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ossp - Difference in ossp-pkg/snmpdx/shtool versions 1.2 and 1.3
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ossp-pkg/snmpdx/shtool 1.2 -> 1.3

--- shtool       2003/09/09 12:50:04     1.2
+++ shtool       2003/09/09 13:50:22     1.3
@@ -3241,7 +3241,7 @@
         vGNU="${name} ${triple} (${tim})"
         vSCCS="@(#)${name} ${triple} (${tim})"
-        vRCS="\$Id: shtool,v 1.2 2003/09/09 12:50:04 thl Exp ${name} ${triple} (${tim}) \$"
+        vRCS="\$Id: shtool,v 1.3 2003/09/09 13:50:22 thl dead ${name} ${triple} (${tim}) \$"
         #   determine string out of filename
         #   (do NOT try to optimize this in any way because of portability)

CVSTrac 2.0.1