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ossp - Difference in ossp-web/index.wml versions 1.1 and 1.2
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ossp-web/index.wml 1.1 -> 1.2

--- index.wml    2002/02/13 16:34:56     1.1
+++ index.wml    2002/02/13 21:35:22     1.2
@@ -1,17 +1,29 @@
 #use wml::ossp area=tit
-<title>Welcome to OSSP!</title>
+Welcome to OSSP, the world of Unix Software Technologies. 
+OSSP is a project of <a href="http://www.engelschall.com/">Ralf
+S. Engelschall</a> and driven by his <a
+href="http://dev.de.cw.net/">Development Team</a> from <a
+href="http://www.cw.com/de/">Cable &amp; Wireless Deutschland</a>'s
+Application Services division. OSSP started in 1998 and the goal is the
+creation of Unix and Networking software components which finally can
+be integrated into a next generation Internet server platform. Because
+this long-term goal requires a great amount of time and man-power, the
+short-term goal is to release all components separately and in advance.
+In OSSP, the way is our goal, too.
 <newsflash from="new/news.txt" max=13 nohead more="new/news.html">
-<b>Event Schedule:</b>
-<newsflash from="new/events.txt" max=5 nohead more="new/events.html">
+# <p>
+# <b>Event Schedule:</b>
+# <p>
+# <newsflash from="new/events.txt" max=5 nohead more="new/events.html">

CVSTrac 2.0.1