## CVSROOT/verifymsg -- post-edit hooking
## Copyright (c) 2000 Ralf S. Engelschall <>
# This file is used to allow verification of logging information. It works
# best when a template (as specified in the $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/rcsinfo file)
# is provided for the logging procedure. Given a template with locations
# for, a bug-id number, a list of people who reviewed the code before it can
# be checked in, and an external process to catalog the differences that
# were code reviewed, the following test can be applied to the code: 1.
# Making sure that the entered bug-id number is correct. 2. Validating that
# the code that was reviewed is indeed the code being checked in (using the
# bug-id number or a seperate review number to identify this particular code
# set.). If any of the above test failed, then the commit would be aborted.
# Actions such as mailing a copy of the report to each reviewer are better
# handled by an entry in the loginfo file. One thing that should be noted is
# the the ALL keyword is not supported. There can be only one entry that
# matches a given repository.
DEFAULT $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/shiela --hook=verifymsg %l