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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/srpc/TODO versions 1.13 and 1.14
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ossp-pkg/srpc/TODO 1.13 -> 1.14

--- TODO 2001/08/08 13:14:50     1.13
+++ TODO 2001/08/08 13:17:10     1.14
@@ -17,31 +17,11 @@
 o M4 (peti) [4 weeks until 30-Jul-2001]
   - implementation of libxds library framework
     done: 100% [-> libxds/*.c]
-  - implementation of libxds SunRPC/XDR and XML-RPC backends
-    for basic data types:
-    o integer:
-      - short
-      - unsigned short
-      - int
-      - unsigned int
-      - long
-      - unsigned long
-    o floating point:
-      - float
-      - double
-    o pointer:
-      - void *
-      - void(*)()
-    o string
-      - char * (end is NUL)
-      - unsigned char * (end is NUL)
-    o octet-stream
-      - void * (end is after given length)
-    Function prototype is xds_engine_t.
-    Function name scheme is:
-      {xdr,xml}_{en,de}code_{[u]short,[u]int,[u]long,
-                             float,double,voidptr,funcptr,
-                             [u]string,octets}
+  - implementation XDR engines for basic data types.
+    done: 99% [-> everything is implemented except "double" support]
+  - implementation XML engines for basic data types.
+    done: 99% [-> everything is implemented except "double" support]
   - regression tests for libxds (make check)
  - 16bit Integers mean trouble when passing them through "...":

CVSTrac 2.0.1