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OSSP shiela - Access Control and Logging Facility for CVS
o Allow commit message embedded "Shiela: <msg>" messages
which control internal Shiela behaviour. An example could be
"Shiela: no-mail" which prevents Shiels from sending out the Mail.
Obviously those messages should be subject to ACL, too.
o Subject can be compressed by reducing common prefix and
just repeating the subdirs together with the files:
<< [CVS] OSSP: ossp-pkg/ossp-cvs README.OSSP ossp-pkg/ossp-cvs/src cvsrc.c
>> [CVS] OSSP: ossp-pkg/ossp-cvs README.OSSP src/cvsrc.c
Eventuell sogar auf module reduzieren:
>> [CVS] OSSP ossp-cvs: README.OSSP src/cvsrc.c
o Modules should be allowed to be arbitrary paths and not
just top-level directories. This should be easy to add for
version 1.1 by adjusting the access control routine.
o It perhaps should read in shiela.msg in order to know
what to kick out when compressing the message.
o Support for code freeze time (ranges) and automatic pre-time
messages and MOTDs for reminder under cvs commit, cvs admin and cvs
import actions.
Idea: Req "Approved by:" *:core;
o Support for "Review-Than-Commit" style development.
Idea: Req "Reviewed by:" *:devel;
o Be more relaxed and support case insensitive config file
parsing to be less restrictive to the user when it comes
to keywords.
o Support per-directory .shielarc[,v] files in the
repository which act similar to the CVS watch facility and can forward
the logging messages to particular people in addition to the standard
logging as configured by shiela.cfg. So a .shielarc file with "Log
mod_foo.c mail:rse@engelschall.com" would send an extra email to
rse@engelschall when mod_foo.c was modified. So, actually a "Log"
command in .shielarc should act identically to a "Log" command in
o In the loginfo hook, CVS already wrote the entries for the files
in its CVSROOT/history. The first field without the first character
(see CVS src/history.c) is just the 32bit time_t when CVS comitted
it. Hence we alternatively (for more precision) calculate our
"handle" from this information.