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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/str/TODO versions 1.23 and 1.24
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ossp-pkg/str/TODO 1.23 -> 1.24

--- TODO 2003/01/06 19:13:47     1.23
+++ TODO 2003/06/01 07:07:06     1.24
@@ -65,3 +65,19 @@
 of course. Just use str_span() in a loop and replace the underlaying
 character in each step until str_span reached the end of the string.
+  o Feedback from http://www.and.org/vstr/comparison.html:
+    The printf implementation is internal and based on the Apache
+    snprintf() function, '\'' (thousand modifiers), 'a', 'F', 'Lf',
+    'lld', 'td', 'zd', 'hhd' , etc. and i18n format parameter modifiers
+    are all completely missing Unspecified precision is broken, as is
+    corner cases for octal etc. also infinity/nan output is not correct
+    with regard to case. Buffer overflows are possible in the integer
+    formatting paths You can have custom modifiers, but only triggered
+    on the system '%' character ... so gcc will currently spam warnings.
+    It also looks like the ISO C std. is completely ignored for certain
+    corner cases. Also note that due to the fact that the strings cannot
+    be resized by the library the printf implementation uses a snprint()
+    interface, this means that data can be lost using the interface if
+    the programer isn't carefull.

CVSTrac 2.0.1