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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/xds/xds.pod versions 1.17 and 1.18
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ossp-pkg/xds/xds.pod 1.17 -> 1.18

--- xds.pod      2003/02/17 12:36:02     1.17
+++ xds.pod      2003/02/17 12:51:58     1.18
@@ -49,18 +49,16 @@
-The purpose of B<OSSP xds> is to encode data in a way that allows this
-data to be exchanged between different computer systems. Assume you
-would want to transfer the value 0x1234 from host A to host B. Then you
-would encode it using B<OSSP xds>, transfer the encoded data over the
-network, and decode the value again at the other end. Every program that
-follows this process will read the correct value no matter what native
-representation is uses internally.
+The B<OSSP xds> library is generic and extensible encoding and decoding
+framework for the serialization of arbitrary ISO C data types. B<OSSP
+xds> consists of three components: the generic encoding and decoding
+framework, a set of shipped engines to encode and decode values in
+certain existing formats (Sun RPC/XDR and XDS/XML are currently
+provided), and a run-time context, which is used to manage buffers,
+registered engines, etc. The library is designed to allow fully
+recursive and efficient encoding/decoding of arbitrary nested data.
-B<OSSP xds> consists of three components: The generic encoding and
-decoding framework, a set of engines to encode and decode values in a
-certain format, and a run-time context, which is used to manage buffers,
-registered engines, etc.
 In order to use B<OSSP xds>, the first thing the developer has to
 do is to create a valid context by calling xds_init(). The function

CVSTrac 2.0.1