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ossp - Difference in ossp-web/pkg/lib/index.wml versions 1.1 and 1.2
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ossp-web/pkg/lib/index.wml 1.1 -> 1.2

--- index.wml    2002/02/13 16:35:06     1.1
+++ index.wml    2002/02/14 10:00:56     1.2
@@ -3,5 +3,40 @@
 <title>Packages: Libraries</title>
-j dkjsölkjdflksjfdlhsdfhs
+The libraries OSSP provides are the passive components used in the
+OSSP platform. They are all stand-alone and fully reusable libraries
+and can be used fully separately. On these packages currently the main
+development effort is put, because they are the base of the whole OSSP
+  <li><a href="pth/"><b>GNU pth</b></a><br>
+      Portable Threads
+  <li><a href="str/"><b>OSSP str</b></a><br>
+      String Manipulations
+  <li><a href="sa/"><b>OSSP sa</b></a><br>
+      Socket Abstraction
+  <li><a href="ex/"><b>OSSP ex</b></a><br>
+      Exception Handling
+  <li><a href="l2/"><b>OSSP l2</b></a><br>
+      Flexible Logging
+  <li><a href="var/"><b>OSSP var</b></a><br>
+      Variable Expansion
+  <li><a href="val/"><b>OSSP val</b></a><br>
+      Value Access
+  <li><a href="act"/><b>OSSP act</b></a><br>
+      Abstract Container Types
+  <li><a href="cache"/><b>OSSP cache</b></a><br>
+      User-Space Cache
+  <li><a href="mm"/><b>OSSP mm</b></a><br>
+      Shared Memory Allocation
+  <li><a href="xds/"><b>OSSP xds</b></a><br>
+      Extensible Data Serialization
+  <li><a href="path"/><b>OSSP path</b></a><br>
+      Filesystem Path Manipulations
+  <li><a href="pcre"/><b>OSSP pcre</b></a><br>
+      Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (derived)
+  <li><a href="popt"/><b>OSSP popt</b></a><br>
+      Option Parsing (derived)

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