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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/tabea/tabea-brainstorming versions 1.6 and 1.7
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ossp-pkg/tabea/tabea-brainstorming 1.6 -> 1.7

--- tabea-brainstorming  2002/07/04 06:40:45     1.6
+++ tabea-brainstorming  2002/07/04 06:54:48     1.7
@@ -376,6 +376,19 @@
     $rc = $handle->destroy();
+    Issues:
+    - [rse] $type should be not on constructor, but on render() IMHO
+    - [rse] $prefix should be not on constructor, but on render() IMHO
+    - [rse] if thinking about programming a CGI, it is not clear to me
+            how one has to process the POST data and inject it again
+            into the $handle object for re-rendering. I would expect
+            the reverse of render() for loading in the POST results.
+            I recommend: $rc = $handle->parse($type, $post_data);
+                         $rc = $handle->render($type, $html_data);
+            This way we get - load/save for internal/backend I/O
+                            - parse/render for input-device-specific I/O
+                            - import/export for output-device-specific I/O
     Example: Generic RAID configuration

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