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ossp - Difference in ossp-web/doc/summary.wml versions 1.1 and 1.2
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ossp-web/doc/summary.wml 1.1 -> 1.2

--- summary.wml  2002/02/13 16:35:03     1.1
+++ summary.wml  2002/09/24 12:53:46     1.2
@@ -1,7 +1,33 @@
 #use wml::ossp area=doc:summary
-<title>Documentation: Project Summary</title>
+<subtitle>Project Summary</subtitle>
 <h1>Project Summary</h1>
+OSSP is a fully non-profit <a href="http://www.opensource.org/"><b>Open
+Source Software</b></a> project, founded by <a
+href="http://www.engelschall.com/">Ralf S. Engelschall</a> in
+1998. The goal is the implementation of high-quality Unix software
+components, ranging from <a href="$(ROOT)/pkg/lib/sa/">networking</a>,
+<a href="$(ROOT)/pkg/lib/pth/">multi-threading</a> and <a
+href="$(ROOT)/pkg/lib/act/">algorithmic</a> libraries to <a
+href="$(ROOT)/pkg/tool/lmtp2nntp/">networking</a> servers and <a
+href="$(ROOT)/pkg/tool/shtool/">development</a> tools.
+OSSP itself actually can be considered a meta-project, consisting of
+numerous <a href="$(ROOT)/pkg/"><b>projects</b></a>. Each project is
+a solution to a particular problem and usually released separately. At
+a later stage, all sub-projects together could form something like a
+<i>Next Generation Internet Server Platform</i> (NGISP). 
+But the NGISP goal is just a long-term one. The short-term goals of OSSP
+are to provide the individual software components for making the life
+easier of developers in the Internet Services field.

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