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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/uuid/devtool.func versions 1.4 and 1.5
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ossp-pkg/uuid/devtool.func 1.4 -> 1.5

--- devtool.func 2008/03/06 12:18:58     1.4
+++ devtool.func 2008/07/04 21:45:50     1.5
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
         libtool )
             libtoolize_version=`devtool_require libtoolize --version 4 "$1" "$2"`
             echo "generating (GNU Libtool $libtoolize_version): ltmain.sh, libtool.m4, config.guess, config.sub"
-            libtoolize --force --copy --install >/dev/null 2>&1
-            cat `libtoolize --force --copy --install --dry-run | sed -e '1,/add the contents of/d' |\
+            cat `libtoolize --force --copy --install |\
+                egrep "\\.m4'" | egrep -v "add the contents of" |\
                 sed -e 's;^[^\`]*\`;;' -e "s;'.*;;"` >libtool.m4
             rm -f install-sh

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