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ossp - CVSROOT/modules 1.60
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CVSROOT/modules 1.60
##  CVSROOT/modules -- module aliasing
##  Copyright (c) 2000 Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>

#   This file provides aliases for repository paths.
#   Three different line formats are valid:
#   key -a        aliases...
#   key [options] directory
#   key [options] directory files...
#   Where "options" are composed of:
#   -i prog     Run "prog" on "cvs commit" from top-level of module.
#   -o prog     Run "prog" on "cvs checkout" of module.
#   -e prog     Run "prog" on "cvs export" of module.
#   -t prog     Run "prog" on "cvs rtag" of module.
#   -u prog     Run "prog" on "cvs update" of module.
#   -d dir      Place module in directory "dir" instead of module name.
#   -l          Top-level directory only -- do not recurse.
#   NOTE:  If you change any of the "Run" options above, you'll have to
#   release and re-checkout any working directories of these modules.  And
#   "directory" is a path to a directory relative to $CVSROOT.  The "-a"
#   option specifies an alias.  An alias is interpreted as if everything on
#   the right of the "-a" had been typed on the command line.  You can encode
#   a module within a module by using the special '&' character to interpose
#   another module into the current module.  This can be useful for creating a
#   module that consists of many directories spread out over the entire source
#   repository.

#   convenient aliases
all          -a .

#   CVSROOT support
CVSROOT         CVSROOT             
admininfo       CVSROOT admininfo    
checkoutlist    CVSROOT checkoutlist 
commitinfo      CVSROOT commitinfo   
config          CVSROOT config       
cvsignore       CVSROOT cvsignore    
cvswrappers     CVSROOT cvswrappers  
editinfo        CVSROOT editinfo     
importinfo      CVSROOT importinfo   
loginfo         CVSROOT loginfo      
modules         CVSROOT modules      
notify          CVSROOT notify       
rcsinfo         CVSROOT rcsinfo      
shiela.cfg      CVSROOT shiela.cfg   
shiela.msg      CVSROOT shiela.msg   
taginfo         CVSROOT taginfo      
verifymsg       CVSROOT verifymsg    

#   the OSSP top-level modules
ossp         -a ossp-adm ossp-srv ossp-pkg ossp-web ossp-play
ossp-adm        ossp-adm    
ossp-srv        ossp-srv    
ossp-pkg        ossp-pkg    
ossp-web        ossp-web   
ossp-play       ossp-play  

#   the OSSP libraries
act             ossp-pkg/act
adns            ossp-pkg/adns
cache           ossp-pkg/cache
ev              ossp-pkg/ev
l2              ossp-pkg/l2
mm              ossp-pkg/mm
path            ossp-pkg/path
pcre            ossp-pkg/pcre
pth             ossp-pkg/pth
sa              ossp-pkg/sa
sfio            ossp-pkg/sfio
srpc            ossp-pkg/srpc
str             ossp-pkg/str
val             ossp-pkg/val
var             ossp-pkg/var
xds             ossp-pkg/xds
ex              ossp-pkg/ex
popt            ossp-pkg/popt
tai             ossp-pkg/tai
cfg             ossp-pkg/cfg
fsl             ossp-pkg/fsl
uuidgen         ossp-pkg/uuidgen
sio             ossp-pkg/sio
sorp            ossp-pkg/sorp

#   the OSSP applications
eperl           ossp-pkg/eperl
shiela          ossp-pkg/shiela
shtool          ossp-pkg/shtool
sugar           ossp-pkg/sugar

#   the OSSP applications (third-party)
cvs             ossp-pkg/cvs
jitterbug       ossp-pkg/jitterbug
petidomo        ossp-pkg/petidomo

#   OSSP lmtp2nntp
lmtp2nntp       ossp-pkg/lmtp2nntp

#   OSSP tabea
tabea           ossp-pkg/tabea

#   OSSP rc
rc              ossp-pkg/rc &rc_popt &rc_ex
#rc              ossp-pkg/rc &rc_popt &rc_ex &rc_str &rc_var &rc_val
rc_popt         -d rc_popt ossp-pkg/popt
rc_ex           -d rc_ex   ossp-pkg/ex
#rc_str          -d rc_str  ossp-pkg/str
#rc_var          -d rc_var  ossp-pkg/var
#rc_val          -d rc_val  ossp-pkg/val

CVSTrac 2.0.1