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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/str/str.pod versions 1.37 and 1.38
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ossp-pkg/str/str.pod 1.37 -> 1.38

--- str.pod      2005/01/24 15:22:19     1.37
+++ str.pod      2005/08/21 17:33:49     1.38
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
 This performs a lexicographical comparison of the two strings I<s>
 and I<t> (but never compares more than I<n> characters of them)
 and returns one of three return values: a value lower than C<0> if
-I<s> is lexicographically lower than I<t>, a vlue of exactly C<0>
+I<s> is lexicographically lower than I<t>, a value of exactly C<0>
 if I<s> and I<t> are equal and a value greater than C<0> if I<s> is
 lexicographically higher than I<t>. Per default (I<mode> is C<0>) the
 comparison is case-sensitive, but if C<STR_NOCASE> is used for I<mode>

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