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ossp - Difference in ossp-web/pkg/index.wml versions 1.1 and 1.2
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ossp-web/pkg/index.wml 1.1 -> 1.2

--- index.wml    2002/02/13 16:35:05     1.1
+++ index.wml    2002/02/14 10:00:55     1.2
@@ -3,3 +3,47 @@
+OSSP consists of a large set of packages (or components). They are split
+into the following cathegories:
+The tools OSSP provides are either developed for internal use in the
+OSSP project environment or for the build process of the other OSSP
+components. They are all small stand-alone applications and can be used
+fully separately. 
+[<a href="tool/">more</a>]
+The bootstrap packages will be the necessary tools and libraries for
+bootstrapping the OSSP developer and end-user build environments.
+Currently this package cathegory still does not exists. It will be
+created later by integrating packages from the <i>Tools</i> and
+<i>Libraries</i> cathegories.
+[<a href="boot/">more</a>]
+The libraries OSSP provides are the passive components used in the
+OSSP platform. They are all stand-alone and fully reusable libraries
+and can be used fully separately. On these packages currently the main
+development effort is put, because they are the base of the whole OSSP
+[<a href="lib/">more</a>]
+The kernel packages will form the microkernel part of the OSSP platform.
+It will use the <i>Libraries</i> packages to provide the run-time
+environment for the <i>Modules</i> packages.
+[<a href="kern/">more</a>]
+The modules OSSP will be the active components used in the OSSP
+platform. They use the <i>Libraries</i> and the OSSP <i>Kernel</i>
+packages to provide the actual OSSP server functionality. They
+can be used only within the OSSP platform.
+[<a href="mod/">more</a>]

CVSTrac 2.0.1