## test.db -- GNU shtool test suite (minimalistic)
## Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>
test ".`shtool echo foo bar quux`" = ".foo bar quux"
bytes=`shtool echo -n foo | wc -c | awk '{ printf("%s", $1); }'`
test ".$bytes" = .3
bytes=`shtool echo '\1' | wc -c | awk '{ printf("%s", $1); }'`
test ".$bytes" = .3
# cannot be checked easily, so just start it
shtool mdate /
echo "foo bar " >tab1
echo "baz quux " >>tab1
shtool table -F: -c2 -w5 "foo:bar:baz:quux" >tab2
cmp tab1 tab2
# cannot be checked easily, so just start it
(echo 1; echo 2; echo 3) | shtool prop -p foo
echo foo >bar
shtool move bar quux
test ! -f bar
test -f quux
test ".`cat quux`" = .foo
echo foo >bar
shtool install -m 644 -c bar quux
test -f bar
test -f quux
test ".`cat quux`" = .foo
shtool install -C bar quux
test -f bar
test -f quux
test ".`cat quux`" = .foo
shtool install bar quux
test ! -f bar
test -f quux
test ".`cat quux`" = .foo
shtool mkdir a
test -d a
shtool mkdir a/b
test -d a/b
shtool mkdir -p c/d/e/f/g
test -d c/d/e/f/g
mkdir a
mkdir a/b
echo "foo" >a/b/c
mkdir x
mkdir x/y
shtool mkln -s a/b x/y
test -r x/y/b/c
rm x/y/b
shtool mkln -s a/b/c x/y/d
test -r x/y/d
test ".`cat x/y/d`" = .foo
mkdir a
mkdir a/b
mkdir a/b/c
echo foo >a/b/c/d
echo bar >a/b/c/e
mkdir x
shtool mkshadow -a a x/y
test -r x/y/b/c/d
test -r x/y/b/c/e
test ".`cat x/y/b/c/d`" = .foo
test ".`cat x/y/b/c/e`" = .bar
# cannot be checked easily, so just start it
echo foo >a
echo bar >b
shtool fixperm *
shtool fixperm .
echo foo >foo
shtool rotate -n2 foo
shtool rotate -n2 foo
shtool rotate -n2 foo
# cannot be checked easily, so just start it
shtool tarball -o test .
echo fooAfoo >foo
echo barBbar >bar
echo bazCbaz >baz
shtool subst \
-e 's;^\(...\)\([A-Z]\)\(.*\)$;\1\2\3\2;' \
-e 's;^...;;' -b.original foo bar baz
test -f foo.original
test -f bar.original
test -f baz.original
test ".`cat foo.original`" = ".fooAfoo"
test ".`cat bar.original`" = ".barBbar"
test ".`cat baz.original`" = ".bazCbaz"
test -f foo
test -f bar
test -f baz
test ".`cat foo`" = ".AfooA"
test ".`cat bar`" = ".BbarB"
test ".`cat baz`" = ".CbazC"
# cannot be checked easily, so just start it
shtool platform
echo foo >foo.o
echo bar >bar.o
shtool arx -t rc lib1.a foo.o bar.o
echo baz >baz.o
echo quux >quux.o
shtool arx rc lib2.a baz.o quux.o
shtool arx rc lib3.a lib1.a lib2.a
rm foo.o bar.o baz.o quux.o lib1.a lib2.a
shtool arx x lib3.a
test -f foo.o
test -f bar.o
test -f baz.o
test -f quux.o
test ! -f lib1.a
test ! -f lib2.a
# cannot be checked easily, so just start it
shtool slo -- -L. -lc
echo "foo1" >foo.c
echo "#if foo" >>foo.c
echo "foo2" >>foo.c
echo "#endif /* foo */" >>foo.c
echo "foo3" >>foo.c
echo "void foo2a(void)" >>foo.c
echo "{" >>foo.c
echo "return;" >>foo.c
echo "}" >>foo.c
echo "intern void foo2b(void)" >>foo.c
echo "{" >>foo.c
echo "return;" >>foo.c
echo "}" >>foo.c
echo "void foo2c(void)" >>foo.c
echo "{" >>foo.c
echo "return;" >>foo.c
echo "}" >>foo.c
echo "foo5" >>foo.c
echo "bar1" >bar.h
echo "marker" >>bar.h
echo "bar2" >>bar.h
shtool scpp -Cintern -Mmarker -Dfoo -oquux.h -tbar.h foo.c
test ".`grep foo1 quux.h`" = .
test ".`grep foo2 quux.h`" != .
test ".`grep foo3 quux.h`" = .
test ".`grep __foo2a quux.h`" = .
test ".`grep __foo2b quux.h`" != .
test ".`grep __foo2c quux.h`" = .
shtool version -ltxt -s 1.2.3 version.txt
test ".`shtool version -ltxt -dshort version.txt`" = ".1.2.3"
shtool version -ltxt -il version.txt
test ".`shtool version -ltxt -dshort version.txt`" = ".1.2.4"
shtool version -ltxt -ir version.txt
test ".`shtool version -ltxt -dshort version.txt`" = ".1.3.0"
shtool version -ltxt -iv version.txt
test ".`shtool version -ltxt -dshort version.txt`" = ".2.0.0"
shtool version -lc -s 1.2.3 version.c
test ".`shtool version -ltxt -dshort version.c`" = ".1.2.3"
shtool version -lc -il version.c
test ".`shtool version -ltxt -dshort version.c`" = ".1.2.4"
shtool path -s ls
test $? -eq 0
test "x`shtool path -r a/b/c`" = "x../../.."
test "x`shtool path -d a/b/c`" = "xa/b"
test "x`shtool path -d a/b/c/`" = "xa/b/c"
test "x`shtool path -b a/b/c`" = "xc"
echo '#!/bin/sh' >foo.sh
echo 'true' >>foo.sh
chmod a+x foo.sh
test "x`shtool path -p $PATH:. foo.sh`" = "x./foo.sh"