argu-
ment on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o is set to
indicate the error).
SSIIOOLLIINNEELLEENN(()) returns the length of the last line read by
SSIIOOMMAAXXLLIINNEELLEENN(()) returns the length of the longest line
supported by _S_I_O on success or SSIIOO__EERRRR on failure (_e_r_r_n_o
29 May 1992 6
is set to indicate the error).
Attempting a read operation on a descriptor opened for
writing or vice versa will cause the operation to fail
with _e_r_r_n_o set to EEBBAADDFF.
The first _S_I_O operation on a descriptor must be a read or
write operation. It cannot be a control operation (like
SSfflluusshh(())). Such an operation will fail with _e_r_r_n_o set to
NNOOTTEE 11:: SSttiiee(()) is an input/output operation for the
respective file descriptors, not a control
operation. SSuunnttiiee(()) is a control operation.
NNOOTTEE 22:: SSIIOO__EERRRR is defined to be --11.
If the operating system does not provide for invocation of
a finalization function upon exit, the program will have
to explicitly flush all output streams. The following
operating systems provide such a facility: SunOS 4.x,
Ultrix 4.x, SunOS 5.x
Socket file descriptors can be used for input as well as
output but SSIIOO does not support this.
The current implementation will not try to use memory map-
ping to read a file if the file offset is not 0 (it will
use buffered I/O instead).
Pointers returned by SSffeettcchh(()) point to read-only memory.
Attempting to modify this memory will result in a segmen-
tation violation.
29 May 1992 7